
FIN 4931 – Special Topics in Finance
Spring 2012
Financial Modeling
Description: This course will teach the user intense excel-based financial modeling. Tentative topics are:
Basic excel functions
Using array functions and formulas
Calculating the cost of capital
Financial statement modeling
Building a financial model
Introduction to portfolio models
Estimating betas and the security market line
Event studies
Value at risk
An introduction to options
The Black-Scholes Model
Option greeks
An introduction to Monte Carlo methods
Modeling the term structure
Generating random numbers
Data tables
Financial modeling is not for the faint of heart! While we start with some basic functions, the course
involves very advanced finance from other finance courses. Therefore, an understanding of basic
corporate finance, investment, and derivatives theories is assumed and not the focus of this course.
Rather, the focus in this course is on teaching the user how to model a particular financial theorem in
excel. For example, you will learn how to estimate betas and the security market line in excel, but an
understanding of the topic is assumed.
Note several important points:
This course is permission of instructor only, with a maximum enrollment of six students.
The course will be project-based. This means students will be randomly assigned specific topics.
Students will have to either find data or will be provided data to illustrate these topics and teach
them to the remainder of the class. Each student will have between seven and ten projects
throughout the semester.
The course grade will be determined based on the project presentations, participation and takehome exams.
Students in the course must have laptops, and they must have at least Excel 2007 on their
The textbook for the course will be Simon Benninga’s Financial Modeling, 3e.
FIN 4931 – Financial Modeling
Spring 2012 Application
Name: ___________________________
Phone Number: ______________________
N-number: ________________________
Email address: _______________________
I am a (highlight or circle): Junior
Expected graduation date: __________________
In what area of finance do you ultimately hope to work? _______________________________________
Rate your knowledge of excel on a scale of 1-10 (1 = know nothing about excel, 10 = know everything about excel):
In this course, each student will be expected to give frequent presentations to the class to illustrate certain functions
in excel. On a scale of 1-10, rate your presentation ability (1 = no skills at all, 10 = best presenter on the planet):
With which are you more comfortable (highlight or circle one):
Written communication
Oral communication
What aspects of excel (i.e., functions or broad areas) do you hope to learn in this course?
How many courses are you planning on taking in the Spring Semester of 2012? ____________
Are you currently employed (highlight or circle one)?
Yes, full time
Yes, part time
I own a laptop. (Y / N)
I have either Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 installed on my laptop. (Y / N)
In the Spring of 2012, only six students will be selected for this course. In addition to the application, Dr.
Schnusenberg will schedule an interview with you. This interview should last about 30 minutes. Please indicate
which day(s) of the week and which time would be most convenient for you by circling or highlighting the day(s) and
am or pm.
Applications will be accepted until Friday, November 4, 2011 at 5pm. Please email your application to You will be informed of the decision by email by November 8, 2011.