September 5, 2014 Minutes


Brody Graduate Association (BGA) Meeting Minutes

September 5, 2014

Introductions of your 2014-2015 officers and representatives:

President: Drew Holt

Vice President: Liz Krewson

Secretary: Samantha Sellers

Treasurer: Dan Ladin

Attorney General: Marley Jensen

Travel (GPSS) Officer: Rick Alleman

Program Representatives:

Anatomy: Ellen Velte.

Physiology: Dan Becak

Microbiology: Amanda Rushing

Biochemistry: Nate Fry

Pharmacology: Blake Rushing

Masters: Alex Fender

Heart Institute: Madison Sullivan

IDPBS: Matt McPeek

Committee chairs announced

There is a brief description included of each committee. If you would like to sign up to join the committee and didn’t get the chance to at the meeting, please contact the corresponding committee chair.

Philanthropy: To be determined by a vote during our next meeting. In the meantime, if you would like to join this committee, please contact: Drew Holt (


This committee is responsible for planning and organizing philanthropic events in our community. Past events include: cooking at the Ronald McDonlad house, Habitat for Humanity, assembling care packages, purchasing school supplies for children in need and relay for life. We look forward to your ideas of new ways we can get involved in our community. Without this committee and the students willing to volunteer their time to those in need, our organization would not exist.

Fundraising: Liz Krewson/Dan Ladin




The fundraising committee is responsible for raising money for philanthropy events, social gatherings, and the pizza provided at our monthly meetings. Fundraising is usually accomplished with bake sales, but other ideas are always welcome.

Social: Ellen Velte (


Do you like planning social gatherings with your peers? Then this is the committee for you! The social committee is responsible for organizing periodic gatherings for graduate students to get together and temporarily forget the frustrations of grad school.

Science Crossroads: Drew Holt (


Are you interested in a career outside academia? Do you know someone who could provide invaluable wisdom to the graduate student body? If so, please join this committee. Every year we have a panel of science professionals who share their career path experience in hopes of broadening our expectations in the job market after graduate school.

Travel Money Awardees Announced

The following members will be receiving $350 for their service to our organization and community:

Drew Holt

Rick Alleman

Samantha Sellers

Anastasia Weeks

Diana Wright

Lei Wang

Liz Krewson

Nate Fry

*Note* Only the President (Drew

), Vice President (Liz

), or GPSS Travel Officer (Rick Alleman-

) can request travel funds through OrgSync. Please contact one of them for your award.

Three Minute Thesis Reminder:

A research communication competition that challenges research students to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance in 3 minutes to a non-specialist audience. Winners will represent ECU at southern regionals in New Orleans, LA.

October 22, 2014

2:00 pm

Mendenhall Student Center, Great Room 1

Please visit

for more information.

First Social Event :

(Past) Treybrooke Cookout. Hamburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks, chips and desserts are provided for students to enjoy. This event is BYOB and held on Friday, September 5.

General Announcements:

First Bake Sale! OCTOBER 3 rd 10:00-2:00

Please bring homemade items to be sold at our first bake sale. Contact Liz


) or Dan (

) to see where you can drop off your items the day before. Please, no commercially packaged items (i.e. Chips A’Hoy, Oreo,

Little Debbie). There are still some shifts available to man the table, so if you are free for an hour that Friday, please let Liz or Dan know.

1 point for bringing an item to sell

2 points for manning the booth


If you haven’t signed up already, please do. The only way you can receive travel awards is if you are signed up through this website. This site also provides a great way to learn of upcoming events all around campus. Please sign up here:

BGA Blogsite

We have our own blogsite that provides information about BGA specific events and is also the best place to find our meeting minutes and up-to-date travel points. Please bookmark:

RIP (Research In Progress) Series

If you are looking for an opportunity to practice your presenting skills, this series is the perfect opportunity to do so. It is organized by the Biology department on main campus. We will get you contact info as soon as we have it, but meanwhile, take a look at the schedule for this semester:

The Career Center

Sarah Lage sends out some very informative e-mails about the ECU Career Center. The staff at the career center are there to help you with all of your job search needs, from deciding what type of job would best suit you to composing the perfect resume. For more information, please visit:

Partnership with Post-Doc Association

We are in the process of forming a partnership with the Post-Doc Association that would expand our resources in order to provide both organizations with improved events. Details to come.
