Dickerson 1 Morgan Dickerson English 1020 21 March 2012 It is cliché for one to say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in this day and age this statement is very true. People coming from every corner of the world define beauty in so many ways. Some may think beauty can be found in everything while others believe beauty is only found on special occasions. Beauty has evolved drastically over time, from centuries ago to present day. There are many different views on beauty from the definition and history of beauty and cosmetics to the effects of the media, plastic surgery, peer pressure and eating disorders; beauty is something that will never be agreed upon amongst people of the world. What is the definition of beauty? According to Dictionary.com the definition of beauty is, “The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).” Personally, I believe this is the most accurate definition of beauty because it covers all aspects of beauty; physical, internal and spiritual. It seems in the twenty first century many people have forgotten about the internal and spiritual segments of beauty. We have become a visual people, everything is judged on its appearance. We tend to associate one’s physical appearance with his or her personality, for example, when we see someone who is physically attractive or pleases the eye we sometimes assume the individual is nicer or friendlier than someone who is Dickerson 2 less attractive. This is not a reasonable assumption we should be making; we are too quick to judge someone solely based on their appearance while we should be taking the time to personally engage with one another. Roger Scruton, the author of Beauty: A Very Short Introduction states, “Moreover, since it is in the nature of tastes to differ, how can a standard erected by one person's taste be used to cast judgment on another's? How, for example, can we pretend that one type of music is superior or inferior to another when comparative judgment merely reflect the taste of the one who makes them?” (preface). Scruton states that no one person or group of people have the right to judge what is or is not beautiful. One cannot judge something as beautiful or not if there is no knowledge of another. Beauty is not just skin deep; it goes deeper into the mind and spirit. The history of beauty and cosmetics dates back centuries ago. Before scientists and dermatologists created cosmetics, women took the production of cosmetics into their own hands. They used objects found around town that they mixed together to create face powders, lipsticks and eyeliners to beautify themselves. Ancient Romans were famous for creating makeup early in history, “The first application of Roman Make-up consisted of a layer of foundation. This could sometimes be dangerous as the wealthy often favored a white lead paste, which was poisonous. Chalk and the orris root was also used to make foundation pastes and a mixture of fat, starch and tin oxide was also used.” (“Roman Make-up”). It is amazing that women would go to such extremes and put themselves in harms way just to appear slightly more attractive. Women will go to great lengths for their beauty. They will strive to perfection until it’s gotten so out of hand there’s no turning back. Dickerson 3 It is fascinating to look back at the evolution of beauty and fashion. Fashion has gone in every which way and it is nearly impossible to predict what the fashion trends will be in the next decade. Centuries ago, women dressed modestly, they covered themselves from neck to wrists to ankles. The only skin showing was their face. It was taboo for a woman to expose too much skin in public. Now-a-days women are baring almost everything out in public. It seems as decades pass, Americans are wearing less and less clothing. At some point we are going to have to start putting clothes back on. Many years ago women were considered upper class if they dressed extravagantly, yet still completely covered. They also wanted to appear plump, which symbolizes wealth, and they also wished to appear pale. Over the years this has drastically changed, now, women are spray-painting their bodies orange and brown trying to get as tan as possible, and taking off nearly all of their clothes and appearing thinner and thinner. In this century people are shallower than ever before. The second we see someone we make some kind of judgment based purely off his or her physical appearance. This is something that we do in our subconscious mind. A quote from the article Definition Essay on Beauty says, “When we see a person for the first time, we always start with assessment of his/her physical beauty. Appearance is not a reliable guide to qualities that a person may have, because we cannot catch them with our eyes. Maybe that is the reason why sometimes parents are against friends of their children or against a person their child wants to marry. They see only skin-deep beauty, but appearance is deceptive, whereas their child knows this person from different sides and can judge him or her fairly.” (“Definition Essay on Beauty”). Americans are too fast to judge someone at first glance. Dickerson 4 Maybe we should try getting to know someone or having even just a small conversation with that person to get a small feel for whom that person really is. Women have been going to extremes to amplify their beauty by mixing their own cosmetics (sometimes dangerous), but more recently women have been seeing plastic surgeons and going under the knife. Plastic surgery is quite possibly the most extreme measure women have ever taken to beautify themselves. Every woman has their own image of perfection in their head and some women are more willing to risk their lives and body to be their own definition of perfect. The effects of the media seem to affect Americans more than any other influence because the images shown are celebrities that have been beautified by a whole team of makeup artists and hairstylists and then are photo shopped on computers before the images are released to the public; therefore giving Americans an unrealistic perception of celebrities in the media. It is just a day in the life of celebrities to stop by the doctor’s office and get a quick injection of Botox here and there. Celebrities have their faces pulled so tightly back they look like scary monsters and clowns. Compared to the rest of society and the way typical human beings look, celebrities have definitely raised the bar. They are getting closer and closer to the object of perfection. They have fake breasts, fake buttocks, fake noses, fake everything. When a person hears that their favorite celebrities have gone under the knife or have gotten injections, people are more likely to go under those procedures as well because they look up to those celebrities as role models and will do anything these celebrities do. Although celebrities are adding more to themselves such as implants, they are also taking away so much more. Eating disorders are the norm in Hollywood. Women are Dickerson 5 so scary skinny walking around that they look like twigs. Again, because Americans see the images of all these celebrities being extremely and unhealthily skinny, Americans seem to be following in their footsteps. The amount of influence celebrities have on Americans is astronomical. Celebrities such as Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are extremely skinny. All three of these celebrities are very popular celebrities with several thousand if not millions of fans, and these three have also been reported to have or have had eating disorders such as anorexia. This is not role model behavior and these women should not be on the covers of magazines with such unhealthy bodies, they are representing a horrible lifestyle that we do not want Americans engaging in. Women need to learn that beauty is not skin deep. It is what’s inside a person’s heart that makes them beautiful. I have personally known a few people with eating disorders. It is incredibly sad to listen to these people tear themselves down and compare themselves to so many other people. It is physically impossible for some people to be any smaller than the size and structure of their bones. Some women complain that they want to be a size 0 or 1, but based on their body structure, it would be impossible for that person to ever be a size 0 or 1 unless they were to remove ribs or other bones, which is also highly dangerous. One of my personal friends obsesses about everything she eats, sometimes she eats a lot and purges afterwards in secret, or she will hardly eat anything at all. Both are not healthy in any way and will not help her lose weight, but she has become so obsessed with it that she has even started believing that what she is doing is working. Another extremely influential factor in beauty is the pressure from one’s peers. Peer pressure seems to be at its peak throughout the teen years of one’s life, such as high Dickerson 6 school life. In high school there are many types of kids wandering the halls; fat kids, skinny kids, tall kids, short kids, pretty kids, and ugly kids. Kids at this age are known to be the most brutal and ruthless. The “cool” or “popular” kids are usually the ones that are the most attractive and the “uncool” students tend to be the less attractive. The “uncool” kids are constantly striving to be cooler by wearing cooler clothing brands or styling their hair the “cool” way, anything that will amplify their beauty to make them seem more acceptable to their peers. Not only are teens affected by peer pressure. People of all ages feel the pressure from their peers; from middle aged men competing against their friends about who has more hair on their head to older women competing against their peers about who has the least amount of wrinkles. It seems silly, but this is reality and physical appearance will always be judged and compared to the rest of Americans. In conclusion, Americans need to start seeing people for who they really are on the inside; their mind and soul, rather than just their outward appearance. We need to learn how to self love and realize that all the celebrities that are seen in the media are made up dolls that are even still photo shopped on the computer to be made into almost a perfect cartoon like human being. Therefore, self-harming and extreme plastic surgery are not the solution to being beautiful. Americans need to fix their inner beauty and stop worrying so much on their physical appearance. Dickerson 7 Work Cited "Beauty." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/beauty>. "Definition Essay on Beauty." . EvolutionWriters.com. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. <http://www.evolutionwriters.com/samples_and_examples/definition-essay-onbeauty.html>. "Roman Make-up." Roman Colosseum. 2008. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. <http://www.romancolosseum.info/roman-clothing/roman-make-up.htm>. Scruton, Roger. Beauty: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford [England: Oxford UP, 2011. Print. Willett, Julie A. The American Beauty Industry Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2010. Print.