NSW GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED CLINICAL TRIALS FOR CANNABIS/CANNABIS PRODUCTS The NSW Government has committed to furthering research into the potential of cannabis and cannabis-derived products to ease the suffering of people with debilitating or terminal illnesses. The project should help establish NSW as a leader in the field of cannabis-based research and improve the evidence base for the use of these products. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST APPLICATIONS CLOSE 27 FEBRUARY 2015 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 1. Introduction The NSW Government has made a commitment to research that will enhance the evidence base around the therapeutic use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products. The NSW Therapeutic Cannabis/Cannabinoid Trials will be administered through the NSW Ministry of Health. It is noted that many clinical trials involving the medical use of cannabis products have been limited by poor research design including poor definition of patient selection criteria; inappropriate comparators; inadequate blinding of interventions or definition of intervention (eg components of different cannabis products) or small sample sizes such that a therapeutic difference is unlikely to be detected at a level of significance; lack of optimisation with conventional therapy for trial participants; differences in mode of delivery of products and inadequate treatment in either the cannabis/cannabis-product treated or control groups. It is important that any trial funded under this scheme addresses these concerns. An Expert Panel has advised that the most promising areas of research where NSW can most likely advance the evidence are in the areas of drug-resistant chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) and symptom relief in terminal illness. Any clinical trial will need to adhere to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) (National Statement (2007) and The Australian Clinical Trial Handbook. The NSW Government has committed to supporting research in these areas and is willing to assist groups wishing to use cannabis products in their research to navigate the regulatory channels to bring this research to fruition. It is expected that researchers will show engagement with consumers in developing their research proposal and in conducting the research. There will be a two stage process for all applications: a preliminary expression of interest (EOI); followed by an invitation for full submissions for those applicants who are selected by an independent panel. Funding will be made available for up to three years. 2. Details of grant funding Applications are invited from NSW-based researchers who are currently in or will form team/s demonstrating an ability to perform research in the given area. Where a product needs to be developed or acquired this should be clearly stated. For inter-state or international applicants there needs to be a substantial research benefit to NSW for the application to proceed (i.e. Chief Investigator must be located in NSW, the Administering Institution must be in NSW, at least 50% of the research team must be based in NSW and a substantial majority of trial participants must be NSW residents). Each project may be eligible for funding of up to $2 million over 2-3 years, commencing in June 2015. Funding will support the establishment of a clinical trial into the areas of drug-resistant chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting or use of cannabis products for symptomatic relief in terminal illnesses. Funding will be competitive and merit based. Expression of Interest 2 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 Use of funds Funding provided by the NSW Government for these clinical trials may be spent on a cost incurred in relation to the clinical trial project that satisfies all of the following requirements: The cost must be integral to achieving the objectives and outcomes of the Research Activity as set out in the Application for Funding for that clinical trial project, as approved by the NSW Government The cost must be directly related to the proposal as set out in the Application for Funding for that Research Activity, as approved by the NSW Government, and The cost must not be for a facility or an administrative cost that would be provided by an institution in the normal course of undertaking and supporting health and medical research. Progress reports and financial reports will be required over the life of the grant. 3. Assessment criteria for the EOI and full application (Based on NHMRC funding criteria) Selection will be determined by an independent panel and judged against adherence to the assessment criteria below. Criteria are based on the NHMRC program grants for ease of cross-application for grants. 1. Scientific Quality (50%) - Strong scientific basis for the work proposed - Well defined objectives, highly coherent and strongly developed - Highly feasible methods that have a high probability of achieving the objectives. 2. Significance of the expected outcomes and/or innovation of the concept (25%), and - Will result in a significant or major advance in knowledge in this field or address an issue of significant importance to human health in NSW - Is likely to translate into fundamental outcomes in the science and/or practice of clinical medicine or public health - Will provide a value for money result for NSW Health. 3. Team quality and capability, relative to opportunity (25%) - Expertise and experience that is highly relevant to the proposed research. - Ability to demonstrate experience in translational research - Demonstration of successful collaboration or the potential for successful collaboration. Applicants will also need to show that they have considered how to engage with consumers in developing their application. 4. Application process Applications will only be accepted from researchers who are affiliated with research institutions based in NSW. The application process will be held in two stages: 1. The submission of an EOI 2. Invitation to submit a full application following assessment of the EOI by an independent selection panel will occur within one month from the close of EOIs, and 3. Submission of a full application upon invitation by May 16, 2015. Expression of Interest 3 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 The EOI and the CVs of the research team must be submitted to the NSW Ministry of Health prior to the deadline of 5pm, 27 February 2015. Please see details below regarding the submission of applications. All submissions must use the application form provided in Appendix A below. Late or incomplete application forms will not be considered. Submission of expressions of interest Applicants should submit one (1) electronic copy and six (6) hard copies of the expression of interest form and associated documentation as listed within the EOI form. Applications should be single-sided and A4 unbound. Electronic copies should be submitted as PDF format or .doc and be named: [CHIEF INVESTIGATOR NAME]_Cannabis2015EOI_[DATE you emailed the document] The Ministry requires all hard copies to be formally lodged. (i.e. in person, signed courier or registered post). Hard copies should be sent: by mail to: OR Dr Jan Fizzell Medical Advisor Office of the Chief Health Officer NSW Ministry of Health LMB 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 in person or by courier to: Dr Jan Fizzell Medical Advisor Office of the Chief Health Officer NSW Ministry of Health 73 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 The electronic copy should be emailed to ocho@doh.health.nsw.gov.au Enquiries may be directed to: Dr Jan Fizzell Medical Advisor Office of the Chief Health Officer Tel. (02) 9391 9235 Email: jfizz@doh.health.nsw.gov.au Both electronic and hard copy EOIs must be received by 5pm 27 Feburary 2015. Expression of Interest 4 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM NSW GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED CLINICAL TRIALS FOR CANNABIS/CANNABIS PRODUCTS 2015 DEADLINE 5PM 27 February 2015 SECTION A – ADMINISTRATIVE SUMMARY A.1 Application title Provide a short descriptive title (maximum 200 characters including spaces): A.2 Administering institution in NSW Administering institution details: Institute name A.3 Administering institution contact Select a title: Choose a Title Family name: Given name: Postal address: Telephone: Mobile: Email: A.4 Chief Investigator details Select a title: Choose a Title Family name: Given name: NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 Postal address: Telephone: Mobile: Email: Are you an Australian Citizen/ Permanent Resident? Are you located in New South Wales? YES YES ☐ ☐ NO NO ☐ ☐ SECTION B – PROJECT PROPOSAL B.1 Lay project summary In lay terms summarise the application referring to aims, significance and expected outcomes suitable for NSW Health website and media releases (maximum 2500 characters including spaces): B.2 Short form proposal Summarise the application referring to aims, significance and expected outcomes. Please include how the project meets the aims and use the guidelines under each heading (maximum 500 words): 1. Objectives, design and expected outputs and outcomes (50%) This should include an outline of the study design under the following headings: Aims and Objectives, Background, Research Plan (include brief Sample Size Calculation), Analysis, Specific Outputs, Expected Outcomes. Responses should correspond with the Selection Criteria. It should include a description of the population in which the trial will take place, the type of cannabis to be trialled (or possible types of cannabis-derived products), the comparator and expected outcomes. 2. Significance of the expected outcomes and/or innovation of the concept (25%) Outline the clinical relevance of the project and the likely impact it will have on clinical practice in NSW, Australia and the world. Proposals should focus on areas of substantial research need and benefit, where the outcomes are anticipated to be feasible for adoption into the health system if the trial produces a positive result, particularly where this may lead to additional uses of an established product on the ARTG or where this may contribute to a listing on the ARTG. Provide a brief analysis as to how the impacts of the project as described will deliver ‘value for money’ in the health system. Expression of Interest 6 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 3. Team quality and capability, relative to opportunity (25%) The expertise and experience of the research team relevant to the project, their collaborative potential and potential collaborators and success in obtaining and delivering past grant funding. An overview of previous achievements of the team and/or of collaborative effort of team members should be provided: SECTION C – CANNABIS/CANNABIS PRODUCTS FOR TRIAL C.1 Type of product and assistance required for trial to take place (provide as much detail as possible): ITEM DETAILS Include source (if known), registration status in Australia, expected time to acquisition, expected THC content, expected content of other cannabinoids, understanding of other important cannabis compounds that may be in product ASSISTANCE REQUIRED TO BRING TRIAL TO COMMENCEMENT (e.g. import licenses, licenses to manufacture, CTN/CTX notification, assistance in finding partners to supply product) Cannabis product proposed Placebo product proposed (if any) Expression of Interest 7 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 SECTION D – ETHICS D.1 Ethics Please outline whether ethics approval has been obtained; If yes – Please include which ethics committees have approved the project. If there are any conditions attached to the approval, please outline these as well. If no – Please outline your plan for ethics approval. SECTION E – CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT E1. Outline how relevant informed consumers have been involved during the development of the research proposal and the plan for ongoing consumer involvement in the research. Explain how this/these consumer(s) are ‘qualified’ to be involved: Expression of Interest 8