Board of Directors Regular Meeting April 24, 2014 5:30 – 7:00 PM Attending: Donese Harlan, Kristy Leavings, Jessica Friedman, John Mott-Smith, Anya McCann (guest), Randy MacNear, Beth Harrison, Marianne Ferrandelli, Jeri Ohmart, Lisa Gaynes, Gail Feenstra, Suzanne Falzone, Dorothy Peterson, Carol Barsotti, Ruth Coleman Immediate Needs/Actions: Village Feast volunteer opportunities abound. Definitely needs Board involvement. Please check with Beth about getting involved in a way that works for your schedule. Contact Dorothy about helping out with Tour de Cluck, esp. tabling at Farmers Mkt. Consider attending the Davis JUSD Wellness Policy evaluation meeting in May (possibly the 22nd). They want Davis Farm to School to be present. Let Suzanne know if you are interested in attending the meeting with Kevin (Food Bank) re: Kids Farmers Markets (meeting on 5/15 at 10am). Longer Term Actions: Explore the possibility of tabling at the Yolo County Fair at times other than during the Gala (next year). Check out getting an attorney on our board. Kristy will help with seeking out farmers/ag connections for our organization. Also, continue connection with Deb Bruns YCOE for other ag-related orgs. Follow up on the Betty Doud connection for partnership with YF2F. (Randii) Moved, seconded, unanimously passed (MSUP): Approval of Minutes of March 24, 2014 Election of Board Members MSUP to approve continuation of current Board members who are currently up for renewal: Randii MacNear; Marianne Ferrendelli; Lisa Gaynes; Jeri Ohmart; Jessica Friedman MSUP to elect Suzanne Falzone as new Chair of Yolo Farm to Fork, replacing John Mott-Smith, Founding Chair of the organization. Thank yous and appreciations all around. MSUP to renew current roles filled by officers: Jeri Ohmart as Secretary; Gail Feenstra as Treasurer; Ruth Coleman as Fund Development Committee. (others?) Fundraiser Event Anya McCann reported on the May 4 Garden Party – asking a small donation from those attending, a low-key fundraiser to share who we are and what we do. RSVP to the gmail address; we should bring 2-5 people with us. The plan is to develop a YF2F promotional video. Anya circulated a “Help” list for volunteer sign-ups by Board members. Home grown 1 flowers would be appreciated. Need help with Saturday evening food prep and Sunday food prep and set up. Need about 15-20 chairs + tables. Lisa volunteered 2 6’ tables + 2 smaller tables Donese offered chairs Randii volunteered chairs from the F2S office (up to 9) Reports and Program Updates Executive Director (Beth) 1. Sacramento Farm to Fork is establishing a regional identity and would like content from organizations to promote. BH met with Alan Humason and will find out how to get more involved. 2. Sunset magazine event (May 31-June 1) BH will attend meeting about how to work YCVB booth space and provide materials. BH is checking into other options for involvement. 3. Met with Anne Fricke of Farm Bureau about the Woodland Farm to Table dinner on Sept 13 (5-9 pm) at Windmill Vineyards. Lisa suggests we talk to them about gaps they might have in terms of sponsors. Kristy offered help since she’s indirectly involved in the event. Beth will call Anna to explore additional options. 4. Marissa has been working with Davis Waste Removal and Waste Management to integrate composting services into their franchise agreements, which would be in-kind services. She will to go the YC Board of Supervisors on June 10 for approval for a program to Knights Landing’s Charter School, Clarksburg, Esparto or Plainfield Elementary which would model the Davis district program. Marissa would help coordinate the set-up and could report on the program status. This project would start in 2015. 5. Met with Don Saylor and Dianne Parro. The emphasis of that meeting is that Yolo Farm to Fork would like to collaborate, network, and have opportunities to speak and let people know who we are and what we’re doing in the community. Don said he might be able to offer opportunities for us to do that. 6. Met with Bruce Smith (Abby House Inn in Winters) about the video project. Thinks we can keep it around $500-700. BH assured him that we will get information to him, a script/talking points, and work on a story board, and we will credit and promote him since he would be donating much of his time and costs. 7. BH and SF will meet in Winters next week with Patty Rominger and others for lunch and Kids Farmers Market. 8. BH, along with Kymmi Smith, will participate in the 10 grant recipients’ Taste Our Garden May tasting events; photography, documentation; promote Sutter, distribute YF2F info at events, collect emails via book raffle. BH is coordinating and providing preliminary data to Sutter. 9. BH involved in Tour de Cluck promotion: Fowl Food Frolic, day-of event, chicken skool talks at the library 10. Village Feast volunteer opportunities abound. Definitely needs board involvement. Please check with Beth or Lauren (VF coordinator) about helping out. BH working with Tabari to create a VF website. 2 Question about how to get outside Davis people involved in VF, since it is an event that is geared to supporting Davis Farm to School. Difficulty in broadening outreach b/c of this. (E.g., Don Saylor asked if it’s only for DF2S; he has his own agenda.) This is more of a strategic discussion. o Suzanne has some ideas for fundraising in Woodland but not on the same scale as VF. o Discussion about how we approach this. Maybe develop fundraisers within other communities. Opportunity to open a dialogue with folks from other communities. o So perhaps it’s not a matter of getting others involved in VF, but in exploring the possibilities for establishing events in other communities. o Dorothy—we need to develop our contacts in Clarksburg. Treasurer’s Report (Suzanne in Gail’s place We are in the process of changing the systems for our budget reports. Fundraising (Ruth) 1. One goal is to grow member ship— Anya’s May garden party event is first effort. 2. Another opportunity is the Taste Our Garden tasting events. As part of grant requirements, in May, the 10 grant recipient schools are having tasting events in conjunction with their open houses. YF2F and Sutter’s logos are on each card, our website address, and a healthy recipe. Suzanne is exploring the possibility of having a raffle for Georgeanne Brennan’s Green Eggs & Ham cookbook at each of the school events – to collect emails, which can grow our membership. Kymmi Smith is coordinating the schedule with each of the schools. We will have a schedule (dates and times) of all schools involved by next week and it would be helpful to have board members attend and show support of these events at the schools in West Sacramento, Woodland, and Davis. Discussion of using the Red Cabbage Slaw recipe. Try to coordinate with Harvest of the Month. 3. Want to participate in County Fair. Randii has confirmed with Sutter—they agreed to partner with YF2F and Davis. We need a raffle gift to induce people. o Does the Gala reach the families? Jessica says not. Think about tabling elsewhere. o This year too late. We can explore this. Action step for next year. 4. Long term connecting with the ag community—a priority o Who should we connect with, e.g., in an advisory capacity? o Kristy can help us with that. Program Reports Davis Farm to School Report (Dorothy) Tour de Cluck season Partnering with UCD. Chicken Skool. Check the website. Tabling needs for selling tickets.—Passing around a sign-up sheet. 3 Community Crowers on the Green—have 9-10 people. Crow about what they can do well. Carleton Plaza is one of the crow-ers. (Brings up question about Carleton Plaza as a partner) Not sure what is happening with Foul Food Frolic b/c the person in charge withdrew. Restaurants are reluctant. Will start a media blitz this week. We could write letters to the editor to support TdeC. o Carleton could be a good partnership. Great new chef with local, fresh. Harper Harvest We set aside $1500 spent $1060, so under budget—good. Pilot is finished. Need an evaluation before expanding. Met with Bruce Colby, Dominic, Winfred—Wellness evaluation meeting in May (possibly the 22nd). Want Davis Farm to School to be present. Issue of Harper being open to members of the community—need to figure out liability issues. Taste Our Garden (Suzanne) 10 schools in TOG—events coming up in May during their Open House events. Coordinated with Open House to drive the message home. Pete’s Brew House is supporting Yolo F2F (20% of take) if people go and mention Taste our Gardens. Met with Deb Bruns Yolo Co Office Ed about the kinds of connections we need to make with FFA, Ag in the Classroom, etc. Action steps to be explored. Copyright of our logo (Carol) Carol did research on Yolo Farm to Form name. We can trademark just the words or the words+logo. About $350 to trademark office, but need to have an attorney to file it. Trademark means no one can use those words or word/logo combination that has a very similar feel to what we have. Trademarks include the logo. Action: Check out getting an attorney on our board. Future events (Suzanne) o Yolo County Fair Booth (Randii)-reported earlier. o Farm Bureau Dinner (Beth) Sept 13th in Woodland—reported earlier o Sacramento Farm to Fork event (Beth)—reported earlier o Yolo Ag & Food Alliance meeting from 8am to noon, May 8, an opportunity to gather together and create a connected county-wide system of Farm to School activities. Upcoming opportunities o New Partnership possibility: Betty Doud. Ken Carter is the principal of Yolo Realty, owner & farmer from the Fresno area. They have been looking for a partner organization and are very keen to partner with Yolo Farm to Fork. They are interested in getting a lot of businesses to support YF2F. She wants to lead that charge. Betty is a Woodland native. Follow up! o Kids Farmers Market Partnership with Yolo Food Bank CDFA grant (concept due in October)—could incorporate this idea. 4 Kevin (Food Bank) is very interested. Kevin, Suzanne, and Beth will meet on May 15th. Anyone interested in pursuing this opportunity can attend. (10am). Let SF know if you can make it. Strategic Planning: First Steps facilitated by Suzanne Important to recognize how much we’ve accomplished. This year has been a big growth year. Facilitated carousel process leading to top priorities. Next step is to assess these in terms of Budget Assumptions, Business Plan (to meet budget assumptions), allocation of resources (staff, volunteers) Results of Carousel (from highest to less immediate priority) #1 Make our E.D. a full time employee #2 Other category includes several goals—SF will hone down #3 Sustain our current projects #4 Fundraising to build capacity to establish Kids Farmers Market #5 Acquire 1,000 members Lower priority #6 computer glitch-couldn’t recapture #7 Food Truck Other Organizational Issues: Strategy for Davis Farm to School—we need to address this b/c Dorothy might need to scale back. Board needs (e.g., attorney) Interns & how to get them on a consistent basis/problem with getting intern help from UC. Randii’s strategy = get a chief intern who recruits other interns. To be explored. Suzanne will sift through the information and send it back to us. We will address these issues one by one at future meetings. 8:30 Adjourn ______________________________________________ _______________ Suzanne Falzone, President, Yolo Farm to Fork Date _______________________________________________ Jeri Ohmart, Secretary, Yolo Farm to Fork 5 _______________ Date