Improvised Routing Capability in Mobile Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Saurav Ghosh & Shruthi P.C. Dept of TCE, Dr. AIT, Bangalore, India E-mail :, Abstract – The following paper presents an algorithm that includes mobility in the routing protocols which helps in reducing the packet losses in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The route life time decreases as the degree of mobility of the route increases. This decrease of the route life time causes frequent link failure thus resulting in more packet loss and low throughput. This requires retransmission of packets which further overloads the network and causes additional latency and packet loss. The algorithm proposed in the following paper attempts to estimate the number of packets that can traverse though the route before it breaks because of mobility. The simulation result shows that the packet delivery ratio can be improved up. I. RLT and allows the protocol to send number of packets that can traverse successfully to the desired destination within the specified RLT period. This provision is thus shown to be effective in improving the performance of routing in MANETs. II. LITERATURE SURVEY A. An Upper Bound on Network Size in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: The paper proposes a model to compute an upper bound for the maximum network size in mobile ad-hoc networks. In MANETs, nodes are free to move and organize without involving any infrastructure or centralized administration. Due to the limited transmission range of wireless radio transceivers, there is a need for intermediate nodes, working as relays, to establish a communication path between sourcedestination pairs in the network. The proposed algorithm applies directly to reactive routing protocols. INTRODUCTION A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) consists of a collection of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. One of the major challenges in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is link failure due to the mobility. Because nodes in a MANET act as routers for any ongoing packet communication and have limited transmission ranges, the communication links are broken which causes packet loss to occur. This problem gets amplified when the route consists several such links. When links break down it causes a series of undesirable events and outcomes. If the duration of operability of the link can be predicted, then the routing protocol can use this to an advantage. Every link can be connected to for a limited amount of time, called link life time (LLT), and the life time of a route, called route life time (RLT). The RLT in turn depends of the LLT which is taken to be the lowest LLT. The increase of the degree of mobility causes the LLTs to decrease which eventually causes the RTL to decrease. This causes the increase of packet loss and low throughputs. The protocols are composed of two main mechanisms: a) Route Discovery is the mechanism by which a source node S, attempting to send data packets to a destination node D, discovers a route to node D. b) Route Maintenance is the mechanism by which nodes detect and locally repair any broken route that had been initially discovered and established by the route discovery mechanism. Advantage: This algorithm guarantees the communication path from source to destination in a network by limiting the maximum route count to hopcount under the bound limit. B. Mobility-Adaptive Protocols for Managing Large Ad hoc Networks: The paper proposes a new protocol for efficiently managing large ad hoc networks, i.e., networks in which all nodes can be mobile. Since nodes in such networks are not necessarily equal in that they Advantage: The algorithm presented utilizes mobility to decrease the packet loss in the network. Thus, the proposed algorithm makes an estimate of the ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 99 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) may have different resources, not all of them should be involved in basic network operations such as packet forwarding, flooding, etc. In the proposed protocol, a small subset of the network nodes is selected based on their status and they are organized to form a backbone. The protocol is thus named backbone-protocol or Bprotocol. Here each node is capable of monitoring a given surrounding area (sensing), and coordinating with the other nodes in the wireless network to achieve a larger sensing task. Here rather than considering each node in the network equally, an efficient management of network resources can be obtained by deploying only a subset of the network nodes. Only those nodes whose local status allows them to guarantee reliable communication among them, and with any other node, will be selected to form a network dynamically superimposed over the flat network. more radio interference, channel contention, and energy consumption, which may seriously degrade the utilization of the network resources. Therefore, to achieve the desired network performance, it is necessary to investigate the property of node mobility and its effect on topology dynamics of MANETs. The topology dynamics is investigated by analyzing two key topology metrics: expected link lifetime and expected link change rate. Advantage: The topology is based on the assumption of smooth mobility model wherein the mobile nodes smoothly change their velocity of movement avoiding the random behavior of movement. The expected link lifetime and expected link change rate gives us the rate of change of links and the link’s life time thus allowing the topology matrices to be utilized to estimate network connectivity. The proposed B-protocol comprises two major tasks. B-nodes selection, to select the backbone nodes (B-nodes).These nodes are in charge to “serve” all the other non selected nodes (we term these nodes F-nodes, i.e., nodes that belong to the flat network and not to the B-network). B-links establishment, where backbone links (B-links, i.e., links among the B-nodes) are established so that the resulting B-network is always connected. D. Analyzing the Impact of Mobility in Ad hoc Networks: The paper shows how the mobility of a node impacts the ad hoc networks. Since not so many MANETs have been deployed yet, most of the research in this area is based on simulations. Among the multitude of simulation parameters (traffic and communication pattern, mobility model, propagation model, etc.), the mobility model has a major impact on the link and route lifetime distribution, and therefore also on the protocol and application performance. Hence, for an efficient design of MAC and network protocols, one has to understand the impact of the node mobility on the link and route lifetimes. Advantage: The task of selecting the B-node is performed at each node based on a node’s own weight. The highest the weight of a node, the more suitable that node is for being a B-node. C. Analyzing Topology Dynamics in Ad hoc Networks Using a Smooth Mobility Model: The topology dynamics based on a smooth model is analyzed, because it generates smooth nodal movements, has no speed decay problem, and maintains a uniform spatial node distribution. Two topology metrics are studied expected link lifetime and expected link change rate by using a distance transition probability matrix P, in which an element represents the distance change between two neighboring nodes. The existence of a link based on the present distance between a pair of nodes and their relative speed. This paper studies and analyzes the impact of human mobility on the link and route lifetime distributions in a real MANET. The collected data from this test network is used to analyze the impact of human mobility on the link and route lifetimes. However, the lifetime of links and routes is not only determined by user mobility but also by different sources of failures like packet collisions, or interference from any sender emitting at the same frequency band. In the absence of motion or location detection sensors, it is not directly possible to distinguish with IEEE 802.11b hardware between link failures due to human mobility or due to a collision/interference failure. In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), node mobility induces the network topology to change randomly and rapidly at unpredictable times which cause the network topology to be vulnerable to frequent link failure and network partitioning, thus could incur substantial routing overhead, excessive transmission delay and packet loss among mobile nodes. Hence, in order to design mobility resilient MANET, a solution is to enlarge the transmission range of the mobile wireless devices for reducing the network topology change rate. However, by this way, the mobile nodes would suffer To solve this problem, a statistical framework is developed which allows for analyzing the link and route lifetimes while distinguishing between the two causes of failures. Errors and errors due to mobility, and determine the distribution of each error type. There are two statistical view points to look at link and route lifetimes: ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 100 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) a) The total lifetime of a link or route describes the time interval between the moment the link (or route) appeared until it breaks. because it retains no knowledge concerning its past locations and speed values. The current speed and direction of an MN is independent of its past speed and direction. This characteristic can generate unrealistic movements such as sudden stops and sharp turns b) The residual lifetime represents the time interval between a sample moment after the creation until the link or path breaks b) Random Waypoint Mobility Model: This model includes pause times between changes in destination and speed. An MN begins by staying in one location for a certain period of time (i.e., a pause time). Once this time expires, the MN chooses a random destination in the simulation area and a speed that is uniformly distributed between [minspeed, maxspeed]. Speed of the MN in the figure is uniformly chosen between 0 and 10 m/s. The movement pattern of an MN using the Random Waypoint Mobility Model is similar to the Random Walk Mobility Model if pause time is zero. From an application or user perspective, it is more interesting to look at the residual lifetime since communication starts at arbitrary moments and not necessarily when a new route becomes available. General Framework for Residual Lifetimes: To determine the impact of mobility, the possible failure reasons are separated into two classes: a) Failures which are due to node mobility and b) Failures which are independent of node mobility like collisions or interference. c) Random Direction Mobility Model: This model forces MNs to travel to the edge of the simulation area before changing direction and speed. The Random Direction Mobility Model was created to overcome density waves in the average number of neighbors produced by the Random Waypoint Mobility Model. A density wave is the clustering of nodes in one part of the simulation area. In the case of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model, this clustering occurs near the center of the simulation area. In the Random Waypoint Mobility Model, the probability of an MN choosing a new destination that is located in the center of the simulation area, or a destination which requires travel through the middle of the simulation area, is high. Thus, the MNs appear to converge, disperse, and converge again The corresponding failure probabilities are defined as follows: a) pn(t) = P[T < t]: The probability that the link between two nodes breaks due to movement of one of the two nodes. b) pl(t) = P[T < t]: The probability that the link between two nodes breaks due to disturbances from other devices. They might be packet collisions from other nodes competing for the wireless channel, or general interference from other sources sending at the same frequency. With these two independent failure probabilities, the formulation of the overall lifetime probability of a link is possible. d) A Boundless Simulation Area Mobility Model: A model that converts a 2D rectangular simulation area into a torus-shaped simulation area. In the Boundless Simulation Area Mobility Model, a relationship between the previous direction of travel and velocity of an MN with its current direction of travel and velocity exists [12]. A velocity vector v = (v;q) is used to describe an MN’s velocity v as well as its direction q; the MN’s position is represented as (x; y). Both the velocity vector and the position are updated at every Dt time steps according to the following formulas: E. Special issue on mobile ad hoc networking; Research, trends and applications: This paper is a survey of mobility models that are used in the simulations of ad hoc networks. Several mobility models that represent mobile nodes whose movements are independent of each other (i.e., entity mobility models) and several mobility models that represent mobile nodes whose movements are dependent on each other (i.e., group mobility models) are described. The goal of this paper is to present a number of mobility models in order to offer researchers more informed choices when they are deciding upon a mobility model to use in their performance evaluations v(t +Dt) = min[max(v(t)+Dv;0);Vmax]; q(t +Dt) = q(t)+Dq; x(t +Dt) = x(t)+v(t) _ cosq(t); y(t +Dt) = y(t)+v(t) _ sinq(t); Seven different synthetic entity mobility models for ad hoc networks are discussed: where, Vmax is the maximum velocity, Dv is the change in velocity which is uniformly distributed between [Amax *Dt; Amax *Dt], Amax is the maximum acceleration of a given MN, Dq is the change in direction which is uniformly distributed between [-a * a) Random Walk Mobility Model (including its many derivatives): It is a simple mobility model based on random directions and speeds. The Random Walk Mobility Model is a memory less mobility pattern ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 101 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Dt;a * Dt], and a is the maximum angular change in the direction. b) Mobility Algorithm: The algorithm solves the mobility related routing problems in the following four steps: III. METHODOLOGY 1. Source estimates a minimum threshold link lifetime: In any on-demand routing protocol, routes that are used for sending data packets are discovered based on some requirements (i.e., routing metrics). In the proposed mobility scheme, the source uses a minimum threshold link life time (TLLT) to discover more stable links and routes. The source estimates TLLT based on the nature of mobility. Unlike highway, random mobility scenario prevails in urban area. Routes in a highway mobility scenario are more stable compared to routes in a random mobility scenario. Thus, TLLT can be set higher for highways compared to a random mobility scenario. TLLT in a random mobility scenario can be set higher for low speeds compared to high speeds. In order to reduce packet loss due to link failures, mobility needs to be integrated in routing protocols. This integration needs to be independent of routing protocols to have an effective solution. The scheme is based on an efficient use of the duration of connectivity of two neighboring nodes in a route known as the link life time (LLT). The scheme makes use of the following methods in order to implement the proposed methodology: 2. Using TLLT in route discovery process to detect unstable routes: In case of any on-demand routing protocol, whenever the source has a packet to send, it searches a route in the route cache. If there is no route available in the cache, the node sends a route discovery packet to a desired destination. Here the source sends TLLT in the route discovery packet. Each node along the path toward the destination calculates its own LLT with the previous node, and compares the calculated LLT with the TLLT in the packet. If the calculated LLT is greater than the TLLT of the packet, this node becomes a part of the route. 3. Determination of route life time: It is essential to estimate the duration “route life time (RLT)”. It is defined as the duration of the liveliness of any route. All the nodes in any route have their own LLTs, and the node with the lowest LLT has higher probability of breaking the route. So, the lowest LLT in any route is the RLT. RLT is given by RLTnet = RLT– troute. 4. Algorithm for reducing packet loss due to mobility using RLT: The route discovery process with mobility Figure: A scenario for calculating LLT ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2013 102 International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) assisted routing is explained in Step 3. Whenever there is packet to send, the source finds a route from the route cache, and sends an estimated number of packets that the respective route is able to deliver before breaking. Latency between source and destination, troute, is important as well. That is needed to estimate the number of packets that can be sent by the source to the destination. Let us assume Nest be the estimated number of packets to be sent through that route, and given by b) AODV retains the desirable feature of DSR that routes are maintained only between nodes which need to communicate. Nest = RLTnet/ troute . 2) The mobility of a ad-hoc network can be extended to a large extent without causing much increase in latency due to the retransmission of packets dropped. V. APPLICATIONS 1) The proposed system can be used to reduce the data lost due to unavoidable dropping of packets from the network when nodes are mobile. The selected route remains alive during RLT net, and within this RLTnet, the source will be able to send approximately Nest number of packets. If the source sends more than Nest packets, the additional packets have higher probability of getting lost. After finding Nest, the packets are sent in order. If there are more packets to be sent, the source finds an alternative route from the route cache, and repeats the process for this route by calculating its Nest. If there is no route available in the route cache, the source starts the route discovery process. VI. CONCLUSION This algorithm increases network throughput and packet delivery rate. This algorithm applicable to any on-demand routing protocol. The algorithm is implemented in Ad hoc On-demand Distance vector (AODV) protocol and in simulated in Network Simulator-2. VII. REFERENCES Algorithm for routing integrated with mobility is shown below: IV. ENCHANCEMENTS [1] R.S. Chang, and W.W. 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