Show Entries must be received by Friday, October 2, 2015 at 9:00 PM Straight Racing Pre-entries must be received by Monday, October 26, 2015 at 9:00 PM Regular Entries for Straight Racing close Sunday, November 1, at 9:00 AM Premium List BOOFEST 2015 The Western Regional Silken Windhound Specialty Two ISWS Specialty Shows − ISWS Race Meet − ASFA Field Trial (Silken and Magyar Agar) Sponsored by: Saturday, October 31st − Sunday, November 1st C. A. Jacobs Middle School 200 North Lincoln Street Dixon, CA 95620 BOOFEST Tentative Agenda Saturday, October 31, 2015 – ISWS Specialty Show One 7:45 AM Set up and pick up catalogs and armbands from the Ring Stewards 8:00 AM ISWS Specialty Show One 12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch and Costume Contest 1:00 PM Lure Trial Roll Call and Inspection Coursing will begin after roll call and certification runs 6:30 PM- Dinner at Mary’s Pizza Kitchen in Dixon Sunday, November 1, 2015 – ISWS Specialty Show Two 7:45 AM Check In with Ring Steward for Armbands 8:00 AM ISWS Specialty Show Two 12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch and Auction 1:00 PM LGRA Racing Check In, Inspection and Roll Call Racing will begin after roll call and inspection as soon as the board is set Box lunches are available Saturday and Sunday. Officers of the SWC President……………………………………………………………………………. Susan Mohler Vice President…………………………………………………………………….… Gary Claggett Secretary…………………………………………………………...…………... Carmen Carrouche Treasurer…………………………………………………………………...……….. Susan Godfrey Member at Large…………………………………………………….………………... Audrey Hsia Member at Large…………………………………………………………………….…. Cyndi Dell BOOFEST Show and Performance Judges/Secretaries Saturday Conformation Judge (Show 1) ………………………………...………… Audrey Sutten Sunday Conformation Judge (Show 2) ……………………………………………. Arlene Grimes Show Secretary…………………………………………………………………….... Gary Claggett Ring Steward ……………………………………………………………….…………….…... TBA 2 OBOFEST 2015 Committee BOOFEST Chairperson………………………………………………………………....Cyndi Dell Show Chair…………..……………………………………………………………….... Cyndi Dell Catalog Committee…..……………………………..………….…………….……. Donna Claggett Field Trial Chair ……….……………………………..………………………...……. Rick Wolpin Field Trial Secretary …………………………………………………………..……… Patricia Hill Food Committee………………………………………….…...……………………...Susan Godfrey Grounds Committee…………………………………………………………….. Carmen Carrouche Judges Hospitality……………………………………………....………………..…. Susan Godfrey Lure Coursing Committee…………………………………..…….…………….….….. Patricia Hill Logistics Committee………………………………..………………………...… Carmen Carrouche Magyar Specialty………………………………………….....…… Audrey Hsia and Olivia Hsia Premium Committee…………………………………….……....Donna Claggett and Gary Claggett Race Meet Secretary …………………………………………………………………. Audrey Hsia Racing Committee…………………………………………………………….….…… Audrey Hsia Ribbon Awards Committee………........…,……………………………………..……….Ann Steele Silent Auction Committee…………………………………………..……………………...Alma Re Trophy Committee………………………………………………………………..…… SWC Board Website Committee…….……………………...…………………………………………Joyce Chin Official Show Photographer………………………………………………..………………….. TBA Halloween Costumes are encouraged but will not be judged this year. 3 C. A. Jacobs Middle School Information Directions to C. A. Jacobs Middle School from Highway 80 From Interstate 80 traveling West, take the Pitt School Road exit. Make a left onto Pitt School Road, make another left onto Rehrmann Drive, then right onto N Lincoln Road. The school will be on the left. From Interstate 80 traveling East, take the Dixon Ave/West A Street exit onto Batavia Road. Bare right on Dixon Avenue, continue on West A Street, turn left onto N Lincoln Road. From the Motel 6 in Dixon Head south on Ary Lane turn left on Market Lane. Turn right onto Pitt School Road. Turn left onto Rehrmann Drive , then right onto N Lincoln Road. The school will be on the left. Parking Instructions Please use the parking lot located in the back of the school. The entrance to the lot is on the east side of the main parking lot. No vehicle access is allowed on the field or blacktop surfaces. Canopies are recommended at C. A. Jacobs Middle School, as there is a limited amount of shade. Make arrangements to carry or cart all Xpens, and gear to the fields and show rings. Accommodation Information It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to contact the hotels/RV Sites directly for reservations, pet policies, fees, and restrictions. PLEASE clean up after your dog and be courteous to other hotel guests so that we will be welcomed back in the future. Motel 6 (707) 693-0606 1480 Ary Lane, Dixon, CA 95620 Our host hotel is located near C. A. Jacobs Middle School. When calling for reservations, tell them that you are with the Silken Windhounds of California. The proprietor will try to get as many of us on the ground floor as possible. This is a newer Motel 6 with a nice pool. There is a large field across from the motel for dog-walking. The motel is adjacent to the dinner venue for Saturday night. There is a Starbucks close as well. Reservations can be made by phone or via email to this address: 4 Local Campgrounds Dixon May Fair Physical Address: 655 South First Street Mailing Address: P.O. Box 459 Dixon, CA 95620 Telephone: (707) 678-5529 Website Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays Area Veterinarians Solano Pet Emergency Clinic 4437 Central Pl, Fairfield, CA 94534; (707) 864-1444 UC Davis Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Clinic One Garrod Drive, Davis, CA 95616; (530) 752-1393 Directions to Solano Pet Emergency from Dixon Take I-80 West. Take the Green Valley Rd/Suisun Valley Rd exit. Continue right and go up over the freeway, continue on Pittman Road. Turn left onto Central Place. Approximately 24 miles. To UC Davis Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Clinic from Dixon Take Interstate 80 east towards Sacramento. Just prior to Davis, take Highway 113 north towards Woodland. Take the Hutchison Drive (UC Davis) exit. Turn right onto Hutchison Drive. Turn right at the 2nd stoplight onto LaRue Road, then right onto Garrod Drive and proceed into either Lot 50 (for Reception A) or Lot 55 (Reception B). Parking is free in designated "Patient Parking" spaces. Approximately 9 miles. 5 Catalog Advertising Full Page - $26.00 Half Page - $21.00 Business Card - $10.50 Inside cover, front or back, including one photo $35.00 Extra photos – $5.00 each Front and back inside covers subject to availability. Kennel Biography - $10.50 This can be a short history of your kennel, your goals, breeding ethics, etc. and may contain one picture or logo. It must be no longer than half a page, approximately 300 words. Please submit your ads print ready in Word or PDF. All advertising prices are for Color or Black & White ads. Ads are due October 9, 2015 Please send all ads and bios to Payment to be made via PayPal to Ads will be held until payment is received. If payment is not received by 9:00 PM on October 9, 2015, the ad will NOT be included in the catalogue. No refunds. Please transfer total cost for catalog advertising to the Official Order and Payment Form page 22. 6 Conformation Classes Regular Classes for Dogs and Bitches Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Puppy 12 months and under 18 months Novice Bred-by-Exhibitor American Bred Field Performance Champion Open Best of Breed 1. Puppy Class(es) — This class is for dogs (except champions) 6 months of age and over, but under 12 months. The Puppy Class may be further divided into 2 age groups: 6 months of age, but under 9 months; 9 months of age, but under 12 months. A dog’s age shall be calculated up to and inclusive of the 1st day of a show. A dog is ineligible if it has turned the limiting age on the 1st day of the show. 2. 12 to 18 Month Class — This class is for dogs (except champions) 12 months of age and over, but under 18 months. A dog’s age shall be calculated up to and inclusive of the 1st day of a show. A dog is ineligible if it has turned 18 months of age on the 1st day of the show. 3. Novice Class — This class is for dogs 6 months of age or older that have not yet won 3 first-place prizes in the Novice Class, a first-place prize in the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class or Open Class, or 3 or more points towards their ISWS championship prior to the date of the closing of entries. 4. Bred-By-Exhibitor Class — This class is for dogs (except champions) that are: (a) 6 months of age or over on the date of the show, (b) owned or co-owned by any of the breeders of record on the date of the show and (c) handled by a breeder/owner or breeder/co-owner of record on the date of the show. There are no handler restrictions in any subsequent classes for which the dog becomes eligible at the show. 5. American-Bred Class — This class is for all dogs (except champions) 6 months of age or over that have been both bred and whelped in the United States of America. 6. Field Performance Champion Class — This class is open to all dogs (except champions) that have earned a performance championship. Proof of a championship title for straight racing (ISWS or LGRA), oval racing (ISWS or NOTRA), lure coursing (ISWS or ASFA) or open field coursing (NOFCA or other recognized open field coursing association) must be submitted with the show entry. 7. Open Class — This class is for any dog (except champions) 6 months of age or over. 8. Winners Class — NOTE: This is not a class you enter. Dogs with a first-place win from a regular class move into this class and compete for the available points. This class is for those undefeated dogs of the same sex that have won first-place from any of the regular classes listed above. After the Winners prize has been awarded in one of the sex divisions, the dog that won second-place to Winners in its regular class, if undefeated except by the dog awarded Winners, shall compete with other eligible dogs for Reserve Winners. No eligible dog may be withheld from competition. 9. Best of Breed — The following categories of dogs are eligible to participate in this competition: a) Dogs that are ISWS champions; b) Winners Dog and Winners Bitch of the event; c) Veterans Dog and Veterans Bitch class winners (see Non-Regular Classes). 10. Best of Winners — NOTE: This is not a class you enter. If Winners Dog or Winners Bitch is awarded Best of Breed, it shall automatically be awarded Best of Winners following the judging of Best of Breed. The dog awarded Best of Winners shall be credited with the number of points calculated 7 for Winners Dog or Winners Bitch, whichever is greater. In the event that Winners is awarded in only one sex, there shall be no Best of Winners award. 11. Best of Opposite Sex — After Best of Breed and Best of Winners have been awarded, the judge shall select Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. Dogs eligible for this award are: a) Dogs of the opposite sex to Best of Breed that were entered in the Best of Breed competition; b) The dog awarded Winners of the opposite sex to the Best of Breed: c) Dogs of the opposite sex to Best of Breed that won their Veterans Class (see Non-Regular Classes). Non-Regular Classes for Dogs and Bitches With the exception of the Veteran Class, the following Non-Regular Classes are not eligible to compete in the Best of Breed Competition: Junior Handler I and II Junior Sportsman I and II Puppy 3 months and under 6 months Companion Veteran Stud Dog Brood Bitch Brace 1. Puppies 3 to 6 Month Class — This class is open to dogs that are 3 months of age or over, but under 6 months. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to and inclusive of the 1st day of the show. A puppy is ineligible for this class if it has turned 6 months of age on the 1st day of the show. Winners of this class are eligible to compete in Best Puppy and Best Opposite Sex Puppy, but are not allowed to compete for championship points nor are they to be counted towards defeated dogs regarding championship points. This class is not eligible for Best of Breed competition. 2. Companion Class — This class is open to all dogs and is judged solely on the quality of the entrant. This class is intended for altered dogs and/or owners with little show ring experience. In fairness to all, please refrain from entering experienced show dogs unless you are a new owner with little show ring experience. Entries in this class are not eligible to compete in any regular class nor any class that competes for Best of Breed competition. The winners of this class compete for Best Companion. 3. Veterans Class — This class is open to all dogs 7 years of age or over. This class may be further divided into the following age groups: 7 – 10 years and 10 years or over. Neutered or spayed dogs are allowed in this class. This class is eligible for Best of Breed competition. 4. Stud Dog Class — Each entry shall consist of a stud dog with 2 or more of his progeny. If the showhost club permits more than 2 progeny to be shown, the upper limit must be stated in the premium list. The stud dog must be shown in the ring with his progeny. The stud dog may be neutered, but the progeny must be intact. The stud dog’s owner is not required to own the progeny. All progeny shown in this class must be entered in 1 of the regular classes. The winner of this class is not eligible for Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed competition. 5. Brood Bitch Class — Each entry shall consist of a brood bitch with 2 or more of her progeny. If the show-host club permits more than 2 progeny to be shown, the upper limit must be stated in the premium list. The brood bitch must be shown in the ring with her progeny. The brood bitch may be spayed, but the progeny must be intact. The brood bitch’s owner is not required to own the progeny. All progeny shown in this class must be entered in 1 of the regular classes. The winner of this class is not eligible for Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed competition. 6. Brace Class — This class shall be judged 40% on conformation, 40% on matching looks, and 20% on difficulty of the match. A brace is defined as 2 dogs of the same breed that are similar in appearance, performing in unison, and presented by a maximum of 2 handlers. Entrants in this 8 class must be intact, but are not required to be the same sex. Entrants in the Brace Class do not have to be entered in any regular class. 7. Junior Handler and Junior Showmanship Classes — These classes may be offered at the discretion of the show management. There shall be 2 distinct age ranges for Junior Handler classes and 2 distinct age ranges for Junior Showmanship classes. a) Junior Handler I class for handlers aged 2 years to under 4 years (parent or other adult must be in the ring and may assist the Junior Handler); b) Junior Handler II class for handlers aged 4 years to under 8 years (parent or other adult must be in the ring and may assist the Junior Handler); c) Junior Handler I and Junior Handler II may show any dog entered in any Regular or Non-Regular class, including any spayed or neutered dog. These classes are exempt from the dog ownership or co-ownership requirement. d) Junior Handler I and Junior Handler II classes are exempt from the preentry requirement and may enter up to and including the day of the show. These classes should be offered at no cost. e) Junior Showmanship I class for handlers aged 8 years to under 12 years; f) Junior Showmanship II class for handlers aged 12 to under 18 years. g) Junior Showman I and Junior Showman II may show any dog entered in any Regular or Non-Regular class, including any spayed or neutered dog, but must own or co-own the dog, or the dog must be owned or co-owned by a member of the Junior Showman’s immediate family. Members of an immediate family are: father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather or grandmother, including corresponding step and halfrelations. A non-related but permanent member of the Junior Showman’s household also qualifies as a member of the immediate family for the purposes of these classes. h) Junior Showmanship I and Junior Showmanship II are not exempt from the pre-entry requirement. Entry fee is at the option of the show management. Best of Breed Competition Note: Dogs that according to their owner’s records have completed the requirements for a championship after the closing of entries for the show, but whose championships are unconfirmed, may be transferred from one of the regular classes to the Best of Breed competition, provided this transfer is made by the Show Secretary at least one-half hour before the start of the earliest conformation judging at the show. Best Puppy in Show Puppy Class winners eligible to compete for this award: Puppy 3 months and under 6 months, Puppy 6 months and under 9 months, and Puppy 9 months and under 12 months. After Best Puppy in Show is selected, all remaining eligible puppies of the opposite sex will remain and compete for Best of Opposite Sex Puppy in Show. Puppies must be within the age requirement on the day of the show. Please make certain you enter the correct puppy class. Puppies entered in the wrong age classification may be transferred to their appropriate puppy class, provided this transfer is made by the Show Secretary at least one-half hour before the start of the earliest conformation judging at the show. Winners of the 3-month and under 6-month Puppy Classes, the Companion Class, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace and Junior Handler are not eligible to compete for Championship points; nor will they be counted towards points awarded; nor are they eligible to compete for Best of Breed. If you are uncertain whether your dog qualifies for a particular class, please ask the Show Secretary before sending in your entry. 9 Ribbon Awards Ribbons will be awarded First through Fourth placements in both the Regular and Non-Regular Classes. Other ribbon awards are: First Prize – Blue Ribbon Second Prize – Red Ribbon Third Prize – Yellow Ribbon Fourth Prize – White Ribbon Winners – Purple Rosette Reserve Winners – Purple and White Ribbon Best of Winners – Blue and White Rosette Best of Opposite Sex – Red and White Rosette Best of Breed – Purple and Gold Rosette Awards of Merit – Dark Green Rosettes Best Puppy in Show – Dark Green Rosette Best of Opposite Sex Puppy – Rose Rosette Best Bred-by-Exhibitor – Dark Green Rosette Best Companion – Dark Green Rosette Best of Opposite Sex Companion – Dark Green Rosette Best Veteran – Dark Green Rosette Best Stud Dog – Dark Green Rosette Best Brood Bitch – Dark Green Rosette Best Brace – Dark Green Rosette Best Junior Handler – Dark Green Ribbon 10 BOOFEST 2015 AWARD SPONSORSHIPS The following awards are available for sponsorship. If you would like to sponsor an award, please use the form on page 22 of the premium. If you have any questions about the availability of an award please contact Cyndi Dell FIRST ISWS SHOW Best in Show Best of Opposite Sex Best of Winners Awards of Merit (all) Winners Dog Winners Bitch Reserve Winners Dog Reserve Winners Bitch Best Puppy in Show BOS Best Puppy Best Bred By Exhibitor Best Veteran Best Companion BOS Companion Best Stud Dog Best Brood Bitch Best Brace Best Junior Handler 1st in Each Class SECOND ISWS SHOW $30 $25 $20 $20 $20 $20 $15 $15 $15 $ 5 $15 $15 $15 $ 5 $15 $15 $15 $10 $10 Rosettes Rosette Rosette Gift Basket Best in Show Best of Opposite Sex Best of Winners Awards of Merit (all) Winners Dog Winners Bitch Reserve Winners Dog Reserve Winners Bitch Best Puppy in Show BOS Best Puppy Best Bred By Exhibitor Best Veteran Best Companion BOS Companion Best Stud Dog Best Brood Bitch Best Brace Best Junior Handler 1st in Each Class $30 $25 $20 $20 $20 $20 $15 $15 $15 $ 5 $15 $15 $15 $ 5 $15 $15 $15 $10 $10 Rosettes Rosette Rosette Gift Basket ISWS RACE MEET High Score/Best of Breed High Score Opposite Sex High Score Show Champion High Score Veteran High Score FTE 2nd - 5th Placements Turtle $25 $20 $10 $10 $10 $10 $ 5 ASFA LURE COURSING TRIAL Best of Breed Open Stake flight A - 1st Place Open Stake Placements flight A (2nd-NBQ) Open Stake flight B - 1st Place Open Stake Placements flight B (2nd-NBQ) Field Champion Stake Placements (all) Veteran Stake Placements (all) Singles Stake – 1st Place Singles Stake Placements (2-NBQ) Kennel Stake ISWS Conformation (Bench) Stake $25 $10 $20 $10 $20 $20 $20 $10 $15 $5 $5 General Trophy Fund All donations are gratefully accepted. No amount should be considered too small 11 Dog Show Entry Fees October 31 & November 1, 2015 ISWS Specialty Shows #1 and #2 Regular classes − $25.00 first class, each additional class entry of same dog $16.00 Puppy classes (3-6, 6-9 and 9-12) − $16.00 per class Veteran classes − $16.00 may be either altered or intact Junior Handler I and II and Junior Showmanship I and II – No entry fee is charged for these classes, however the dog shown is required to be entered in a regular or non-regular class along with those entry fees. See also the ownership/co-ownership requirement for Junior Showmanship I and II. Brace - $16.00. A Brace class entry consists of two intact dogs, but has only one entry fee. This class does not require an additional entry in the regular classes. Entry does not have to be same sex. Companion dog − $16.00 may be either altered or intact. Stud Dog and Brood Bitch − $16.00 All progeny shown in Stud Dog and Brood Bitch classes must also be entered in the regular classes. You may show between two to four progeny in these classes. Stud Dog and Brood Bitch may be either intact or altered, but the progeny must be intact. Closing Date: All entries must be received by the Show Secretary by October 2, 2015 by 9:00 PM. Entries will be listed in the catalog exactly as they are listed on the entry form. Owners are responsible for providing the correct and ledgible information, including the correct titles, on their entries. All entries must be made on the official entry form (page 13) included in this premium list. No late entries or day of show entries will be accepted. Entry Forms: Are preferred by email to: But can be mailed to: Gary Claggett 2519 Nicolaus Avenue Trowbridge, Ca 95659 Entries will not be accepted without fees. As a courtesy, entries will be held until the closing date and time. If fees are not received by that time, the entries will be deemed invalid. Payment to be made via PayPal to Please include a copy of your PayPal receipt with your entry. Please show total fees enclosed for all Entries on the Order and Payment Form (page 22). 12 Official ISWS Entry Form BOOFEST 2015 October 31 & November 1 2015 C. A. Jacobs Middle School, Dixon, CA Entry Fees – Regular classes $25, $16 for Puppies, Veteran, Companion, Brace, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch & all additional classes. Entries must be received by the Show Secretary: no later than 9PM, October 2, 2015. Important -- Please read the Notice to Exhibitors and the Agreement before completing this form. Entry form must be signed to be valid. Please use a separate entry form for each dog entered. Entry Fee paid Dog Show Class open ISWS Specialty ISWS Specialty SHOW #1 Y ☐ N ☐ SHOW #2 Y ☐ N ☐ Sex: M☐ F ☐ Call Name: Additional Class: Additional Class: Jr Show Class: Name of Jr Handler: Registered Name of Dog: ISWS Registration #: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Breeder: Sire’s Registered Name: Dam’s Registered Name: Actual Owner(s): Owner’s Address: Name of Owner’s Agent (if any): I certify that I am the actual owner of this dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the ISWS, Inc. in effect at the time of this show and by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the premium list for this show and further agree to be bound by the agreement printed on the reverse alongside this entry form. I certify and represent that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and agreement. SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry. Your initials marked below serve in lieu of your signature. Registration and entry forms without a signature will not be considered valid entries. X Date 13 Notice to Exhibitors The ISWS, SWC and their officers and directors, C. A. Jacobs Middle School and BooFest 2015 Event Committee will not be responsible for dogs or personal property, or incorrect entries. Entries: Entries will be printed in the catalog exactly as they are listed on the entry forms. Owners are responsible for errors in entry forms. No dog wrongly entered in a class may be transferred to another class after close of entries except as noted in the ISWS Show Rules. No entry may be changed or canceled unless notice of the change or cancellation is received via e-mail by the Show Secretary as listed in this premium prior to the close of entries. Entries will not be accepted without the proper signature and fees. Entries received without signature or fees will be invalid, although as a courtesy, they will be held until the closing date and time. If the fees are not paid by the closing date and time, the entries will be deemed invalid. Entries must be submitted on approved entry forms. No entry fees will be refunded in the event a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of any member of the SWC Board, or the Show Secretary. No entry fees will be returned if the show cannot open or be completed by reasons beyond the control of the show management. Extreme weather conditions, such as, but not limited to, snow storms, hurricanes, lightning, extreme heat or cold, must be considered for the health and safety of the dogs, exhibitors and spectators. The well-being of dogs, exhibitors and spectators is of paramount importance and, in the event it is necessary to cancel or stop the show before completion, no refund of entry fees will be made. Declination of Entries: Silken Windhounds of California and the BooFest Show Committee reserve the right to decline or remove any dog due to disease, viciousness, or other cause and no one shall have any claim against the aforementioned club, committee, or any official thereof. No refund of any entry fees will be made. Exhibitor Responsibilities: All dogs present must be held on leash or confined to their crates or x-pens while on the premises. It is expressly understood that the exhibitors alone are responsible for the behavior of their dogs and children. Each Owner and Agent listed on the entry form and/or individual responsible for the dog at a show is bound by the Agreement below regardless of who may have completed and submitted the entry form. SWC, its officers and directors, C. A. Jacobs Middle School, BooFest 2015 Event Committee, Show Secretary, their Agents and designees are not responsible for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, attendees’ dogs or property. Judges will not wait for any dog holding up a class. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence of their dogs in the ring when their classes are called to be judged. No smoking under any show tent. Turn off cell phones and/or pagers before entering show area. 14 Silken Windhounds of California BOOFEST LGRA Race Meet Afternoon of November 1, 2015 C. A. Jacobs Middle School Dixon, CA 3 Programs – 200 Yards – Drag Lure Entries close at 9:00 AM the day of the race. All FTE hounds must pre-qualify with another qualified dog in order to enter this meet. (See Proof of Certification pages 16 and 17.) Pre-entries must be received by 9:00 PM Monday, October 26, 2015. Email the signed entry form to: Please include a copy of your PayPal receipt with your entry and make your payment via PayPal to All entry forms must be signed and entry fees paid at the registration table before roll call on the date of the meet. Please help us streamline race morning by pre-entering your hounds. Use the race entry form on page 18 of this premium. Entry Fees: Pre-Entry $13.00 (same owner maximum $42.00)/ Late Entry $15.00 no kennel rate Please show total fees enclosed for Pre-Entries on the Order and Payment Form (page 22) and include a signed LGRA Racing Entry Form (page 18) in your order. Race Secretary: Audrey Hsia Day of Race Information Registration, Roll Call and Inspection: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Any hound not present at roll call will be marked absent and the entry fee will not be refunded. In the event a hound does not pass Inspection because of lameness or signs of in season, the entry fee will be refunded. All owners must be present for the owners’ meeting held just prior to the first race. All FTE hounds must pass a qualifying run prior to roll call. Although we will try to qualify your hounds prior to roll call, we cannot guarantee that time will allow for any qualifying runs. For that reason, please make every effort to qualify your dogs before the race meet. This meet will be boxed and all hounds will run muzzled and jacketed. LGRA Racing Rules and Regulations will be followed. Eligible Hounds Only purebred Silken Windhounds are eligible to participate in this meet. Hounds must be registered with LGRA and be one year of age or older. Practice runs between programs will be held, as time and manpower permit. Practice runs will be $3.00 per dog. SWC members may practice with no charge. All owners, whether entered in the race or practicing dogs, are required to sign a waiver. The LGRA premium will be posted to the LGRA premiums page 15 Proof of certification is required to enter and compete in the BOOFEST straight racing. 1) Proof of certification shall include: • The name and signature of the Race Secretary who qualified the dog, • The name of the club that the Race Secretary represents, • The date of certification, • A statement that the dog ran the entire track cleanly with another dog of the same breed or one with a similar racing style. We will be using starting boxes, so starting boxes must be used for the qualifying runs. 2) Proof of certification can be presented either • With the entry form or at check in, • By email attachment to the Race Secretary (Audrey Hsia 3) If you are unable to find a meet for certification prior to BOOFEST, the SWC will attempt to certify any remaining dogs before the meet begins. In order to be eligible to certify the day of the meet • Your dog MUST already be entered. We will refund your fee if the dog fails to pass certification. • You must provide another qualified dog of similar speed to run with the dog being certified. • Only one FTE may run for certification at a time. 4) If your dog has successfully run in oval racing (has a complete meet recorded in the GG), that will be considered a certification for straight racing. A lure coursing certification is not sufficient for racing. If you have any questions, please e-mail Audrey Hsia 16 BOOFEST FTE CERTIFICATION FORM I, , am the race secretary for (Race secretary’s printed name) . (Club Name) I hereby certify that , owned by (Dog’s registered name) , ran the entire track cleanly with another dog of the same breed or one with a similar racing style. (Owner’s Signature) (Date of Certification) (Race Secretary’s Signature) 17 LGRA Racing Entry Form All FTE hounds must be pre-qualified with another qualified dog in order to run in this meet. Please indicate if your dog is an FTE. Owners of FTE dogs must arrange for another qualified dog to run in the qualification run. It is strongly advised to have pre-certifications completed before BooFest as time will be limited. LGRA Racing Number: Call Name LGRA Racing Number: Call Name LGRA Racing Number: Call Name LGRA Racing Number: Call Name LGRA Racing Number: Call Name FOR ENTERING PRACTICE DOGS ONLY Call Name: I and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns shall hold harmless and defend from any claim for personal injury, illness or property damage arising out of participation in this race meet the Silken Windhounds of California, its officers, directors, committees, agents, and members, and the Large Gazehound Racing Association, its officers, directors, committees, agents and members. I agree to abide by the Official Rules and Regulations of the LGRA Racing Program and its code of conduct during this race meet. Your signature on this form indicates acceptance of the “Notice to Exhibitors” and the “Agreement” (page 14) in this premium. Name: Address: Telephone Number: 18 ASFA Silken Windhound Specialty Lure Coursing Trial Afternoon of October 31st, 2015 C. A. Jacobs Middle School Dixon, CA **THE ASFA LURE COURSING WILL HAVE A SEPARATE PREMIUM** The Lure Coursing premium will be posted to the ASFA Calendar and on the events page of the ISWS Lure Coursing website It will also be posted in the files section of the Windhounds List. You may also contact the Field Trial Secretary, Patricia Hill at with any questions or for a copy of the premium. 19 Food Orders Breakfasts will be on your own. Saturday Lunch from Solano Baking Company Select from the following: #1) Café Salad-spring mix lettuce, tomato slices, red onion, sunflower seeds, raisins and croutons with a side of homemade Italian dressing. Served with a focaccia bread stick and chocolate chip cookie. Small-$7.00 Large -$9.00 #2) Ham and Cheddar Sandwich on Hawaiian Bread with condiments and a chocolate chip cookie. Half-$7.00 Whole-$9.00 #3) Sacramento Veggie Panini-Cheddar, Jack, Pesto, Tomato and Avocado on fresh focaccia bread and served with a chocolate chip cookie. Half-$7.00 Whole-$9.00 #4) Café Chicken Salad Sandwich on Croissant-Chopped chicken mixed with mayo, grapes, celery, lettuce and tomato served with a chocolate chip cookie. Half-$7.00 Whole-$9.00 #5) Solano Grilled Panini-turkey, Jack Avocado and Aioli on focaccia bread and served with a chocolate chip cookie. Half-$7.00 Whole-$9.00 Saturday Night Dinner Buffet will be held at Mary’s Pizza Kitchen in Dixon (next door to the Motel 6). It will include Caesar Salad, Penne with Meat Sauce, Rigatoni with Marinara Sauce, Penne with Pesto Sauce, Penne with Sausage, and Cheese Ravioli in Marinara Sauce and Bread. Cost per person is $25.00. Beer and Wine will be available for purchase! Sunday Lunch There will be assorted pizzas delivered from a local pizzeria. Cost is $10 per person. 20 OFFICIAL ORDER AND PAYMENT FORM BOOFEST 2015 October 31st through November 1st C. A. Jacobs Middle School, Dixon, CA Email this form, with show and racing entries, and fees to or mail to Show Secretary: Gary Claggett, 2519 Nicolaus Avenue, Trowbridge, CA 95659. Entries will not be accepted without signature and fees. Please pay via PayPal to Please enclose a separate signed show entry for each dog entered and be certain to mark whether the dog is being entered in one show or both shows. If the dog is being entered in only one show, be certain to specify which show. Please enclose signed racing pre- entries along with your pre-entry fee. Number of Entries/Items: Cost per Entry/Item: ISWS Specialty Show 1 − # of Entries Specialty Show 1 – # of Entries @ $25.00 per entry @ $16.00 per entry ISWS Specialty Show 2 − # of Entries Specialty Show 2 − # of Entries @ $25.00 per entry @ $16.00 per entry ISWS Race Meet Pre-Entry @ $13.00 per entry to a maximum of $42.00 Catalogue Advertising (from page 6)_________________________________ Food Orders (from page 20 and 21) Saturday Lunch: Full Choice $9 each #1 #2 #3 #4 Half Choice $7 each #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #5 Special requests: Saturday Lunches: No. @ $7 Saturday Dinner: # of dinner Sunday Pizza Lunch: # ordered Show Catalogs # Ordered No. @ $9 Total @ $25.00 per person @ $10 per person @ $10.00 each Award Sponsorships (from page 11)__________________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ___________________________________ NAME: 21