RobotDescription - Lyle School of Engineering

Spring 2008
The goal of this activity is to build a robot that is capable of finding a 2 ft x 2 ft target and
launching a ping pong ball into the target from a distance to be specified on the day of
competition. The robots should operate autonomously, with as little human interaction as
Each student will be working on a design team composed of students from ME1102 and
CSE1341. Each team will receive a LEGO Mindstorm Robot kit, which must be returned
at the conclusion of the semester in working order. Design teams must construct a LEGO
Mindstorm robot as well as a mechanical device/machine using the ME machine shop
that is capable of propelling a ping pong ball. An overhead view of the playing field is
shown in Fig. 1 below. The robot will initially be placed to the right of the “Firing Line”
shown in the figure in an arbitrary orientation (i.e. it may be facing away from the target).
The robot must determine where the target is located and be capable of launching a ping
pong ball into the target. The robot may cross the firing line to determine distance but
must return to the right side of the field to fire the ping-pong ball.
Firing Line
Robot Start
Figure 1: Overhead view of robot playing field
Robot Design Project
The robot must launch a regulation ping-pong ball across the firing line such that
the ping pong ball hits the target.
The ping-pong ball will be provided by the school for the competition and will be
40mm in diameter.
The robot is not allowed to leave the course during the competition; the
boundaries will be denoted by PVC pipe with a nominal diameter between 1 and
2 inches. The pipe will be held together by standard PVC pipe fittings.
The target is a 2’x2’x6” box that is painted blue. There will be at least one foot
of clearance between the target and the course boundaries, as well as between
the target and the firing line.
Navigation lines will be placed on the floor parallel to the firing line. The
navigation lines will have a uniform spacing, but the spacing will not be
determined until the competition.
The firing line will be marked on the floor in a color that is distinct from the
navigation lines.
Any interaction with the robot after it starts will incur a score penalty.
Communication with the robot will be done wirelessly using 1) the Bluetooth capabilities
of the Mindstorm NXT platform and iCommand java library or 2) LeJOS. Both of these
libraries are available from
iCommand allows communication between the base PC and NXT robot using Bluetooth
wireless protocol. Decision making based on sensor input is done on the PC. Commands
to the motors and sensors are handled through Bluetooth communication. You have full
access the the Standard JAVA API with iCommand
LeJOS is an operating system that replaces the standard LEGO OS that comes
preinstalled on the NXT brick. A very small JVM runs on top of LeJOS. You write your
code and compile it on a PC, then download the bytecode to the NXT brick to be directly
executed on the brick itself. With this mechanism, there is no need for communication
with a base PC during the actual operation of the robot. Programs are downloaded to the
NXT brick using USB connection.
You are limited to the use of the LEGO Mmindstorm kit, which contains the following
major parts:
 3 Motors
 1 light sensor
 1 microphone
Robot Design Project
 2 bump sensors
 1 ultrasonic sensor
 Various mechanical LEGO parts
 Battery and recharger
You are allow allowed to work with the machine shop staff (Mr. Necdet Yildirimer) to
fabricate any components needed to make your project a success. You may find
necessary raw materials (wood, metal, pvc) in the shop. Any other material purchases
must be approved by Mr. Yildirimer.
Lab activity and assignments
Feb. 6 (W)
Introduction to Design Project
Feb. 15 (F)
Individual design memos due at 5pm (with project timelines, goals,
Feb. 22 (F)
Individual design memo due at 5 pm
Feb. 29 (F)
Individual design memo due at 5 pm
Mar. 4, 5 (T, W)
Preliminary group design presentations
Mar. 7 (F)
Preliminary group design reports due at 5 pm**
Mar. 10 - 15
Spring break
Mar. 21 (F)
Individual design memo due at 5 pm
Mar. 28 (F)
Individual design memo due at 5 pm
Apr. 4 (F)
Individual design memo due at 5 pm
Apr. 8, 9 (T, W)
Preliminary testing of designs
Apr. 11 (F)
Individual design memo due at 5 pm
Apr. 15, 16
Design competition
Apr. 22, 23 (T, W) Final group design presentations
Apr. 25 (F)
Final group design reports due at 5 pm
*Weekly technical memos are required of each student. Please see the attached memo
**The group design report format and point scale are in the attached pages.
As you can see from the schedule, there are several milestones and evaluation points
throughout the project. It is expected that you will produce professional documents and
present yourself in a professional manner for presentations. Your grade on these
milestones, which will make up your final project grade, will be based entirely on the
following of sound engineering design processes as well as the presentation of findings
and results in reports and presentations. Your grade will not be determined by your robot
and associated machines’ performance in the competition, although the “performance”
aspect of the robot is part of the design reports and presentations.
Robot Design Project
1. Robot kits must be returned at the conclusion of the semester in operating
condition. Failure to do so will result in a grade of Incomplete for all team
members until robot is returned with all pieces.
2. Peer review forms must be completed by each student. Failure to do so will result
in a grade of Incomplete.
3. While the competition does not affect your final grade, your design team is
required to participate in the event.
Professor Willis,; (214) 768-3125
Professor Fontenot,; (214) 768-2854
Mr. Necdet Yildirimer (ME shop manager),; (214) 768-3136
Eric Sumner (ME TA),
Jason Moore (CSE TA),
Robot Design Project