12-9 Minutes - Central Student Government

Fourth Assembly
16th Meeting December 9th, 2014
Call to Order
a. 7:40pm
Opening Roll Call
Convening Business
a. Swearing in of Newly-Elected Representatives
Approval of the Agenda
Approval of the Previous Minutes
Guest Speakers
Community Concerns
a. Concerning the Resolution for Onsite Admissions
i. Jose Alvarenga: National organizer with BAMN. Why this resolution is
so important right now. Group of students from WMU Wayne State,
MSU going to Ferguson to hold tribunal with family. Cases of murders
of Black and Latino youth shined light on growing racism in this
country. Affirmative action lessens inequality. Onsite admission is one
of measures to lessen in equality. Open doors of opportunity or this
country goes into darkness and more outbursts of violence will occur.
Important for this student government to increase minority enrollment.
Currently at 3.8% minority enrollment, the lowest since 1970. Real
sham and disgrace. Can be over turned if students take initiative. First
step to reverse drop in minority enrollment. Build strong relationships
with community. Vote in favor of resolution.
ii. Leroy Louis: Joined BAMN in 11th grade. Been organizing at this
campus since this time also. Lot of committees made for Detroit
outreach to address diversity. Treating Detroit like ancient city. No
serious attempt to educate people about issue so close to this campus.
Onsite admissions and establishing relationship with Detroit is a
political decision to educate young minorities. Attack on right to
education. If university finally starts to use its influence effectively in
high schools, claim to champion real diversity and integration. Era of
new civil rights movement. Flipside of demanding killer cops be jailed
is that we demand new resources for schools. Right to live. Equality of
life. Vote on side of Detroit.
iii. Danni Hayes: Being a minority we think its important to have quota for
minorities. Every other public university does onsite admissions.
Umich only came to accept applications at my college fair. Pointless
with online apps. Not having onsite admissions at college fairs deters
students from applying. What chances do I have of being admitted
when next table offer gives pre-scholarship plan like MSU?
iv. Tyler Wood: Also with BAMN. Agree with what Jose and Leroy said.
Onsite admissions important and exciting because it is something that
can be done right now. Doesn't matter about Prop 2; this can be done
under that. Broader goals. Double minority enrollment. This is a great
v. Tabian Joe: WMU BAMN chapter. In favor of resolution to recruit
black students lacking on this campus. 3.8% is low number for any
university. Diversity is important. Won’t get diversity until we respond
by recruiting black and minority students to come to this university.
Executive Communications
a. Bobby: Thank you for being here during exams. Expect an email from Lizzy
about having a study party here in the CSG chambers. We’re also working on
pairing students with alumnae abroad. Hoping to have this in place this
summer. Working with athletics on bridging gap. Survey next week to
evaluate leadership (mine, Emily’s, commissions). How to make process
better. Anonymous. Taken seriously. Fill it out over break. I want to voice my
support for amendment John and Andy emailed out. Incredibly important.
Encourage yes vote to support onsite admissions.
b. Emily: Finals breakfast is tomorrow night in Union from 10pm-1am. Free
goodies and food. Also events at Trotter from Dec. 11th-14th. To help with
stress of finals. Updates and opportunities on Facebook and Twitter.
Additional ways to get involved with CSG initiatives.
c. Alex: Thanksgiving break had 3,128 riders for AirBus. Positive feedback from
customers. Winter break AirBus will run this Saturday until 20th. Post info on
Facebook and Twitter to push out to networks. Email me with questions
d. Justin: Last meeting as student general council. Great semester working with
you. Good luck next semester.
Report of the Speaker
a. Bashi: Congrats new reps. Welcome. Start of winter term will have a few more
appointments. Great first semester. Keep it up for next semester. Over break
brainstorm about initiatives to hit the ground running. Senior Assistant Dean
of Admissions will come to speak when we come back. Challenges of
attaining diversity here at U of M. Come prepared with questions. First of
many great guest speakers. Attendance record reset at end of term. New reps
got packet with Robert’s rules cheat sheet. How we run assembly here. Main
key is to prevent speaking out at all times. Few times to interrupt. Run as
efficiently as possible. Be well versed by time we come back in January. Don't
spam list serve. Send to csg.speakers. Only chairs send something out. Be
respectful of others. All very opinionated. No speaking out. Decorum means
be quiet. One question per question period. Can ask for 1 to 2 follow up
questions. Give everyone a chance to speak.
Representative Reports
Committee Reports
a. Finance Committee
i. Ruby: Urge to remember what we decided is purpose of discretionary
fund. Propose resolutions. Look at that going forward. Good ideas for
things reps could do next semester. Looking for something to pursue
come talk to us.
Election and Recall of Members
a. Election of the Vice Chair of Finance Committee
i. Lin: I nominate Jacob Abudaram
1. Jacob: Junior studying Econ and Political science. I’ve been on
assembly since April of last year. Know how budget works and
how we distribute funds.
ii. Henderson: I nominate Zack Prebay
1. Zack: Junior studying bio medical engineering with business
minor. Dedicated member; come to every meeting. Known
Ruby since third grade. Treasurer of fraternity. Would be good
iii. Geralyn: I nominate Robert Greenfield
1. Robert: Senior IOE with comp science minor. Treasurer of BSU
for 2 years.
iv. Questions
a. Bobby: How can we effectively use sponsored activities
i. Jacob: More in conjunction with initiatives CSG
reps are working on. Whatever initiative they
have brought to assembly and reps come from
diverse backgrounds. Use resources to reach all
parts of campus.
ii. Zack: Most important is outreach. Small number
of requests, encouraging reps, encouraging
organizations most effective way to see all money
we get put to use.
iii. Rob: Cultural and communal disconnect with
how CSG uses its funds. Best way to utilize funds
decreasing staple programs and know in advance
what we need to allocate. Certain amount of
outreach needed. Let orgs know that reps are here.
b. Alex: How do you see relationship with legislative
discretionary different from SOFC?
i. Rob: SOFC more towards general campus
expression. Discretionary more in tangent with
CSG initiatives. More effective. Resolution good
and well but if no expression among students
administration doesn't see passion behind it.
ii. Zack: All controlled under different viewpoints.
What org gives should be under their discretion.
SOFC has largest budget. More general. Not tied
to CSG. Legislative something CSG
wholeheartedly supports. More about awareness.
Being more visible.
iii. Jacob: SOFC huge source of funding. Legislative
discretionary good way for CSG to fund
initiatives and establish relationships with orgs on
campus. When legislative not being used, should
go to SOFC.
c. Jacob: Issue with SOFC over spending. How would you
eliminate that problem?
i. Jacob: An anomaly. Better communication
between SOFC and assembly. Be able to correct
for anomalies. Huge increase in petitions for
money. CSG becoming more well known as
funding source. Increase communication.
ii. Zack: Legislation could use all money ourselves.
SOFC can ask for more money from use. But in
ideal situation we won’t have any to give them.
Establish what SOFC’s purpose is. Understand
mistakes happen but don't want repeated pattern.
Impeachment is option. Know what limitations
iii. Rob: Increase communication and increased
awareness and transparency. More student orgs
aware of SOFC but can come to BSU and even
departments. Many events with budgets upwards
of $20,000. Rare to have new event with strain on
SOFC to come out of nowhere. Annualized
events. Let student orgs know where to go.
Balance where to ask for funds.
d. Yee: Conflicts of interest to disclose?
i. Rob: In charge of BSU.
ii. Zack: No
iii. Jacob: No, CSG has been my thing since April of
last year.
iv. Ballot vote (Clyde and Kingsolver tellers)
1. Rob Greenfield wins!
b. Election of the Vice Chair of Resolutions Committee
i. Nominations
1. Annie: Andrew Leob
ii. Andrew: Spoke with Ana and she told me about position. I know it's a
lot about working with authors to create most passible resolution
possible. My experience as an RA would help me bring together a lot
of different views.
iii. Questions:
1. Annie: Will you be able to work with me well?
a. Andrew: I think so…
iv. Elected!
New Business
Old Business
a. A.R. 4-017 A Resolution to Fund SAPAC Marketing Materials
i. Authors
1. Katherine: Only thing changed was final clause. Makes it more
explicit. Foster relationship with SAPAC beyond this. Keep that
flexible. Room to grow. More collaboration. Amount allocated
changes reflects budget.
ii. Voting
1. 31 yes, 2 no, 1 abstention – passes
2. Ruby: Good cause, don't think this is right avenue. Not design
of legislative discretionary funds.
b. A.R. 4-018 A Resolution to Amend the CSG Budget to Allocate Funds to
i. Authors
1. Alex: Main changes. Add resolved clause. Assembly supports
actions. SOFC funding report. Clarify language. How much
money allocated. Worked hard to process all receipts. Exactly
what we thought we’d be at. Good sign. Projections right.
Situation is stressful and not ideal. Extreme influx of
applications is not something we can predict. Appreciate support
in making this happen. Confident in system. Changes to make
sure next semester wont be as stressful. Appreciate your
ii. Clarifying questions
1. Yee: What are you doing moving forward to prevent this from
happening again?
a. Michael Budros: Focus on communication. More SOFC
communications with orgs. Maximize claim rate to get
out as much money as possible. Getting students to turn
in reimbursement form. New spreadsheet. Easier to see
data in real time. Not making assumptions. Pattern at
beginning not telling of end of semester. Easier access to
b. Alex: Increasing modeling capability. Compiling
numbers and run different scenarios. Automatic for new
one. Projections for different claim rates. Help us nail
down where we thing we are.
iii. Voting procedure
1. 29 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstention
a. Lin: Important to stay within budget.
b. Wilkinson: We have money available but way in which it
was approached to assembly was out of hand. Our hand
is pushed in that this is the only way in order for student
orgs to have funding. Student orgs wouldn't get
reimbursed. Assembly needs to have more oversight.
c. A.R. 4-019 A Resolution to Support Onsite Admissions in Detroit High
i. Authors
1. Chrzan: Not too many changes. Second and third whereas
clauses speak to points from last week. In state and low-income
student populations. Include resolved clause in response to
Bardia. Action step: not something solved this week. Task force.
Members of assembly. Chaired. Work with office of admissions.
Bobby and Emily have other units on campus working on this as
well. Reinstate onsite admissions or other possible solutions.
Peer institutions have onsite admissions. Steal a good number of
students from us. Immediate aid. Alternative options.
Percentage plans. Top 4-10% depending on state gets automatic
admission. Task force can work with admissions to find other
means. Important part is to achieve goal: diversify student body.
ii. Questions
1. Bobby: UC Berkley or certain schools within CA?
a. Martinez: Guaranteed admission at one of the UC’s, not
necessarily Berkley.
iii. Amendment
1. John Lin: Should say line 41 instead of line 23. Make sure
supports positive measures that help further goals of resolution.
Nothing to distract or be viewed negatively. Don’t want to give
approval of things that could interrupt university business. Used
to justify activity. Won’t support violent tactics. Reaction to
activities at board meetings that forced meeting to close. Does
not distract from goals. Positive activism.
2. Questions
a. Richards: Any other way outside of amendment to
i. Lin: Statement from Bobby but can’t bind. Makes
this clear.
b. Greg: Why is amendment unfriendly?
i. Mike: Wording may be too restrictive.
“Intimidating” could mean any student activism.
Not limitation we want to take on. Assume
something that's general knowledge would not
support violent protests about things we support.
Considering recent events I understand why it
came up. Place not in resolution itself. Removing
generalized language, amendment too restrictive
of student activism. Students may need to protest
something regents are doing. Amendment does
not have place of limiting student activism.
c. Bobby: Even if less broad, just state violent, friendly?
i. Lin: Too narrow, reasoning for “” Cannon of
construction when read statute, similar has to be
read in conjunction with words that precede it.
Read in negative connotation. That’s why we
chose it. Similar “negative” action. Whole list is
negative thing.
Debate over amendment
a. In favor
i. John Lin: Important we make clear given
sensitive nature that CSG only supports positive
action. Given recent events important we make
clear what is acceptable in our eyes as opposed to
general statement not associated with resolutions
ii. Emily: Support of resolution but amendment is
important. Fine with striking intimidating.
Student body does not discourage activism.
Discourages disruptive or violent activism. Don't
see issue with amendment. Sill achieves goals.
b. Opposed
i. Chrzan: Language does not support student
activism. Any student in regents meeting can be
intimidating. Removing intimidating might be
fine. If it’s going to be included I would like
intimidating struck.
ii. Richards: Does amendment add anything to goal
of amendment? Brings up whole new issue. Other
ways to say we don't support what happened.
Communications committee.
iii. Brodsky: I was at that meeting and it didn't feel
threatening. Civil disobedience vs. violent tactics.
Lin amends amendment to “any tactic that threatens public
a. Bobby: Encourages student activism but preserves safety
in light of recent events.
Lin: Move to call the question
Voting procedure
a. 19 in favor, 16 opposed, 2 abstain
b. Allie: no with rights, agree CSG should support actions,
however putting this amendment in resolution promotes
c. Steven: No with rights. Adds additional things that could
be communicated in other ways. Don't think this
amendment contributed. Diverted attention from what we
iv. Voting procedure for resolution
1. Yee: I object
2. Debate
a. In favor
i. Mike: To address Tee’s concerns with prop 2. On
site admissions have nothing to do with race.
Does not mean only accepting minorities. Setting
up time where admission will review application.
General counsel will work with admissions to
make sure way we go about this works with prop
b. Opposed
i. Yee: Peer institutions have onsite admissions.
3. Motion to call the question
v. Voting procedure, take 2
1. 35 in favor, 2 opposed
a. Rebecca Shannon: No with rights, concerned with
wording, apply to rural areas but language says
specifically urban, what about Native American
Motions and Other Business
Announcements and Matters Arising
a. Bobby: Thank you for a great semester. Good luck on finals!
b. Lizzy: Starting Wolverine Support Network in January. Encourage all of you
to get involved. Push PR. Send out email. How you can help on social media.
A lot of interest but more is even better.
c. Emily: Great job this semester. Encourage everyone to come back with more
ideas for resolutions.
d. Alex: Airbus, push out to networks. Please use it. On behalf of SOFC thank
you. Put in difficult situation. We’ll step it up. Won’t happen again.
e. Ruby: No finance committee meeting.
f. Annie: Any ideas for resolutions email me.
g. Nathan: Today is my last assembly meeting because next semester I’ll be
doing Michigan in Washington. Interning with non-profit. If you’re in the DC
area, hit me up.
h. Vear: Bobby how was your hula performance?
i. Bobby: It was professionally recorded if you want to check it out.
i. Presley: Undergrad art exhibition will be up until January. North campus great
place to study because art students leave early. Quiet building, cool artwork.
j. Kathryn: Thank you for passing SAPAC resolution. On Thursday night from
6-midnight, IGR will be open for a study space with snacks and coffee. On
south u above Starbucks.
k. Geralyn: Update on art for room Annica?
i. Bobby: Not allowed to repaint walls but hallways and accent walls in
conference room are free range. Coming soon, working with Sam.
l. Rachel: Thank you for great first meeting. Junior LSA rep. Movement dance
m. Lin: Law school exams start tomorrow so stay out of commons.
n. Emily: Nathan has to leave so Exec nominations committee needs someone to
join our team. See me if you want to join.
o. Jacob: Good place to study is Hillel open 24/7. Massages. On Hill street.
p. Emily: Send me email to increase library seats. Over 100 added seats in less
than a month. Increasing 6 prong outlets.
Closing Roll Call
a. 9:16pm