media law & ethics 100 - OLIVE SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM

Olive School of Journalism-Tamale
(Truth & Integrity)
End of First Semester Examinations
Course: Media Law & Ethics (MLE 01) Level 100 Time: 2 hours Date: December, 2015
Answer All Questions
1a. Define Media Ethics
b. Name five (5) Ethical situations and explain each
2a. What is meant by integrity as far as a Journalist is concerned?
b. What is the best defense against crossing ethical or legal lines?
3 a. State five (5) ethics that violate the search for truth
b. Explain each of the violations
4. a.Name three (3) key considerations in ethical behaviour
b. Explain each
5. Explain the following ethical situations
a. Two-sides-of-a-story
b. Confidentiality
c. Religion/Ethnicity/Minorities
Good Luck
Alhassan Imoru
Olive School of Journalism-Tamale
(Truth & Integrity)
End of First Semester Examinations
Course: Media Law & Ethics (MLE 01) Level 100 Time: 2 hours Date: December, 2015
Answer All Questions
1a. Define media Ethics
b. Name five (5) Ethical situations and explain each
2a. What is meant by integrity as far as a Journalist is concerned?
b. What is the best defense against crossing ethical or legal lines?
3 a. State five (5) ethics that violate the search for truth
b. Explain each of the violations
4. a.Name three (3) key considerations in ethical behaviour
b. Explain each
5. Explain the following ethical situations
a. Two-sides-of-a-story
b. Confidentiality
c. Religion/Ethnicity/Minorities
Good Luck
Alhassan Imoru