WORK PLAN BY MONTH The aim of the Academy is to make administration as easy as possible for our volunteers. One means of doing this is to have one committee in charge of all aspects of an event. There is one exception to this rule: the university staff prefers to deal with one person. Accordingly the Assistant Secretary makes contact with Knox and Victoria staff; the Special Events committee makes all catering arrangements except for the Facilitators’ Forum that is arranged in conjunction with the Curriculum Committee. It is both courteous and necessary to allow ample time for others to complete their tasks; for example, the content of flyers or e-mails to go out in an Academy mailing must be sent to the Communications Committee, which is responsible for the format of all Academy printed matter, in good time before the mailing date. Those who write pieces for the newsletter should respect the deadlines set by the Communications committee. The calendar below shows month by month the tasks the Board and Committees must complete to put on the Academy's academic and social programs. The work plan begins with the first meeting of the new Board in June and ends with the June Annual General Meeting. Committee chairs must bear in mind that for every action in the calendar it is important to establish what each committee member is expected to do. The Committee's minutes should show clearly what has been settled and the responsible individuals. JUNE Early June First meeting of new Board is held immediately after the AGM: members with signing authority [President; Vice President; Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer; Secretary] complete bank forms. New Board members assigned to positions. President and Vice President decide which committees they will attend regularly as ex officio members. Early June Secretary produces the list of the new Board and Committee Members and sends it to the Academy Website Coordinator for formatting and posting on the Academy website. Mid-June Special Events Committee meets to review the work plan for the year, assigns key contacts among the committee volunteers for each event, plans the first two events: the July picnic in Toronto and the September Pot Luck Picnic. It prepares draft flyers for these events and passes those on to the Communications Committee to prepare as electronic communications for the July picnic and a flyer for the mailed newsletter for the Pot Luck Picnic. The Chair also ensures that contracts for venues for picnics and luncheons are executed for the year. Mid-June Academy Talks Committee holds a first meeting; fixes dates for later meetings; chooses dates for talks in the coming year; asks Assistant Secretary to book rooms at Knox for future meetings when necessary, develops lists of possible topics and potential speakers (and contacts); first round of invitations may go out to potential speakers with details of the Academy to inform and attract them; reviews last year’s committee’s plan for the fall forums and assigns contact persons to confirm each forum. Mid-June Communications Committee holds a first meeting; commissions pieces for August newsletter; prepares flyers for August mailing. Mid-June Outreach committee has first meeting, selects its Chair and Vice Chair person and appoints additional members if desired. Mid-June Membership Committee continues registration work, tracking of waitlists, contacts with waitlisted members; prepares report on workshop enrolment; contacts new members; reports workshop enrolments to Board April 24, 2015 1 JULY Weekly Membership Committee continues enrolment procedures. Membership Committee informs Curriculum committee of workshops with low enrolments (sends monthly reports on enrolment); if a workshop is cancelled (see below) the Membership Committee after consultation with the Curriculum Committee contacts members who enrolled in that workshop and helps them find others; reports to board about enrolments. Mid-July Academy Talks Committee meets to review progress in recruiting speakers; contact committee members are chosen and invitations are sent to potential speakers. Final plans for Fall Forums completed and forwarded to Communications Committee for preparation of flyer for August mailing and posting on website if the forum schedule is complete, otherwise confirmations continue. Mid-July Outreach committee meets to plan possible outreach strategies Mid-July Communications Committee finalizes the August newsletter and flyers about events in the Fall term to go out in the August mailing. Newsletter and flyers go to printer; both flyers and the newsletter content are sent to the Academy website coordinator for posting online. Mid-July: The Past-President, as chair of the Nominating Committee should ensure that a notice is put into the August newsletter requesting that the general membership should send nominations to him/her for board positions for the following year. Late July Assistant Secretary works with the Communications Chair to prepare the postal mailing of the August newsletter. Late July Board meets; brief orientation session; Treasurer gives expense claim forms to committee chairs. Late July Special Events Committee hosts picnic in Toronto and meets to develop plans for the Fall Colours Walk so that it can be announced in a short article for the August newsletter mailing. AUGUST Weekly Membership Committee continues enrolment procedures. Membership Committee takes responsibility for preparing the mailing labels for the August mailing and sends one Committee member to help the mailing team. Early Aug. Mailing team meets to stuff envelopes for August mailing (Newsletter; flyers for special events and the list of Forums in the fall term). Mid-Aug. Academy Talks Committee finalizes details for the Fall Forums. Notices are placed on the bulletin boards in rooms 1 and 5, and text is prepared for e-mail announcement of first forum which is traditionally “Present the Presenters.” Mid-Aug. Curriculum Committee Chair and Assistant Chair review enrolment report; identify workshops with low numbers (10 or less) and discuss options, e.g. cancellation or one term only; assign classroom numbers based on class size and/or perceived need. Mid-Aug. Membership Committee prepares Class Lists and Attendance Sheets for all workshops. Mid-Aug. Assistant Secretary books classroom 5 at Knox College for all Board meetings; in cooperation with Curriculum Committee Chair books classrooms 1 and 5 for workshops; in cooperation with Talks Committee Chair books classroom 4 for Fall and Winter Forums. Late Aug. Board meets; Treasurer arranges first rent payment to Knox College and insurance payments. April 24, 2015 2 Late Aug. Membership Committee sends a welcome email to NEW members including directions to Knox College and promoting the first Forum. SEPTEMBER Early Sept. Tech Team (subcommittee of Curriculum) establishes schedule of training sessions for all Academy members and tries to identify a ‘tech support’ person in each workshop. Early Sept. President writes to Knox College to inquire about availability of Room 3. Weekly Membership Committee continues enrolment procedures. Plans are finalized for the first Fall Forum, at which new members are welcomed. Before term Membership Committee makes a file for every workshop [class lists; attendance sheets for fall and winter sessions; name cards; soft tip pens and blank cards] and places it in the file box in the room at Knox where the workshop is to take place. Before term Special Events Committee works with Nancy O’Connor to host the Pot Luck Picnic as well as holds a meeting to finalize the Fall Colours Walk and plan the Holiday Luncheon. Before term Communication Committee puts flyers on bulletin boards and on the Academy website [e.g. flyers for Special Events; workshop timetable]. The Communications Committee assigns a member to monitor and update the bulletin boards as necessary. The talks committee puts up first and second forum flyers on bulletin boards. Term starts! Two weeks after Labour Day Mid-Sept. Academy Talks Committee meets to review progress in recruiting speakers; invitations are sent when potential speakers are chosen. Mid-Sept. Outreach committee reviews current membership with the help of membership committee to determine if any membership drive initiative will be desirable. Late Sept. Communications Committee meets to plan the November newsletter and to commission pieces to be submitted to the editor. OCTOBER Early Oct. Membership Committee deals with last registrants and makes last report to Board on enrolment. Past members who have not returned are encouraged to become Associate Members and if not are added to potential members list. Early Oct. Entire Curriculum Committee evaluates the number and range of current workshops; designates editorial sub-committee to work on next year’s Calendar of Workshops; discusses proposals for Facilitators’ Forum, to be led by Vice Chair – liaison with Special Events Committee re date; designs Feedback Questionnaires for workshop participants and facilitators. Mid-Oct. Academy Talks Committee meets to review progress in recruiting speakers; continues plans for the Winter Forums, flyers prepared for all remaining Fall forums and posted in rooms 5 and 1 and student lounge when appropriate. Mid-Oct. Outreach committee discusses future initiatives. Mid-Oct. Special Events Committee hosts the Fall Colours Walk and works with the Communications Committee to prepare the communication and registration for the Holiday Luncheon. Mid-Oct. The Past-President, who will have formed a Nominating Committee, should ensure that a second notice is put into the November newsletter requesting that the general membership should send nominations to him/her for board positions for the following year. April 24, 2015 3 Mid-Oct. The Chair of each committee should advise the Nominating Committee of the name of the Vice Chair for the following year. Mid-Oct. Communications Committee finalizes the content of the November newsletter and the design of other flyers to be posted on the Academy website. Late Oct. Board meets. Guest list for Holiday Luncheon prepared. Vice President establishes a Long Range Planning Committee. NOVEMBER Early Nov. Workshop Team (sub-committee of Curriculum) solicits suggestions for new workshops and Facilitators by posting notices online, on bulletin boards at Knox and by emailing all members. All current Facilitators are telephoned re possible continuation of present workshop(s) and, if so, any changes in format or topic. Mid-Nov. Academy Talks Committee continues to prepare list of speakers and topics for the Spring Talks; asks speakers for a photograph and a short biography; Committee member chosen to prepare text of brochure for the series. Committee Chair or contact person sends a formal letter of invitation to each Spring Talks speaker that also includes the parameters and logistics of the presentation. Mid-Nov. Curriculum Committee distributes feedback questionnaires in last two weeks of Fall Term. Late Nov. Curriculum Committee meets to discuss and establish list of potential workshop topics. Late Nov. Board meets; Assistant Secretary gets approval to give Christmas gifts or cash to named helpers at Knox and Victoria; Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer presents an updated funds dispersed from the Victoria bursary fund and places the issue of a contribution to SCS on the Board agenda. Late Nov. Long Range Planning Advisory Group reports to the Board. Late Nov. Outreach committee considers communications with other organizations and updates the contact data with such organizations. DECEMBER Early Dec. Workshops pause. Early Dec. Special Events Committee hosts the Holiday Luncheon Early Dec. Academy Talks Committee continues to prepare for the Spring Talks brochure advertising the series. Early Dec. President sends holiday greetings to short list of contacts, arranges to welcome guests invited to Holiday Luncheon. End of term Curriculum Committee completes return of feedback from Facilitators and members of workshops. All prospective Facilitators asked to prepare short workshop description (maximum 100 words) and brief biography (25-30 words) and submit with day and time preferences by email to the designated editor. These preferences are taken into account but cannot be guaranteed. Deadline for response is early January (first week of term). Mid-Dec. Board meets; Treasurer arranges payment of 2nd rent instalment to Knox College. JANUARY Early Jan. Nominating Committee to review results of first call for nominees; devises a second call. April 24, 2015 4 Early Jan. Curriculum Committee compiles the Feedback report – results examined by Curriculum Committee and synopsis sent to Board. Draft program, alphabetical listing and two-week schedule compiled by editorial committee in consultation with Facilitators. Approval sought from Curriculum Committee and then Board at the January Board meeting. Program sent to Facilitators for final check by late January. Minor changes only permitted – must be requested within 3-4 days. Early Jan. Talks committee confirms all remaining Winter Forums and prepares posters for each which are posted on the bulletin boards 2 weeks before each forum. Books and confirms the venue for Spring talks. Term Starts Second week in January. Mid-Jan. Special Events Committee meets to organise the events for the winter term; prepares notice for Spring Luncheon to be emailed to members in February; liaise with Curriculum Committee re Facilitators’ Forum and the Membership Committee re Volunteers’ Luncheon; liaises with Communications re e-mailing members, posting notices on website and notice boards. The Walks Coordinator begins planning the spring and summer walks. Late Jan. Communications Committee meets to plan the March newsletter and to commission pieces to be submitted to the editor; the Committee arranges for the design of any other flyers to be posted online. The Committee starts to liaise with the Curriculum Committee for planning and producing the Calendar for the following academic year. Late Jan. Board meets; Assistant Treasurer requests Chairs to submit estimates of expenses in the coming year. FEBRUARY Early Feb. The President arranges a meeting with Knox College for the annual review of the Academy’s status. The meeting includes the Treasurer and Vice President. Early to mid Feb. Communications Committee approves the content of the March newsletter and it is posted online. The brochure for the Spring Talks is finalized and printed. Early Feb. Nominating Committee meets to review the slate of candidates for the vacant Board positions. Any candidates are contacted to find out if they are prepared to take on the job. Mid-Feb. Curriculum forwards final draft of Program, Alphabetical Listing and Two-Week Schedule to Communications Committee. Mid-Feb. Membership Committee meets to design registration form for the coming year; the form, including details of the data to be collected from each member who registers is put to the Board for approval at the March meeting. Mid-Feb. Past President undertakes an annual review and updating of the Administrative Manual, with the assistance of the Officers of the Board, the Committee Chairs and the website manager. Mid-Feb. Talks committee finalizes Spring Talks speakers and prepares the Spring Talks brochure. Mid Feb. Outreach committee reviews on-going initiatives and considers new ones as necessary. Late Feb. Board meets; Committee chairs submit budget requests for the coming year. Treasurer leads budget discussion. Member of the Board assigned to review material for the first pages of the Calendar. MARCH Early March Curriculum Committee arranges for an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Tech Subcommittee’s work supporting Facilitators and presenters. April 24, 2015 5 Early March Communications Committee completes final review of Calendar content, including introductory material, weekly schedule, week-at-a-glance. Material sent for production and posting, pending the approval of the board and the inclusion of the membership fee for the following year. Early March Talks Committee Spring Talks brochure proof-read and printed; distributed to class rooms for members and also to other later life learning groups; cheques secured for Spring Talks honoraria from the treasurer. Early March Talks Committee members assigned to follow up with the Spring Talks speakers confirming date and A-V requirements. Members assigned to check arrangements for each presentation (e.g. coat racks; boot mats; A-V equipment; reminders to welcoming/thanking speakers; honorarium to speakers); to consult Treasurer about float at reception table; to ask Volunteer Coordinator to find cashiers and greeters for each talk; to consult with Special Events Committee about refreshments; review back-up arrangements in the event a speaker does not show. Mid-March Special Events Committee hosts the Spring Luncheon; finalizes plans for the Volunteer Luncheon and meets to plan for the AGM Luncheon and begin plans for the following year. The Walks Coordinator has dates and descriptions of April, May and June walks posted on the Academy’s website. Mid-March Curriculum Committee finalizes the format of the Facilitators’ Forum. Invitations issued to Facilitators. Mid-March Deadline for Committee Chairs to submit candidate names for Vice Chair positions for their respective committees. Nominating Committee assesses proposed slate; contacts nominees to find out if they are prepared to stand. Late March Board meets; Board approves budget and sets fee for following year. Board approves content of Calendar. Possible report from Long Range Planning Group. APRIL Early April Communications Committee posts next season’s Calendar and Registration Procedures on the Academy’s website. Early April Term ends; Archivist and Assistant Secretary clear workshop files, retain attendance sheets for Curriculum Committee and select papers for archives; clear bulletin boards; store A-V equipment in locked room. Early April The Membership Committee makes a blank file based upon the workshops planned by the Curriculum Committee and the data to be collected from individual members in preparation to accept registrations for the coming year. Early April Outreach committee reviews year’s events and prepares future recommendations Mid-April Special Events Committee hosts the Volunteer Luncheon and meets again to assign responsibilities for the summer/fall picnics. Mid-April President and Secretary meet to develop the agenda, necessary motions (e.g. by-law changes), guest list and program for AGM. Mid-April Spring Talks start for six consecutive weeks. Committee Chair and Vice Chair monitor the arrangements and deal with any issues that develop at each of the Spring Talks. Academy Talks Committee makes all arrangements for the Spring Talks and monitors them (signage, desks manned; cash box and float; refreshments; etc.). Cash takings collected by Treasurer. Mid-April Board meets Late April Curriculum Committee hosts the Facilitators’ Forum in conjunction with the Volunteers’ Lunch. Vice Chair summarizes results for forwarding to all Facilitators. New Vice Chair selected. April 24, 2015 6 Late April Membership Committee conducts randomization of oversubscribed workshops and contacts those on waitlists. The Volunteer Coordinator welcomes New Members and collects their biographical information Late April Nominating Committee meets to finalize the slate of candidates for the vacant Board positions; Past President requests the candidates provide brief autobiographies to be assembled into a flyer that will be sent out with AGM material. MAY Early May Chair of the Nominating Committee sends an email to the membership publicizing the slate of nominees and inviting additional nominations. Early May Treasurer delivers Academy books to Auditor. Early May Assistant Secretary produces the List of Important Dates for next Academy year for Board approval. Early May Membership Committee confirms Workshop enrolment to members. Mid-May Secretary prepares material for the AGM: notice of meeting and the Agenda; minutes of previous AGM; any proposed by-law changes; names of all those proposed by the Nominating Committee to fill Board vacancies ("the Slate") with the biographies they have provided; any other flyers provided by the Communications Committee. Mid-May The Secretary arranges for e-mailing to members the material for the AGM [to arrive 10 working days before the date of the AGM]. Mid May Special Events Committee makes final arrangements for the AGM Luncheon. Chair begins negotiating contracts for venues for the upcoming year. The Walks Coordinator has dates and descriptions of the July walks posted on the Academy’s website. Late May Academy Talks Committee reviews the year’s work; drafts report to Board about the series and suggestions for next series; drafts letters for Academy President to sign thanking each speaker; drafts short report for AGM. Late May Secretary prepares agenda for June Board meeting [takes place immediately after AGM] and an orientation package for new members of the Board to be given them at the first Board meeting [By-law; budget for coming year; schedule for the incoming year of meetings, minutes of May meeting; expense claim forms]. Late May Board meets; review of financial statement and budget lead by the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. JUNE Early June Annual General Meeting; Outgoing President in the chair; President and Committee Chairs make brief reports; Treasurer presents the Auditors report, proposes that the report be accepted and moves reappointment of the Auditors for the coming year; election of new members to the Board. Early June Special Events Committee hosts the luncheon at the AGM. The Walks Coordinator has dates and descriptions of the August and September walks posted on the Academy’s website. April 24, 2015 7