Assessment Program - University of Louisville

Division of Student Affairs
2008-09 Annual Report
Department: VPSA/Divisional Assessment
Person Completing Report: Becky Clark
Date: July, 2009
1. Major Accomplishments (accomplishments from your department associated
with the Strategic Plans. These should also be accomplishments we can use to
promote your department and Student Affairs.
The Student Affairs Assessment Plan was developed and implemented the 2008/2009
academic year.
The needs of the Division regarding assessment currently fall into
three main areas:
GOAL 1. Conduct, evaluation, and implementation of departmental program reviews on
an ongoing, cyclical basis. The Division of Student Affairs has a thorough, existing cycle
for departmental program reviews completed by the Dean of Students and department
Directors (Refer to Appendix B for program review schedule). Therefore, new
assessment efforts during 2008-2010 will focus on the following two goals.
GOAL 2. Foster connections and better integrate Student Affairs outcomes with
University (I2A critical thinking) outcomes. Aligning goals at various university levels,
including those at the program, department, Student Affairs Division, and larger
institutional levels, presents an ongoing challenge. The present plan will specifically
address the link between Student Affairs department goals with the Ideas to Action
(I2A) Quality Enhancement Plan QEP) through the creation of a Collaborative Learning
Community (CLC) workgroup.
GOAL 3. Develop the overall assessment knowledge and skill base of Student Affairs
staff using the 13 content areas outlined by the ASK standards. Development of
knowledge, skills, and dispositions critical to the performance of meaningful and useful
higher education assessment is essential for Student Affairs staff. The present plan will
outline a series of educational workshops to develop these competencies.
Major Accomplishments:
(Tied to Department/Strategic Plan)
The Cardinal Learning Assessment Workshops (CLAWS) were designed as part of
the University of Louisville’s Division of Student Affairs Assessment Plan for
2008-2010. The CLAWS workshops were implemented to meet Goal 3 of the
assessment plan.
Workshop Series 45 in the fall and 2 in the spring
2. Staffing summary: (Changes, Updates, Challenges, Issues related to staffing in
your department )
General Statement: We will continue to employ the services of a Higher Education
doctoral intern to lead the learning outcome/assessment divisional initiative.
Specific Changes and Issues:
3. Top Goals for the Department/Program – Include specific goals your
department will be working on during 2009-2010. Goals should be in response
to items in the University and Student Affairs Strategic Planning documents.
General Statement: Implementation of the Student Affairs Assessment Plan will
continue on an ongoing basis.
Specific Goals for 2009-2010:
SA Departments will work together through a series of workshops and meetings
to develop one or more general learning outcomes for student employees. The
Ideas to Action assessment specialist, Dr. Cathy Bays, will assist the division in
developing, implementing, and measuring our divisional outcome for student
Learning rubrics and/or other measures will be developed and followed by
Measurement of at least one outcome for training of student employees will be
compiled and evaluated at the end of the academic year. (Goals 2 and 3) above.
Student Affairs departments will assess their effectiveness on a regular basis in
one of two ways:
o By engaging a committee consisting of faculty, staff, and students to
conduct a departmental self-assessment utilizing the CAS Professional
Standards for Higher Education; or
o By inviting a professional from outside the university with expertise in
their area to perform a review of outcomes, programs and services.
These reports are utilized to develop departmental goals and objectives
as well as to evaluate current outcomes, programs and services.
Student Affairs Departments scheduled for evaluation in 2009/10 are: t Afairs
Housing and Residence Life - Programs, Off Campus Student Services,
Recognized Student Organizations, Student Affairs VPSA, and Career
Development Center