Greater Latrobe School District Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher: Mrs. Ball Week of: April 28-May 2, 2013 Subject: Reading, English, Spelling, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health Level: 3 Plans are subject to change. Week’s Objectives Objective(s): Reading: lesson 26 making inferences Spelling: suffix -ion Grammar: irregular verbs Writing: Science: rocks and minerals Math: chapter 6 understand division Social Studies: geography review Health-character skills Monday Objective(s): Reading-The learner will understand use clues in the story to make inferences about the story. Spelling-The learner will understand suffixes –ition and –sion change the meaning and sometimes spelling of the base word. Grammar-The learner will practice using irregular verbs. Writing-The learner will use the writing process to select and publish a paper. Math-The learner will develop division patterns. Science-The learner will understand how we use rocks and minerals. Social Studies-The learner will practice map reading skills through a study of the Pacific Region of the United States. Health-The learner will collaborate with teams to practice for reader’s theater productions. Instructional Strategies: Whole Group Instruction/Modeling/Graphic Organizers/Paired Reading (9:00-9:25)- TLW will work on Morning work and read or write in centers (9:25-10:05) – small groups: follow 5 day planner for When Pigs Fly (11:25) Language Arts: Follow 5 day planner 1. spelling T 30 and go over pages for Word Work this week 2. vocabulary T 35 and start study guide section on vocabulary 3. make inferences T32-33 and start pb page 225 as you read story Read the story 5. Grammar- irregular verbs-T36 with trans 36 and grammar practice book (11:25-12:05) Encore (12:05-12:35) Lunch (12:35-1:05) Recess (1:05-1:45) - Core Extension - math extension-multiplication (1:45-3:50) Math- review chapter 5 lesson 5 word problems and chapter 5 test (3:05-3:45) Science/Social Studies/Health read aloud to introduce rock and mineral unit Homework: See Homework Page Assessments: Student observation/Completed center work Tuesday Objective(s): Reading-The learner will understand use clues in the story to make inferences about the story. Spelling-The learner will understand suffixes –ition and –sion change the meaning and sometimes spelling of the base word. Grammar-The learner will practice using irregular verbs. Writing-The learner will use the writing process to select and publish a paper. Math-The learner will develop division patterns. Science-The learner will understand how we use rocks and minerals. Social Studies-The learner will practice map reading skills through a study of the Pacific Region of the United States. Health-The learner will collaborate with teams to practice for reader’s theater productions. will collaborate with teams to practice for reader’s theater productions. Instructional Strategies: Whole Group Instruction/Modeling/Graphic Organizers/Paired Reading (9:00-9:25)- TLW will work on Morning work and read or write in centers (9:25-10:05) – small groups: small groups: follow 5 day planner for When Pigs Fly (11:15-11:25) Language Arts: Follow 5 day planner 1. spelling-T 40 with trans R 174 (in small groups) 2. vocabulary T 42-43 with book 298-299 *poetry for fluency whole group! Partner read the story 3. inferring with pb page 225 and “That New Animal” 4. Grammar- T 54 with gpb page 91 and writing directions (11:25-12:05) Encore (12:05-12:35) Lunch (12:35-1:05) Recess (1:05-1:45) - Core Extension -math extension multiplication (1:45-3:50) Math chapter 6 lesson 1-problem solving, model division (3:05-3:45) Science/Social Studies/Health begin rock and mineral study with kits and observation notebooks Homework: See Homework Page Assessments: Student observation/Completed center work Wednesday Objective(s): Reading-The learner will understand use clues in the story to make inferences about the story. Spelling-The learner will understand suffixes –ition and –sion change the meaning and sometimes spelling of the base word. Grammar-The learner will practice using irregular verbs. Writing-The learner will use the writing process to select and publish a paper. Math-The learner will develop division patterns. Science-The learner will understand how we use rocks and minerals. Social Studies-The learner will practice map reading skills through a study of the Pacific Region of the United States. Health-The learner will collaborate with teams to practice for reader’s theater productions. Instructional Strategies: (9:00-9:25)- TLW will work on Morning work and read or write in centers (9:25-10:05) – small groups: small groups: follow 5 day planner for When Pigs Fly (10:05-11:25) Language Arts 1. spelling –T 58 and 59 with Trans 176 in groups 2. vocabulary T 66-67 pb page 224 *paired reading 3. multiple meaning words T 69-69 with practice book page 226 5. grammar- T 70 with grammar page 92 (11:25 - 12:05) Encore (12:05-12:35) Lunch (12:35-1:05) Recess (1:05 -1:45) -Core Extension – math extension multiplication (1:45 - 3:05) – Math-chapter 6 lesson 2 size of equal groups (3:05-3:45) Science/Social Studies/Health continue rock study with rock and mineral kits and observation notebooks Assessments: Student observation/Completed center work Homework: See Homework Page Assessments: Student observation/Completed center work Thursday Objective(s): Reading-The learner will understand use clues in the story to make inferences about the story. Spelling-The learner will understand suffixes –ition and –sion change the meaning and sometimes spelling of the base word. Grammar-The learner will practice using irregular verbs. Writing-The learner will use the writing process to select and publish a paper. Math-The learner will develop division patterns. Science-The learner will understand how we use rocks and minerals. Social Studies-The learner will practice map reading skills through a study of the Pacific Region of the United States. Health-The learner will collaborate with teams to practice for reader’s theater productions. Instructional Strategies: Modeling/Whole Group Instruction/Explicit Instruction/Journal Writing (9:00-9:25)- TLW will work on Morning work and read or write in centers (9:25-10:05) – small groups: small groups: follow 5 day planner for When Pigs Fly (10:05-11:25) – Language Arts – follow 5 day planner 1. spelling- T 74-75 2. vocabulary T 80-81 3. inferences T77 “A Noise from the Barn” 4. grammar-T 82 gpb page 93 start lesson 26 test (11:25 - 12:05) Encore (12:05-12:35) Lunch (12:35-1:05) Recess (1:05 -1:45) -Core Extension – math extension-multiplication (1:45 - 3:05) - Math chapter 6 lesson 3-Number of Equal Groups (3:05-3:45) Science/Social Studies/Health continue rock study with rock and mineral kits and observation notebooks Assessments: Student observation/Completed center work Friday Objective(s): Reading-The learner will understand use clues in the story to make inferences about the story. Spelling-The learner will understand suffixes –ition and –sion change the meaning and sometimes spelling of the base word. Grammar-The learner will practice using irregular verbs. Writing-The learner will use the writing process to select and publish a paper. Math-The learner will develop division patterns. Science-The learner will understand how we use rocks and minerals. Social Studies-The learner will practice map reading skills through a study of the Pacific Region of the United States. Health-The learner will collaborate with teams to practice for reader’s theater productions. Instructional Strategies: Modeling/Whole Group Instruction/Explicit Instruction/Journal Writing (9:00-9:25)- TLW will work on Morning work and read or write in centers (9:25-10:05) – small groups: small groups: follow 5 day planner for When Pigs Fly (10:05-11:25) – Language Arts – review centers: focus on inferences, multiple-meaning words, homophones finish lesson 26 test spelling test (11:25 - 12:05) Encore (12:05-12:35) Lunch (12:35-1:05) Recess (1:05 -1:45) -Core Extension – math extension multiplication (1:45 - 3:05) - Math chapter 6 lesson 4-Model with Bar Models with Mid chapter checkpoint on Monday (3:05-3:45) Science/Social Studies/Health continue rock study with rock and mineral kits and observation notebooks Assessments: Student observation/Completed center work