Exercise 4: Simple operations on vector data

Exercise 10
UDP 422 Advanced GeoSpatial Analysis
Exercise 10: Accuracy Using Kappa
To review the role of accuracy and precision, and sources of error in the urban
Data needed:
file exc10.zip from the website
Files include:
1. exercise10.mxd
2. Land_cov_sm: Land cover data for a small area of Seattle.
3. Naip2006_sub_utm10n_nad27.img: Ortho photo for the same small area
of Seattle.
Note: All files are projected in UTM NAD 27. You will probably need to repair the data
source in exercise10.mxd!
Background and Definitions
In this exercise you will explore and analyze a small subset of a classified Landsat™
satellite image by measuring and interpreting error. You will learn how to calculate error
using an confusion matrix. This process allows you to calculate how accurately a
satellite image has been classified.
Definition of the Kappa Index
In this exercise, you learn how to calculate the Kappa Index, also known
as Cohen’s kappa, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement (how well
do two1 people/methods of/approaches to agree on land cover
This statistic acts as an indicator of the extent to which the percentages of
correct values from an confusion matrix or error matrix are due to “true”
agreement versus “chance” agreement. As true agreement approaches 1
and “chance” agreement approaches 0, k approaches 1 (the ideal case).
Importantly, kappa differs from (overall) accuracy. Overall accuracy is the
ratio of the sum of all correctly classified cells to the total (diagonal
elements of the confusion matrix divided by total). Kappa incorporates
instances where the two observers do not agree (the non-diagonal
elements of the confusion matrix) in addition to instances where they
For more than two, look at Fleiss kappa, a generalization of Scott’s pi (similar to but not the
same as Cohen’s kappa).
Exercise 10
UDP 422 Advanced GeoSpatial Analysis
Conceptually, κ can be defined as:
Note that there is disagreement about if or how well ‘chance agreement’ is
represented in this model2—but that is beyond the scope of this class!
Land Cover Class Description
A combination of urban materials and vegetation
Predominantly low- and mid-density residential
Surfaces with > 75% impermeable area
Includes high-density development, parking lots, streets,
and roof tops
Surface dominated by trees
Agricultural fields, golf courses, lawns, and regrowth after
Bare Soil Land that has been cleared, rocks, and sand
Clearcut Clearcut forest that has not had significant regrowth; very
dry grass
Lakes, reservoirs, and streams
You will use ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to do this exercise. Be sure that the Spatial
Analyst extension is checked in Tools > Extensions.
A: Creating the confusion matrix/ contingency table:
1. Open the ArcMap document exercise10.mxd
2. Note: when you open the ArcMap document you will need to set the data
source for each layer to the data sources you unzipped.
3. There are two data files included here, a subset of a land cover grid with
6 classes and an aerial photograph corresponding to the same area in
Seattle, WA3. Four sample grids have been drawn onto the land cover
using a 3 x 3 cell grid. They are labeled with numbers and correspond to
the four classes listed in Table 1: Mixed Urban, Paved Urban, Forest and
E.g.: http://www.john-uebersax.com/stat/kappa2.htm...
The western shore of Greenlake, to be precise.
Exercise 10
UDP 422 Advanced GeoSpatial Analysis
Water. We will use these sample units to check the classification
accuracy of the four classes. Notice that three classes - bare soil, grass,
and clearcuts- are being left out of our accuracy assessment because
there are no good locations to sample these cover types in this photo.
4. Starting with the Mixed Urban grid (top of map), zoom into the general
area and turn off the land cover layer. Be sure to zoom out far enough
to see the photo image clearly without it being too pixilated (about 1:2,000
works well).
5. Now look at the piece of the aerial photo visible within each of the nine
cells, and consider the definition of ‘mixed urban’ (“a combination of urban
materials and vegetation”). How many do you think should be classified
as mixed urban? If more than 50% of a grid cell matches your
assessment of mixed urban, then count that grid cell as truly mixed urban.
On the other hand, if more than 50% looks like another land cover type
(water, paved, forest), then count that grid cell as one of these other land
Enter your estimated counts for each class under the Mixed Urban
column of the matrix below (Table 2). The Sum of the column should
equal 9 because we have 9 sub-sample units per class sample.
6. Do the same for the following 3 classes: Paved, Forest, and Water. Count
the pixels by class and record the sums in the Confusion matrix.
Confusion Matrix:
Predicted Class
Mixed Urban
Forest Water
Total (Σ)
Actual Class
(from image)
Mixed Urban
Total (Σ)
Q1: Fill out the above Confusion Matrix.
Q2: Calculate total number of correct pixels. Total number of correct
pixels is the sum of elements along the major diagonal (grey cells). From
this, calculate the overall accuracy by dividing the total correct pixels
(sum of the diagonal) by the total number of pixels which is 36 (4 sample
units * 9 sub-samples).
Exercise 10
UDP 422 Advanced GeoSpatial Analysis
Q3: For one of the cells you classified differently than the computer did,
take a screenshot and briefly explain why you chose to classify it the way
you did. If you didn’t classify any cells differently than the computer,
briefly explain your reasoning. If there are some cells that appear to be
grass/crops/shrubs (which are not options in the confusion matrix), how
did you classify these? Why?
Q4: The User’s (Consumer’s) Accuracy are errors of commission
(including a pixel in the predicted classification when it should be
excluded), calculated by dividing the # of pixels correctly identified in a
class by the total number predicted to be in that class. Producer’s
Accuracy are errors of omission (excluding a pixel that should have been
included in the predicted classification), calculated by dividing the # of
pixels correctly classified as a class by the number that should be in that
class, as determined by your analysis of the image. A great resource is
available here:
Calculate both the User’s Accuracy and the Producer’s Accuracy for each
class and write these numbers either in the table, or summarize them
below. Please present your answer for both the Producer’s and
User’s accuracy as a fraction (2/14) and a decimal (e.g. 0.298).
Predicted Class
Mixed Urban
Forest Water
Total (Σ)
Actual Class
(from image)
Mixed Urban
Total (Σ)
User’s Accuracy
Exercise 10
UDP 422 Advanced GeoSpatial Analysis
B: Calculate the Kappa Index:
Table 3: Confusion matrix comparing image referenced class to computer-based
classification (Note: this is different data than the confusion matrix you generated earlier)
Mixed Urban
Predicted Class
Mixed Urban
Total (Σ)
Total (Σ)
We can calculate κ using this information. This will require you to calculate the
expected cell frequencies (expected agreement) and compare it with the
observed agreement. The table above is the observed agreement. To calculate
the expected agreement, you need to calculate the probability that they would
either both classify a cell as ‘mixed urban’ randomly or that they would both
classify a cell as ‘paved urban’ randomly. Each of these can (separately) be
calculated by:
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠
Where [predicted class] is either Mixed Urban or Paved. Summing these
estimates will give the probability of random agreement. This can be generalized
to include more than two classes (so you could calculate the kappa for 4+
classes such as for the confusion matrix you generated), but we’re keeping it
simple here so you can see the basic idea behind the kappa statistic.
Please see these websites for more help:
Q5: Calculate the overall accuracy (observed agreement) and the Kappa Index
for the data in Table 3. Please show your work (e.g. write out how you calculated
the probability of random agreement).
Is the total Kappa coefficient above or below the overall accuracy?
Answer questions for highlighted questions 1-5. Submit your assignment March 13,