(05) - Cross Site Request Forgeries

Cross Site Attacks
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack occurs when a malicious user inserts code into a web-page
that a user trusts.
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) occurs when a malicious web site causes a user’s web
browser to execute an unwanted action on a trusted site.
The HTML <img> Tag
Insert an image into an HTML document.
<img src="http://foo.bar/someImage.gif">
This instructs the browser to (silently) download an image using request:
GET http://foo.bar/someImage.gif HTTP/1.1
The <img > tag causes an HTTP GET request by the browser regardless of the value of the
given URL.
The browser does not know beforehand whether the URL is a gif, jpg or something else. It
needs to load/GET it into the browser in order to determine this. After all, the image could
be generated by some program.
<img src="http://foo.bar/getCurrentImage.php">
Alice is authorised to Access the foo.bar Website
Suppose that foo.bar provides an application that can be used to set the current image. For
example, Alice requests:
GET http://foo.bar/setCurrentImage.php?imageID=1234
in order to set the current image to the image 1234.
Suppose that website uses HTTP Basic authentication to control who may access/set the
image and Alice has access to the website.
Malicious Mike does not have access but would like to change the current image to 5678.
He needs to trick Alice into submitting the HTTP request:
GET http://foo.bar/setCurrentImage.php?imageID=5678
Authorization: Basic ...... (Alice’s credentials)
Malicious Mike is not authorised to Access foo.bar
Suppose that Malicious Mike owns the website evil.com and the web-page index.html on
this site includes
<img src="http://foo.bar/setCurrentImage.php?imageID=5678">
Alice visits evil.com/index.html and the image tag causes Alice’s browser to silently perform
GET http://foo.bar/setCurrentImage.php?imageID=5678
Note that we assume here that Alice has configured her browser to ’remember’ her
userid/password from some previous visit to the foo.bar website and that the browser does
not prompt her to confirm entry.
CSRF and Same Origin Security Policy
A Cross Site Request Forgery occurs when an attacker can get a victim to perform an
unwanted action on another site (where the victim holds the authorization to carry out the
A CSRF attack attempts to exploit authorizations that the victim already holds. If the user
has logged on to a web-site (and holds session authentication cookies) then the attacker will
try to get the user to carry out an action that is authenticated by those cookies.
The same origin policy was designed to prevent an attacker from accessing data on a third
party site. The policy does not prevent requests from being sent, it only prevents an attack
from reading the data returned from the third party server.
Since CSRF attacks are the result of the requests sent then the same origin policy does not
protect against a CSRF attack.
More CSRF Attacks
There have been many examples of CSRF based exploits. These include,
 CSRF vulnerability on ingdirect.com (2008, online banking) whereby an attacker can
transfer money out of a victim’s online bank account. For example,
<img src=http://www.mybank.com/transfer.do?
 YouTube.com (2007), whereby an attacker can add videos to the victim’s account,
add himself to the friend/family groups of the victim, share victim’s contacts, flag
videos, etc.
 Making changes to home DSL routers (2006). Even if the victim doesn’t know that he
can congure his router!
Attacker website uses CSRF with default userid/password for router:
<img src=http://admin:password@> and then re-configures, for
example to change the DNS,
<img src=
Strategy to Help Avoid CSRF Attack?
You want to force users to use your own forms when submitting data to your website.
Problem with the above attacks is that the websites allowed GETs whereby the data can be
provided in the URL as parameter.
Any data that is going to be acted upon by a website should be submitted via a POST.
 Forms should use POST.
 Your PHP script should use $ POST and not $ REQUEST in the form processing logic.
This still won’t work!
The attacker can create an HTML page that includes a POST form with hidden fields for all of
the relevant parameters required for the attack and has its target set to the vulnerable URL.
JavaScript (or Flash) is used to automatically submit the form when the exploit is loaded.
Cookies Alone Won’t Prevent CSRFs
If a web-application relies solely on HTTP cookies as its mechanism for transmitting session
tokens then it is still at risk from this attack.
Cookies, even the secret ones, will be submitted with every request. All authentication
tokens will be submitted regardless of whether or not the end-user was tricked into
submitting the request.
Session identifiers are simply used by the application container to associate the request with
a specific session object. The session identifier does not verify that the end-user intended to
submit the request.
Preventing CSRF Attacks Using Synchronizer Tokens
The strategy to avoid CSRF is for the application to include a synchronizer token in the HTML
form. This is a secure random value that is stored in a hidden field in the form (often called
CSRFToken). Every request for the form yields a different value embedded in the form and
the attacker cannot guess the the value in a form presented to another user.
<form action="/transfer.do" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="CSRFToken"
When data, presumably from this form, is submitted to the application then the application
must look for and check that the synchronizer token is the value expected.
This interaction is simple form of challenge-response protocol whereby the application
expects to see its challenge embedded in the form as part of the response from a client.
We must be careful how we implement the synchronizer tokens.
For example, a naive implementation might maintain a list of issued synchronizer tokens in
the application:
 Check that token in a POST is on this list,
 List will become very large unless we only keep track of recently issued tokens, and
let older tokens expire.
 Need to relate the token to the session, otherwise a malicious user could first
request a form in order to obtain a valid and fresh token which is then used in a CSRF
involving the form.
But this places a burden (state) on the application. A better strategy is to make it stateless
by also ‘embedding’ the synchronizer within the session cookie. On receiving the HTTP
request the application then checks that the token provided in the form matches the value
embedded in the cookie.
The attacker will need to know the cookie value in order to construct a valid looking request
and carry out the CSRF attack.
Implementing the CSRF Synchronizer in PHP
We modify the setCurrentImage form to include a hidden CSRFTokenc field with a randomly
generated value. This token is unique to and is stored in the user’s session. (weaker token is
md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)))
$CSRFToken = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32,True);
$_SESSION[’CSRFToken’] = $CSRFToken;
$_SESSION[’token_time’] = time();
<form action="setCurrentImage.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="CSRFToken" value="<?php echo $CSRFToken; ?>" />
Symbol: <input type="imageID" name="imageID" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Set" />
Application setCurrentImage.php can now check a request for the correct token.
if ($_POST[’CSRFToken’] == $_SESSION[’CSRFToken’] &&
time() - $_SESSION[’token_time’] <= 300) {
// valid request via the form that was recently
// issued to the user in this session
This strategy works so long as the attacker cannot discover the session cookies and
synchronizer token transmitted to/from the user/application.
Avoiding CSRF
At the Server:
 Allow GET requests to only retrieve data, not modify any data on the server. This
protects sites from CSRF attacks using <img > tags or other type of GET requests.
 Require all POST requests to include a synchronizer token.
 If really critical, use CAPTCHAs, ...
At the Client:
 Logoff immediately after using a Web application
 Do not allow your browser to save username/passwords, and do not allow sites to
remember your login
 Do not use the same browser session to access sensitive applications and to surf the
Internet freely (tabbed browsing).
 The use of plugins such as No-Script makes POST based CSRF vulnerabilities difficult
to exploit.