California Directory &Trust Services Interface

California Directory &Trust Services Interface Specification V.3.0
California Directory &Trust Services Interface Specification
This specification defines the California Directory & Trust Services (D&TS) interfaces
1. The interface through which D&TS will receive provider directory queries and from which D&TS will send provider directory responses.
2. The interface through which D&TS will send queries to provider directories and from which D&TS will receive provider directory
This document will be referred to as the D&TS Interface Specification throughout this document.
Revision History
Revision Number
Revision Date
Summary of Changes
Changed comment for searchRequest dn in example DSMLV2 D&TS Request
with comments message
R. Lutolf
1. Provider Directory Query and Response. ONC Electronic Service Information Workgroup
2. IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement, Healthcare Provider Directory (HPD) Trial Implementation. August 31, 2012.
With CP-ITI-601-04-Aug2012 and CP-ITI-616-02-in Aug2012
3. Directory Services Markup Language v2.0 December 18, 2001, OASIS Std April 30, 2002
This D&TS Interface Specification should be used in conjunction with the referenced documents. The D&TS Interface Specification supplements
the references in that it provides clarifications or identifies options that should be selected for D&TS where the references identify options. The
D&TS Interface Specification does not contradict the references.
Last Updated 12/3/2012
California Directory &Trust Services Interface Specification V.3.0
Interface Standards
D&TS will comply with the following standards
Standard Technology
SOAP 1.2 over HTTPS
TLS 1.0 with Mutual Authentication
TLS 1.0 with Mutual Authentication
ONC S&I Framework Find Individual and Find
DSML v2.0
HPD Plus recommended for D&TS Data Sources
Requester Identity Validation
Message Integrity and Confidentiality
Requests/Responses Supported
Request/Response Structure
Directory Implementation
Reference Clarifications
ONC Electronic Service Information Workgroup Documents Reference 1
For the Western States Consortium Pilot, D&TS will accept “Find Individual” queries. D&TS will return “Find Individual” responses.
For the California Pilot, D&TS will accept Find Individual” and “Find Organization” queries and return “Find Individual” and “Find Organization”
Directory Services Markup Language Reference 3
The DSML V2 Specification references several Requests for Comment (RFC). These RFCs contain information necessary to create compliant
requests (queries) and parse compliant responses. There have been no clarifications identified for the RFCs.
Section 2 - Design Approach – DSMLV2 defines two normative bindings. The SOAP request/response binding as defined in section 6 will be
Section 4 Top Level Structure Request Response Association. - DSML V2 has a requestID as an optional attribute. D&TS requires a requestID so
that audit log entries can be associated with a query or response.
Section 4 Top Level Structure Request Response Association. - D&TS will only accept messages that contain one searchRequest.
Last Updated 12/3/2012
California Directory &Trust Services Interface Specification V.3.0
Section 5 LDAP Operations – D&TS will only accept and generate messages that contain zero control elements.
Section 5 LDAP Operations – DSML V2 has matchedDN as an optional attribute. In D&TS, matchedDN is a required attribute.
Section 5 LDAP Operations 5.1 Auth – D&TS will not accept and generate messages that contain an authRequest.
Section 6 SOAP Request/Response Binding – Does not specify any SOAP headers. D&TS requires a SOAP Header with a required Requester
attribute. See attached example SOAP Header .
Example DSML V2 Messages
This section contains commented batchRequest and batchResponse messages. These messages were created from the DSML V2 Schema
contained in Reference 3. It also contains a SOAP Header for the messages.
Example DSMLV2 D&TS Request with comments
Example DSMLV2 D&TS Response with comments
Example SOAP Header
SOAP Envelope.xml
Last Updated 12/3/2012