Unit 1 Week 6 Day 5

Unit 1 Week 6 Day 5: Animal Park
Animals, Tame and Wild
High Frequency: home, into, many, them
Comprehension: Cause and Effect
Grammar: Questions
Vocabulary (Amazing Words): desert, forest, world, surf, beneath, snug, native, reserve
(Selection Words): park, elephants, zebras, hippos
Review and
(Amazing Words:
beneath, snug,
native, reserve)
Yesterday we made sentences with some of the Amazing Words we learned this week.
We need to make sentences with the rest of our new Amazing Words.
The first word is beneath.
Beneath means under.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, beneath.
I’ll go first. “The paper is beneath the book.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“____ is beneath ____.”
Another word is snug.
Snug means cozy and safe.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, observe.
I’ll go first. “I feel snug in my bed.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“I feel snug in _____.”
Another word is native.
Native means from a certain place.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, native.
I’ll go first. “She is a native of Idaho.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“I am a native of _______.”
ELL Reader
Another word is reserve.
A reserve is a place set aside for special use.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, gentle.
I’ll go first. “An elephant lives on the animal reserve.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“A _____ lives on the animal reserve.”
ELL Reader 1.1.6 Animals of Africa
ELL Readers Teaching Guide Page 11-12
Yesterday we read about animals that live in Africa.
Do you remember what animals were in the story? (Encourage children to look through
the pictures in the book to remember what happened in the story.)
Read the Book - Read the story with the children. Have children take turns reading each
page, or have the children echo read. (The teacher reads one sentence and children
repeat what was read while following the words with their fingers.)
Unit 1 Week 6 Day 5: Animal Park
Animals, Tame and Wild
Write a sentence that tells about an animal from Africa.
Give a sentence starter if needed. “A ____ lives in Africa.”
Encourage children to read their sentences to each other.