SCHOLARSHIPS MARCH 2015 HS, Alumni - Google’s Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) – The Generation Google Scholarship was established to help aspiring computer scientists excel in technology and become leaders in the field. Selected students will receive $10,000 USD (for those studying in the US) or $5,000 CAD (for those studying in Canada) for the 2015-2016 school year. As part of the scholarship, current high school seniors who are entering their first year of university in 2015-2016 will be required to attend in the summer of 2015. Current undergraduate or graduate students will be invited to attend the Google Scholars’ Retreat in the summer of 2015. Deadline: March 5th, 2015, Website: o HS- Education Consortium of Central Los Angeles California Retired Teachers Association Carmen Terrazas Memorial Scholarship 3 scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to selected 12th grade applicants. Eligibility: Must currently be in the 12th grade, must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, enrolled in a high school located within the ECCLA service area boundaries of Olympic Blvd., Slauson Ave., Crenshaw Blvd., and Alameda St. (List of schools can be found on website. Deadline: March 9th, 2015 Website: o MS, HS – Education Consortium of Central Los Angeles Scholarship- A scholarship of $500 dollars will be awarded to one selected applicant from each grade level. Eligibility: Must currently be in 8th–11th grade, Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, Enrolled in a high school located within the ECCLA service area boundaries of Olympic Blvd., Slauson Ave., Crenshaw Blvd., and Alameda St. (List of schools can be found on website. Deadline: March 9, 2015, Website: MS, HS – 2015 Student Safety Awareness Safety Art Contest- The Student Safety Awareness Art Contest promotes importance of workplace safety and the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) profession. The contest is open to children ages 5-12. Group 3 (Ages 9-10), Group 4 (Ages 11-12), Judging Winning art work will be selected based on how well the artist expresses “Workplace Safety” in his/her poster. Contest Winners The winners will be announced on or before the week of April 6th. Contest Prizes, First Place: $1000 (USD) Second Place: $500 (USD) Third Place: $250 (USD). Deadline: March 15th, 2015, Website: HS, African-American/Black Descent – Toyota Teen Drive 365 Video Challenge- The Toyota TeenDrive365 Video Challenge is an annual contest hosted by Discovery Education and Toyota that challenges teens to create a 60-90 second video that demonstrates the importance of safer teen driving. This year’s challenge is now open and submissions will be accepted through March 16, 2015.Beginning April 1, a panel of judges will select the top three finalists to win a variety of prizes with the grand prize being a $15,000 scholarship and the opportunity to have the winning video re-shot by a Discovery film crew. This year, the general public will have the chance to vote on the video they feel is the best idea for making teens safer drivers. Public voting will begin on April 16th and will end April 30th.The winning entry will be honored with the “People’s Choice” award. Grab your camera and seat belt, and get started on your PSA. Register for the challenge today! Deadline: March 16, 2015, Website: AB540 HS, Alum- The Dream US National Scholarship- Provides college scholarships to highly motivated DREAMers who, without financial aid, cannot afford a college education that will enable them to participate in the American workforce. We partner with quality colleges that focus on college completion and make a commitment to provide comprehensive student support services to TheDream.US Scholars attending their institutions. TheDream.US awards scholarships for tuition and fees to DREAMers who have demonstrated financial need, academic achievement, and a high motivation to succeed and are accepted to attend one of our partner colleges. For more information on our partner colleges, click here. Be a first time college student (with less than 12 college credits unless those credits were earned in high school) applying to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program at one of TheDream.US OR have graduated from a U.S. based high school with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 (2.5/4.0) or higher. The Scholarship Award is up to $12,500 for tuition, fees, and books for an associate degree, and up to $25,000 for tuition, fees, and books for a bachelor degree. Deadline: March 17th, 2015. Website: HS, Alumni - What Makes Your School Rock? - If you are a teenager (14 – 19 yrs. old), we want to hear why your school ROCKS! We've asked students what they would like to change about their high school and how they would change it. We listened to their issues and now it's time to provide successful solutions on what is currently working in high schools across the nation. Here is your chance to help influence other schools and students across the nation! You have the power to make real positive change, just enter this contest and help make a difference. Click the link below and be part of a movement that will shed light on what successful programs are working in your school that you're proud of! Remember, it only takes one small voice to make a huge difference! First prize $800. Deadline: March 16th, 2015, Website: SCHOLARSHIPS MARCH 2015 MS, HS- Anthem Essay Contest- Ayn Rand’s novels are inspiring and intellectually challenging. But they can also be financially rewarding for high school and college students. FIRST PRIZE: $2,000, 5 SECOND PRIZES: $500, 10 THIRD PRIZES: $200, 45 FINALISTS: $50, 175 SEMIFINALISTS: $30. Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Anthem. Deadline March 20, 2015. Website: MS, HS- Art Competition 37th District- Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. Since the competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated. Students submit entries to their representative’s office, and panels of district artists select the winning entries. Students may submit painting, drawing, prints, mixed media, collage, computer generated art or photography. Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, DC. Winners receive two tickets for themselves and a chaperone to attend the awards ceremony held early in June. The winning works are displayed for one year at the U.S. Capitol. Must reside in 37 th congressional district. Deadline: March 27th, 2015. Website: MS, HS, Alum- Peace First Prize- The Peace First Prize celebrates peacemakers who have taken action to address injustice in their schools, neighborhoods, and communities. Peacemaking demands compassion (understanding other people),courage (taking risks to help others) and collaborative change (engaging others) to create justice, fairness, and peace where it didn't exist before. We're looking for young people and peacemaking projects that meet the following selection criteria: Deadline: March 30th, 2015. Website: Alumni- Millennium Momentum Foundation, Inc. is offering scholarships valued at $3,000.00 each for the 2013-2014 academic school year. Recipients will be “conditionally selected” based upon information provided in their scholarship application on the basis of academic merit, financial need, demonstrated leadership potential, and commitment to community reinvestment. Must have a 3.0 GPA, U.S. citizen, minority, must be pursuing a career in a public service related field. Deadline May 31st, 2015. Website: MS, HS,- Super Power Scholarship- Have you ever wondered where you’d go if you could fly around downtown? Or maybe you daydream of secretly taking over the world – to each his own. For all of those hero lovers and villain enthusiasts, this super scholarship can give you the power to win free college money. Use your imagination and become the superhero, or perhaps supervillain, you’ve always wanted to be. Would you live a life in a comic book universe or use your powers here in the real world? We want to know how you would use your super powers for good, or bad, even if it was just for the day. While we can’t give you the ability to walk through walls or read minds, our Superpower Scholarship can help increase your brainpower with $2,500 to use towards education.. Deadline: March 31st, 2015. Website: HS- Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship- The Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in October 2001 by the husband (Abraham) and family members of the late Janice Marie Scott (nee: Holmes) to honor her legacy as a tremendous advocate for youth and a dedicated supporter of community service within the Greater Metropolitan Area of Washington, DC. Mrs. Scott was one of the 125 individuals who perished in Pentagon on September 11, 2001 when terrorists crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the building of the Pentagon. About 3 to 5 $2,500 scholarships will be awarded. Deadline: March 31st, 2015. Website: unavailable, see counselor for application information Alumni- Mass Mutual Scholars- A national scholarship program for high achieving college students interested in pursuing careers in the insurance and financial services industry. For entering sophomore or higher college students. 3.0GPA minimum required with preference given to students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the insurance and financial services industry, leadership and extracurricular activities, must show proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency. A total of $150,000 in scholarships will be awarded, with students receiving $2,000 or $5,000 respectively. Deadline: March 31st, 2015. Website: SCHOLARSHIPS APRIL 2015 HS – American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship Program- Automatic fire sprinklers save lives and property. We cannot say it enough. We all know what happens when sprinklers aren’t present – a building catches on fire and we wait for the fire department to put it out. But what happens when fire sprinklers are present? That’s what we want you to find out and that’s what these contests are all about. 10 $2,000 scholarships will be awarded along with 5 $1,000 scholarships. Deadline April 1, 2015. Website: o HS – Penguin Putnam Incoporated’s Annual Signet Classic Scholarship Essay Contest- Brought to you by Penguin Putnam Incorporated, the Annual Signet Classic Scholarship Essay Contest is open to high school juniors and seniors. This year’s essay competition is based on the book, “Pygmalion and My Fair Lady.” You must write an essay on one of six selected topics listed on the Web site to be considered for this award. Deadline April 14, 2015. Website: HS,- DREAMS Scholarship-This scholarship is open to students receiving special education support through an individualized education plan (I.E.P.) who graduate high school with a diploma or certificate of completion in 2015 and have been accepted and enrolled in one of the following accredited environments: Community College, University or College, Vocational or Trade School or Apprentice Program. It is the intention of the scholarship committee to award at least one $2500.00 scholarship to students in the Los Angeles areas. Students should see their Counselor for application instructions. Deadline April 15, 2015. Website: HS, African-American/Black Descent – Eclipse Scholarship- Requirements: African-American/Black descent Minimum 2.0 GPA, Submit a typed essay (1-2 pages) discussing personal background and college and career goals. Include a challenge you have faced or overcome and why you deserve the scholarship. Submit a faculty letter of recommendation discussing character, motivation, intellect, and leadership. Submit a letter of acceptance to a 4-year college or university. Ten $1,000 scholarships will be provided. Deadline: April 18, 2015, Website:!scholarship-application/cjp8 MS, HS- “What Makes a Great Teacher” Essay Contest- Students ages (14-19 yrs old) are asked to write an essay (500 words or less, title will not be included in word total) on their opinion of what makes a great teacher. Energize Students is looking for entries that describe what students are looking for in a great teacher that helps to motivate them to excel in school and personal life. If students could have their dream teacher in high school, what characteristics go above and beyond an average teacher? This is your opportunity to support your favorite submissions with 1st place $800, 2nd place $500 and 3rd place $300 from Energize Students. Deadline TBD 2015. Website: HS- The Fountainhead Essay Contest Information- Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of The Fountainhead. Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works. To ensure the anonymity of our participants, essay cover sheets are removed after the first round. Winners’ names are unknown to judges until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized. The Ayn Rand Institute checks essays with Ithenticate plagiarism detection software. Frist Prize $10,000 5 Second Prizes $2,000, 10 Third Prizes $1,000, 45 Finalists $100 and 175 Semifinalists $50. Deadline: April 26th, 2015. Website MS, HS,- All About Education Scholarship- It’s often been said that “education is the key to success.” What doors could your educational “key” open? It’s not cheap to get a college degree, and many college-bound students see a shut door for education. We’re here to help open it again. School can get expensive, so we want to know how winning a $3,000 All About Education Scholarship could help make a difference in your life. Will it ease the burden of student loans? Will it offer you the opportunity to pursue a dream? Will it help you inspire others to work towards their own goals? Education can truly change a person’s life – and this scholarship just might be that first step. Let us know why winning a scholarship for education matters to you. Deadline: April 30th, 2015. Website: HS, Alumni- SCAG Scholarship Program- The SCAG Scholarship Program is designed to offer local government and planning experience that students can use to develop long-term career goals. The Scholarship will provide a $4,000 scholarship award for seven high school or community college students from the SCAG region (and potentially an additional eighth scholarship award that is not tied to a specific county, but could be awarded at the Committee’s discretion) and a two-week internship with a local planning agency, council of governments, or SCAG. Recipients will also have an opportunity to meet with their local government representatives and practicing planners to discuss the importance of urban planning and a future career in public service. Deadline: April 30th, 2015. Website: SCHOLARSHIPS MAY 2015 HS- Nordstrom Scholarship Program is excited to award $10,000 scholarships to 80 outstanding high school students to help them achieve their dreams of going to college. The Nordstrom Scholarship recognizes students across the country for their exceptional scholastic achievement and community involvement. Check out our video to see recent winners! May 1st, 2015. Website: HS- Matters of Life & Death Scholarship- The goals of the Matters of Life & Death Scholarship Writing Contest are to help California students develop awareness of the issues surrounding aid in dying and to financially assist college-bound scholars. To participate in the Matters of Life & Death Scholarship Writing Contest you must meet the following requirements: Currently attending a California high school (or home-school), Currently a high school junior or senior, Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited college in the United States, and United States citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States. Awards $1,000 for First Place, $500 for Second Place, and $250 for Third Place. Deadline May 1st, 2015. Website: HS- CBC Education Scholarship- Since its inception, the Education Scholarship Fund has experienced substantial growth. The CBC Spouses Education Scholarship is a national program that awards scholarships to academically talented and highly motivated students who intend to pursue or are already pursuing full-time undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degrees. Recipients for this program are selected through volunteers in the district offices of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The District Agent works with the CBC Member or CBC Spouse and local scholarship committees. Students must reside in the 37th Congressional District. Deadline: May 22nd, 2015. Website: HS (11-12), Alum- B. Davis Scholarship- The generosity of our site sponsors have allowed us to offer a scholarship to help the students who visit our site. Award $1,000 to high school Juniors and Seniors. Deadline: May 25, 2015. Website: o HS- GreenPal Lawncare Annual Business Scholarship. GreenPal Lawncare is accepting applications for the annual GreenPal Small Business Scholarship to assist a motivated, driven student and future business leader. One applicant will be chosen each year to receive a scholarship award of $2,000 paid equally over (four) semesters. This scholarship will be renewed each year with a new winner. The program is open to any graduating high school senior, college freshman, or sophomore who owns and operates his/her own small business, or has put together a business plan to start a business while in college. Additionally, applicants must be in a graduating high School's senior class in 2014 or currently enrolled in a college of business with a 3.0 or higher GPA; applicant must demonstrate high ambition and desire to be an entrepreneur or business owner, have a declared major in a college of business. To obtain additional information and an application. Deadline: May 30th, 2015. Website: MS, HS,- Fifth Month Scholarship- One is the loneliest number. Three is a crowd. Then there is five. What’s so special about five? Well, for starters, this lucky number could help you win a $1,500 scholarship. It would take more than just one hand to count all the reasons why the number five is important – and we want to know what you think! What is it about the number five that’s so significant to you? One great reason for is that May is the fifth month – which just so happens to be a great time to apply for fun scholarships. Help us bring awareness to the fifth month and the number five. We’re awarding one $1,500 scholarship to a lucky student – and an endless supply of high fives. Deadline: May 31st, 2015. Website: HS- Do Over Scholarship- Mistakes – we’ve all made them. Too bad life doesn’t always give you a mulligan. Or does it? What if you had the chance to “do-over” a moment in your life? What would it be? How would it affect you and your future? What we learn from our mistakes can often be invaluable – but we’re here to help put a price to it. While we can’t undo the past, this fun scholarship is available to students looking for a unique way to earn free college money. Our Do-Over Scholarship will award $1,500 to one lucky applicant. Don’t let “applying for this scholarship” be that do-over moment for you! Deadline: June 30th, 2015. Website: HS- Flavor of the Month Scholarship- Winning scholarships can be sweet – especially with this special à la mode award for scholarship seekers who love ice cream. Are you simple and sweet like vanilla, classic yet unpredictable like chocolate chip, or a little nutty like pistachio? Whatever the flavor or reasons may be, we want to know what ice cream flavor best reflects your personality and why. July is National Ice Cream Month, and we need a little help picking out a “Flavor of the Month” for our famous ice cream scholarship. Tell us all about your ice cream flavor, and you could scoop up a sweet $1,500 scholarship. Deadline: July 31st, 2015. Website: SCHOLARSHIPS MAY 2015 o HS- College Sports Recruiting Scholarship- Sports is a more than wins and losses and while we are committed to helping athletes find opportunities to play sports at the college level, we believe the most important thing is getting a college education. As an organization we are proud to award a $1,000 scholarship to a college student who best represents a true leader in sports and life. We encourage all current or future college students who competed in a sport at the high school level to apply for the College Sports Recruiting Scholarship. The winner will be selected by the CSS Recruiting Scholarship Committee. Deadline: July 1st, 2015. Website: HS, Alumni- Leaders Save Lives Scholarship Program- We are giving away $14,000 in scholarships! Would you like to develop and demonstrate your leadership ability? Want to develop planning skills while working with the largest humanitarian network in the world? And could you use college scholarship money? If you answered yes to any of these, then the American Red Cross has a great opportunity for you. By hosting a blood drive one of these 100 days of summer, you are helping ensure a stable blood supply exists. Leaders Save Lives is a scholarship opportunity for high school and college students. Students will gain a meaningful leadership and community service experience. In addition, students may become eligible to win a college scholarship and earn a gift card from! Deadline: July 31st, 2015. Website: