Referanser kronikk av Hilde Ryland

Berntsson LT, Kohler L: Long-term illness and psychosomatic complaints in children aged 217 years in the five Nordic countries. Comparison between 1984 and 1996. Eur J Public
Health 2001, 11(1):35-42.
van der Lee JH, Mokkink LB, Grootenhuis MA, Heymans HS, Offringa M: Definitions and
measurement of chronic health conditions in childhood: a systematic review. JAMA 2007,
Newacheck PW, Taylor WR: Childhood chronic illness: prevalence, severity, and impact. Am
J Public Health 1992, 82(3):364-371.
Hysing M, Elgen I, Gillberg C, Lie SA, Lundervold AJ: Chronic physical illness and mental
health in children. Results from a large-scale population study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry
2007, 48(8):785-792.
Hysing M, Elgen I, Gillberg C, Lundervold AJ: Emotional and behavioural problems in
subgroups of children with chronic illness: results from a large-scale population study. Child
Care Health Dev 2009, 35(4):527-533.
Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Stormark KM, Elgen I, Lundervold AJ: Sleep in children with chronic
illness, and the relation to emotional and behavioral problems--a population-based study. J
Pediatr Psychol 2009, 34(6):665-670.
Wallander JL, Varni JW: Effects of pediatric chronic physical disorders on child and family
adjustment. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1998, 39(1):29-46.
Schanberg LE, Anthony KK, Gil KM, Maurin EC: Daily pain and symptoms in children with
polyarticular arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2003, 48(5):1390-1397.
Ryland HK, Hysing M, Posserud MB, Gillberg C, Lundervold AJ: Autism spectrum symptoms in
children with neurological disorders. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health 2012, 6(1):34.
Ryland HK, Lundervold AJ, Elgen I, Hysing M: Is there a protective effect of normal to high
intellectual function on mental health in children with chronic illness? Child Adolesc
Psychiatry Ment Health 2010, 4:3.
Hanssen-Bauer K, Heyerdahl S, Eriksson AS: Mental health problems in children and
adolescents referred to a national epilepsy center. Epilepsy Behav 2007, 10(2):255-262.
Glazebrook C, Hollis C, Heussler H, Goodman R, Coates L: Detecting emotional and
behavioural problems in paediatric clinics. Child Care Health Dev 2003, 29(2):141-149.
Cadman D, Boyle M, Szatmari P, Offord DR: Chronic illness, disability, and mental and social
well-being: findings of the Ontario Child Health Study. Pediatrics 1987, 79(5):805-813.
Briggs-Gowan MJ, Horwitz SM, Schwab-Stone ME, Leventhal JM, Leaf PJ: Mental health in
pediatric settings: distribution of disorders and factors related to service use. J Am Acad
Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2000, 39(7):841-849.
Helse- og Omsorgsdepartementet: Om opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse 1999-2006.
Endringer i statsbudsjettet for 1998. St.prp. nr. 63; 1998.
Mattila ML, Jussila K, Kuusikko S, Kielinen M, Linna SL, Ebeling H, Bloigu R, Joskitt L, Pauls D,
Moilanen I: When does the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) predict
autism spectrum disorders in primary school-aged children? Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
2009, 18(8):499-509.
Sitter M: Barn og unge i det psykiske helsevernet ett år etter Opptrappingsplanen. Rapport
IS-1854. Helsedirektoratet; 2010.
Stormark KM: Funn fra Barn i Bergen. Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse Vest;
Heiervang E, Stormark KM, Lundervold AJ, Heimann M, Goodman R, Posserud MB, Ullebo AK,
Plessen KJ, Bjelland I, Lie SA et al: Psychiatric disorders in Norwegian 8- to 10-year-olds: an
epidemiological survey of prevalence, risk factors, and service use. J Am Acad Child Adolesc
Psychiatry 2007, 46(4):438-447.
Mjåtvedt S: Children with chronic illness: Use of mental health and educational services.
Hovedoppgave, profesjonsstudiet i psykologi: Universitetet i Bergen; 2010.
Andersson HW: Pasienter og behandlingstilbud i psykisk helsevern for barn og unge.
Rapport 2/09. SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn, Helsetjenesteforskning; 2009.
Gortmaker SL, Walker DK, Weitzman M, Sobol AM: Chronic conditions, socioeconomic risks,
and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. Pediatrics 1990, 85(3):267-276.
Unge funksjonshemmede: Ung helse 2020. Veien til et helsetilbud tilpasset unge brukere;
Helse- og Omsorgsdepartementet: Samhandlingsreformen. Rett behandling - på rett sted til rett tid. St.mld. nr. 47; 2009.
Rambøll: Helsetilbud til ungdom og unge voksne. Rapport IS-2044. Helsedirektoratet; 2013.