SUPPORTING INFORMATION Feasibility Studies: To demonstrate the feasibility of the MED technique, we first determined if the epitope bound antibody can be effectively eluted from its epitope. As shown in Fig. S1A, HeLa cells were stained with antibodies against NFB or STAT3. The antibodies were detected by immunofluorescence either with or without an elution step between the primary and secondary antibody incubation steps. The HeLa cells with an elution step after primary antibody incubation (“Eluted” in Fig. S1A) show a marked decrease in immunofluorescence signal compared to the control without an elution step. Since the reactivity of the primary antibody towards secondary antibody survives after acid-based elution (Fig. S1B), the loss of immunofluorescence is mainly due to the decrease of bound antibodies of NFB and STAT3 via elution. Fig. S1B delineates the reactivity of renatured “partially-denatured” antibodies (Treated) towards their cognate epitopes in comparison to that of undenatured antibodies (Control). As shown in Fig. S1B, all 8 antibodies retain >70% signal of the “Control” after the denaturing and renaturing process. To demonstrate the reliability of the MED technique, we examined the correlation between the MED technique and Western blotting. HeLa cells were treated for varying amounts of time with either 20 ng/ml TNF(R&D Systems) or 100 ng/ml Interferon 2a (IFN) (Biovision) to induce phosphorylation of IB or STAT3, respectively. The amount of p-IB and p-STAT3 in each condition was detected either by Western blotting or the MED method (Fig. S1C & S1D). In Fig. S1C, both the MED method and Western blotting detected a dramatic increase of p-IB at 5 min TNF induction interval, further increase of p-IB at 10 min interval and significant decrease of p-IB at 15 min interval. Likewise, the MED method detected the same induction pattern of p-STAT3 by IFNas detected by Western blotting (Fig. S1D). These results indicate the MED technique can be used to detect target epitopes of cellular proteins. As shown in Table S3, most of MED assays’ intra-assay CV and inter-assay CV are within 10%. For intra-assay CV, the exceptions are NFkB of Assay #3 (12.97%), STAT3 of Assay #2 (24.05%) and Assay #3 (26.81%). We believe the 12.97% intra-assay CV of NFKB is a reflection of variation of the Luminex assay which produced 15.28% inter-assay variation for control 1. The relatively higher CV of STAT3 may be due to the low binding affinity of STAT3 antibody that may not have reached equilibrium at the time of elution. For inter-assay CV, the exception is p-NFkB which is mainly caused by the 50% drop in their signal of Assay #3 in comparison to Assay #1 and Assay #2. We believe this drop in the signal is most likely due to degradation of the phosphorylated epitope p-NFkB on the 24-well culture plate 3 days postfixation. To minimize biological variation, all HeLa cells on three 24-well plates were plated at the same time and fixed the next day at the same time, as well. One plate was used for the MED assay for Assay #1 and another plate was used the next day for Assay #2 and the third plate was used on the third day for Assay #3. Even when refrigerated, 3 days may prove to be too long for keeping all p-NFkB epitopes intact. Antibodies & Proteins: Rabbit monoclonal antibodies specific for NFB, IB, IB(pS32) (pIB, STAT3, STAT3(pY705) (p-STAT3), p38, S6 Ribosomal Protein(pS235/236) (p-S6) were provided by Epitomics. Rabbit monoclonal antibodies specific for NFB(pS536) (p-NFB) and p38(pT180/pY182) (p-p38) were from Cell Signaling Technology. Other antibodies and their sources were: TfR antibody from Abbiotec; EGFR antibody from Lifespan Biosciences; ErbB2 antibody from Santa Cruz Biotechnology; PDGFR antibody from R&D Systems; CF488A goat anti-rabbit antibody for immunofluorescence from Biotium, Inc. Recombinant human chimera proteins (receptor extracellular domain and Fc portion of IgG) for EGFR, ErbB2, PDGFR and TfR were from R&D Systems. Peptide & Protein Coupling: Immunogen peptides for NFB, p-NFB, IB, p-IB, STAT3, pSTAT3, p38, p-p38 and p-S6 were provided by Epitomics. Each peptide carried a cysteine at one terminus for coupling to the Luminex beads via a maleimide linker. The coupling was 2 performed by a modified two-step method as described by Kurzeder et al. (18). Briefly, 5X106 carboxylated polystyrene beads (Luminex Corp.) were coated with 50 g of BSA (Sigma-Aldrich) in a volume of 500 µl according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Excess BSA was removed by centrifuging followed by washing 3 times with 750 µl of PBS + 5 mM EDTA with vortexing and sonicating for 30 s each between each wash. The beads were re-suspended in 400 µL of freshly prepared 0.88 mg/ml sulfosuccinimidyl 4-(p-maleimidophenyl)butyrate (Thermo Fisher) in PBS + 5% DMSO. The beads were incubated at room temperature in the dark on a rotator for 1 h. The beads were washed 3 times with 750 µl PBS+5 mM EDTA as before and were resuspended in 250 µl of PBS + 5 mM EDTA. To each bead set, 20 µl of freshly prepared 10 mg/ml peptide dissolved in DMSO was added. The beads were incubated at room temperature in the dark on a rotator for 2 h. Excess peptide was removed by centrifugation as before and washed 3 times with 750 µl PBS, 0.1% BSA, 0.02% Tween-20, 0.05% azide. Finally the microspheres were re-suspended in 375 µl of PBS with 0.1% BSA, 0.02% Tween-20, 0.05% azide and stored in the dark at 2-8oC. Coupling recombinant chimera receptor proteins to Luminex beads was performed according to manufacturer’s instruction. The protein to bead ratio is 12.5 g chimera protein to 5X106 beads. MED Assay of Cellular Proteins in Fixed Cells: HeLa cells were plated at a density of 1x105 cells per well in a 24-well plate. After 24 h, the cells were serum-starved for 16-20 h and then treated with or without the indicated agent. The cells were then fixed in 9% formalin in PBS for 15 min at room temperature followed by two rinses with PBS + 0.1% Tween 20 (PBST). The cells were then incubated with a blocking solution of 10% calf serum in PBS + 0.1% Triton X100 for 1 h at room temperature. After blocking, the cells were rinsed two more times with PBST prior to the addition of 200 l per well of antibody cocktail with selected primary antibodies made in 10% calf serum in PBS. Primary antibody incubations were performed for 3 h at room temperature. The cells were then washed three times for 5 min each with PBST. Bound 3 antibodies were eluted using 200 l Elution Buffer II (LEAP Biosciences) per well for 15 min at room temperature. The eluted antibodies were then neutralized and stabilized with 58 l of Renaturing Solution II (LEAP Biosciences) prior to storage at -20°C or use directly in the Luminex antibody assay for antibody detection and quantification. MED Assay of Biomarkers in FFPE Tissue Sections: FFPE tissue sections were first rehydrated using the same procedure as for immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining. Briefly, the FFPE tissue section slides were baked at 60oC for 45 min followed by treatment of xylene for 5 min twice, 100% alcohol for 5 min twice, 95% ethanol for 3 min, 70% alcohol for 3 min and distilled water for 3 min. The slides were then immersed in 94oC-98oC antigen retrieval solution (Dako) for 8 min before cooling down at room temperature for 20 min. The slides were subsequently washed twice with distilled water and air dried. Once each rehydrated tissue section was dry, a hydrophobic barrier pen (Vector Laboratories) was used to mark the edge of tissue section to form hydrophobic barrier. One hundred twenty microliters of blocking solution (10% calf serum in PBS) was applied onto each tissue section for 30 min. The blocking solution was then removed by aspiration and 120l antibody cocktail was applied for 1 h incubation at room temperature. The antibody cocktail contained 10% calf serum and 9 antibodies using vendor recommended dilution for IHC staining. At the end of the incubation, each tissue section was washed 4 times with PBST and then incubated with 120 l Elution Buffer II (LEAP Biosciences) for 15 min for antibody elution. After the elution solution was recovered from each tissue section, additional Elution Buffer II was added for rinsing the tissue section and adjusting the final volume to 180 l. The eluted antibodies were then neutralized and stabilized with 52 l of Renaturing Solution II (LEAP Biosciences) prior to storage at -20°C or use directly in the Luminex antibody assay for antibody detection and quantification. 4 Luminex Antibody Assay: The eluted renatured antibodies were detected and quantified simultaneously by an xMAP assay with Luminex beads each conjugated with an immunogen peptide or chimera protein bearing the epitope for each antibody. Briefly, 50 l of each antibody containing sample was incubated with a corresponding mixture of beads for 2 h at room temperature in a 96-well filter plate (Pall Corp.) on a shaker (600-800 rpm) protected from light. After washing 3 times with 200 l Wash Buffer (PBS + 0.05% Tween 20 + 0.05% Kathon), 50 l of Assay Buffer (PBS + 1% BSA + 0.05% Kathon) followed by 50 l of 1:200 PE conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG (Abcam) or/and 1:125 PE conjugated goat anti-mouse (Invitrogen) in Assay Buffer was added to each well and incubated for 1 h as before. After three washes, the beads were resuspended in 100 l Assay Buffer and analyzed on the Luminex 200 (Luminex Corp.). 5 Fig. S1. MED method proof of principle. Elution of epitope bound antibodies (A). HeLa cells were incubated with antibodies against NFB (left two images) or STAT3 (right two images) for 3 hours prior to washing away excess antibody. The cells in panel A marked “Eluted” were subsequently treated with antibody elution buffer before rinsing with PBS. Cells were then stained with a fluorescently-conjugated secondary antibody. Eluted antibodies can be renatured and detected by their corresponding epitopes (B). Antibodies against NFB, p-NFB, IB, p-IB, STAT3, p-STAT3, p38, p-p38 were treated with acidbased elution buffer followed by renaturing and then detected for their epitope-specific binding by the Luminex antibody assay with their epitope-specific beads in parallel to their undenatured antibodies (Control). The signal from “Control” sample was normalized to 100%. Correlation of MED method with Western blotting (panel C & D). HeLa cells were treated for indicated amount of time with TNF(C) or IFN(D) to induce phosphorylation of IB (C) or STAT3 (D) and either lysed for use in Western blotting (bottom panel) or processed via the MED method (top panel). Fig. S2. Standard curves of 9 biomarker-specific antibodies are plotted of antibody concentration vs MFI both in logarithmic scale. The adjustment factor is the ratio of the epitope binding efficiency between the native antibody and the renatured antibody obtained from Table S2. The concentration of recovered antibody in Table 1 is derived first from the standard curve and then multiplied by the adjustment factor considering the antibody used for the standard curve is the native antibody. 6