Witchville Synopsis - Lionsgate Publicity

ERIK (Andrew Pleavin, "300"), warrior of Draeganoth, is sent by his dying king to
retrieve PRINCE MALACHY (Luke Goss, "Hellboy II," "Blade"), ne'er-do-well heir
to the throne, who's been on an extended, drink-sodden tour of the continent for
years. Accompanied by Erik's brother, JASON (Ed Speleers, "Eragon"), the trio
returns home, only to find the king dead and the kingdom desolate, its people
A mysterious stranger, KRAMER (Simon Thorp, "Luther"), appears and explains to
Malachy that he has a book, the LIBELLUS VENEFICUS, which shows that
Witchcraft has caused the devastation and contains clues as to how to defeat the
evil ones. Malachy doesn't believe Kramer, but gives him a chance to prove his
theory. Kramer does just this, assembling the townspeople and, using magic
powder he has in his kit, finds amongst them a witch, BABA (Lynne Verrall,
"Pumpkinhead - Ashes to Ashes"). She is promptly burned at the stake by the
angry villagers, but not before causing an unholy blood rain to fall on the town.
His theory proven, Kramer leads Malachy, Erik and Jason on a journey to find
Cadistan, the Witches' hiding place. En route, they're attacked by a band of thieves
led by DARIAN (Xiao Fei Xu, "The Karate Kid"), whom they defeat and convince to
join their small army. Arriving in Cadistan, they are greeted by village leader
HOBART (Ian Virgo, "Black Hawk Down"), who invites them to dine with him as
his guests. Kramer, suspicious, shares his misgivings with Malachy and decides to
look for clues to the Witches' whereabouts while Hobart is distracted.
Malachy, Erik and Jason dine with Hobart and his wenches, but seeing no sign of
the witches they seek, decide to leave. Hobart blocks their exit, cuts Malachy across
the cheek and licks Malachy's blood from his blade. This causes Hobart to
transform into THE RED QUEEN (Sarah Douglas, "Superman"), who, thus released
from captivity, promptly sets her warrior daughter JOZEFA (MyAnna Buring, "The
Descent") and a band of witches to battle Malachy and his troupe. The heroes
defeat the witches, but not before Erik is killed and Jason is captured.
Malachy, Kramer and Darian's men return to Draeganoth, followed by the Red
Queen, Jozefa, their witch army and Jason, whom they've brought as a bargaining
chip - his life for the witch hunter Kramer and his book. Malachy refuses, and a
grand battle ensues in which Darian is turned to ice, Kramer is thrown in the
dungeon and tortured, and Malachy is captured and taken to the Red Queen, who
has ensconced herself in Malachy's castle.
The Red Queen reveals to Malachy that he is, in fact, her son, Jozefa his sister, that
his father, the King, lied to him when he told Malachy his mother had died in
childbirth. Afraid of her magical power, the King had banished the Red Queen and
Jozefa. The devastation of Draeganoth is her vengeance. Now that she has been
set free, the Red Queen wants to join forces with Malachy and Jozefa, creating an
all-powerful triumvirate destined to rule the world. Malachy refuses and is thrown
into the dungeon with Kramer.
Kramer, near death, hears Malachy's story and realizes that Malachy, with the help
of his sister, has the ability to defeat the Red Queen. Meanwhile, the captive Jason
is able to convince Jozefa, who has been sent to kill him, that the Queen will kill her
too as soon as she's served her purpose. Jozefa sets him free, and the two of them
set off to rescue Malachy.
Arriving in the dungeon and defeating the Witch guards, Jason and Jozefa release
Malachy, but are too late to help the exsanguinated Kramer. Together, they
confront the Red Queen, who uses her power to disable Jozefa and turn Jason
against Malachy. Using his newfound magic, Malachy releases Jason from the Red
Queen's spell and attacks her. The Red Queen stabs Malachy in the heart. As he
falls, Malachy remembers Kramer's words, and instructs Jozefa to stab herself with
the same knife. With each blow, the Red Queen's power diminishes. Gathering the
last of his strength, Malachy takes the knife, covered with his and Jozefa's blood,
and stabs the Red Queen through the heart, killing her at last and freeing the
people of Draeganoth from her terrible spell.
Recovered and presiding over Erik's funeral, Malachy, Jason and Jozefa fail to
notice two surviving witches, who exchange the Red Mist that is their lifeblood,
promising more trouble ahead for our heroes.