here - West Common Lane Teaching Practice

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West Common Lane
Teaching Practice
Volume 1, Issue 1
West Common Lane Teaching Practice
Merges with Ashby Clinic
Dorchester Road
DN17 1YH
Tel: 01724 877744
Ashby Childrens Centre
Collum Avenue
DN16 2SZ
Tel: 01724 742300
Inside this issue:
Meet the Teams:
Do I really need
Minor Ailments:
Pharmacy Guide
June 2015
Patient Access:
Patient Reference
Friends & Family:
Finally, on the 2nd February
2015, after months of talks
and consultation with
patients, West Common Lane
Teaching Practice and Ashby
Clinic merged. The Ashby
branch, now known as West
Common Lane Teaching
Practice @ Ashby has seen
some changes since the
merger and already feed back
from, the majority of the
patients, is very positive.
health care by working in
Patients at the Ashby site can partnership with them. To
use the best knowledge
now benefit from access to
available at the time to
more GP’s, both male and
provide advice, treatment
female and Advanced Nurse
and recommendations, ie
Practitioners who are
prescribers in their own right. evidence based medicine.
We aim to encourage and
We now have a practice
help patients to become
population of 7907 patients
responsible for their own
with new patients registering
health and to have
weekly. Our aim is to
confidence in dealing with
continue to offer all our
minor illness themselves
patients the best primary
and know when it is
Important to see one of
the clinicians sooner,
rather than later, so that
patients can benefit from
living a healthier and
longer life.
We hope in this, our first
newsletter to provide you
with some background to
our expanding practice and
the services we can offer
our continually growing
patient population.
A Farewell Message from Dr Bala!
I would like to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances and after thoughtful consideration I
have decided to bring forward my retirement to take effect immediately. It has been my immense
privilege to have worked at Ashby for the past 23 years as your GP. The relationships that I have built
up in that time has been the highlight of my time working here, and I will cherish the warmth and
kindness you have shown towards me in the years to come.
Although I leave with a heavy heart, I know that the staff at Ashby Clinic and West Common Lane
Teaching Practice will continue striving to give you the highest possible standard of care, and I hope
you will afford them the same compassion that I was so fortunate to receive over the years.
Thank you for all your messages and I look forward to enjoying my retirement with my family.
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Meet the Clinical Team
The Partners
Dr Christopher J Hall
Dr Andrew W Lee
Dr Nermeen George
MG, ChB, MSc
Qualified in 1982, Dr Hall
has a Clinical Director role
with HYMS and is also a
Registrar Trainer. He
specialises in Coronary
Heart Disease & Diabetes.
Qualified in 1983, Dr Lee is a
Board Member of the North
Lincs CCG, and also a Mentor
for our Foundation Doctors.
He specialises in Respiratory
Medicine, Minor Surgery
(removal on non-cancerous
lesions, joint injections & coil
fits) & Neurology (headaches &
Salaried GPs
Dr Francisco
Nurse Practitioners
Dr Shanthi
Qualified in 1989, Dr
Terreros specialises in
Orthopaedics (joints,
muscles & ligaments).
Also, Pain Management
& Rheumatology.
Qualified in 2002, Dr George
is a Trainer for Registrars.
Qualified in 1999, Dr
Shanthi has a special
interest in
Gynaecology and
family planning,
Julie Hall
Julie qualified as a
Nurse Practitioner in
2001. Her special
interests include
Joanne Ingram
Joanne qualified as a
Nurse Practitioner in
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Health Care Assistants
Practice Nurses
Heather Gibson
Lynn Burkinshaw
Practice Nurse Roles:
Anna Wisniewska
Julie Garner
Health Care Assistant Roles:
Wound Dressings
Ear Syringing
Immunisations (holiday & childhood)
Cervical Smears
Stopping Smoking
Asthma & COPD Clinics
Diabetes Monitoring
Blood Pressures
Flu, B12 & Pneumococcal vaccinations
Phlebotomy (blood tests)
Hearing Tests
NHS Health Checks
Diabetic Foot Checks
Occupational Medicals
New Patient Health Checks
This list is not exhaustive
This list is not exhaustive
Meet the Admin Team
Wendy Ryder - Practice Manager
Andrea Taylor –
Assistant Practice Manager
The Admin Team
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Meet the Reception Team
Julie Garner
Kate Sanderson
Reception Supervisor (WCLTP)
Reception Supervisor (Ashby)
Receptionist Team
Elaine, Jade, Billy, Rita, Linda,
Adele, Ryan, Kez, Sue
Fatima – Admin Apprentice
Gemma – Apprentice Receptionist
Meet the Ancillary Team
Sam & Dawn
Cleaning Operatives
Gardner & Handyman
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Antibiotics – Do I really need them?
You are all probably aware of the continuing pressures that the NHS are currently facing. Most of us
are guilty of contacting our GP if we have a sore throat or cold in the hope that we can be prescribed
antibiotics to help it on its way. However, a call to the GP is not always necessary and antibiotics will
not help it go any quicker. See our guide below on how you can help yourself and in return help us!
Why did I not get antibiotics today?
Colds and most coughs, sinusitis, otitis media (earache) and sore throats often get better
without antibiotics.
The table below show you how long these illnesses normally last, what you can do to ease
your symptoms and when you should go back to your GP or contact NHS Direct.
Lasts on
What you can do to ease the
When should you (or your
child) go back to the GP for
contact NHS Direct?
(Listed in order of urgency, with the
most urgent symptoms first)
Ear Infection
4 days
Have plenty of rest.
Sore Throat
1 week
Drink enough fluids to avoid feeling
Common Cold
1½ weeks
2½ weeks
Cough or Bronchitis
3 weeks
Ask your local pharmacist to
recommend medicines to bring
down your temperature or control
pain (or both.
Other things you can do suggested
by the GP or Nurse.
If you develop a severe headache and
are sick.
If your skin is very cold or has a
strange colour, or you develop an
unusual rash.
If you feel confused or have slurred
speech or are very drowsy.
If you have difficulty breathing. Signs
that suggest breathing problems can
breathing quickly
turning blue around the lips
and the skin below the
mouth; and
skin between or above the
ribs getting sucked or pulled
in with every breath
If you develop chest pain.
If you have difficulty swallowing or are
If you cough up blood.
If hearing problems development or
there is fluid coming out of your ears.
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Minor Ailments – Getting help from your Pharmacist
Instead of booking and waiting for a GP appointment, you can
visit your local pharmacist any time – just walk in!
All pharmacists can recognise many common health
complaints. They can give advice or, where appropriate,
medicines that will help clear up the problem. If your problem
is more serious the pharmacist will recognise this and advise
that you see you GP instead. Furthermore, many pharmacists
are open in the evenings and weekends.
Your local Pharmacist may be able to help you with the following:
Skin conditions, such as mild acne & eczema
Coughs & colds including nasal congestion and sore throats
Minor cuts and bruises
Constipation & Haemorrhoids
Hay fever & allergies
Aches and pains such as headaches, earache & back pain
Indigestion, diarrhoea & threadworms
Period pain & thrush
Warts, verrucas, mouth ulcers & cold sores
Athlete’s foot
Nappy rash & teething
Some pharmacies run a minor ailment service, which means they can supply medicines for certain
conditions on the NHS.
What does this mean to you?
For example, if you have eczema, it means that your pharmacist can supply medicines for this
condition and you’ll only pay the standard prescription charge. If you’re exempt from paying
prescription charges, for example, you’re over 60, you won’t pay for the medicine at all.
Why not check with your local pharmacy today!
If everybody went to a pharmacist with common health problems, more time
would be freed up for GPs. This might make it easier to get a convenient
appointment with your GP next time you really need one.
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Services for Patients
What is Patient Access?
‘Patient Access’ provides services from the practice to
patients over a secure internet connection. Patients can use
‘Patient Access’ from a PC or any other device that they use
to access the internet, for example a mobile phone. Certain
‘Patient Access’ functions are also available via digital
What can I use Patient Access for?
‘Patient Access’ can be used to book on-line appointments
and to order prescriptions for repeat medication. You can
also view some aspects of your medical record, ie problems,
vaccinations, allergies/allergic reactions and medication.
How do I register to use Patient Access?
You can register in any of the following ways:
Register at the practice, you will obtain a registration letter and will then need to
register on the ‘Patient Access’ website, using the information in the registration
Please note that if you use ‘On-line Registration’ to create a ‘Patient Access’
account, you cannot use all the features until you visit the practice with proof
of identity and we accept your account information.
From a link at
You can only use ‘Patient Access’ if your mobile phone number and an email address
are recorded in our clinical system.
If you try to use ‘Patient Access’ and we have not recorded your email address
and/or your mobile phone number a warning message is displayed.
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Patient Reference Group
Are you aware that the practice has a group of patients that contribute some of their time to the
development of the practice and its health services?
We are looking for volunteers, are you interested in joining?
The group meets about four times per year, but arrangements are being made for members that
are not able to attend in person, but feel they would like to contribute.
If you would like to join the group, and become involved in the development and improvement of
the practice and its services, then please ask at Reception for a Patient Reference Group
application form.
Friends & Family
The NHS friends and family test (FFT) is an important opportunity for you to provide feedback on
the services that provide your care and treatment. Your feedback will help NHS England to
improve services for everyone. Therefore, when you next visit the surgery would you please take
5 minutes, following your appointment, to complete one of the very short questionnaires which
you will find in the Reception area and pop it in the box provided.
All responses are taken seriously and any ideas you may have that could improve our service to
our patients will be discussed with the Partners and Management Team.
Friends & Family Survey Results – As at March 2015
Total Responses
Current Test Score
Last Month
Last Month
No Responses
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Breakdown of Responses
Extremely likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Extremely unlikely
Don't know
Your responses to date show clearly in the chart above that
you, as patients, are extremely likely to recommend our
practice to your family and friends. This is very positive
feedback for our practice. However, your feedback is still
important to us so we ask that you continue to let us have your
ideas and we ask that those patients who have not completed
the short test, please do so on their next visit to the practice.
If you have an
idea, we want to
hear about it!
Many thanks to all our patients for your continued support.
As part of the new GP contract all patients must have a
named accountable General Practitioner
Following the merger and retirement of Dr Bala, all Dr Bala’s patients have been
transferred to Dr Nermeen George who will now be your named accountable GP.
Please note however, that even though you have a named accountable GP, you
are still able to choose to see any doctor within the practice.
Should you wish to change your named accountable GP to another doctor, please
advise a member of the Reception team who will update your medical records.
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Newly pregnant women should contact their local midwife in the first instance; you do not
need to see your GP first.
To book an appointment call (01724) 203742 for Brigg, (01652) 660052 for Barton, (01724)
747268 for Scunthorpe and (01724) 712925 for Crowle.
Practice Opening Times
The practice is open from 8:15am – 12:45pm and 1:20pm – 6:00pm Monday to Friday
For urgent medical care from 8:00am until 8:15am, 12:45pm until 1:20pm or 6.00pm
until 6.30pm, please telephone 01724 877744
Please be aware that we are closed during the afternoon of the second Wednesday of
every month for staff training.
If you need medical help fast, but it is not a life threatening situation you can call
NHS 111
NHS 111 is a new service that is being introduced to make it easier for you to access
local NHS healthcare services in England. You can call 111 when you need medical
help fast but it is not 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get
the right help, whatever the time.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and
mobile phones. You should not use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical
help or advice but it is not a life threatening situation.
CALL 111 IF:
You need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency
You think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service
You don’t know who to call or you don’t have a GP to call
You need health information or reassurance about what to do next