
Digital Agenda
Week of August 25th
Check In/Do Now:
Mon/Tues: Choose an animal and create a graph modeling how that animal reached its carrying capacity, label all axes!
Wed: Give 3 examples of animals that depend on each other in some way.
Thurs/Fri: How did you study for this test? What could you have done better? What do you know really well? What could you have studied more?
Essential Question (s): What is biodiversity? Why is it necessary to preserve biodiversity? Why is biodiversity a good measure of health in an
How are competition, disease, and predation related to carrying capacity?
Standard(s) from Instructional Guide:
HS-LS2-2 Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and
populations in ecosystems of different scales. (Examples of mathematical representations include finding the average, determining trends, and
using graphical comparisons of multiple sets of data)
Student Objective (s):
Analyze the connection between carrying capacity and predation, competition, and disease
Students will be able to define biodiversity, abundance, species, competition, etc.
Interpret graphs modeling loss of biodiversity.
Explain why biodiversity is important to our planet.
Assessment and Student Reflection:
Mon/Tues: group quiz on Edmodo, Exit Ticket on Edmodo
Wed: Exit Ticket on different symbiotic relationships, relating them to biodiversity
Fri: Open notes test on anything covered since the beginning of school, testing application ability
Wed: What are the various kinds of factors affecting the biodiversity of an ecosystem? We will be filling out a graph as Ms. Ferguson
goes through each of the factors
Thurs/Fri: Open notes TEST, then whole class review afterwards
Mon/Tues: I will cover the concepts of
food webs, biodiversity, how competition,
predation, and disease are related to
carrying capacity, etc
Mon/Tues: As a collaboration group,
students will take a quiz relating the
concept of carrying capacity to the
concepts of predation, competition, and
disease. This quiz can be found on
Mon/Tues: Go to this link:
Click Launch Activity, go through the
activity, screen shot the last page and
upload it to edmodo, make sure your
computer name is in the screen shot
(command + shift + 3)
Then, you must go to this website and
make your own food web. Take a
screenshot of the page and upload it on
Test this Thursday/Friday! Please make sure you have turned in all work to Ms. Ferguson before then! Review all quizzes and Exit Tickets on
Edmodo for extra study!