Unit 1 Quiz

Unit 1 Quiz – Layers of the Earth & Plate Tectonics
1. What is the name of the layer at the center
of the earth?
A. outer core
B. inner core
C. mantle
D. crust
2. What is the name of the layer at the top of
the earth?
A. outer core
B. inner core
C. mantle
D. crust
3. What is the core made of?
A. rock
B. sponge
C. metal
D. dust
4. The core’s temperature is
A. very hot
B. medium hot
C. warm
D. cool
5. The crust and the upper layer of the
mantle combine to make the
A. outer core
B. asthenosphere
C. mantle
D. lithosphere
6. When plates push together they
A. Ocean basins
B. Mountains
C. River Valleys
D. Glaciers
7. When plates pull apart they cause
A. Mid-Ocean ridges
B. Mountains
C. River Valleys
D. Glaciers
8. When plates slide past each other
they cause
A. Ocean basins
B. Earthquakes
C. River Valleys
D. Glaciers
9. When plates slide past each other
they cause cracks to form in the
earth. This crack is called a –
A. Volcano
B. Mountain
C. River Valley
D. Fault
10. Scientists think that the reason the
plates move is because
A. ocean waves are pushing them.
B. the gravity of the Sun is moving
C. convection currents in the mantle
are moving them.
D. they are unable to stay in their
original location.
11. Which of the following is not a type of
plate boundary?
A. Convergent
B. Transform
C. Normal
D. Divergent
12. What heats up the mantle?
A. The Sun
B. The Core
C. The Asthenosphere
D. The Lithosphere
Unit 1 Quiz – Layers of the Earth & Plate Tectonics
13. Why do cooler materials sink?
19. Where do most earthquakes occur?
A. They are more dense than the
surrounding area.
B. They are less dense than the
surrounding area.
C. They are the same density as the
surrounding area.
D. Cooler material do not sink.
A. in the Atlantic Ocean
B. in the middle of a continent
C. along the edge of a plate boundary
D. where the Indian plate meets the
Eurasian plate
20. What causes earthquakes?
14. What happens at a divergent boundary?
A. Plates push together.
B. Plate pull apart.
C. Plates slide past each other.
D. Plates do not move.
15. What types of crust occur on the earth?
A. Olympic and continental
B. Continental and oceanic
C. Oceanic and corporeal
D. Olympic and corporeal
16. What effects can be felt at transform
A. geysers
B. hot springs
C. earthquakes
D. hurricanes
17. Where is new crust formed on the earth?
A. along mid-ocean planes
B. along mid-ocean ridges
C. along all plate boundaries
D. new crust is never formed
18. Where do volcanoes form?
A. Where oceanic and oceanic crusts
B. Where oceanic and continental
crusts collide
C. Where continental and continental
crusts collide
D. Only in California
A. movement along a fault
B. a tsunami
C. steping on a fault
D. scientists don’t know
21. What evidence do scientists look for to
determine the location of a plate boundary?
A. lots of rocks
B. no rocks
C. faults and volcanoes
D. lots of people
22. Where does magma come from?
A. lithosphere
B. mantle
C. core
D. sun
23. What type of damage will an earthquake
NOT cause?
A. cracks in the earth
B. the movement of roads and rivers
C. wind damage to houses
D. collapsed bridges
Unit 1 Quiz – Layers of the Earth & Plate Tectonics
24. Label any two of the tectonic
plates in the map above.
25. Which continent is found where
0°latitude meets 0° longitude?
26. Which tectonic plate has very little
land mass on it?
What part of the EDP requires the
engineer to ask themselves two
questions: What do I know? And What
do I need to know?