Classification And Improved Segmentation of MR Images For Radiosurgery Treatment Gopal.G , Karthik.K , Lakshmanan.M, Palpandian. G & Arasa Kumar Department of ECE, Kalasalingam Institute of Technology E-mail : Abstract – This paper is all about presenting an idea I. which will be useful for radiosurgery (especially brain tumor).We present a fast and robust practical tool for segmentation of solid tumors with minimal user interaction to assist clinicians and researchers in radiosurgery planning and assessment of the response to the therapy. With a previous step of segmentation we are making a classification between tumor-affected and non-affected images. Classification is done by feature extraction.A cellular automata (CA) based seeded tumor segmentation method on contrast enhanced T1 weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images ,which standardizes the volume of interest (VOI) and seed selection, is proposed. Furthermore, a sensitivity parameter is introduced to adapt to the heterogeneous tumor segmentation problem, and an implicit level set surface is evolved on a tumor probability map constructed from CA states to impose spatial smoothness. Sufficient information to initialize the algorithm is gathered from the user simply by a line drawn on the maximum diameter of the tumor, in line with the clinical practice. Furthermore, an algorithm based on CA is presented to differentiate necrotic and enhancing tumor tissue content, which gains importance for a detailed assessment of radiation therapy response. Validation studies on both clinical and synthetic brain tumor datasets demonstrate 80%–90% overlap performance of the proposed algorithm with an emphasis on less sensitivity to seed initialization, robustness with respect to different and heterogeneous tumor types, and its efficiency. INTRODUCTION With the advancement in the field of medical science even the treatment of extremely complicated diseases has become easy and flexible. One such advancement is the radiosurgery (treatment is done through radiation).But radiosurgery for treating diseases like brain tumor. Radiosurgery treatment gives a very high dose of radiation to a very small, precise area. The radiation is capable of destroying the cells that comes in it’s path. Thus radiosurgery needs clear area of damaged tissues so that the non- cancerous cells don’t get damaged. Thus Segmentation plays a vital role in treating the brain tumor. In addition a classification process is being used to identify presence of tumor in the image. This is followed by segmentation so as to clearly obtain the tumor region. The computation time for segmentation is a factor of interest. In this proposed model the computation time is greatly reduced and is achieved with less human intrusion. Through this method the necrotic part from the tumor. Next, as our application is in the clinical radiosurgery planning, where manual segmentation of tumors are carried out on contrast enhanced T1-MR images by a radio oncology expert, we modify the CA segmentation towards the nature of\the tumor properties undergoing radiation therapy by adapting relevant transition rules. Keywords—Brain tumor classification and segmentation, cellular automata, contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), necrotic tissue segmentation, radiosurgery, seeded segmentation. ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 127 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) II. CLASSIFICATION INPUT: (a) Already labeled training data The use of classification is to detect the presence of tumor in the Magnetic Resonance Image. Initially the image is filtered using Gaussian filter. The filter removes any noise present in the image. The next step is feature extraction. Before feature extraction the RGB component is converted into Grey level. The extraction process involve extracting 12 features such as Autocorrelation (out.autoc), Contrast (out.contr), Correlation (out.corrm), Correlation (out.corrp), Cluster Prominence(out.cprom), Cluster Shade (out.cshad), Dissimilarity (out.dissi), Energy (out.energ),Entropy (out.entro),,Homogeneity (out.homom), Homogeneity (out.homop), Maximum probability (out.maxpr). The so obtained features of the input image is compared with the pre-evaluated values of an normal image(image of non-tumor image).This is further proceeded with classification of image. K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbor) classifier is used for classification. K-NN is a classification process that involves comparing the neighbor cell’s status before making a decision. {Xi| i=1,2,…,n}. (b) The test datum X. ALGORITHM: FOR i=1,2,…upto n Determine the distance between x and xi. IF(i ≤ K) Include Xi in the set of K-nearest neighbors. ELSE IF (xi is closer to x than any previous nearest Neighbors) 2.1 K- NEAREST NEIGHBORS ALGORITHM: Delete the farthest of the K-nearest neighbors. In this method, for each test datum, the Euclidean distances between the test datum and all the training data are calculated, and the test datum is assigned the class label that most of the K closest training data have. The K-NN algorithm assumes that all the data correspond to points in the N- dimensional space KN. Let the test datum xi be represented by the feature vector [ x1i ,x2i ,x3i ,…,xNi] , where xki denotes the the value of Kth attribute of the test datum xi, and x’i is the transpose of xi. The distance between xi and xj is defined as d(xi,xj)= √(∑Nk=1(xki-xkj)2. If the number of training data is n, then n such distances will be calculated, and the closest K training data are identified as neighbors. If K=1, then the class label of the test datum is equal to the closest training datum. If K >1, then the class label of the test datum is equal to the class label that most of the neighbors have. If there is a tie, then the tie is resolved arbitrarily. The neighbors are taken from a set of objects for which the correct classification (or, in the case of regression, the value of the property) is known. This can be thought of as the training set for the algorithm, though no explicit training step is required. The knearest neighbor algorithm is sensitive to the local structure of the data. Nearest neighbor rules in effect compute the decision boundary in an implicit manner. Include xi in the set of k- nearest neighbors. END IF END FOR FOR c= 1 to c Pc(x)=(1/K)(no. of neighbors in class c) (3) END FOR Crisp class label of x is j When pj= max{p1,p2,…….,pc} OUTPUT: (a) Class label of x. (b) Class confidence value pc for all c. ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 128 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) III. METHODOLOGY to Graph-cuts for, random walker for, and shortest paths for . In image segmentation problems, vertices are corresponding to image pixels, while edge weights are similarity measures between neighboring pixels based on image features. It is well known that the medical image is difficult to segment automatically by the computer for its complexity. The pixel value of the interested organ in the image may vary greatly. The boundary may be blurred, or have some gaps. Thus, some low level image segmentation methods cannot fulfill the complex medical image segmentation, particularly in brain tumor segmentation. It becomes more important while typically dealing with medical images where presurgery and post surgery decisions are required for the purpose of initiating and speeding up the recovery process. Computer aided detection of abnormal growth of tissues is primarily motivated by the necessity of achieving maximum possible accuracy. Manual segmentation of these abnormal tissues cannot be compared with modern day’s high speed computing machines which enable us to visually observe the volume and location of unwanted tissues. A brain Image consists of four regions i.e. gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and background. These regions can be considered as four different classes. Therefore, an input image needs to be divided into these four classes. In order to avoid the chances of misclassification, the outer eleptical shaped object should be removed. By removing this object we will get rid of non brain tissues and will be left with only soft tissues. In this experiment we have used T1, T2 and PD weighted brain MRIs. These images posses same size and same pixel intensity values . The pixels from the image under consideration is supposed to be 3.2. Seed Selection Seed selection algorithm employs the same idea to follow the familiar clinical routine to which the clinicians are used to: the volume of interest (VOI), the tumor seeds and the background seeds are determined by using the line already drawn by the user to measure the longest diameter of the solid tumor. Focusing on tumor segmentation problem, the seed selection procedure starts with a single line drawn by the user along the longest visible diameter of the tumor. Afterwards, the VOI and the seeds are computed as follows: 1) The line is cropped by 15% from each end and thickened to three pixels wide to obtain tumor seeds; 2) VOI is selected as the bounding box of the sphere having a diameter 35% longer than the line; 3) One-voxel-wide border of this VOI is used as background seeds. grouped in any one of the aforementioned class. Finally, by applying certain post processing operations, the tumerous region can be extracted 3.3 Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation: 3.1. Seeded Image Segmentation Cellular Automata consists of a regular grid of cells, each in one of a finite number of states, such as on and off (in contrast to a coupled map lattice). The grid can be in any finite number of dimensions. For each cell, a set of cells called its neighborhood (usually including the cell itself) is defined relative to the specified cell. An initial state (time t=0) is selected by assigning a state for each cell. A new generation is created (advancing t by 1), according to some fixed rule (generally, a mathematical function) that determines the new state of each cell in terms of the current state of the cell and the states of the cells in its neighborhood. Typically, the rule for updating the state of cells is the same for each cell and does not change over time, and is applied to the whole grid simultaneously, though exceptions are known, such as the probabilistic cellular automata and asynchronous cellular automaton. Growcut method uses continuous state cellular automata to interactively label images using user supplied seeds. The As an initial step the Volume Of Intrest(VOI) from the image is considered. The image is being classified based on seeds as foreground(tumor part) and background using seed selection techniques as follows. Given an undirected graph with vertices and edges, a weighted graph assigns a value (typically real and nonnegative) to each edge between vertices and in image segmentation problems, vertices are corresponding to image pixels, while edge weights are similarity measures between neighboring pixels based on image features (e.g., intensities). Each vertex has an attribute , which is an indicator of the probability of a label (e.g., a foreground and a background label). With the foreground F and background B seeds supplied by the user, the labeling problem is solved. In the final solution, the vertices which have the value are labeled as foreground and those without values are labeled as background. The solution has been shown to converge ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 129 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) cells are corresponding to image pixels, and the feature vector is RGB or gray scale intensities. The state set for each image pixel consists of a “strength” value in a continuous interval, a label and an image feature vector. The automata are initialized by assigning corresponding labels at seeds with a strength value between 0 and 1 where a higher value reflects a higher confidence in choosing the seed. Strengths for unlabeled cells are set to 0. Since the VOI is completely bounded by the background seeds, each path connecting inside and outside the VOI is blocked by a seed. Then, the result of labeling using only the data inside the region is equivalent to using the whole volume whereas the computation time is significantly reduced. characteristics are likely to be healthy. Secondly, it is possible to include misclassified necrotic regions to tumor region, which are usually surrounded by enhanced Tissue. CA algorithm has the advantage of finding distance of each cell to the nearest seed in a simultaneous iteration. The probability for tumor is given by, Ptumor = DB / (DB+DT) Where, DB = distances for background DT = distances for tumor Fig: Effect of smoothing. Example of tumor slice with vascularization and necrotic part. Tumor probability map obtained by CA algorithm. Segmentation result before smoothing (red), after smoothing (blue), and expert (yellow) The level-set-based smoothing over the constructed tumor probability map in constitutes an important part of the proposed method, as the clinical expert segmentation, particularly in radiation oncology, mainly outlines the tumor borders using contouring for radiotherapy planning as opposed to pixel by pixel labeling of the tumor carried out in some validation studies. As a result, our interactive tumor segmentation includes an appropriate intelligent smoothing of the tumor borders based on the labeling results obtained from a graph-theoretic approach. This is a process that is expected to simulate the expert’s manual contouring. 3.5.Enhancing/NecroticSegmentation In the seeded tumor segmentation application over contrast enhanced T1-weighted MRI for heterogeneous tumors, which mostly consist of a ring enhancing region around a dark necrotic core (and also irregular borders), most of the foreground seeds fall in the necrotic region. This sometimes causes the segmentation algorithm to get stuck at necrotic to enhancing tumor transition borders. To overcome such problems, prior knowledge that tumor voxels are brighter in post-contrast T1-MRI can be initialized. Quantification of the necrotic regions within a whole tumor is an important problem in assessment of the tumor progress. Delayed radiation necrosis, which typically occurs three months or more after treatment, is the primary risk associated with stereotactic radiosurgery. Necrosis of the tumor can occur as a result of the radiosurgery as well as by the tumor progress itself like in high grade gliomas. Necrotic class naturally arises in segmentation using multi protocol (T1, CE-T1, T2, DWI, etc.) intensity classifiers due to its different intensity characteristics in different modalities. However, our aim in this study is to quantify the necrotic and enhanced parts of the tumor using solely contrast enhanced T1weighted MRI volumes. 3.4 Level Set Evolution on Constructed Tumor Probability Map Smoothing is an important prior in segmentation of brain tumors from post-contrast T1 images, because of three main reasons: First, an area surrounded by tumor tissue is considered as a tumor region even the intensity ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 130 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Fig :A level set surface of PT = 0.5 is initialized and evolved on the tumor probability map. Fig: Enhanced and necrotic seeds determined by the proposed method, used as an input to the CA segmentation algorithm (Necrotic seeds in red and enhanced seeds in blue. The necrotic part of the tumor is the region where the lesions are secreted. The lesion is dangerous enough to spread the tumor to the organs and parts of the body. In CE-T1 MR images, necrotic parts of the tumor are observed as hypo-intense for there is no blood flow into these regions where enhanced parts are hyper-intense. Without any prior information, segmentation using an intensity threshold can be applied by assigning necrotic label to the voxels lower than the chosen threshold and enhanced label to those that are higher. The utilized data simulates contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR images with synthetically generated tumors. The tumor probability maps are also available with the dataset for validation purposes. This dataset is included in the performance evaluations since the ground truth segmentation is readily available. To choose the threshold, we explored using expectation maximization and Otsu’s methods. However, usually the two classes are not separable on the intensity histogram even though they could be separated easily on the image. Instead of using simple thresholding , connectedness was imposed by using the CA algorithm with two thresholds as follows: Initially the voxels lower than a necrotic threshold are labeled as necrotic seeds and higher than an enhanced threshold are labeled as enhanced seeds . Next, the voxels at remaining mid-intensities are labeled by assigning the label of the nearest seed using the CA algorithm. An algorithm to choose the two thresholds is devised as follows: The necrotic part is obtained using region growing from the selected seed. First the number of necrotic voxels and the number of enhanced voxels are roughly calculated by using Otsu’smethod. In CE-T1 MR images, necrotic parts of the tumor are observed as hypo-intense for there is no blood flow into these regions where enhanced parts are hyper-intense. Without any prior information, segmentation using an intensity threshold can be applied by assigning necrotic label to the voxels lower than the chosen threshold and enhanced label to those that are higher. Fig : The necrotic part inside the tumor obtained from region growing IV. CONCLUSION We presented a segmentation algorithm for the problem of tumor delineation which exhibit varying tissue characteristics. As the change in necrotic and enhancing part of the tumor after radiation therapy becomes important, we also applied the Tumor-cut segmentation to partition the tumor tissue further into its necrotic and enhancing parts. We presented validation studies over a synthetic tumor database and two real tumor databases: one from Harvard tumor repository and another from a clinical database of tumors that underwent radiosurgery planning at Radiation Oncology Department of ASM. Strengths of the proposed method include its simple interaction over a single slice and less sensitivity to the initialization (demonstrated by lower coefficient of variation values), its efficiency in terms of computation time, and robustness with respect to different and heterogeneous tumor types. Choosing the contrast enhanced T1 modality limits the application to ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 131 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) the tumors that are enhanced with the contrast agent, excluding the edema/infiltration region around the tumor. For the targeted clinical application of radiosurgery planning, using a single modality is an advantage due to the computational efficiency and ease of use [3]. Chunyan Jiang, Xinhua Zhang, Wanjun Huang, Christoph Meinel“Segmentation and Quantification of Brain Tumor” VECIMS 2004 – IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems Boston, MD, USA, 12-14 July 2004 [4]. Andac Hamamci*, Nadir Kucuk, Kutlay Karaman, Kayihan Engin, and Gozde Unal,” Cellular Automata Segmentation of Brain Tumors on Post Contrast MR Images” [5]. Manish sarkar,Tze-Yen Leong,”application of KNearest Neighbors on breast cancer diagnosis problem” [6]. M. Masroor Ahmed , Dzulkifli Bin Mohamad,” Segmentation of Brain MR Images for Tumor Extraction by Combining Kmeans Clustering anPerona-Malik Anisotropic Diffusion Model” V. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS In the future, the system should be improved by adapting more segmentation algorithms to suit the different medical image segmentation aims. For setting the deformation region in level-set method, the intensity range can reveal some target area. However, the brain tumor case is complex. We need more sophisticated strategy to set deformation region where the level set model’s propagation terminates in. In order to balance the expert hand work and computer automatic work, the system should enhance the precision of the algorithm computation, and also improve the user interface to facilitate the user control. This tool can be used in the segmentation and quantification of many types of medical images. For the brain tumor case, we should add some other features for the aid in the diagnoses VI. REFERENCES [1]. M.-R. Nazem-Zadeh, E. Davoodi-Bojd, and H. 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