HERE - Saint John the Baptist Catholic School

Children Learn What They Live (1998)
by Dorothy Law Nolte (1924 - 2005)
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and
in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in
which to live.
Welcome to St. John the Baptist Catholic School
2340 Omilo Lane, HI 96819
(808) 841-5551
Fax (808) 842-6104
Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to St. John the Baptist Catholic School. We appreciate
the opportunity to work in partnership with you as parents, the
primary educators, for the academic, spiritual, and moral growth
of your child. If at any time you have any questions, please feel
free to contact the school office. We are delighted to have you
join us as a member
of our school family. This handbook
offers information about the operation, rules, and procedures of
St. John the Baptist Catholic School. Students and parents, after
reading the handbook, should sign the acknowledgment form and
return it to the school office. Parents should
refer to the online
handbook often to ensure an enjoyable and
informed school year. Also, please keep in mind that this is a
living document. It may change in order to better serve the needs
of our community.
May God bless you, The Administration, Faculty and Staff
St. John the Baptist Catholic School
St. John the Baptist Catholic School...
Academic Excellence in a
Safe & Caring Environment
St. John the Baptist Catholic School
Alma Mater Song
With one hearts we stand together
as students of St. John the Baptist Catholic School.
True examples we shall be, of our patron saint
where the angels and saints dwell with our Lord.
To learn, to teach, to love one another
is our school’s mission.
Leadership and excellence
we will aspire in all our endeavors
as life proceeds.
With Christ as our foundation we
proudly hail our colors,
Green and gold!
With confidence we will go forth
to face our challenges, knowledge and wisdom
and all we have learned
with the Holy Spirit always there to guide us!
In the heart of Kalihi, Hawaii,
we remain steadfast and firm in the ways of the Lord.
As loving students,
we will always cherish our Alma Mater,
Lyrics and music by:
Mrs. Nohea Leopoldo
Mrs. Bernie Gora
Hawaii Catholic Schools Mission
“The mission of Catholic education in the Diocese of
Honolulu is to form children who are nourished intellectually,
spiritually, and liturgically to share the presence of Christ in the
Our Catholic educational institutions are obligated by our
faith to shape our youth by immersing students in curriculum and
experiences rooted in Catholic teaching and doctrine with emphasis
on morality and Christian character building. This formation, paired
with 21st century academics and teaching methods, is critical for
success at any Catholic educational institution in Hawaii.
There are many choices a family has in the education and
faith formation of their children. We invite all families who have
chosen to enroll their children to share in the light of Christ and to
cooperate and support the mission and framework of Catholic
education in the Diocese of Honolulu.”
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church first opened its
doors to the people of Kalihi in May 1844. One hundred fifteen
years later, in September of 1959, St. John the Baptist Catholic
School opened its doors to the children of Kalihi.
The original school building was constructed in 19581959 under the direction of Father John M. Coulehan, M.M.,
7th pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish. The convent building
was added later and completed in 1962. Maryknoll Sisters
opened and staffed the school from 1959 to 1976. In
September of 1976, the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy
Rosary took over the management and operation of the
Saint John the Baptist Catholic School
(Detach and return by August 30, 2014)
My son/daughter ______________________________ and I have read this
handbook together. We agree to be governed by the policies set
forth in this handbook.
Family Name - Please Print
Student's Signature /Grade/Date
Student's Signature /Grade/Date
Student's Signature /Grade/Date
Under the guidance of Father Laurence S. Vaughan, M.M., 10th
pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, the parishioners
completed the physical facilities of the school.
In May of 1979, Bishop John J. Scanlan, D.D. blessed
the new social hall, the Ministry office, Science room,
Kindergarten room, and the library. In January 1985, transfer
of administration leadership for the parish and school took
place between the Maryknoll Fathers and the Diocese of
In July of 2011, Father John Fredy Quintero was named
the 17 administrator of St. John the Baptist Parish and School.
The school continues to be administered and staffed by the
Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary and by dedicated
lay teachers.
Statement of Philosophy
We, the Administrators and staff of Saint John the Baptist Catholic
School firmly commit to the vision and message of the Gospel values
exemplified by Christ. We recognize the religious, ethnic, social and
economic diversity of our youth. With the parents/guardians as the
primary educators of their children, and with the untiring efforts of
the staff as facilitators of learning, we strive to build an authentic
faith community in the entire institution. Our concerted effort,
inspired by the strong collaboration of the parents, /guardians,
administration, staff, parish and school board, enables us to facilitate
and nurture the holistic growth of each student as we provide varied
opportunities for the fullest self-realization of the individual’s highest
Mission Statement
St. John the Baptist Catholic School perpetuates the Catholic
faith by living as Christ lives, by teaching as Christ teaches, and by
loving as Christ loves.
Safe Environment Program
Consistent with the diocesan policy, St. John the Baptist Catholic
School will conduct Safe Environment training as part of the
religious education curriculum. A meeting will be held before the
class is conducted to provide parents an opportunity to review the
safe environment materials. These policies and practices are
designed to ensure the safety of the young people in our care, and
apply to all adults whose duties include ongoing contact with
minors. These adults, whether staff or volunteers, are required to go
through background evaluation (done by fingerprinting or
background checks) and must complete a comprehensive online
training program “ Recognize, Report and Prevent child abuse”, found
on the Law Room website at
_______ Yes, I give my consent for my child(ren) to participate in the
Safe Environment program.
_______ No, I do not give my consent to my child(ren) to participate in
the Safe Environment training program. On the day this lesson is
presented, my child(ren) will not attend religious education class
and will be under my supervision.
_______ I will attend the parent class and make my decision at that
time. (I understand that without written consent, a child may not
attend religious education class on the day this lesson is presented.)
Print Name (Parent/Guardian)
Signature (Parent/Guardian)
Print Student Name
Student Learning Expectations (SLE’s)
St. John the Baptist Catholic School students are:
A. Active Christians who
1. regularly participate in prayer, the sacraments, and other
liturgical celebrations
2. reach out to others through service projects
3. respect life and the world in which we live
4. make moral choices based on Christian values
5. support the Mission of the Catholic Church
B. Life-long Learners who
1. value continuous learning; establish goals and achieve them
2. analyze information critically; think and collaborate globally
3. develop positive, wholesome relationships
4. work independently; are self-motivated and self-directed
5. utilize technology competently and responsibly
C. Effective Communicators who
1. articulate ideas clearly and creatively
2. understand the use of verbal and non-verbal communication
3. demonstrate proper writing and oral skills
4. express feelings, thoughts and ideas through the arts
5. listen and collaborate with others respectfully
D. Dynamic Citizens who
1. follow rules, respect the rights of others and make meaningful
contributions to the community
2. understand their own heritage, appreciate and respect
multicultural diversity
3. embrace ecological sustainability and value life
4. engage in cultural, political and social justice issues
5. demonstrate awareness of current events/world affairs and their
effect on life
E. Healthy Individuals who
1. practice good personal hygiene
2. eat a healthy, nutritious, and well-balanced diet
3. maintain a physically active life
4. cope appropriately with stress and challenges
5. adopt a balanced and healthy lifestyle
a) Enables students, through a comprehensive health and
physical education curricula, to acquire the knowledge
and skills necessary to make healthy food and physical
activity choices for a lifetime.
Reduce student access to foods of minimal nutritional value
through a five –plan that focuses on and;
a) Ensures the integrity of the school lunch
program by discouraging food and beverage
sales that are in conflict with the lunch program;
b) Encourages faculty, staff, students, and parents
to make healthy, nutritious food curricular
lesson, or fund raiser;
c) Practices selective pricing that favors sales of
healthy foods over unhealthy food choices.
d) Food and beverages sold or served at school will
meet or exceed the nutrition recommendations
of the United States Dietary Guidelines for
3. Provide opportunities for school community
involvement in the development, review and
implementation of St. John the Baptist Catholic School
Wellness Policy, and to ensure that this policy is being
In every school it is necessary for certain policies and procedures
to be established if the school is to function effectively. The efficiency
of and harmony within a school community is dependent on each
member clearly understanding expectations and his or her
The purpose of this handbook is primarily to serve as a guideline of
information for parents, students, and teachers of the school. No one
is required to memorize its contents, but everyone is asked to be
familiar with it and to use it as a reference.
The school reserves the right, without prior notice,
to change, delete, supplement, or otherwise amend at any
time the information, requirements, and policies contained
in this book. Parents will be notified immediately f changes are made.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School is a non- discriminatory
educational institution and employer.
Revised and published in June 2013
Tsunami Warning
In the event of a tsunami teachers and staff will supervise
warning students until each student can be picked up. If a
tsunami warning is issued before school hours, keep your
child at home as school will be canceled.
In the event of a bomb threat, the administration has a plan in
place to ensure the safety of the students.
Wellness Policy:
This policy supports mission of St. John the Baptist
Catholic School, a Hawaii Catholic School. The school
Recognizes that poor diet, combined with lack of physical
activity has a negative impact on student’s health and their
ability to learn, both short-term and long range.
The NCEA (National Catholic Education Association) statement
on Accountability and Assessment states that: “ We hold a
sacred trust to educate and form the whole person- mind, body,
and spirit.” As Catholic educators, we believe in providing
consistent school activities and environment in which students
can learn to make lifestyle choices that promote their healthy
The Wellness Policy of St. John the Baptist Catholic School is to:
1. Provide a positive environment and appropriate
knowledge of healthy food choices and the benefits of daily
physical activity that:
a) Ensure that students have access to healthy food
choices and safe physical activities at school and at
school functions;
b) Provides a pleasant eating environment and secure
playground for students, faculty, and staff;
c) Allows sufficient time for students to eat lunch and to
engage in social activities for physical fitness prior to
consuming meals;
History of St. John the Baptist School…………………………………………………. I
Statement of Philosophy/Mission Statement…………………………………….. ii
School-Wide Learning Expectation……………………………………………………. Iii
Disclaimer…………………………………………………………………………………………. iv
General Information……………………………………………………………..
Entity of the Corporation………………………………………………………….
Organizational Chart…………………………………………………………………
Business Information………………………………………………………………..
Admission Policy
General Policy…………………………………………………………………………..
Returning Students…………………………………………………………………..
New Students…………………………………………………………………………..
Requirements for New Students………………………………………………
Registration Procedures…………………………………………………………..
Physical Examination/Tuberculin Test………………………………………
Emergency Card………………………………………………………………………
Student Record……………………………………………………………………….
Student Insurance…………………………………………………………………..
Financial Information
Payment Options…………………………………………………………………….
Refund Policy………………………………………………………………………….
Late/Non-Payment Policy……………………………………………………….
Delinquent Tuition From Pervious School Year……………………….
Other Financial Information…………………………………………………….
Academic Information
The Curriculum: Academic……………………………………………………
Grading System……………………………………………………………………..
Report Cards………………………………………………………………………….
Testing Program……………………………………………………………………..
Academic Standards………………………………………………………………
Minimum Achievement…………………………………………………………
Honors/Principal’s List…………………………………………………………..
Year-End Awards……………………………………………………………………
Emergency Disaster Plan
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held periodically to prepare students for an
emergency. Fire alarms are signaled. Fire drill procedures are
posted in each classroom, the library, the computer laboratory,
the faculty/staff room and in the office.
Severe Weather
Classes will be suspended if in session or will be canceled if the
health and safety of the school community is at risk. If the need
arises, parents/guardians will be informed through the local
radio, TV, or phone calls.
If an earthquake of significant magnitude occurs on Oahu, we
can anticipate tremendous disruptions to the state
transportation system. Be assured that your children will be
cared for until they can be picked up by you or any other
designated individuals.
Our school is not identified as a flood zone. However, if a
flooding situation arises in which our school will be adversely
affected, we will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety all
students. We may cancel school or be evacuated to the nearest
facility as outlined by the Oahu Civil Defense Agency.
Hurricane/Tropical Storm
If a storm or hurricane occurs on the island we will
monitor its severity. School closure may be announced.
Listen to the Civil Defense information on the radio of TV. We
will follow the directions for the public schools in our area.
When the public school classes are canceled or dismissed by
the State Civil Defense Office, we will comply similarly.
Homework Policy…………………………………………………………………..
Study period……………………………………………………………………………
Summer School…………………………………………………………………………
Parent & Student Responsibilities
Student Records……………………………………………………………………….
Non-custodial Parents………………………………………………………………
Health Policy…………………………………………………………………………….
Dropping-Off Items…………………………………………………………………..
Field Trip Policy………………………………………………………………………….
Communication: Parent/Teacher……………………………………………..
Weekly Bulletins…………………………………………….
Parent Involvement………………………………………………………………….
Homeroom Parents………………………………………………………………….
Code of Christian Conduct for Parents & Students……………………
Safe Environment Program……………………………………………………….
Parent-Teacher Guild (PTG)………………………………………………………
School Board…………………………………………………………………………….
Student Services
Class Parties…………………………………………………………………………….
Co-Curricular Activities……………………………………………………………
Clubs & Religious Organizations………………………………………………
Guidelines on School Campus
Early Dismissals………………………………………………………………………
Lost and Found………………………………………………………………………
Cell Phones…………………………………………………………………………
1. For this security/confidentiality and are to make no
effort to bypass security systems and gain access to
information that they do not have a right to see.
2. Students should respect the use of the technology as
solely a means of retrieving information pertinent to the
curriculum. Students should not log on simply to “surf”
the Net.
3. The use of non-educational computer games is
not allowed in school. Games are prohibited on
school grounds from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The
use of games outside of school hours is based on
parents’ discretion.
9. The school strongly recommends that students take great
care when loading additional software on their laptops. There
is a risk that any new material might carry harmful viruses.
Periodic virus checking should be done in and out of school to
insure that no harmful viruses destroy data on laptops.
10. Software you have not purchased should not be installed on
your computer in lieu of copyright infringement laws.
11. Sound and screen savers must be turned off, except when
they are used as part of a class. During class discussions, the
laptop screen should be placed at a 45-degree angle to maintain
full attention during classroom discussions.
12. Computers may not be used to make recordings without the
consent of those who are being recorded.
13. Violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions
found in Disciplinary Procedures.
Other Technology Gadgets……………………………………………………
Emergency Procedures………………………………………………………..
Fire Drills………………………………………………………………………………
Remaining On Campus…………………………………………………………
Use of School Grounds………………………………………………………...
Parking Safety………………………………………………………………….....
Code of Student Conduct
Code of Christian Conduct for Students………………………………
General Policies………………………………………………………………….
Code of Conduct………………………………………………………………..
Disciplinary Consequences…………………………………………………
Bullying Policy…………………………………………………………………….
Safe Environment Program…………………………………………........
Dress code
Dress Code: Girls’ Uniform………………………………………………..
Boys’ Uniform……………………………………………….
P.E. Uniforms………………………………………………..
Aloha Dress…………………………………………………..
Free Dress…………………………………………………….
Identification Cards…………………………………………………………..
Consequences for Violations of Dress codes…………………..
Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policy
General Guidelines…………………………………………………………..
Roles and Responsibilities
Diocesan School Board Policy and Regulations……………
Role of the School………………………………………………………..
The Teacher…………………………………………………………………
The Student…………………………………………………………………
The Home……………………………………………………………………
4. The e-mail system is to be used only for the exchange of
appropriate information. There are to be no emotionally
charged, derogatory, or otherwise inappropriate
exchanges (flames) on the e-mail system. Delicate of
difficult communications should take place face-to-face.
Definitely do not send anything in an e-mail that you
would not to be able to say face-to-face.
5. Students are never to access someone else’s e-mail
6. The Internet is to be used for scholarly research and as
a means of obtaining needed information. Students are
not to join chats at school or home unless they have a
teacher’s permission to do so as a legitimate class project.
Chats offer opportunities to develop relationships with
people however, students should realize that there are
certain safety measures they should consider when
communicating there. Frequently, it is impossible to
really know with whom you are communicating;
therefore, one should be very cautious about giving out
personal information (name, address, phone number,
etc.). The Internet offers access to information that is
inappropriate (e.g. music, pornographic materials,
vulgarity, gambling, militant/extremist materials, etc.). It
is expected that students will not access information of
this sort
7. Materials obtained through research on the Internet
and then used in academic work for St. John the Baptist
Catholic School is to be properly documented. Since
material is unique to the Internet and can disappear
overnight, documentation might necessitate the
downloading of this information to a floppy disk or
printing of a hard copy.
8. Students are to establish and maintain secure
passwords that protect the privacy of the information on
their computers and their e-mail accounts. Students are to
respect the need
9. Emergency Disaster Plan…………………………………………..
11. School Wellness Policy…………………………………………….
13. Appendix
14. Contractual Agreement For Parents/Students
Statement of Understanding………………………………………….
Tuition Contract for Pre-K to Gr.8 .....................................
17. The Alma Mater Song………………………………………………………………….
* Ankle ornamentation or finery that suggests values contrary to the
school’s values will not be permitted.
* Make-up, brightly colored nail polish, and false nails are not
Boys’ hair shall be cut short and be neatly groomed at all times.
Their hair shall not touch the collar of their shirt or hang below
their eyebrows or ears.
Girls’ hair shall be kept neat at all times. Long hair will not cover
the face and bangs must not cover the eyes.
Fad hairstyles (tails, razor cut, corn rows, dreadlocks etc…) or
coloring/highlighting are not permitted.
Consequences for Dress Code Violation
Students are responsible for observing the Dress Code, and parents
are responsible for enforcing it. Negligence or indifference towards
this policy shall lead to disciplinary action.
1.Warning and recess detention
2.Recess detention and the student shall be required to have their
Parents sign the Dress code reminder.
3.The child will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents will be
and given the choice to picking up their child or to bring a change
Note: Any deviation from the Dress Code for important reason(s),
requires a note from the parents, and approval from the principal in
order to obtain an excuse, which is only good for one day.
Acceptable Computer Use Policy
The following is a fairly comprehensive set of regulations that
govern the appropriate use of the computers at St. John the Baptist
Catholic School. It is the attempt of this policy to detail in specifics
the general expectations in which all members of the St. John the
Baptist Catholic School community use their computers.
Catholic Teaching Curriculum Agreement – Hawaii Catholic Schools
All schools are required to provide parents the statement below that
will be required to read and sign to be considered for enrollment.
“The mission of Catholic education in the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Honolulu is to form children who are nourished spiritually,
intellectually, and liturgically to share the presence of Christ in the
world. Our Catholic educational institutions are obligated by our
faith to shape our youth by immersing students in curriculum and
experiences rooted in Catholic teaching and doctrine with emphasis
on morality and Christian character building. This formation paired
with 21st Century academics and teaching methods are critical for
success at any Catholic education and faith formation of their
children. We expect all families who have chosen to enroll their
children to share fully in the light of Christ and to cooperate and
support the mission and activities of Catholic School Education in
the Diocese of Honolulu.”
It is the parent’s responsibility to cooperate with school staff for the
welfare of students. If, in the opinion of the school administration,
parental behavior seriously interferes with teaching and learning,
the school may require parents to withdraw their children.
(Appendix 1: Code of Christian Conduct for Parents)
Code of Christian Conduct Covering Students and Parents/Guardians
Hawaii Catholic Schools
The students’ interest in receiving a quality, morally based education
can be served if students, parents, and school officials work together.
Normally, differences between these individuals can be resolved. In
some rare instances, however, the school may find it necessary, in its
discretion, to require parents/guardians to withdraw their child. It
shall be an expressed condition of enrollment that the student behaves
in a manner, both on and off campus that is consistent with the
Christian principles of the school as determined by the school in its
discretion. These principles include, but are not limited to, any
policies, principles or procedure set forth in any student/parent
handbook of the school.
PE Uniforms
T-shirt with the school’s logo
Green shorts with the school’s logo
Tennis shoes or sneakers (any color)
White quarter-length socks with school logo
The thickness of the soles must be moderate
Extremely thick soles can be dangerous for your
Aloha Dress/Free Dress
Aloha wear or free dress days will be announced when
applicable. Aloha days and free dress days are a privilege
granted to students upon merit. Aloha wear consists of polotype shirts and dresses of appropriate lengths. In all instances,
students are expected to dress in an appropriate, schoolfriendly manner (e.g. no spaghetti straps, appropriate
skirt/short length, no baggy pants, etc). The principal has the
final say in what is deemed appropriate or inappropriate dress
for school. Parents/guardians may be called to provide the
student with his/her uniform if the student chooses not to
comply with dress code guidelines.
White, brown, or green jacket with no outside logo (no
pullovers or sweatshirts) can be worn by the students.
Identification Cards
All students are required to wear their I.D. at all times during
class days and in field trips or any other outside official activity
of the school.
* Jewelry is to be worn in moderation. (No more than one necklace,
one bracelet and one ring)
* The student is responsible for any valuable.
* Finery brought to school. The school is not responsible for loss or
damage to any personal finery.
* Girls may wear one pair of stud earring only. Boys shall not wear
any type of earrings.
It shall be an expressed condition of enrollment that the
parents/guardians of a student shall also conform themselves to
standards of conduct that are consistent with the Christian principles
of the school, as determined by the school in its discretion. These
principles include, but are limited to any policies, principles or
procedures set forth in any student/parent handbook of the school.
These Christian principles further include, but are not limited to, the
1. Parents/Guardians are expected to work courteously and
cooperatively with the school to assist the student in
meeting the academic, moral and behavioral expectations
of the school.
2. Students and parents/guardians may respectfully express
their concerns about the school operation and its
personnel. However, they may not do so in a manner that
is discourteous, scandalous, rumor driven, disruptive,
threatening, hostile, or divisive.
3. These expectations for students and parents/guardians
include, but are not limited to, all school –sponsored
programs and events. (e.g., extended care, athletics, field
trips, etc.)
The school reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, which
actions fall short of meeting the Christian principles of the school.
Failure to follow these principles will normally result in verbal or
written warning to the student and/or parent/guardian and normally
will result in disciplinary action short of a requirement to withdraw
from the school (e.g., suspension of student or suspension of
parent/guardian’s privilege to come on the campus grounds and/or
participate in parish/school activities, volunteer work, etc.)
The school reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, when
conduct is of such a severe nature as to warrant immediate action
without a warning and/or without an intermediate step.
These may include implementing a safety plan; separating
and supervising the students involved; providing staff
support for students as necessary; and developing
supervision plan with the parents.
Dress Code
Students of St. John the Baptist Catholic School are
expected to take pride in their appearance by being
well groomed and by correctly wearing their
uniforms at all times. Uniforms shall be clean and
presentable. Shirts shall be tucked in at all times.
Shoes are to be worn in school. Uniforms and
personal belongings are to be labeled with the
student’s name.
Girls’ Uniforms
o Khaki uniform long shorts, pants, or skirts
o Hunter green polo shirt with embroidered
school logoo Plain white sweater or brown or hunter
green jacket with no
o outside logo (no pullovers or sweatshirts)
o White polo shirt with embroidered school logo for school
o White quarter length socks with school logo
o Black or brown shoes
o Plain matching belt
Boys’ Uniform
o Khaki uniform long or short pants (No
oversized pants or pants worn on the hips)
o Hunter green polo shirt with the
embroidered school logo
o White polo shirt with embroidered school
logo for school mass.
o White quarter-length socks with school logo
o Black or brown shoes
o Plain matching belt (no over-sized buckle)
General Information
A. Entity of the Corporation
Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii/St. John the
Baptist Catholic School
B. Local Administration
Pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic School
Principal and Vice Principal of St. John the Baptist
School Board
Business Information
School Office Hours
7:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. (Mon-Fri)
Business Office Hours
7:30 A.M.- 3:30 P.M.
7:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. (Tues & Thurs)
Daily School Hours
7:15 A.M. - Church Mass
7:55 A.M. - Flag Assembly /Prayers
8:00 A.M. - Tardy Bell
3:00 P.M. – Dismissal for Pre-K through Gr. 8
Summer Hours
M-F 8:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Closed on weekends and all holidays
12:00 P.M. – Dismissal for Half-Day Wednesdays
(1st and 3rd Wednesday of Every Month)
11:30 A.M. - Early Dismissal
Address Information
2340 Omilo Lane, Honolulu, HI 96819
Telephone: 808-841-5551
Fax : 842-6104
Church – 808-845-0984
Convent – 808-845-2622
1. Bullying is prohibited.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School community shall not
tolerate any bullying on school grounds, at any other school,
or off campus.
2. Staff intervention.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School expects all staff
members who observe or become aware of an act of
bullying to take immediate, appropriate steps to interveneunless intervention would be a threat to staff members’
safety. If a staff member believes that his/her intervention
has not resolved the matter, or if the bullying persists,
he/she shall report the bullying to the school administration
for further investigation.
3. Students and parents shall report bullying.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School expects students and
parents who become aware of an act of bullying to report it
to the school administration for further investigation. Any
student who retaliates against another for reporting
bullying maybe subject to the consequences listed below in
paragraph 6.
5. Investigation procedures.
Upon learning about a bullying incident, the principal, or
designee, shall contact the parents of both the aggressor and
the victim, interview both students, and thoroughly
investigate. This investigation may include interviews with
students, parents, and school staff; review of school records;
and identification of parent and family issues.
6. Consequences/intervention.
Consequences for students who bully others shall depend
on the results of the investigation and may include
counseling; a parent conference; detention; suspension
and/or expulsion. Depending on the severity of the incident,
the principal may also take appropriate steps to ensure
student safety.
Admission Policies
Admission to St. John the Baptist Catholic School is a privilege
and is based in part on the school’s ability to serve the child
effectively with the resources available to the school.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School’s primary mission is to be
effective instrument in the educational ministry of the Catholic
Church and to witness the love of Christ to all. Therefore, we do
not discriminate any applicant against race, sex, creed, color,
religion or national origin. However, students must meet all
admission requirements.
Returning Students:
Parents must re-enroll their children for the coming school
year. Since acceptance for the next year is not automatic, the
school reserves the right to accept or decline applications for the
next school year at the discretion of the Pastor and/or Principal.
Such decisions are based on parental cooperation, student
conduct, and educational opportunity available. Intent to
Return form is sent home to parents in late January. A nonrefundable deposit per child is required. Confirmation of
acceptance will be made in writing.
Returning students are readmitted when:
1. Parents accept the basic Catholic faith, traditions, and
Philosophy of the school as determined by their support.
2. The current academic program meets the needs of the
3. The previous year’s tuition is paid.
4. The deposit is made by the set intent to return date.
New Applicants:
Kindergarten: A child entering Kindergarten shall be four years
old and eight months by September 1 of that year. Applicants are
given readiness test individually followed by a parent interview
with the principal. Upon Acceptance, a non-refundable deposit is
required to reserve space in the class for the next school year.
The following procedures will be followed upon
office referral:
1. Principal/Parent/Teacher/Student
2. In-school suspension should the behavior
3. Parent Shadowing - A student will be suspended for one
week if parent-shadowing is not feasible.
4. A student will be dismissed from St. John the Baptist
Catholic School once all avenues of recourse have been
*If a student engages in serious behavior that constitutes
physical/bodily harm to others, the Honolulu Police
Department will be notified and the student expelled.
No policy is capable of covering all of the infractions
warranting disciplinary action. Therefore, the administration of
St. John the Baptist Catholic School reserves the right to censure
or penalize students for behavior that is not in accordance with
Catholic Christian Values or that consistently interferes with our
educational endeavor.
Bullying Policy
St. John the Baptist Catholic School recognizes that bullying
and intimidation have a negative effect on school climate and
negates the spirit of dignity and uniqueness of individuality we
advocate in a Catholic school. Students who are intimidated and
fearful cannot give their education that single-minded attention
needed for success. Bullying can also lead to more serious
violence. Every student has the right to an education and to be
safe in and around school.
4. Definition of bullying.
Bullying is a pattern of abuse over time and involves a
student being “picked on.” Bullying includes physical
intimidation or assault; extortion; oral or written threats;
teasing; putdowns; name-calling; threatening looks;
gestures, or actions; cruel rumors; false accusations; and
social isolation.
Grades One – Seven: During the months of February and March,
new applicants are tested and accepted to fill up vacancies.
Decisions are based on academic performance, school records,
test scores, educational needs of the students, and parents’
interview with the principal.
Application forms may be obtained from the school office
between 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. New
students will be accepted under the conditions of a probationary
period of one semester. If during that time, the school and/or
parent/guardian judges a problem of any nature, a formal
conference will be held to determine the best course of action.
The school reserves the right to accept or decline applicants at
the discretion of the Pastor and/or Principal. Such decisions are
based on parental cooperation, student conduct, and educational
opportunity available.
Requirements for all new students:
1. Copies of report cards from the previous and current school
years and standardized test scores if applicable
2. Birth Certificate
3. Student’s Baptism, first Communion and Confirmation
certificate (if applicable)
4. A non-refundable application fee
5. Health requirements (Hawaii State Attendance Law)
6. Parents are willing to have their children instructed in
the Catholic faith and philosophy of the school.
Physical Examination/tuberculin Test
Applicants attending school for the first time must
present a completed health record to show that a physical
examination and tuberculin tests or X-ray were completed
within a year before school entrance. Physical examinations
are required for students in Pre-K, K , and 7th grade.
1. Respect the Rights of Others
 Use appropriate voice and language
 Listen to the speaker.
 Respect opinions and points of views of
 Avoid harassing a fellow student or any
adult in the campus.
2. Respect Property
 Use properly the books and other
classroom equipment and materials,
furniture and other school properties.
 Use properly the facilities like restrooms,
computers, and science laboratory
3. Be considerate of Others
 Talk in moderated voice in order not to
disrupt classes.
 Be considerate of your fellow students
who might be studying
4. Display appropriate Character
 Be positive
 Be responsible
Disciplinary Policy
St. John the Baptist Catholic School is a place where
students are formed to develop self-discipline, respect,
responsibility and resilience. The school is concerned in the
integral formation of the students, which includes the body,
mind and spirit. The following specific procedure is applied in
the event of any transgression of the students against any
school rule and regulation:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Teacher and Student Conference
3. Discipline Note Sent Home
4. In-School Detention
5. Parent-Teacher conference
6. Note From the Principal
7. Parent-Teacher/Student Conference with the Principal
Applicants must present documentary evidence of
immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio,
measles, rubella, mumps, varicella, and Hepatitis B.
Emergency Card
Every family must have an Emergency card on file. The
information provided allows school officials to contact parents if
an emergency arises. It is the parents’ responsibility to keep that
information current, including home/work phone numbers and
allergies/medications needed. If parents cannot be reached,
names and phone numbers of emergency contact persons must
be current. They should also be able to pick up the child if
necessary. Medical coverage information (personal physician’s
name/insurance plan, and phone number) must be included.
Student Insurance
All students are covered under Servco Insurance Services for the
Student Accident Insurance.
Student Records
Information regarding and pertaining to an individual student shall
not be divulged to any unauthorized person(s) without the written
consent of a legal parent or legal guardian. Information may be
disclosed to legal parents, guardians and staff, with exception of a
medical emergency wherein confidential information may be
disclosed for emergency purposes.
Financial Information
Tuition pays for salaries, employee benefits, utilities,
maintenance, and daily expenses that must be met to keep our
school operating. The total cost per student in Grades K-8 is
$4,900.00. In addition, a non-refundable $350.00 admission fee
is required for all students for the School Year 2014-2015. Your
choices of tuition payment are as follows:
1. Follow given directions regarding safe conduct to ensure
an environment conducive to effective learning.
2. Refrain from bringing electronic devices or appliances to
Parents are responsible for reclaiming confiscated
electronics. The school will not be responsible for the loss
or damage to items that are not permitted in school.
Code of Conduct
The following do not reflect Catholic Christian Values
and will not be tolerated:
1. Possession or use of controlled substances (e.g.
tobacco, drugs, alcohol, and weapons);
2. Any pervasive, intimidating, or hostile acts of
harassment (sexual, physical, or verbal);
3. Use of obscene language, gossiping, or teasing
of others; cheating, lying, stealing, or fighting.
Expected Behavior of an SJBCS Student
5. Be prompt:
 Come to class on time.
 Have your home works/projects and
other materials ready.
 Have assignments completed.
6. Respect Authority
 Listen to authority.
 Follow directions promptly.
 Accept responsibility for own behavior
or action.
Payment Options
OPTION 1: Full payment due on or before June 1, 2014 (tuition &
OPTION 2: F.A.C.T.S Monthly Payment Plan (tuition & fees)
11 month payment plan. Payment starts in July
2014– May 2015
Withdrawals will be made on the 5th and/or 20th of the month
through F.A.C.T.S. Parents can go online to input their financial
banking information.
Note: The monthly payments do not include an annual $38.00
service charge made by you to the F.A.C.T.S. TUITION PAYMENT
FACTS Tuition Management Plan and Tuition Refund Plan
Insurance: It is mandatory to enroll in the FACTS Tuition
Management Plan and the Tuition Refund Plan Insurance for
Option 2 payment plans.
FACTS Tuition Management Plan: An Annual administrative fee
is paid to FACTS by automatic transfer from your bank account.
This annual fee is not part of the tuition/fees. FACTS Fee for
Option 2 is $38.00
Tuition Refund Plan Insurance:
To maintain the financial stability of the school, students are
enrolled for the full academic year, and no adjustments of fees
be made by the school for absences, withdrawals or dismissals.
Therefore, in the interest of the of parents, arrangements are
made to protect students under the Tuition Refund Plan. This
will provide an allowance of tuition in the event of student
withdrawal for medical cause, and for other such reasons,
including dismissal by the school. The Tuition Refund Plan
Use of School Grounds
The Principal, in collaboration with the Pastor, determines how
the grounds are to be used. During the school day, (6:00 A.M. - 6:00
P.M.) the area is generally reserved for the use of the school.
Parking Safety
The following procedures are necessary to maintain a safe and
orderly traffic pattern in the dropping off and picking up of your
1. All cars shall park in the school grounds outside of the
traffic barriers.
2. There will be no parking beyond the orange cones and the
school, the Fire Lanes, and lanes designated for pick-up.
Do not block the convent carport.
3. Drive cautiously and watch for children at all times.
4. Park your vehicle facing the church.
5. Do not block the private driveway next to the church.
Code of Student Conduct
Code of Christian Conduct for Students
St. John the Baptist Catholic School students and parents are
responsible for their children’s behavior and the resulting
consequences at all times. They are to be credits to themselves,
their families, and their school. Each student must be familiar
with all school regulations and conform to them. Parents are
expected to cooperate with the school’s policies in regard to
their student’s behavior. Non-compliance with these policies
will result in administrative disciplinary action.
General Rules
The students will:
3. Respect human dignity and rights based on the Catholic
Christian Values. Attend daily mass so as to enhance
one’s religious experience by maintaining and nourishing
a closer relationship with God.
becomes effective August 1 in the event of the student’s
inability to attend school due to a covered medical reason.
The non-medical coverage (voluntary withdrawals and
dismissals) does not become effective until the student has
attended fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days (including
weekends) commencing with the student’s first class day of
attendance in the academic year
Late/Non-Payment Policy
Late payment Insufficient Funds: Families of FACTS missing a
payment due to insufficient funds, will be automatically charged
an amount determined by FACTS, and missed payment fee by
FACTS and may incur a similar penalty from their banking
institution. After being informed of a missed tuition payment by
FACTS, the missed payment will be reattempted on the next
available payment date (either the 5th or 20th ). FACTS will
attempt payment three times, after the third attempt, parents
will be invoiced by the business office. Payment of invoice must
be made in the business office. If you have financial concerns or
questions please address them directly to our Business Office.
Student who have not settled their financial obligations:
- If your tuition payment account is delinquent you may be
informed that your child will not be allowed to attend school
until you have fulfilled your financial obligation to the school.
Administrations reserves the right to ask a parent to
their child from St. John the Baptist Catholic
School due to non payment on child’s 2014-2015 tuition
- 8th grade students will not be permitted to
participate in the graduation ceremony and graduation
Other Financial Information
 Fees
Fees, including books, workbooks, comprehensive
fees (examples: science lab materials, computer lab
Students or any group of students are not allowed to sell or
exchange any products(s) on the school campus without prior
written permission from the Principal.
Emergency Procedures
Ordinarily in the case of an emergency situation, the
student will be released only to a parent or legal guardian. If
that is not possible, the student may be released to the person
designated on the student’s emergency card. In the meantime,
school personnel will do their best to find a safe place in
which to protect the child.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held during the school year.
extinguishers are placed in various areas of the school building
and inspected regularly.
Off Limits
Our school is maintained and operated for the benefit of our
students. However, common sense and safety considerations
dictate the designation of a few off limit areas where students
are not allowed.
These areas include: storage areas, faculty lounge, trash
dumpster, planted areas around Parish Hall, janitor’s room, the
convent back yard and all fences and gates. Girls and boys’
bathrooms are open during recess time. Students may not play
in or around the bathrooms. The lanai /hall area outside the
classroom or main office is not a play area. There is to be no
running or bouncing of balls in this area.
Remaining On Campus
Once students arrive on the St. John the Baptist School
grounds, they are not to leave the campus prior to dismissal.
Students participating in co-curricular activities are not allowed
to leave school grounds until the activity is over.
library, art supplies, internet access), Diocesan fees,
transportation for the end of the school year field
trip, graduation fees, PTG (Parent-Teacher Guild)
membership, and Parent Activity fees are
incorporated in the FACTS payment plan.
Textbook Rental
All textbooks (hardbound and soft covered) are
rented for a fee each year. Students are required to
cover their books at all times. (Do not use adhesive
book covers.) Lost or damaged books will be replaced
and the student will be assessed the full cost of
replacement including shipping, handling, and state
Workbooks are for the child’s present grade level.
When a student is promoted to the next level in any
particular subject during the school year, parents
will need to provide new workbooks for their child.
All consumable materials are collected at the end of
the school year.
Academic Information
The Curriculum
St. John the Baptist Catholic School follows the
curriculum as prescribed by the Department of Education
and implemented following the guidelines of Hawaii
Catholic Schools.
Academic Program:
The Religion curriculum reflects the mission and
philosophy of St. John the Baptist Catholic School. Religion is
integrated in all subject areas. Religious instruction in the
Catholic faith forms the basis for the total development of the
In consideration of school, teacher, and student materials, a
locked classroom will not be unlocked after dismissal for
students who forget items in the classroom. It is the
responsibility of the student to prepare all of his/her necessary
materials needed for homework before dismissal from the
Lost and Found Articles
All children’s belonging should be labeled with their name
and grade. Unclaimed articles will be kept in the office for thirty
days. All items will be deposed of after thirty days. The school
will not be responsible for any unlabeled and unclaimed
The telephone of the school is for business use only. The
school office is unable to take personal messages for the
students except in cases of emergency. Students will be charged
$0.25 each time they need to use the school office phone.
Cell Phones/Other Gadgets
Students are allowed to bring cell phones in school. All
cell phones will be placed at the teacher’s table upon arrival
inside the classroom. Use of this unit is strictly prohibited
during classes. All cell phones will be given back to the
students during dismissal time.
Students are prohibited to bring electronic devices to school
such as laptop/iPad/DS/Gameboy, & etc.
* All confiscated contraband items will be held in the
Principal's office until the last day of school.
The school will not be responsible for any money that may be
lost. It is preferred when payment is made that checks be sent
to the school in an envelope with the name of the student and
the reason for the money. It is the parents’ responsibility to get
the money to the administrative assistant/bookkeeper and
receive a receipt.
student. All students are required to participate in all regular
classes and church services during school time. Included as
part of the Religion curriculum is the Human Sexuality
Program taught in Health Education within the context of
Catholic teachings and tradition.
Language Arts
English, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Phonics, and
Writing provide the basic literary and critical- thinking tools
for gaining knowledge and understanding of the spiritual,
educational, social, and vocational experiences of life.
The Math program is designed to help each student learn
the basic mathematical structures, language, and principles
in order
to develop skills in computation, to use vocabulary and
symbols in reading and interpreting data, and to measure
and solve problems.
The purpose of the Science program is to promote a
genuine interest in all the facets of science education, and to
provide the skills necessary to achieve scientific literacy from
grade to grade.
Social Studies
This program develops the knowledge understanding, skills,
and attitudes necessary for becoming good citizens.
Health Education
The Health curriculum provides students with a general
education regarding proper nutrition, personal hygiene,
manners and respect for oneself, communicable diseases,
substance abuse, and conflict resolution. Christian values are
integrated throughout the curriculum.
* School Choir
* Student Council
* Campus Police Officers (5-8)
* Amazing Grace
* Marching Band
* Altar Server
* In order to keep balance between academics and cocurricular activities, especially those that demand more
practice hours after school, a student must keep a "C" or 2.0
grades in each of the core subjects during the quarter.
* * After school hours, students enrolled in co-curricular
activities are required to remain on campus under adult
supervision. Once activity has concluded, students must leave
the campus immediately or be enrolled in after school care or
the Study Skills Program.
Guidelines on School Campus
All visitors and parents must report to the school office. To
avoid distraction, visitors and parents are asked not to remain on
the lanai area while classes are in session.
Early Dismissal
When it is necessary for a student to leave school early,
parents or guardians shall make arrangements with the school
office stating the date, time, and reason for dismissal. A written
authorization for a student’s release to someone other than the
parent or guardian must be sent to the school office before the
release. Parents or guardians shall report to the office before
students are released. The adult responsible for picking up the
student shall sign the student out.
Non-Academic Programs:
Physical Education
Computer Education
Health Education
Grading System
St. John the Baptist Catholic School uses the following grading
Grading Scale
Abbreviation Key:
Primary Marking Code: K and Grades 1 & 2
E = Exceeds Standard
M = Meets Standard
W = Working Toward standard
N = Not at grade level standard
No Mark- standard not addressed during marking period
Academic Marking Code: Grades 3-8
A 96 – 100
B- 86- 84
D+ 67- 69
A- 95– 93
C+ 83- 81
D 63 - 66
B+ 92 – 91
C 80- 75
D- 60- 62
B 90- 87
C- 74-70
F 59-below
Behavioral Expectations/ Learning Skills Code:
1= Exceeds expectations
2= Meets expectations
3= Improvement needed
4= Unsatisfactory
Report to Parents:
1. Parent/Teacher Conference at the end of the first quarter is
mandatory. The report card is reviewed with the parents.
Expectations for the school year are discussed. Teachers are
encouraged to confer with parents when a student is
experiencing academic difficulty.
Lunch will be provided by a caterer to those who are
interested on a monthly basis for a minimum cost from
Monday – Friday. A lunch menu will be sent home once a
month. Students will not be permitted to drink soda during
school hours. However, soda will be permitted on special
occasions such as special class parties or scheduled birthday
Students are allowed to borrow library books and
magazines for one week. Renewals are permitted for one
week if the item has not been requested. Students will be
charged $0.25 a day for overdue books. Students and parents
are responsible for any lost or damaged books or magazines.
Student Activities
Students involved in extra-curricular student activities are
expected to adhere to the code of conduct for St. John the
Baptist Catholic School. Any displayed or implied behavior
contrary to this code will be grounds for dismissal from the
activity. In addition, all students are required to adhere to an
agreement of specified terms. Such terms are dependent upon
the nature of the activity and will be outlined in a contract to be
signed by the student, parents/guardians, and the activity
sponsor before the student will be allowed to participate. At
any time a student or parent is unable to adhere to the outlined
terms, he/she will forfeit his/her right to participate in said
Class Parties
Parties are allowed for special occasions. No school lunch
will be served on these days. They are: Halloween, Christmas,
and end of the school year. Birthdays for the month are to be
celebrated on the last Friday of the month, without
Co-Curricular Activities
The co-Curricular activities for this school year are:
2. Mid-quarter reports will be issued on the dates indicated in
the school calendar, so as to inform parents of student progress.
3. Periodic reports will be issued at the discretion of each
4. Report cards will be distributed at the end of each quarter.
5. Parent/Teacher conferences for individual students can be
arranged at the request of administration, parents or teacher
through the school office cumulative school records. A copy of
the test results is sent home with the Second Quarter report
Students receive special recognition at the school
through a variety of award programs. These awards are
intended to promote and recognize Christian action,
academic skills and achievement, athletic achievement
and various aspect of good citizenship. Teachers and
parents are encouraged to promote these awards as an
incentive towards special effort and achievement by the
Student of the month and Ambassador of Peace awards
are presented at the monthly school Mass. These
awards, for all grade levels, are given solely on the basis
of Christian attitude, demonstrating the safe and caring
At an awards assembly, held at the end of each school
year, Christian attitude, conduct, service and academic
awards are given to students in grades K- 7.
Principal’s /Honor Roll Lists
Grades from six major subjects, Religion, Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Reading/Literature, are
added and then divided by six (6) to determine if the student is on
the principal’s/ Honor Roll List. If the percentage score is 93% or
above, the student is either on the:
Parent-Teacher Guild
Every parent whose child is officially enrolled at St. John the
Baptist Catholic School automatically becomes a member of the
Parent-Teacher guild (P.T.G.) The purpose of this organization is to
assist the school in accomplishing its spiritual and educational goals
and objectives for the school year in order to provide the students
the quality education they deserve. The organization is also charged
with raising of funds that help offset some of the school’s operating
costs in order to maintain a tuition that is affordable to the families.
The PTG board meets according to their schedules. These
meetings enable to establish an open communication between the
school and the parents. Through the parent representatives, the
parents are informed regarding school activities, updates of
academic and non-academic programs, and other such important
School Board
The School Board is an advisory group to the Pastor in the
administration of the school on a parish level. Membership is
selected from the parish community, from the parents, from
the alumni and from the community at large.
Student Services
After School Extended Care :
Extended care operates from 3:15 to 5:30 pm. An extended
care provides service to meet the needs of the working parents
for K-8th Grade. Please contact the School Office for more
information. Extended care is open on all school days with the
exception of the First and Last Day of school, on all school day
before Thanksgiving, the last day before Christmas vacation,
and graduation day. Extended care also observes the same
holiday schedule as the school. Daily or monthly fee schedules
are available. Billing is done at the end of each month. Any
student on school premises after 3:15 pm is automatically
signed to Extended Care.
Principal’s List 97% to 100% with no D, F in other subjects, or with any
NI grades in Conduct and Effort.
Honor Roll List 93% to 96% with no D, F in other subjects, or with any
NI grades in Conduct and Effort.
Eighth Grade AwardsThe Eighth Graders receive the Academic Awards and the
Non- Academic Awards as indicated previously.
They are also entitled to the following awards.
1. First, Second and Third Honors Award- A trophy and a
medal will be awarded to three students who exemplify
the School Wide Learning Expectations and who
demonstrate academic excellence in all subject areas.
2. Scholastic Award- A medal and a certificate will be
awarded to those students who have achieved a 90% or
better in the following subjects: Religion, Mathematics,
Science, Social Studies, Language Arts,
Reading/Literature, Music, Art, Physical Education, and
3. Loyalty Award- This award is given to those parents who
enrolled their child at Saint John the Baptist Catholic
School Kindergarten through Grade 8 and the child
graduates from the school.
4. Special Awards- other awards are provided to the
graduates for their achievements.
Scholastic Achievement Awards- A certificate is given to the
student with 90% in any of these subjects: Religion,
Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Reading/ Literature, Art, Music, Technology, Physical
Education, & Health Education.
The school will award a certificate to an outstanding student
who exhibits the following leadership qualities:
 Service to the school community
 Effort/Cooperation
 Team Spirit
 Creativity
 Citizenship
Parents receive a copy of the school calendar at the
beginning of each school year. It is important to review
this calendar from time to time, as it contains important
information regarding holidays, minimum days, report
card periods and conference.
If calendar dates need to be revised, parents will be
notified in writing in advance of the change or a monthly
calendar will be provided. Please share the calendar with
those responsible for picking up your child/children.
Parent Involvement
All parents are encouraged to be involved in school
activities. Field trips, picnics, and programs will be more
rewarding to your child if you are involved. Parents are
required to submit twenty (20) hours of school service in
time, talent, or treasure, otherwise you will be assessed a
fee of $10.00 an hour.
Homeroom Parents
Each year volunteer parents are asked to become
Homeroom Mothers and Fathers for each of the classes and
are required to submit a TB clearance. Homeroom Parents
are to assist the teacher in planning and organizing class field
trips, parties, and other school activities.
When sending money to school for any purpose, please place
the correct amount in an envelope and label as follows:
Child’s full name
Amount enclosed
purpose money is sent for
Tuition payment or Extended Care payment should be sent to
the Business Office.
Non- Academic Awards
Conduct Awards
Effort Awards
Perfect Attendance
Student of the month
Ambassador of Peace
Homework Policy
In order for students to successfully MASTER all the skills and
concepts expected, study outside of class is required. Homework
is an extension of the learning process. Your child’s occupation is
that of a professional student, and one of the responsibilities of
this profession is homework. Homework plays a vital role in
teaching students responsibility and accountability – a skill that
he/she will need in the job market. Homework is not an option,
but a priority.
The work assigned each day is carefully calculated and will
require one to two hours a day depending on the grade level.
Assignments requiring study are not necessarily written
assignments. Sufficient work is given to require study for
recitation and participation in class.
Kindergarten: 20-30 minutes
Grades 1-2:
45 minutes - 1 hour
Grades 3-5:
1 hour - 1 1/2 hours
Grade 6 -8:
2 hours
The grades of the students are reviewed by the principal
prior to report cards are being distributed. Students who have
incurred a failing grade of 75 0r lower, in two or more core
subject areas, (Religion, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science,
Social Studies) will result in academic probation. The purpose of
probation is to help the student regain an acceptable academic
standing. The following process is employed in giving
If conference with administration is necessary, appointment to
meet with the assistant principal and/or the principal shall be
made through the school secretary.
Family Envelope
Once a month on the last Wednesday of the month (except
December and June), an envelope goes home to each family
through the oldest child in school. This envelope contains
newsletters, announcement, forms, meeting dates, and other
school related information. Parents are encouraged to read the
enclosures carefully as you are responsible for the information
they contain. Please sign and return empty envelope with your
child the following day. Special envelopes may be sent home
when deemed necessary.
Electronic Grade Book
All classroom teachers post grades on a regular basis on your
child’s electronic grade book account. Missed or incomplete
assignment is also noted. Parents are given password to view
this account and are strongly encouraged to check grades on a
regular basis. Teachers can see when parents have checked
Progress Reports
Progress reports are sent home to parents half-way through
each report card period. These reports give parents and
students an indication of how well the student is progressing in
school and which areas need improving before the end of the
report card period. Progress report can be viewed online
through Grade Link. A hard copy of a progress report will be
sent home to be signed and returned to the teacher.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued four times a year at about nine weeks
intervals. The first report card is given to parents at the time of
parent-teacher conferences. Please carefully review your child’s
progress and contact the school if you have any questions
regarding grades.
1. Student will meet with the principal for a conference;
2. A letter will be sent to the parents informing them of the
probation. A conference will be scheduled with the
parents if necessary;
3. Student will be monitored closely by the homeroom and
subject teacher;
4. Participation in sports or other co-curricular activities
will be evaluated until academic improvement is evident
with “76” or better grades.
Students who master the minimum objectives in the core
subject areas are promoted to the next grade level provided the
get an average of “76” overall. Students with grade of “68-76” in
two or more core subject areas for two quarters, especially
during the last semester, are considered unsatisfactory.
Students who do not successfully master the minimum
objectives in the core subject areas with a grade of “0-68” or
better during the last semester are required to do one of the
1. Be retained in the same grade level if minimum
objectives are not met in more than one core subject
2. Be recommended for promotion on a probation basis and
is required to attend summer school.
3. Be recommended to transfer to a school where
alternative programs are available to meet the student’s
Promotion and retention are based on an evaluation of
academic, social, and emotional growth of the student. Some
reasons for considering retention other than grades are:
1. Indifference or lack of effort on the part of a capable student.
2. Social immaturity.
3. Gross absences (more than 10% of the total school days).
Field Trip Policy
Field trips are enriching experiences of classroom learning.
They are privileges afforded to students. Participation in a field
trip can be denied if academic or behavioral requirements are
not met. As long as Safe Environment requirements are met,
parents are invited to help supervise field trips. Due to safety
reasons, siblings are not allowed to accompany parents on
class field trips. No exceptions can be made.
A field trip form will be sent home to parents prior to an
excursion. Parents are requested to sign the permission form to
indicate their intent. Students without a signed permission
form will not be allowed to go on the excursion. A verbal
consent via the telephone or a written note is not a valid
substitute for the school’s permission form, and the student will
be denied the privilege to attend the field trip.
Eight grade students completing the entire course works
required with a passing grade can graduate within the
school year. At the end of the first
Semester, students in danger of not graduating will be
notified. Students may be denied the privilege of
participating in graduation ceremonies and other
graduation activities for unsatisfactory grades, disciplinary
reasons or unpaid financial obligations.
Summer School
Summer school is an academic program for the students
entering Pre-K to 8, depending on the number of students
improvement/enrichment of the students especially in the
areas of English and Mathematics are addressed.
Parent and Student Responsibilities
It is best to handle a problem at the level that it occurs. If a
parent is concerned about a problem that happened in the
classroom, the classroom teacher should be consulted. If the
problem persists or the parent is not satisfied with the
resolution of the problem, an appointment to meet the
principal/assistant principal should be made through the school
office. Parents are encouraged to bring their concern to the
attention of the proper school authorities immediately.
Teacher’s primary responsibility in the morning or during
school hours is attending to their students. Therefore, drop-in
visits to the classrooms are not allowed. Appointments to
meet with the teacher can be made through the school office by
letter sent directly to the teacher. The teacher will contact
parents by telephone, or letter, if necessary.
All children who are six (6) years of age and have not yet
completed their 18th birthday are required to be registered
and to attend school daily. This is in accordance with the
State of Hawaii Law (HRS298-8, 298-9, and Regulation 4140).
In the event of an absence, parents are required to contact
the school office before 8:30 a.m. that day. When the student
returns to school a note must be presented to the teacher
explaining the child’s absence in order to be excused. After 3
days of absence a physician’s note is required. An accumulation
of twenty unexcused absences shall result in mandatory
summer school or retention.
A student is considered tardy if he/she reports to school after
8:00 a.m. Late students must obtain a tardy slip from the Office
before being admitted to class. Students’ academic success is
directly affected by a student’s tardiness.
cleared. The diseases are impetigo, ringworm, scarlet fever,
conjunctivitis (pink eye), diphtheria, scabies, strep throat,
whooping cough, poliomyelitis, and chicken pox.
If the problem persists, parents will be contacted and requested
to meet with the teacher and/or principal to discuss possible
A teacher shall not dispense medication unless the student has
an Eppi pen injectable. All medications shall be brought to the
school office in its original container. A letter signed by the
attending physician or parent/guardian shall be on file in the office
before the administrative staff or the health room coordinator can
dispense medication. When a child is on medication the school
office needs to be notified in writing.
Arrival and Dismissals
A student may report to school after 7:30 A.M. and must leave
the campus 15 minutes after dismissal unless enrolled in the
After School Tutoring Program, or in other supervised and
approved school activity. Students who arrive in school before
flag assembly shall go to church. The school shall not be
responsible for the safety of students who arrive before 7:30
A.M. or leave later than 15 minutes after dismissal unless they
are registered in any of the specified student activities.
Students who remain in school passed dismissal will be placed
in the After School Tutoring Program.
to your child.
Parents are requested to notify the school office of any
allergies their child may have. Indicate the allergies on the
confidential health information sheet.
Dropping Off Items
Lunches and supplies shall be dropped off in the school
office properly labeled with the child’s name and grade. No
lunches or supplies may be taken to the classroom at
anytime. This avoids distractions for the teachers and
Communication with Parents
Letters and announcements are sent home regularly for
your information. It is the parents’ responsibility to secure
them from their child. Parents need to instruct their child of
the importance of bringing the memos home. If a child has
been absent, the parent(s) are responsible for contacting the
child’s teacher for any correspondence they may not have
received. If asked to sign and return any notice, please do so
as soon as possible.
The principal shall be informed in writing two weeks prior to
the student transferring to another school. All textbooks shall
be returned to the school including overdue library books. The
Release Form (Form 211), as well as the Health Form (Form
14), will be issued o the new school upon request from the
Non-Custodial Parent
St. John the Baptist Catholic School abides by the provisions
of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of noncustodial parents. In the absence of a court order to the
contrary, the school will provide the non-custodial parent
access to academic records and other school-related
information regarding the child. If there is a court order
specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the
responsibility of the custodial parent to provide with an official
copy of the court order.
Health Policy
Children who have been out of school because of the
following diseases will not be allowed to return to school
without written certificate signed by the physician stating that
they have been