storage ()

FAIMS Repository Storage Land Scape (‘Use Case’)
Revision Chart
0.1 - Draft
0.2 – Draft
0.3 – Draft
1.0 – Final
Martin Paulo
Martin Paulo
Martin Paulo
Martin Paulo
Description of Version
Initial draft for internal
Draft for external review
Draft for external review,
adds Lucene indexes
For release
7th January,
8th January,
9th January,
15th January,
The FAIMS repository will be build by scaling up the existing AHAD repository
hosted at La Trobe University. The AHAD repository is in turn powered by tDAR,
an open source digital archive and repository.
In effect, an existing large body of working Java software will have new features
added to it. By this means the repository development is intended to leverage the
cooperative nature of open source software, giving a low risk approach to
delivering a repository that will allow Australian archaeological researchers to
deposit and access data.
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tDAR, A Very High Level View
tDAR is first and foremost a repository. In that role, users upload digital artifacts
into the repository. These artifacts are stored in their original format, and also, if
need be according to their type, copied into an associated preservation format.
In the process of uploading digital artifacts, metadata is entered by the user and
associated with the digital artifacts. This metadata facilitates the organization of,
the discovery of, and the definition of relationships between the uploaded
Certain types of digital artifacts, containing tabular data, such as Excel
spreadsheets and MS-Access databases, also have their contents extracted and
copied into a ‘read only’ relational database. tDAR provides toolsets that allow
users to easily share this extracted data with other users, and also to integrate
the extracted data to form new data sets offering greater insight and knowledge.
tDAR makes use of Lucene to index the digital artifacts on ingest.
tDAR Storage, The Main Parts
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So:
file store
file store
File Store
The file store is the repository where the uploaded digital artifacts are stored. It
is implemented by means of a PairTree: a file system hierarchy.
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Personal File Store
The personal file store acts as user specific digital artifact holding pen: one in
which files uploaded asynchronously are assembled before being worked with,
or where digital artifacts generated by the user in working with datasets are
stored. It is implemented by means of BagIt: a file system based assembly
designed to facilitate the exchange of digital content.
tDAR Metadata
tDAR Metadata is a relational PostgreSQL database in which the metadata
entered by the user is stored.
tDAR Data
tDAR Data is a relational PostgreSQL database into which uploaded tabular data
is copied. This data is not editable by the user: it there to simply to facilitate the
sharing and integration of tabular data. The ultimate source of truth will always
be the original uploaded file.
Lucene Indexes
Lucene expects to find its indexes on local storage. It also expects to have only
one Lucene instance writing updates to the indexes.
As written, tDAR expects to find a file system available to store uploaded files on.
tDAR manages the files within that file system and does not expect to find any
other system, including other copies of tDAR, updating or modifying files on that
file system. This is especially true of the Lucene index files.
This makes moving tDAR to the cloud a somewhat interesting exercise.
Ephemeral storage is simply not a viable option for the repository. A repository
with a file system that can be arbitrarily reset to its initial state is not a
Similarly, the two databases require non-ephemeral storage.
At the very simplest, persistent block storage that can be mounted and written to
is required.
But even with mountable block storage available, the number of instances of
tDAR that can be run, as written, is limited to a single instance. Thus moving
tDAR to the NeCTAR cloud will result in an application that is less reliable and
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less performant than if tDAR were installed on dedicated hardware. This is not a
desired outcome!
Ideally the PairTree and BagIt file stores should be replaced with
implementations that make use of the available redundant object storage.
However, this will involve some significant amount of effort, as the underlying
internal semantics of the application will be changed.
This change will also impact the original tDAR development team, as it will mean
making changes to an important and stable part of their application!
Perhaps a better approach would be to create a virtual file system that maps
‘files’ to objects in the object store. This could possibly be done by means of an
implementation of the FUSE package, for example, CloudFuse.
Regardless of approach, the sharing of the Lucene indexes amoungst instances is
going to be an interesting challenge to tackle.
As it currently stands tDAR is not a good fit for the NeCTAR cloud. The
availability of persistent block storage is a necessary prerequisite before this
migration can be considered. Only once persistent block storage becomes
available can the migration can be started.
That migration has two possible paths: one is via a rewrite of some core
components, the other is by means of presenting the cloud components through
a façade that preserves the semantics expected by tDAR. Further work is
required to establish the optimum path.
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