Paperwork Procedures Interim IEP/30 Day IEP The intent of WebKIDSS is to have all special education paperwork housed electronically and an accurate database of all TriCounty students. KSDE Process Handbook: The IEP team may need to develop an interim IEP for a shorter than normal period of time to allow time to locate the child’s records or conduct the assessments necessary to develop a new IEP. The provision of the special education and related services the child needs in order to receive FAPE and progress in the general curriculum should not be withheld pending the receipt of records when the school knows the child has been identified as a child with an exceptionality and has an IEP. Any exceptional child who transfers from one local educational agency program to another shall be placed in the special education service program which appears to be most suited to the student’s needs. A Provider Request for access should be done as follows through the WebKIDSS process. Allow a 1-2 day turnaround, but in most cases the turnaround will be within a few hours. Do not call the TriCounty office. 1. School Psychologist will be a part of deciding on whether an Interim IEP is necessary. The School Psychologist will be an integral part of either locating the child’s records or conducting assessment to develop a new IEP. 2. Log in to WebKIDSS, Choose the Group: Add Students (MIS, Rtrn, New) Under Business Options select: Enter Data into Forms Choose Form: Entering/Returning 13-14 Complete ALL fields. The “Additional Information” is important. This form is used for other purposes. Please specify in this area “This will be an Interim IEP with Initial date of (entry to district) and end date of (30 days from date)”. Initiation date will be the date student starts with Tri-County and entered your school district. Please include all known providers in the Additional Information. If there is an unknown field, then enter “n/a”. Then select the “Email Document” button at the top of page. This will automatically email to Jennifer Palmer. 3. Once an IEP record has been created by Jennifer, the person making the request has access to a blank IEP record. Updated 6/2/15 4. All components of the IEP must be developed or addressed. Often, the reason for an Interim IEP is to have time to learn the student and develop an appropriate plan with current data. Present Levels of Performance: Comment on what is known, but also what information will be gathered during the 30 days. Goals: Use the 4 components of a goal (behavior, condition, criteria, timeframe) to indicate the goal for the 30 days. This goal may be more global and/or less detailed than your normal goals. It is unlikely that Benchmarks/Objectives can be written because information and data is required to break down a goal. Services and Setting: Include and provide the assumed appropriate service in the assumed least restrictive environment. Data collection over the 30 days will identify the most appropriate services and setting(s). 5. Write up a Conference Summary documenting date student entered district, any notes about the paperwork or situation, and document that a 30 day interim IEP will take effect. A Prior Written Notice for Identification, Initial Services, Educational Placement, Change in Services, Change of Placement, and Request for Consent must be completed. Notice of Meeting will be completed and 10 day notice offered to be waived. 6. Any changes made to the paper copy of the IEP must be updated within the WebKIDSS system. Make sure all paperwork is copied and given to parent, a copy is left for teacher file, and all originals are sent to the main office to the MIS clerk within 10 days. IEP will be locked by main office. 7. Required Paperwork to turn in to main office/MIS: Teacher Information Page Notice of Meeting Incoming IEP (if available) Conference Summary Medicaid Authorization Form signed by parent/guardian Spectra Form (if Related Services are provided) Other: (as determined from procedures) Example: Prior Written Notice for Evaluation and Request for Consent(if evaluation is being updated/requested) Example: Other incoming information (Placement, Evaluation) Student Information Form – Copy for Building Secretary Tri-County Paperwork Checklist (Required – New) Updated 6/2/15