grade subject-specific descriptor

Subject-specific descriptor
The student:
 has a very limited understanding of mathematical concepts; rarely selects or
applies appropriate mathematics to solve simple familiar problems
 recognizes simple mathematical patterns but does not investigate
 very rarely uses appropriate mathematical language or notation; cannot
construct arguments or draw conclusions
 attempts to create simple models to solve real-life problems, with very limited
The student:
 has a limited understanding of mathematical concepts; sometimes selects and
applies appropriate mathematics to solve simple familiar problems
 uses limited strategies to investigate simple mathematical patterns
 occasionally uses appropriate mathematical language and moves between
forms of notation and representation; draws conclusions that are difficult to
 creates models to solve real-life problems, with limited success.
The student:
 has a basic understanding of mathematical concepts; selects and applies
appropriate mathematics to solve simple familiar problems, with frequent
 selects and uses strategies to investigate simple mathematical patterns
 uses some appropriate mathematical language and begins to move between
forms of notation and representation; constructs incomplete arguments and
occasionally draws conclusions
 creates and explains models to solve real-life problems, with some success.
The student:
 has a good understanding of mathematical concepts; selects and applies
appropriate mathematics to solve simple familiar problems, requires support
for challenging problems
 selects and uses appropriate strategies to investigate mathematical patterns
 usually uses appropriate mathematical language and moves between forms of
notation and representation
 constructs basic logical arguments and draws conclusions; creates and
explains relevant models to solve real-life problems.
The student:
 consistently understands mathematical concepts well; selects and applies
appropriate mathematics to solve challenging familiar problems; requires
support for unfamiliar problems
 develops and uses a range of strategies to investigate mathematical patterns
 uses appropriate mathematical language and frequently moves between forms
of notation and representation
 constructs arguments and draws conclusions, sometimes containing mistakes;
creates and explains relevant models to solve real-life problems.
The student:
 demonstrates a broad and extensive understanding of mathematical concepts;
regularly selects and applies appropriate mathematics to solve challenging
familiar and unfamiliar problems, often with independence
 develops and uses a range of strategies to investigate complex mathematical
 consistently uses appropriate mathematical language and frequently moves
between forms of notation and representation; constructs detailed arguments
and draws conclusions
 creates and justifies sophisticated models to solve real-life problems.
The student:
 thoroughly understands mathematical concepts; independently selects and
applies appropriate mathematics to solve challenging familiar and unfamiliar
 develops and uses a wide range of strategies to investigate complex
mathematical patterns
 consistently uses appropriate mathematical language and flexibly moves
between forms of notation and representation; constructs rigorous arguments
and draws sensible conclusions
 creates and justifies sophisticated models to solve real-life problems.