Comparing the Concentrations of Trans-Resveratrol in Wine Samples To Resveratrol-Based Supplements Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Alex Chan Spring 2010 Dr. John Fruehauf University of California Irvine Abstract In vivo experiments of mice model’s have shown that trans-resveratrol has been able to act as an anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory agent, a blood sugar-lowering medium, delay age-related diseases, mimic affects of dietary restriction, and have other beneficial effects to the model’s health. Using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), an experiment was conducted to determine the concentrations levels of trans-resveratrol based supplements that have been placed on the market to consumers to better their health. In order to determine the approximate concentration levels of trans-resveratrol in four unknown resveratrol supplements, an experiment was conducted to create a standard curve using the known concentrations of stock solutions of resveratrol and compare it against unknown concentrations of resveratrol supplements. A wine sample was also measured and compared to the results of the supplements to determine the amount of resveratrol in a glass of wine would equal a single supplement tablet. Introduction In medicine today, many various techniques have been used to cure diseases, prevent ailments, and help patients. One such technique that shows great promise is the use of trans-resveratrol (3,5,4-trihydroxystilbene), which was first isolated from the roots of the plant White Hellabore (Veratrum grandiflorum O. Loes) by M. J. Takaoka in 1940 (Baur, 2006). In 1992, trans-resveratrol was also found to be in the skin of grapes, higher concentrations being specifically in red grapes (Baur, 2006). In plants, resveratrol acts as a phytoalexin, a natural antibiotic substance to fight against harmful bacteria and fungi. Synthesized by an enzyme called stilbene synthase, the synthase has been isolated from grape vines and transferred to other plants in hopes of having similar affects to plants that do not naturally produce resveratrol (Kobayashi 2000). These experiments have been proven successful with the mutant plants showing enhanced resistance against certain fungi. According to the well-known French paradox, many people have observed the French to have a low incidence of coronary heart disease despite having a rich saturated fat diet. Researchers believe that this low incidence of heart disease is because of red wines source of resveratrol which have been linked to longevity and cancer prevention in other species that were tested with trans-resveratrol supplements (Wallenborg, 2009). Many experiments have been conducted to determine the health benefits of consuming trans-resveratrol based supplements. When fed to fruit flies, worms, and short-lived fish, resveratrol treatment extended the life expectancies of these animals as well as reduce the progression of illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age related diseases. (Baur, 2006) When applied to in vivo clinical experiments of mice models, results have come out both favorable and unfavorable. Resveratrol is believed to be metabolized in the liver and intestine through glucuronidation and sulphonation. It is thought that trans- Resveratrol activates the Sirtuin-1 gene in humans inducing a dietary restriction-like environment in people, which creates a biological stress on the body (Pearson, 2008). Resveratrol has also been tested to inhibit carcinogenesis at multiple stages of cancer by inhibiting growth and initiation of tumors (Baur, 2006). The possible beneficial effects of resveratrol continue to grow as more research is done on the mechanism of this phytoalexin and further research is conducted. High Performance Liquid Chromatography is a form of column chromatography used to separate, identify, and quantify compounds based on their idiosyncratic polarities and interactions with the column’s stationary phase (Clark, 2007). By forcing a solvent to go through a column under high pressure, one is able to use a very small particle size for the column producing a greater area of interaction. With reversed phase HPLC, the column size is the same, but the silica is modified to make it non-polar by attaching 8 or 18 carbon atoms (Clark, 2007). When combined with a polar solvent, there is a strong attraction between the polar molecules and polar solvent when passed through the column. Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and a research protocol developed by R.M. Lamuela-Raventos in 1995, we are able to determine the concentration levels trans-Resveratrol and compare it to an unknown concentration of resveratrol supplements (Lamuela-Raventos, 1995). Materials and Methods Sample stock solutions were created using 99.9% concentrated trans-Resveratrol from Chromadex, in a solid form and mixed with HPLC-grade methanol. Instead of using the original samples of resveratrol from Sigma-Aldrich, it was decided to use a different brand of resveratrol for these tests. Elution ratios of 1:32 (0.03125 mg/mL), 1:16 (0.0625 mg/mL), 1:8 (0.125 mg/mL), 1:4 (0.25 mg/mL), and 1:2 (0.50 mg/mL), were created and run through the HPLC system. Concentrations were stopped at above 1:2 (0.50 mg/mL) because the HPLC system was unable to read concentrations of samples that were so highly concentrated and readings capped at around 200,000 mAU’s. Each sample was first mixed with half of the amount of methanol on a plastic weigh tray in which it was measured in, to avoid any loss of mass from the supplement when transferring. Once the supplement/methanol mixture was placed into the container, the second half of methanol was finally added. An HP/Agilent 1050 series DAD HPLC system consisting of three major parts was used for the experiment. An HP 1050 autosampler was used to introduce a liquid sample automatically into the system at a constant measurement. Approximately 100µL of each sample was injected into the HPLC system. Once each sample was run through the system, the HP 1050 quaternary pump moved the sample through a densely packed column that separated particles by size and solvent elution. The solvent elution profile used was the same as the previous tester who used two solvents for separation. Solvent A consisted of glacial acetic acid that was diluted with HPLC-grade water to get the pH to 2.40. Solvent B consisted of 20% of Solvent A and 80% HPLC-grade acetonitrile. Both were combined in the HPLC system at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The time interval profile it followed was: 0 min, 82% of A, 18% of B; 15 min, 82% of A, 18% of B; 25 min, 0% of A, 100% of B. Figure 1. Elution gradient plot following the protocal by R.M. LamuelaRaventos. Shows what percentage of each solvent was run during the time interval. Solvent A consisted of glacial acetic acid that was diluted with HPLC-grade water till it had a pH of 2.4. Solvent B consisted of 80% of HPLC-grade acetonitrile and 20% of Solvent A The wavelengths were observed at two different levels, 285 nm and 306 nm. To focus on the trans-resveratrol isomers, our tests focused mainly on the 306 nm wavelength. Once the sample was run through the HP 1050 DAD detector, which provided characteristic information of the retention time, the data from each test was consolidated to a single computer. The surface area of each peak at its highest retention time was measured and plotted onto a graph. A linear regression line was then calculated in order to find a standard curve to compare to other experiments. Four supplements of unknown concentrations of trans-resveratrol supplements were then conducted using the same HPLC protocol. Supplement A was described as a white capsule with an off-white powder substance inside. When taken apart supplement A weighed 448.47mg. 1mg of Supplement A was massed out and diluted with 2mL of methanol and tested. Supplement B was a dark green capsule with a fine white powder in the inside. The mass of the powder measured to be 481.4mg. Supplement C was a darker brown capsule with ground brown substance consisting of other granules of unknown content and weighed 594.4mg. Supplement D was a lighter brown capsule and contained a more ground brown substance that weighed 880.8mg. Supplements B, C, and D were diluted with 4mL of methanol. The HPLC machine had difficulties reading a 0.25mg/mL concentration of Supplement A, so a 0.5mg/mL was used instead. Once all supplements dissolved into a completely liquid form, each sample was placed into an individual container and run through the HPLC system where all results were recorded. It is also important to note that after every sample was run through the system, it was necessary to run 100µL of HPLC-grade acetonitrile for 20 minutes. This was done in order to clean the system so that no data was skewed by leftover traces of residue from the previous sample. Because each sample took so long to run, the data collected from this experiment was conducted over a period of 10 weeks. Tests were done Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the afternoon and multiple samples were run to best optimize the experiment. Following the supplement samples, a wine sample was also run through the HPLC system through similar procedures. 300L of Black Swan Australian red wine was measured out and filtered through an 0.2m inorganic anopore filter. 100L was injected into the HPLC system and results were compared to the results from the standard to determine the amount of trans-resveratrol in the wine sample. Concentration of resveratrol was then compared to the results of the supplement tests. Results Using the results from the stock solutions, a linear regression line was created to determine the average relationship between the surface areas of the peaks and the concentration of each solution. The equation of the linear regression line was determined to be Surface Area of Peak = 74.26 x (trans-Resveratrol concentration mg/mL) - 12167 where R2 is equal to 0.971. The closer the R2 value is to 1 represents the data following a perfectly linear regression. Figure 2. The Standard Regression Curve of known concentrations of transResveratrol. The known concentrations were plotted again the peak surface area and a linear regression line was placed with an equation of y=74.26x -12167. The R2 was equal to 0.971 and showed to be very well fit to all the possible point Mass (mg) Ratio (mg/mL) Expected Peek Surface Area (maU's) Concentration of Resveratrol (M) Resveratrol/1mg Supplement Expected Resveratrol (mg) Amount of Wine Necessary (L) Amount of Wine Necessary (1 Glass=240mL) Supplement A Supplement B Supplement C Supplement D Wine Sample 448.47 481.40 594.40 880.80 (1:2) (1:4) (1:4) (1:4) (1:1) 96496.65 102516.50 37599.31 99697.22 33.74 1463.27 1544.33 670.15 1506.37 164.28 0.4650166 0.9938 0.306095 0.9639 0.03746 208.54 478.41 181.94 849.04 26.695 7.81 17.92 6.82 31.81 32.55 74.67 28.40 132.52 Table 1. Experiment showing individual supplements tested. Results are recorded in mass, elution gradient mg/mL, the expected peek surface when the surface area is entered into linear regression equation, amount of resveratrol/1mg of supplement, the expected amount of total resveratrol in each supplement in mg, the amount of wine necessary for each supplement in L, and the amount of wine necessary for each supplement in 1 glass of wine (240mL). The values of the stock solutions followed a general trend of 1:2 mg/mL having a surface area of around 158,000 mAU’s, the 1:4 mg/mL having a surface area of 50,000 mAU’s, the 1:8 raio having a surface area of around 33,000 mAUs, and so forth all the way to the 1:32 mg/mL. Peaks were noticed to spike the highest at 22.5 minutes into the system and were consistently on time. Samples above a ratio of 1:2 mg/mL were too concentrated for the HPLC system to read and had to be taken out of the equation because the system capped at 200,000 mAU’s and were not accurate results. Taking the area under the curve calculated by the HPLC system from each supplement and substituting that number into the Y component of the linear regression equation, we were able to get a measurement of how much resveratrol was in each sample. That number was then multiplied by the sequence of numbers calculated to get the molarity of each sample to get an expected amount of resveratrol per 1mg of each supplement. Once that number was received, it was then multiplied by the total mass of the supplement to determine how much of the supplement really consisted of transresveratrol. Chromatogram of Wine Sample Figure 3. Chromatogram of the Wine Sample at 306nm wavelength with an injection of 100L. The first set of peaks is from bubbles and excess substance that was left from the previous sample. Small dots can be seen at 22.5 minutes which represent the very little peaks from the wine sample. The peaks height only reached a maximum of 27 mAU’s, thus the peaks are very small. Table 1. Experimental results of wine sample test at 306nm wavelength. Peak 11 and 12 show where the small amount of resveratrol peaked at with an area of 25.89 and 7.85 mAU’s respectfully. The wine sample followed the same procedure as the supplement samples. The sample was substituted into the linear regression equation and the amount of resveratrol was determined by solving the equation backwards. The number resolved was the amount of trans-resveratrol in mg/L of wine. The amount of wine per 1 liter was then converted into per 240mL, which equaled 1 glass of wine, and the results were compared to each supplement sample. Discussion Optimizing a linear regression line from the known concentrations of transresveratrol samples allowed us to compare the results from unknown samples to the known linear regression line. Because the linear regression line showed a coefficient of determination of 0.971, statistically we can say there is a direct correlation between peak surface area and concentration. Diluting each supplement sample and testing it with HPLC gave us a surface area where the resveratrol would peak within the column. The peak formed at 22.5 minutes at the 306 nm wavelength and instead of using the maximum height of the peak, we used the total surface area underneath the curve that formed. This number showed to be more accurate because it gave us a larger number with more information about the curve. Each sample supplement was tested independently from one another and ran through the HPLC machine on different days to avoid the possibility of mixing samples in the HPLC machine. Some samples were run multiple times because of inaccurate readings from the HPLC machine. The average mean was used as results for samples that were run more then once. The results from each chromatogram were stable and consistent which allowed us to get more accurate results from each test. According to the experiment, Supplement A, which weighed 448.47mg contained 208.54mg of transresveratrol. Supplement B had a mass of 481.4mg and contained 181.94mg of resveratrol. Testing Supplement C, it had a weight of 594.4mg, and in that, contained 181.94mg of resveratrol. Finally supplement D massed at 880.8mg of resveratrol and of that, 849.04mg was expected to be resveratrol. From the results, some of the samples seem like a plausible amount of trans-resveratrol to have in a supplement. Supplements sold can contain anywhere from 5mg to 500mg of trans-resveratrol. Supplement A and C seem like the most feasible results of resveratrol containing supplements because both have a significantly lower mass of resveratrol in the total weight of the supplement. It is expected that supplements also have excess chemicals, vitamins, and nutrients and very rarely contain 100% pure resveratrol. Results of supplements B and D show that both have almost a 99% concentrated supplement of resveratrol, which seems very unlikely. According to the data, it shows that each of these supplements had a very high concentration of trans-resveratrol. Having done these experiments for two quarters now, I’m happy to se all the results come out clean and uniform. However that does not mean that any experimental errors could have occurred while conducting this experiment. Because HPLC works with such small numbers that are very precise, any sort of miscalculation in massing or diluting could have easily affected the results. There also could have easily been trace amounts of resveratrol from past experiments stuck in the column also. To try to avoid this problem, not only did we run the system with acetonitrile after each sample, we switched the column upside down and ran it with methanol to clean the column. However this method of cleaning was only done a couple of times and trace amounts of resveratrol still could have skewed our results. The wine sample had an expected concentration of 164.28M, which was then converted into mg of trans-resveratrol. The expected amount of trans-resveratrol in 1 liter of wine was determined to be 26.74mg. The amount of trans-resveratrol in mg was then divided by the amount of trans-resveratrol in each supplement to determine how much resveratrol is needed for each supplement. Answers were then converted to 240mL, which was determined to be the amount of wine that was contained in a single glass of wine. It was determined that one would need to drink 32.55 glasses of red wine to match the amount of resveratrol in supplement A, 74.67 glasses of wine to match supplement B, 28.40 glasses of wine to match supplement C, and 132.52 glasses of red wine to match supplement C. Because red wine contains only a very little amount of grape skin itself, and isn’t very concentrated, wine only has a small amount of resveratrol which matches the results of the data. A large amount of wine would need to be consumed in order to match the amount of trans-resveratrol in a single resveratrol based supplement. Better results could have been determined if we had used an even smaller amount of sample solution to create a more accurate linear regression line for small amounts of resveratrol. The method used to determine the concentration of resveratrol in resveratrol-based supplements can also be easily applied to other chemicals. 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