Nombre: ______________________ Clase: _______ Fecha: ___________________ Direcciones: Complete the following basic practice, and then complete the "additional practice" section based upon how well you did on the mid-term. Then, attach your midterm answer sheet to this paper and turn it in. If you lost your answer sheet, complete all the additional practice sections. Práctica Básica I. Translate the following -phrases to Spanish. 1. What's up?- 2. Nice to meet you- 3. What is your name?- II. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective given- Be careful to pay attention to if the adjective is singular or plural. 4. Luis es ______________________ (lazy). 5. Raquel es _______________________ (ugly) :( 6. Luis y Raquel son _____________________________ (ambitious) III. Underline the question words and translate the entire question. 7. ¿Cuántos alumnos hay en la clase de español? __________________________________________________ 8. ¿Cuál es la fecha? _________________________________________________________________________ IV. Make the following sentences plural AND translate them (the plural sentences) into English. 9. La clase de inglés es difícil.-----Plural--------> ____________________________________________________ Translation: ________________________________________________________________________________ 10. El profesor de la educación física es fuerte (strong)----Plural----->___________________________________________ Translation: ________________________________________________________________________________ V. Give me the following times in Spanish (written out as words) 11. 1:30 AM 12. 2:15 AM 13. 3:45 PM VI. Miscellaneous: Translate the various vocabulary words. 14. The red hat -____________________________ 15. The green folder- ____________________________ 16. The orange shoes- _____________________________ 17. The yellow pencil- ___________________________ VII. Verb conjugation practice. Conjugate AND define the following verbs 18. Yo/ser - ______________________________________ 19. Ustedes/hablar- _____________________________ 20. Nosotros/necesitar- ______________________________________ ADDITIONAL PRACTICE (Based on Mid-term results) ON NEXT PAGE. Section 1- #s 1-4 (Basic Phrases). Fill in the blanks and then translate the sentences to Spanish. My name is ________________ - ______________________________________________________ I am ________________ years old- _________________________________________________________ Section 2- For numbers 5-10: Adjectives Describe yourself with no fewer than 3 adjectives in a complete sentence (or two) __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your two best friends with an adjective that they have in common in one sentence. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 3- For numbers 11-14- Question Words. RESPOND to the following questions in complete Spanish sentences. ¿Dónde estás? _____________________________________________________________________ ¿Cómo es el principal de Southern? _________________________________________________________________ Section 4- Numbers 15-19, Make the ser verb chart below and write at least a 5 word sentence in Spanish using the nosotros form. Then translate the sentence to English. Section 5- Numbers 20-22- Look up and write the following classes 3 times each, paying close attention to their spellings. 1x 2x 3x MathFrenchSection 6-Numbers 23-25 AND/OR Numbers 26-28- Make the following sentences plural and then TRANSLATE those (plural) sentences. The plural forms of ser are to the RIGHT of the singular forms in the chart. Yo soy un alumno -----Plural----> _______________________________________________________________________ Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Ella es una chica guapa ------Plural-----> _________________________________________________________________ Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ La clase de español es fantástico ----Plural----> ___________________________________________________________ Translation: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Section 7- Numbers 29-32 (4-7 on side 2): Tell me the following times in Spanish words. 11:11 AM 12:50 PM 1:00 Section 8- Numbers 33-35 (8-10 on side 2): Tell me what color(s) the following objects is/are in Spanish. An American Flag- _____________________________________________________ El color de tu pelo (hair) ____________________________________________________ Tu color favorito- ______________________________________________________ Section 9- Numbers 36-39 (11-14 on side 2)- Define the following terms. Include "a." A suit- A skirt- A blouse- A tie- A shirt- Section 10- numbers 40-41 (15-16 on side 2)- Define the following terms. Include "the." The book- The pen- The ruler- The calculatorSection 11- Numbers 42-46 (17-21 on side 2)- Give me the full verb charts (with pronouns) of the following verbs. Then translate them into English. Buscar Comprar