HB 5 Counselor Implications

Counselor Implications HB 5
Beginning 2014-2015, the Commissioner has adopted a plan to replace the MHSP,
RHSP & DAP with the Foundation High School Program which consists of 22 credits
Counselors will advise students to select an Endorsement, which consists of 26 credits.
Endorsements are in the following areas: Public Services, Business & Industry,
Multidisciplinary Studies, Arts and Humanities or STEM.
Students who are in the 9th, 10th or 11th grade this year (2013-2014 school year)
must be given an option to graduate MHSP, RHSP, DAP or Foundation High School
4th year Seniors may graduate foundation plan in Spring 2014 ONLY (See
Commissioner’s Rules)
Counselors will have to identify graduation programs for each student until our current
graduation programs are phased out
In 2014-2015, upon entering 9th grade, students must indicate in writing an
endorsement selection. This can be satisfied via a personal graduation plan (PGP)
which must be signed by both the parent & student
A district must permit a student to choose, AT ANY TIME, to earn an endorsement other
than the endorsement that a student previously indicated
Upon counselor verification of student endorsement amendment, NOTICE must be sent
to the parent/guardian
A student may elect to Graduate WITHOUT an endorsement only if after the student’s
10th grade year, the student & parent are advised of the benefits of graduating from
H.S. with an endorsement AND the parent files with the counselor, written
permission allowing student to graduate Foundation only
Speech is NOT a course requirement, instead student must demonstrate proficiency in
various skills, as determined by the ISD
In LOTE, Comp Sci is an option and in certain circumstances, a student who is
unlikely to complete 2nd credit may substitute a different language or other TEA
approved course
ISD High School Counselors annually, must articulate the advantages of earning
endorsements, performance acknowledgements, distinguished levels of
achievement and postsecondary education to both students and parents
Distinguished Achievement is earned by completing: 4 credits in math including
Alg II, 4 credits in Science and curriculum requirements for the foundation plan and at
least one endorsement
For top 10% college admission rule, a student MUST earn a distinguished level of
Performance Acknowledgements are earned for outstanding performance in: Dual
Credit, Bilingualism/Biliteracy, AP or IB exams or on the PSAT, ACT-PLAN, SAT/ ACT
and/or for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry license
or certificate
Effective 2013-2014, if a student is determined UNLIKELY to pass an EOC at the end of
the 11th gr, the ISD must enroll the student in a college prep course
All High School Students entering 9th grade must have a universal PGP, documenting
their Endorsement and that is reviewed with each student AND their parent/guardian.
This document must be signed by the student and parent before the end of the
school year
Students who are AT RISK of completing high school within the fifth year of study or of
whom have failed a state assessment must have a PGP on file, which documents
PGP’s must be transferrable electronically via TREX
Eduphoria/DMAC offering template to assist with HB 5 Endorsement/Graduation
Planning & course selection. ESC Region 13 also serves as a great resource
Self-Evaluation Toolkit (local evaluation requirement) Each district & campus will be
assigned a rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable or unacceptable by a local
committee. Community Engagement Component = 3 important factors pertaining to
counselors: community & parental involvement and dropout prevention strategies
also 21st century workforce development program
The Texas Education Code states that: A school counselor’s role is to fully develop
students academic, career, personal/social abilities to serve ALL students
School Counselors have 8 main Responsibility Domains. Some of which include:
Program Management, Individual Counseling, Group Guidance, Consultation &
For H.S. Counselors, the Recommended Percentages for a School Counseling
Program should include AT LEAST 25-35% in individual planning and 15-25% in
the guidance curriculum