Code of ethics of Karaganda State medical University General

Code of ethics of KSMU
Code of ethics of Karaganda State medical University
General regulations
The code of ethics of the Karaganda State Medical University is developed
according to Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education", "About
science", "About fight against corruption", Charter of PSGE "Karaganda State
Medical University", Regulations of university and the standard moral ethical
Ethical standards obligatory for been trained and employees of the university
are provided by the Code of ethics of the Karaganda State Medical University:
administrative and managerial personnel;
educational support personnel;
pupils of college, students, interns, undergraduates, residents, doctoral
serving and other personnel.
The code governs relations, based on the conventional moral values, a priority
of human rights, and democratic ideas of civil society.
The code of ethics of the Karaganda State Medical University is based on the
following principles:
corporate solidarity.
The Code combines all members of the university society by the joint values,
standards of behavior, principles, approaches and moral orienteers for the
University mission realization.
Purpose of the given Code is creation the atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance
in the university, which promote in work of scientific and creative potential of
employees and students.
Tasks of the ethical norms are:
provision of moral, intellectual and spirit development of each member of
defense of social rights, freedom of each member of collective;
provision of execution of duties of each member of collective;
creation of good moral and psychical climate in the university collective;
formation of feeling of patriotism at university.
Article 1
Duties of administrative-managerial staff
Code of ethics of KSMU
to create condition for work providing qualitative execution of official duties
and preservation of health of employees;
not to allow bureaucracy at consideration of complaints of natural and legal
entities, in established periods to take measures for the arrived addresses;
to find solutions for prevention of actions of corruption character;
to observe ethics of business communication;
to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Article 2
Duties of the university employees
to resist to the actions doing harm to interests and business reputation of the
to resist to any manifestations of corruption and the actions creating conditions
for corruption;
threat with due care and properly use the university property;
to observe the standard moral ethical standards;
to promote the reinforcement of international harmony, formation of regardful
attitude to state and other languages, traditions, customs of the Kazakhstan
inviolately observe the labor discipline, to execute duties in proper manner and
to allowed unfounded accusations, facts of rough, abasement of human dignity,
indelicacy and other actions derogated from rights;
not to force subordinate employees to execution of illegal actions which are not
correspond to the moral and ethics standards;
to observe confidentiality of information received during duties instructions
appearance of employees should correspond to specified requirements of the
university activity;
to observe common accepted ethical norm and not allowed cases of anti-social
behavior in out of working time.
Article 3
Duties of the Faculty
to form and support the culture of business communication in the collective;
to promote creation of stable and positive moral and psychical atmosphere by
the personal example;
to observe civility in conflicts resolving;
to support and increase of the university image;
to improve and constantly develop professional skills;
to abide the norms of scientific and professional ethics;
Code of ethics of KSMU
not allowed baseless accusations, actions of unmoral character, facts of rough,
insults, indelicacy, and prepossession to students or subjectivity at their
knowledge assessment;
to promote to education the moral qualities, self-respect and patriotism;
to carry out the health life style.
Article 4
Duties of being trained of the college, students, interns, master’s students,
residents and PhD candidates
to observe civility at relation to all employees, teachers and students of the
to support and improve the university image;
to observe the academic discipline, norms of medical ethics and behavior;
to carry out the health life style;
to hallow and increase traditions of the university;
treat with due care and effective use property of the university, to observe purity
and order in the university;
to show integrity in conflicts resolving;
to allow unproved charges, actions of unmoral character, facts of rough, insults
and indelicacy;
to show tolerance to each other;
constantly aspire to increase of the culture, morality and physical perfection;
committee of student’s self-government in hostels and on faculties has right to
apply punishment actions of the given Code, such as: deliverance of public
reprimand, timely disqualification to access in activity of the student’s
selfөпщмуктьуте. Question on application of such punishment is resolved
independently at each faculty not dishonoring the humanity dignity.
Article 5
Duties of training-support, servicing and other personnel
to support social and economical, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological
and esthetic conditions of labor;
to observe delicacy in conflicts resolving;
to observe ethics of business conversation;
treat with care and effectively use property of the university, to observe purity
and order in the university;
to allow actions of unmoral character, facts of rough, insults and indelicacy.
Article 6
Resolving of conflicts among members of collective of the university
Possible conflicts should be resolved at the department’s meeting or in structural
subdivisions. In case of impossibility of conflicts resolving at the level of division,
Code of ethics of KSMU
the employees have right to address to the Educational Council of KSMU,
common committee of the university.
Observance of the mentioned above conditions will provide to all memebers of
educational activity the possibilities for realization of intellectual and creative
Principal of KSMU
R.S. Dosmagambetova
The document is approved by the decision of the Academic Council of KSMU
Protocol № _9_of «24» April 2014 year