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How to Register & Activate the User Account for Engineer Infinite:
1. Visit and look for the REGISTER NOW button and click on it to
reach the Registration Page.
2. On the Registration Page, Students and Faculty would register by choosing the
appropriate button.
3. Provide basic details about yourself and your contact details. Mobile number is preferred.
4. Please ensure all details are correct – Changing them later would be generally not
entertained. So, please double check before clicking the REGISTER button.
5. Immediately after this An E Mail will be sent to the mail ID given by you. This is the mail
ID that would be used for you during the entire competition process.
6. You need to Activate your user account from this mail, by clicking the link given. (Look for
the mail in the SPAM folder or Junk Mail box, if it is not found in your IN Box)
7. Immediately after this a Welcome Mail would be sent to you.
8. Login using your mail ID and the password, reach the My EI16 dashboard and get familiar
with the next steps and their broad requirements.
9. Now, you are ready for the Bio-data Submission stage
After your account activation, the next step is to submit your bio-data, before you can go ahead
and participate in this competition.
How to Submit Bio-data for Engineer Infinite?:
1. Login to your account and reach your 'My EI16' Page and choose ‘MY BIODATA’.
2. In this page you would give us more information about yourself, your college and your
course, etc.
3. Keep an image of your college ID (with photo) and unique roll number. This would be
required and verified right through the competition. Allowed file types are jpg, gif,
png, pdf, doc and file size must be less than 1 MB.
4. College information is selected from pull down list. If your college name is missing, please
select ‘I did not find my college’ and the enter the details yourself. When you do this,
please enter the college name in FULL, as per the official records to help us validate the
eligibility of the institution.
5. You can Save the data, verify if everything is alright and then ‘SUBMIT’. Once you
‘SUBMIT’ your data, you cannot edit it later.
6. Only after you SUBMIT your bio data, you can be a part of a team.
7. Immediately after this, an E-Mail would be sent to you confirming this step and giving you
instructions for the next step.
8. Now, you are ready to form your team, a very important step for your participation in
Engineer Infinite 2016 Competition.
Team Formation and Submission is an important step in the participation process.
Some key things that you must keep in mind about teams: (Complete Details are at the website)
1. Maximum members: 5 Students – Each must be individually eligible.
2. Faculty Guide: 1 (Optional)
3. One Student can be in only One Team, and can give only One Project. Any violation
means total team would be disqualified. One Faculty guide may handle many teams.
4. Financial Assistance to students – max 3 per team; certificates to all five.
5. Single member team is permissible, but it would be very difficult to handle the stall, when
this project gets selected for final. Please consider this before making your team
Please ensure that all members are added. Team once formed cannot be changed. Even if we can
do it as a special case, it would be very lengthy process and may not be completed in time for
you to submit the project abstract on time. Engineer Infinite does not take any responsibility for
any such eventualities.
How to Form, Finalise and Submit Your TEAM:
1. Login to your account and reach your 'My EI16' Page and choose ‘MY TEAM’.
2. In this page you can create a team or join a team.
3. When you create your own team, you are designated as team leader by the system with
certain rights and responsibilities. – Only you can Submit the team, do Project registration
and Abstract submission
4. To create a team, you need to know the following:
a. Decide whom you would like to invite as your team members.
b. They all need to register themselves, submit their bio-data and receive their
Student ID No.
c. Get their Student ID No or their registered mail IDs and keep them handy with
d. If your team has a faculty Guide, the Faculty Guide also must have a registration,
Submit Bio-data and get a Faculty ID for reference.
e. Get the Faculty Guide’s Faculty ID no and their registered mail ID handy with you.
f. Send invites to all members and faculty guide
g. Once all acceptances are with you. You can check all details and Submit your
team. Once submitted, the team cannot be changed.
h. You cannot drop a faculty guide once they accept and you cannot cancel an invite
to a faculty guide without their concurrence. It is an offline procedure and takes
You have an option to cancel an invite sent to a student before it is accepted
Once you start a team, you cannot be invited to another team.
5. To join a team by accepting invite:
a. You will get an alert in your e-mail that you have been invited to join a team.
b. Log in to your My EI16 page and select ‘My Team’ button.
c. Under ‘Team Invitations’, accept the invite;
d. Once you accept an invite, you cannot withdraw from the team.
e. At any given time you can only have ONE active invitation. So you must decide
f. If you want to create your own team, follow the procedure to create a team (as
given above
Once your team is submitted, you are now ready to register your project.
AN E Mail would be sent to you confirming your team submission.
You can verify the team details at your 'My EI16' Page
By this time you would have a clear idea about the project you would like to work on for this
This part is to be filled once you are clear about your project idea and before the abstract
submission itself.
Only the Student Team Leader can Upload and submit the abstract and files.
How to Register Your Project:
1. Login to your account and reach your 'My EI16' Page.
2. To register your project, you would need:
a. Your project Title
b. Project Areas (Technology & Result) – Refer to the list given in the website/
c. Main Engineering area (of the project – not your branch of study)
d. Type (Working Model/ Simulation/ Combined)
e. Display mode (Indoor/ Outdoor) – Please note that facilities for live outdoor
display may not be available and hence, when selected, you must be able to make
it a miniature/ simulation for an effective presentation of your project
3. Most of the above details are selectable from drop down menu
4. Once Submitted, changes are not permitted, so, please be sure of these details.
5. You can save the details as DRAFT and can edit before Submitting.
6. You can submit your Project Abstract only AFTER your project is registered. So, please
complete this step as quickly as possible.
So, if you are ready with the details, Go Ahead! Register your project in this page.
Once the project registration is completed, you are ready to upload your project abstract.
You can verify your project details in your ‘My EI16’ page.
The final step in participating in Engineer Infinite Competition is the Abstract Submission. This is
the Core activity.
The instructions given here would also serve as a guide to improve the quality of your abstracts.
Key Points to remember:
1. Ensure your attachments are as mentioned in the on screen instructions – both for the
file type and for file size. When the file size exceeds, the abstract will not be uploaded.
2. On-line submission is the most preferred mode.
3. Towards the end date, October 18,2015, the Internet traffic is likely to delay your upload.
Please DO NOT wait till last moment.
4. Only the Student Team Leader can Upload and submit the abstract and files.
How to Prepare your project abstract and submit it on-line:
1. Login to your account and reach your 'My EI16' Page and Choose ‘Project Abstract’.
2. In this page you can submit your project abstract as your team’s entry in the competition.
3. A Condensed Description of the project (Max 100 Words):
a. This contains the problem statement and the solution you provide through your
b. This is the first thing that the judge would read to make a quick decision on your
c. You need to prepare this description in a document file beforehand and
copy/paste in the space provided. Larger content beyond 100 words would not be
accepted by the system.
4. Actual Abstract itself (Max 600 Words):
a. This is the detailed abstract explaining the project. This box is meant for pure text
Please do not use diagrams, images, videos, etc. in this box- they are to be added
as supporting file attachments
b. This is the main description of your project.
c. You need to prepare this description in a document file beforehand and
copy/paste in the space provided. Larger content beyond 600 words would not be
accepted by the system.
5. In case you are using an idea from another source, proper reference of the source must
be given, in the main abstract or in a supporting file containing such References
6. Timeline: (Get Format in downloads section) (doc, docx, or pdf are acceptable)
a. This is a timetable indicating the steps in getting your prototype ready, after you
hear about the selection of your project for the final competition at ELECRAMA.
b. If your model is already complete and ready to be demonstrated, then please
indicate it in the format and upload.
7. Cost estimation File: (Get Format in downloads section) (doc, docx, or pdf are acceptable)
a. You need to estimate an approximate cost to build your project prototype, once
selected. Try to give major cost elements, as single items. Low cost items can be
b. A total must be provided.
c. If there is no cost to be incurred to make the prototype, for whatever reason,
please indicate it in the format and upload.
d. Cost of your prototype is NOT a selection criterion. This information is collected
for internal budgeting and planning purpose only.
8. Supporting Files:
a. You can upload all supporting files such as diagrams, images, videos, etc. here.
b. The number of files that you can add is flexible, yet please note that too many files
would make the evaluation of your project less easy.
c. Maximum file size would be 20 MB. Once this limit is reached, no more files can
be added. You can trim the files for size OR delete unwanted files.
d. A wide variety of file types can be used (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, docx, xlsx, pdf, mpeg,
mov, mp4 and zip).
e. Start uploading and Saving your files, as and when they are ready. You can make a
final submission and upload as the last step.
So, if you are ready with the details, Go Ahead!