
Encore English 10
Summer Reading Reduction Rubric
Visual Aesthetic:
Neat, colorful
representation of
the novel
Author and Title
Main characters and
their Roles
Plot Development
Significance of Title
Author’s Style and
(five to eight)
Neat, colorful, meaningful
representation of the novel; quality
illustrations, aesthetically and visually
pleasing presentation achieved.
Meaningfully and easily located. Adds
depth to presentation.
Visual representations of setting are
clear, identifiable, and meaningful.
All main characters identified with
their respective roles explained.
Important elements of plot are
presented in a meaningful way, i.e.
chronological, grouped, or other.
The message of the story is clearly and
thoughtfully communicated by visual
representations, words, phrases, and
The mood/atmosphere of the story is
clearly and thoughtfully communicated
by visual representations, words,
phrases, and quotes.
Symbolic elements are identified and
clearly communicated by visual
representations, words, phrases, and
The significance of the title is explained
thoroughly and clearly communicated
by visual representations, words,
phrases, and quotes.
The author’s writing style and
technique is clearly communicated by
visual representations, words, phrases,
and quotes.
5 to 8 meaningful quotes, legible, page
number cited, thoughtful placement
on composition.
On Target
Neat and colorful
representation of the novel;
well carried out illustrations
and well-proportioned display.
Visible, prominent, and easy to
Visual representations of
setting are clear and
Most main characters
identified with their roles.
Important elements of plot are
presented and are easy to
The message of the story is
communicated in some
manner: visually, via words,
phrases, or quotes.
The mood and atmosphere of
the story is communicated in
some manner: visually, via
words, phrases, or quotes.
Symbolic elements of the story
are communicated in some
manner: visually, via words,
phrases, or quotes.
The significance of the title is
communicated in some
manner: visually, via words,
phrases, or quotes.
The author’s writing style or
technique is explained in some
manner: visually, via words,
phrases, or quotes.
5 to 8 quotes, mostly
meaningful or significant,
legible, easy to identify.
Representation the elements of
the novel are present, but lack
careful, pleasing visual composite
of ideas.
Present and easy to identify,
though not prominent.
Visual representations of setting
are suggested.
Representation is difficult to
decipher, visually confusing, lacks
polished, finished appearance.
Some main characters identified
with their roles. Some missing.
Elements of plot are represented
but may be disorganized or difficult
to locate.
The message of the story is
somewhat present but not clearly
Missing significant characters
and/or their roles.
Lacking important elements of
plot, or unimportant side elements
The message of the story not
evident or clearly communicated
or the story is misinterpreted.
The mood and atmosphere of the
story somewhat present but not
clearly communicated.
The mood and atmosphere of the
story is not evident or clearly
Symbolic elements of the story are
somewhat present but not clearly
Symbolic elements of the story are
not evident or clearly
communicated or symbolism is
The significance of the title is not
evident or clearly communicated,
or the significance is
The author’s writing style and/or
techniques are not evident or
clearly communicated, or the
author’s style is misinterpreted.
Lacks quotes, or quotes selected
demonstrate a lack of
understanding of the story.
The significance of the title is
suggested but not clearly
The author’s writing style and/or
techniques are attempted but not
clearly communicated.
3-5 quotes are given and are
legible, but their significance is
Present but difficult to find, or not
Few or lacking visual
representations of setting.
TOTAL SCORE: _________/22