Environmental Harmony and Human Perception of Nature

Lake Simcoe Research –
Environmental Harmony and Human Perception of Nature
Environmental Harmony and Human Perception of Nature Ecosystem Management
Tools For Land-Use Planning.
Paul J. Paul Harpley and Rob J. Milne - 1995
Humans and our relation to nature is a historically and socially important topic. As
humans we use science and investigations to understand the world around us and raise
questions about life, survival and connections. Social and Environmental science are
both popular areas of study which a diverse sets of individuals investigate both
academically and recreationally. Often the realms of environmental and social study are
undertaken independently, however much past planning initiatives have proven that
humanistic and natural considerations are vital to the future of land use planning. In
Southern Ontario, the Toronto Waterfront, Greenbelt and the Oak Ridges Moraine are
examples of the new approaches to land use efficiency and sustainability initiatives that
involve humans and their relations, perception and use of the environment. Socialenvironmental perception research is a valuable tool used by social scientists to sample
societal knowledge, perceptions, values and attitudes for a wide range of issues.
Issues of humans and nature have had a complex and diverse history. Particularly in the
West, the relationship between humans and nature has historically remained separate
and for the most part separate, despite obvious connections. The rise of nature’s
importance to humans has increased primarily due to the global biosphere’s status
teetering on the verge of environmental disaster. In addition, local and national changes
in climate and weather, as well as floral and faunal loss have contributed to a growing
focus on environmental issues and sustainability. Sustainability is a human construct
referring to the attempt to conserve ecosystems; it includes both humanistic
perspectives beyond basic economic and environmental impact considerations of
traditional assessment approaches. Sustainability involves both an awareness of
environmental issues and actions that reflect an awareness of those issues.
Sustainability has been very difficult to achieve because of the societal focus on
economic growth and accumulation.
Human perceptions of the environment originate from sensations, notions or intuitions
and attitudes formed based on experience norms and lifestyle. As a result of the
diversity of human interaction and opinions about the environment, environmental
perception is difficult to categorize, understand and measure. Investigating our social
and organizational worlds is integral to determine how these relationships can influence
human perception of the environment and through politics and policy, affect land use
planning and design decisions in communities. Environmental sociology is one way in
which academics and scientists alike are trying to create an interdisciplinary area of
study that includes the full diversity of humans and the environment.
Resource Management and Land-Use Planning
Cross-disciplinary approaches are necessary in land-use planning developments and
ecosystem management. Similar to working towards sustainable practices, in order to
study resource management and land use, an understanding humanistic perspectives of
these issues and their relation to humans is necessary. By bringing together humanistic
and biophysical perspectives, humans will better be able to find successful solution
designs in landscape planning and land-use methodology.
Technology is another realm of human and environmental action and understanding
that holds great importance. Technology can act as a paradox where it allows humans to
learn, understand and connect more with the environment but also can act as a barrier
and a distraction separating humans further from the environment. For example,
reliance on technology solutions can create norms of disillusionment that technology
will solve environmental issues, when they cannot . In order to establish and maintain
harmony between humans and the environment it is essential to investigate these often
competing perspectives. Therefore, rigorous environmental perception research could
provide insights into current trends and provide a base for strategic planning. For
example, in the Lake Simcoe Watershed, past environmental perception research by the
Zephyr Society of Lake Simcoe has resulted in the development of a conceptual
environmental watershed management model stressing the concept of harmony.
The Lake Simcoe watershed covers 3707 square km. and is dominated by Lake Simcoe
itself. There have been significant population increases in the last decade, which have
variously altered natural habitat areas and impacted the diversity and ecological form
and function of the surrounding environments. The Lake continually serves as an
important recreational and commercial resource in Southern Ontario. Due to the
demands being placed on Lake Simcoe and the lands that form its drainage basins, the
water quality of the lake has been documented deteriorating in through eutrophication.
The future design of land use planning in this watershed will be critical to the health and
The South Lake Simcoe Naturalists and the Zephyr Society of Lake Simcoe have
conducted research on social and environmental perception in the Lake Simcoe
Watershed; this work was designed to understand and illustrate the importance of
resource management issues in the Lake Simcoe watershed based on social perception.
Surveys were conducted during the months of May to August in the years of 1992 and
1993. Visitor and Residence perception was probed in this survey research. Overall it
was confirmed that residents were both more knowledgeable of the state of the lake
and watershed than visitors. For example, while tourists and visitors may look at the
Lake and watershed and see its beauty in their enjoyment of it, residents who are fully
immersed in the environment for extended periods understand the wider dynamics of
that environment.
Results from the survey revealed that visitors viewed themselves as separate from the
environment, while residents viewed themselves as part of nature due to its presence in
their everyday life. The results presented in this study are typical of many resource
management and landscape-use issues in the Lake Simcoe watershed and elsewhere
across Canada. Many people are simply unaware of issues and therefore, despite
interest to contribute, do not participate in meaningful discourse of resource
management, or significantly influence decision making.
This study concluded that more research is needed in the area of characteristics and
perceptions of the general public. In many cases research in the past has relied too
much on personal interviews and mailed surveys. In future projects techniques like
direct observation and analysis of written simulation would be worth experimentation.
Policy changes can only be a result of discussion and decision making, studying policy
making can assist in discovering new strategies to access public perception and
formulate policies that are not only sustainable but simplified for the general public to
engage with. Future environmental perception work is being conducted by the Zephyr
Society of Lake Simcoe and will be reported in future years.
The Diagram below is a conceptual watershed management model developed in 1995 –
“The Environmental Harmony Model” (Figure 2) which is focused on environmental
perception as the active resource-management component of integration based on the
Lake Simcoe area research. Application of methodology, consistent with the structure of
this model provides the possibility for planners to address specific land-use conflicts in
the future within a watershed context, to arrive at an increasing state of harmony.
Full Book Chapter Reference:
Harpley, P.J. and R.J. Milne, (1995). Environmental Harmony and Human Perception of
Nature: Ecosystem Management Tools for Land-use Planning. In Environmental
Sociology: Theory and Practice (eds.) M.D. Mehta and E. Ouellet, Captus Press Inc.
Please contact the Zephyr Society of Lake Simcoe for full book chapter.