COURSE Human body’s communication and hormone control systems 4.00 B2 28% Understand the body’s systems of hormone control. 4.01 B2 2% Remember the structures of the urinary system. What are the structures of the urinary system? 7240 Health Science I ESSENTIAL STANDARD OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Unit B Unpacked Content I. Structures of the urinary system A. Kidneys 1. External structure a. Renal capsule b. Renal hilum 2. Internal structure a. Renal pelvis b. Cortex c. Medulla i. Renal pyramids ii.Renal columns d. Nephron 1) Bowman’s capsule 2) Glomerulus 3) Proximal convoluted tubule 4) Loop of Henle 5) Distal convoluted tubule 6) Collecting tubule B. Ureters C. Urinary Bladder D. Urethra E. Urinary meatus 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 279 ACTIVITIES 1. 2. 3. Introductory Activity Distribute the handout. Students will match the correct term with its definition and write the correct letter in the blank next to the term. Students will turn in their papers upon completion of the assignment. Review the answers with the students. Grade and return papers to students on the next class day. Structures of the urinary system Distribute the handout. Present PowerPoint presentation, slides 1-15. Students will record notes and class discussion on the handout while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Facilitate discussion by asking the students: o What is the advantage of the kidneys’ location and surrounding layers? Students will use the handout as a resource and a study tool. Structures of the kidney Distribute the handout. Students will label handout using their textbook. Students will compare with a peer for accuracy. Review labeling with the 7240 Health Science I RELEVANCY TO OBJECTIVE RESOURCES Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the urinary system 4.01 Urinary System Matching Handout Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the urinary system. 4.01 Remember the structures of the urinary system PowerPoint Presentation, slides 1-15 4.01 Structures of the urinary system Handout Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the urinary system. 4.01 Remember the structures of the urinary system PowerPoint presentation 4.01 Structures of the kidney handout Summer 2012 Page 280 ACTIVITIES RELEVANCY TO OBJECTIVE RESOURCES class. 4. 5. Students will use the handout as a resource and a study tool. Present PowerPoint presentation as needed to facilitate discussion and learning. Structures of the nephron Distribute the handout. Students will label handout using their textbook. Students will compare with a peer for accuracy. Review labeling with the class. Students will use the handout as a resource and a study tool. Present PowerPoint presentation as needed to facilitate discussion and learning. Nephron Model Distribute the handout. Assign students to small groups of two or three. A student from each group should collect the supplies needed to create the nephron model. Students need to make the model large enough to label. Upon completion of the model, have students explain and compare their model to another small group of students. Students should record their notes on the previous 7240 Health Science I Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the urinary system. 4.01 Remember the structures of the urinary system PowerPoint presentation 4.01 Structures of the nephron Handout Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the urinary system. 4.01 Nephron Model Handout Supplies for making the nephron model(suggestions): Clay Cups Pipe cleaners Straws Yarn Summer 2012 Page 281 ACTIVITIES handout. The nephron model will be used in the next objective. Medical Terminology Distribute the handout. Review the terms with the students. Use the handout as a resource when discussing functions of the urinary system and as a study tool. 4.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the urinary system In preparation for objective 4.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the urinary system; assign students to use their textbooks to read about the urinary system. Students should be given an assignment to complete to facilitate learning. Note: This could be an assignment from the materials provided or as provided by the teacher. Review and return these materials to students prior to beginning the next objective. 7240 Health Science I RELEVANCY TO OBJECTIVE Students will REMEMBER (A1) medical terminology. Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the functions and disorders of the urinary system. RESOURCES 1.02 Medical Terminology Handout Textbook Notebook OR Materials provided Summer 2012 Page 282 4.01 Urinary System Matching Handout Name__________________ Date___________________ Directions: Match the correct term with its definition. Write the correct letter in the blank next to the term it defines. ____1. Retroperitoneal A. Bean shaped major organ of the urinary system ____2. Nephron B. Located in the pelvic cavity ____3. Medulla C. Tube that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder ____4. Cortex D. Tube that connects the bladder to the outside ____5. Kidney E. Position of the kidneys ____6. Urinary bladder F. Outer layer of the kidney ____7. Ureter G. End product of the urinary system ____8. Urethra H. Contained in the Bowman’s capsule ____9. Urine I. Inner layer of the kidney ____10. Glomerulus J. The functional unit of the kidney 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 283 4.01 Urinary System Matching Handout KEY Name__________________ Date___________________ Directions: Match the correct term with its definition. Write the correct letter in the blank next to the term it defines. __E__1. Retroperitoneal A. Bean shaped major organ of the urinary system __J__2. Nephron B. Located in the pelvic cavity __I__3. Medulla C. Tube that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder __F__4. Cortex D. Tube that connects the bladder to the outside __A__5. Kidney E. Position of the kidneys __B__6. Urinary bladder F. Outer layer of the kidney __C__7. Ureter G. End product of the urinary system __D__8. Urethra H. Contained in the Bowman’s capsule __G__9. Urine I. Inner layer of the kidney __H__10. Glomerulus J. The functional unit of the kidney 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 284 4.01 Structures of the urinary system Handout Name _________________ Date __________________ Directions: Record notes and class discussion while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Use the handout as a study guide. Cortex ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ Medulla ____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 7240 Health Science I ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Kidneys _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Ureters ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Urinary Bladder ________________ ________________ ________________ Urethra _____________ _____________ Summer 2012 ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Page 285 ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Urinary Meatus _______________ _______________ _______________ 4.01 Structures of the kidney Handout Name _________________ Date __________________ Directions: Label the listed structures of the kidney. There are extra lines. 1. Cortex 2. Medulla 3. Ureter 4. Pyramid(Renal) 5. Renal Pelvis 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 286 4.01 Structures of Kidney Kidney Handout KEY Name _________________ Date __________________ Directions: Label the listed structures of the kidney. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cortex Medulla Ureter Pyramid(Renal) Renal Pelvis 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 287 4.01 Structures of the nephron Handout Name ________________ Date _________________ Directions: Label the listed structures of the nephron. 1. _________________________________ 4. ________________________ 2. _________________________________ 5. ________________________ 3. _________________________________ 6. ________________________ 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 288 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.01 Structure of the Nephron Handout KEY Name ________________ Date _________________ Directions: Label the listed structures. 1. Proximal convoluted tubule 4. Bowman’s capsule 2. Distal convoluted tubule 5. Collecting tubule 3. Glomerulus 6. Loop of Henle 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 289 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 4.01 Nephron Model Handout Name ____________________ Date _____________________ Directions: 1. In small groups as assigned by your teacher, construct a model of a nephron. 2. Include the following structures of the nephron: a. glomerulus b. Bowman’s capsule c. proximal convoluted tubule d. loop of Henle 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 290 e. distal convoluted tubule f. collecting tubule 3. Use supplies such as provided. These are some suggestions. a. b. c. d. e. Clay Cups Pipe cleaners Straws Yarn 4. Each section of the nephron should be labeled. 5. You will have time as assigned by your teacher. 6. Grades will be assigned using the following rubric. a. Nephron Model Rubric: i. Student name(s) appear on model ii. Each structure is labeled and accurate iii. Uses a variety of materials iv. Teamwork v. Creativity/Neatness vi. All structures are represented 15 points 20 points 15 points 20 points 15 points 15 points 7. You will use this model in the next objective. Handle it with care. 4.01 Medical Terminology Handout Name:________________ Date:_________________ Directions: Review the medical terms and definitions listed below. Use these terms to write “new” compound words in the spaces below. Check your work in your textbook or a dictionary to verify the compound words and the definition of each one. Medical Term Definition calyx- cup-shaped -cele tumor or swelling dia- across glomerulo resembles a little ball of yarn 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 291 hydro water lith- stone -malacia softening neo- new nephr kidney olig scanty poly- many, much pyelo renal pelvis ren kidney -tripsy crushing -uria urine ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 4.01 Prototype Assessment Items Note: These items illustrate the types of items used in the item bank for this objective. All items have been written to match the cognitive process of the remember verb in the objective. Questions require students to recall terms or words related to job seeking and keeping. These exact questions will not be used on the secured test, but questions in similar formats will be used. These assessment items may be used as prototypes by teachers and students to generate similar items to comprise formative assessments for you classroom. This strategy is especially helpful during the field test year when classroom item banks are not available. Results of formative assessment should be used to diagnose levels of mastery, determine if re-teaching is needed, and guide further instruction. 1. What structure connects the kidney to the urinary bladder? 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 292 a. b. c. d. Renal pelvis Ureter Urethra Urinary meatus B 2. What is the external opening to the body in the Urinary System? a. Renal pelvis b. Ureter c. Urethra d. Urinary meatus D 3. Which of the following is a part of the functional unit of the kidney? a. Glomerulus b. Renal pelvis c. Ureter d. Urethra A 7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 Page 293