St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne) Limited ABN 22 052 110 755 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy VIC 3065 PO Box 2900 Fitzroy VIC 3065 Telephone 03 9288 2211 Facsimile 03 9288 3399 St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne) Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Application to Change Members of a Research Team PROTOCOL DETAILS IBC Protocol No IBC Protocol Title IBC Protocol Classification IBC Protocol Approval Date IBC Protocol Expiry Date Principal Investigator Person who completed this form Email address REMOVE Members from the Research Team Name Reason ADD Members to the Research Team Complete details below for each person to be included in this dealing Name Signature Class ☐ Project supervisor ☐ Post-graduate student ☐ Research assistant ☐ Animal technician ☐ Post-doctoral researcher ☐ Other (please specify): Please include a brief summary of experience relevant to this dealing: Does this person require training to perform the procedures in this dealing? ☐ No ☐ Yes Name of person responsible for training Request to Change Members of the Research Team: November 2013 Name Signature Class ☐ Project supervisor ☐ Post-graduate student ☐ Research assistant ☐ Animal technician ☐ Post-doctoral researcher ☐ Other (please specify): Please include a brief summary of experience relevant to this dealing: Does this person require training to perform the procedures in this dealing? ☐ No ☐ Yes Name of person responsible for training Name Signature Class ☐ Project supervisor ☐ Post-graduate student ☐ Research assistant ☐ Animal technician ☐ Post-doctoral researcher ☐ Other (please specify): Please include a brief summary of experience relevant to this dealing: Does this person require training to perform the procedures in this dealing? ☐ No ☐ Yes Name of person responsible for training Name Signature Class ☐ Project supervisor ☐ Post-graduate student ☐ Research assistant ☐ Animal technician ☐ Post-doctoral researcher ☐ Other (please specify): Please include a brief summary of experience relevant to this dealing: Does this person require training to perform the procedures in this dealing? ☐ No ☐ Yes Name of person responsible for training COPY AND PASTE PAGE IF REQUIRED Request to Change Members of the Research Team: November 2013