PHONE: 770-781-2264 EXT. 101619
TEACHER NAME: Laura Markham
ROOM #: 1619
Course Description: Spanish IV – enhances listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in
Spanish in an integrated way and prepares students for college-level AP and IB Spanish classes.
Spanish IV provides for a broader and more extensive understanding of Spanish-speaking
cultures and for mastery of Spanish grammatical structures. The focus of the class is the culture,
literature, and history of Spain and Latin America. This is a rigorous class, taught exclusively in
Spanish. Students are expected to use Spanish at all times when addressing others.
Standards: Course standards are available at
Units of Study:
Introducción y repaso
Conozcamos España:
España y las Españas
Arte y Arquitectura
Celebraciones y Tradiciones
Hasta la Reconquista
El Siglo de Oro y el Imperio Español
Guerra Civil
España en Transición
Conozcamos Latinoamérica:
Diferentes países, diferentes culturas
Civilizaciones indígenas
Historia, Política y Economía
Textbook/Resources: With the emergence of technology as a tool for learning, we will be
utilizing various on-line resources to assist with instruction. Students are encouraged to bring
their laptops or I-pads to class. I-pod or other listening device use is prohibited. Electronic
translators are not allowed for any assignments. Please purchase a good print Spanish dictionary
if you should require assistance in this area. In addition to web based instructional tools, this
course will also have a classroom set of textbooks (2). Should you wish to purchase your own
copies, both are available (new and used) from Amazon.
Repaso: Review Workbook of Grammar (2004) ISBN: 0078460506
España y su civilización (2004) ISBN: 0072558431
Required Assignments: Each unit of study will include summative written and oral assessments
as well as formative written and oral assessments. Students will be given advance notice in order
to prepare for them.
Homework: Students are encouraged to study and prepare for the class on a daily
basis. Homework assignments may include reading, writing, web-based assignments, language
practice and studying for formative and summative assessments. Homework will be graded as a
formative assessment throughout the semester. Students should expect at least 1 hour of
homework per week. All homework assignments and formative/summative assessment dates are
posted on Its Learning. Students should get into the habit of checking it daily for notes and/or
announcements for the class.
Retake policy: Formative assessments may be retaken once in preparation for the summative
assessment of the unit and must be completed prior to the summative assessment of the same unit.
Formative assessment retakes will only be allowed if a student has attended a minimum 30
minute tutoring session. Retakes of summative assessments will not be allowed.
Availability for Extra Help: Tutoring is available! Please see the tutoring schedule posted in the
classroom and on-line to find out the time and place.
Makeup Work: All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when
absent from school. A student who is absent on the class day before a regularly scheduled
assessment will be responsible for completing the assessment on the regularly scheduled day and
time. Students who have been absent more than two consecutive days (including the assessment
day) will be given five (5) school days to make up the assessment and/or other assignments.
This does not include major projects where the deadline has been posted in advance. The teacher
has the discretion to grant additional time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances.
Grading Calculations:
Course Average = 50% First Semester Course work + 50% Second Semester Course work
Course Work = 75% Summative + 25% Formative
Grading Policy:
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
Failing = Below 70
*Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to homework, class work, practice tests,
rough drafts, and sections of projects/ research papers/presentations.
*Summative Assessments include, but are not limited to unit tests, final projects, final essays,
final research papers, and final presentations. All summative assessments will include listening
and reading comprehension sections as well as writing and oral proficiency sections.
Español III - Señorita Markham 770-781-2264 ext. 101619 – Rm. 1619
Classroom Expectations, Procedures, and Course Materials
1.Respect yourself, others, and property at all times.
2.Be prepared every day. (Have notebook, paper, writing utensil, and dictionary at
all times!)
4.Follow appropriate technology use guidelines.
5.Conduct disruptive to the learning environment will not be tolerated.
1st infraction: Verbal warning
2nd infraction: Email and /or phone call to parent
3rd infraction: Teacher detention
4th infraction: Referral to administration
*Please refer to the student handbook for all policies.
Technology Procedures:
Inappropriate use of technology will not be tolerated. This includes: texting in class,
using phones while teacher and other students are speaking, logging on to social
networks, taking pictures during class, etc.
Consequences for inappropriate technology use:
1st infraction: Verbal warning
2nd infraction: Take up technology device for class period
3rd infraction: Collect technology device at the beginning of class for the rest of the year
*If there are repeated violations of inappropriate technology use, I will collect all
students’ phones at the beginning of each class period for the remainder of the year.
Student Work Policy: All student work should be completed by the individual student. Make
sure your work is your own. Students may not use internet translation sites (i.e. google
translate) for any assignment. Besides being a form of plagiarism, these sites are frequently
incorrect. Students are encouraged to buy a Spanish/English dictionary and to keep class notes
organized. These will be your best resources!
Students should also only be working on Spanish work during Spanish class. In addition, all
homework should be completed before entering the classroom.
Entering the room: Class begins when the bell rings. Please take out your notebooks and
writing utensils and begin on the warm-up on the board when class begins. Please get in the habit
every day of starting class with the warm-up.
Tardies: The first tardy, you will receive a warning. Subsequent tardies result in a phone call
home and a morning detention. Five tardies result in an administrative referral.
However, in the case of an emergency, you must sign out using the sign out sheet located by the
door. You must include your name, time out, and time back in. Then take the respective gender
bathroom pass with you. I expect students to be responsible with this system. If students are
excessively using the restroom or leave class for an extended period of time parents will be
notified, and administrative action will be taken as necessary.
Required Materials:
 1.5” or 2” 3-ring binder (not shared with another subject)
 7 dividers labeled for each unit (Unit 1, Unit 2, etc.)
 one pack of index cards (more may be required as necessary)
 loose leaf paper
 pencils
 Spanish to Spanish dictionary
Recommended Materials:
 501/601 Spanish Verbs
Requested Materials:
 Regular markers
 Colored pencils
 Index cards
 Whiteboard erasers
 Expo markers
 Hand sanitizer
Please sign and return ONLY THIS PORTION to indicate that you have read and
understood the Spanish III Course Syllabus and Classroom procedures.
Student Name: ________________________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________
Parent email: _________________________________________________