POLICY 5163 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) POLICY Students who engaged in college-level study in high school through an International Baccalaureate (IB) Program can obtain credit towards a Shoreline Community College degree, placement in advanced classes, or both, on the basis of their performance on IB exams. Reviewed and recommended by: College Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04/17/12 Approved by: President. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/02/12 The President hereby approves Policy 5163. Shoreline Community College By: President Date: Policy approved 07/02/12 Procedures approved 07/02/12 SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE July 2, 2012 Page 1 of 4 POLICY 5163 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES 1. Shoreline Community College Office of Admissions – International Baccalaureate Shoreline Community College encourages and applauds students who have chosen International Baccalaureate (IB) courses as part of their high school curriculum. These courses are challenging and demanding, and we believe they provide excellent preparation for university study. 2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Students who engaged in college-level study in high school through an International Baccalaureate (IB) Program can obtain credit towards a Shoreline Community College degree, placement in advanced classes, or both, on the basis of their performance on IB exams. For placement into an eligible advanced course, students present an original copy of their test results to the Registrar’s Office. For credit, the student must ask the testing agency to send scores to the Records Office. Posting of IB credits may be requested after successful completion of 10 Shoreline Community College credits. A maximum of 45 credits for IB studies may be awarded as explained below. These credits all apply to an Associate in Arts (general transfer) degree. Students who choose a different degree or certificate may not be able to apply all credits towards degree/certificate requirements. 3. Credit Overview In most cases, five quarter credits (or more) are granted for Higher Level (HL) subjects in which a grade of 5 or higher is earned. For example, a student’s transcript would be noted as “English IB Credit 5.0”. Students who earn an IB diploma earn 15 general education credits distributed equally among the three General Education areas: Humanities, Natural Science, and Social Science. Credits earned via HL subject exams and the diploma may be awarded for a maximum of 45 quarter credits. 4. Submitting Your IB Transcript The easiest way to ensure that the Shoreline Community College receives your IB transcript is to name Shoreline Community College as a recipient when you sign up for IB program exam(s). If you do not name Shoreline Community College as a recipient when you take your exam, contact the IB Organization to request that an official IB transcript be sent directly to the Shoreline Community College Office of Admissions. Policy approved 07/02/12 Procedures approved 07/02/12 SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Page 2 of 4 POLICY 5163 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) 5. Useful Links General Education Degree Requirements SCC International Baccalaureate Equivalency Chart (April 2012) IB Department Score Course(s) and Credits Counts Toward/Comments Counts toward Social Science distribution area requirement. American History 7,6,5 HIST& 146, 147 (5 credits) Anthropology 7,6,5 ANTH& 206 (5 cr.) Art/Design 7,6,5 Biology 7,6,5 East/Southeast Asia & Oceania 7,6,5 History Counts toward Social Science distribution area requirement. Counts toward Humanities distribution ART& 100, ART 109 (5 cr.) area or Performance/Skills Applied Theory requirement. Counts toward Natural Science BIOL 211 (5 cr.) distribution area requirement. EASIA 218 (5 cr.) ECON& 201, 202 (10 cr.) Economics 7,6 Economics 5 ECON& 201 (5 cr.) English 7,6,5 ENGL 111 (5 cr.) European History 7,6,5 HIST& 118 (5 cr.) French 7 FRCH& 121, 122, 123 (15 cr.) French 6 FRCH& 121, 122 (10 cr.) French 5 FRCH& 121 (5 cr.) Policy approved 07/02/12 Procedures approved 07/02/12 SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Counts toward Social Science distribution area requirement for graduation. Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning requirement (and/or at UW counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation. Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning graduation requirement or counts toward Social Science general education requirement for graduation. Satisfies ENGL& 101 entrance requirement and counts toward Humanities distribution area requirement. Counts toward Social Science distribution area requirement. Counts for 10 credits of Humanities, only 5 of which count towards the distribution area requirement. Counts for 10 credits of Humanities, only 5 of which count towards the distribution area requirement. Counts for 5 credits Humanities Page 3 of 4 POLICY 5163 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) Geography 7,6,5 GEOG& 100 (5 cr.) History Japanese 7 JAPN& 121, 122, 123 (15 cr.) Japanese 6 JAPN& 121, 122 (10 cr.) Japanese 5 JAPN& 121 (5 cr.) Mathematics 7 MATH& 151 (5 cr.) Mathematics 6,5 MATH& 142 (5 cr.) Music 7,6,5 MUSC& 105 (5 cr.) PSYC& 100 (5 cr.) Psychology 7,6,5 Spanish 7 SPAN& 121, 122, 123 (15 cr.) Spanish 6 SPAN& 121, 122 (10 cr.) Spanish 5 SPAN& 121 (5 cr.) Theater Arts 7,6,5 DRMA& 101 (5 cr.) distribution area requirement. Counts toward Social Science distribution area requirement. See American History; East Asian History; European History. Counts for 10 credits of Humanities, only 5 of which count towards the distribution area requirement. Counts for 10 credits of Humanities, only 5 of which count towards the distribution area requirement Counts for 5 credits Humanities distribution area requirement. Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning requirement or counts toward Natural Science Distribution requirement. Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning requirement or counts toward Natural Science Distribution requirement. Counts toward Humanities distribution area requirement. Counts toward Social Science distribution area requirement. Counts for 10 credits of Humanities, only 5 of which count towards the distribution area requirement. Counts for 10 credits of Humanities, only 5 of which count towards the distribution area requirement. Counts for 5 credits Humanities distribution area requirement). Counts toward Humanities distribution area requirement. Reviewed and recommended by: College Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……04/17/12 Approved by: President’s Senior Executive Team. ……. . . 07/02/12 Policy approved 07/02/12 Procedures approved 07/02/12 SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Page 4 of 4