Supporting Material 1) Aura TES and TERRA MOPITT data Data from the Version 5 Aura TES data and Terra MOPITT satellite instruments as well as the GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model. Version 5 TES CH4 profile data from the TES “Lite Products” ( are used for this analysis. Worden et al. (2013) discusses the data quality flags used for data selection, data bias corrections, and comparison approach used to make robust comparisons to the GEOSChem model estimates of CH4 and CO. In summary, we use TES CH4 and CO profiles in which the degrees-of-freedom-for signal (or DOFS) in the troposphere are larger than 1, which indicates that the data can fully capture variations of CH4 and CO in the free troposphere. The TES CH4 data is bias corrected by 1.5%, as evaluated byβ¨aircraft data (Wecht et al., 2012). In all comparisons between TES data and the GEOS- Chem model we average data and model from the surface to the tropopause because the retrieval constraint allows for profile variability that is larger than expected from models but reduces to physically realistic values when averaged over the troposphere (as indicated by the DOFS). After averaging the TES CH4 and CO data have an uncertainty of approximately 1% or less [Worden et al., 2013] We use profiles of CO estimated from MOPITT thermal-infrared (TIR) and near- infrared (NIR) channels, with sensitivity to the boundary layer (H. Worden et al., 2010) to provide an independent estimate of CH4 fire emissions using the a priori CH4/CO emissions factor and also to quantify the potential impact of vertical transport error on the CH4 emissions. These multispectral CO profiles provide increased sensitivity to surface emissions and are also more sensitive to the role of convection on the vertical distribution of CO (Jiang et al., 2013). These data are biased vertically in the tropics by approximately 5% in the upper free troposphere for pressures less than 400 hPa but biased low by 1-5% for pressures greater than 600 hPa (Deeter et al., 2013) 2. GEOS-Chem model inputs and comparison approach The inputs for the GEOS-Chem model run are described in detail in Picket-Heaps et al., (2011) and Worden et al. (2012). The methane and fire emissions are constrained by the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) and the model transport is from re- analysis meteorological fields from the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. Methane emissions are based on measured emissions factors discussed in Andreae and Merlet (2001) and Van der Werf et al (2010). When comparing the satellite data to GEOS-Chem we want to remove the impact of the TES a priori and account for the vertical sensitivity of the TES estimate. Therefore, the averaging kernels and a priori constraints are first applied to the model fields (e.g, Jones et al., 2003, Kopacz et al., 2010; Worden et al., 2013): π±Μ ππ = π± π + π(π±ππ − π± π ) (1) where xGC is a GEOS-Chem profile, xa is the a priori constraint used for the corresponding (in space and time) TES methane retrieval. If the TES retrieval has converged, which we can determine by looking at the RMS difference between the TES measured radiance and the forward model of the atmospheric radiative transfer that depends on this estimate (Bowman et al., 2006), then the TES estimate is related to the “true” methane distribution and uncertainties affecting the estimate by (Rodgers and Connor 2003): π±Μ = π± a + π(π± − π± a ) + ππ§ + ππ b (π − πa ) (2) Μ is the TES CH4 (or CO) estimate, the x is the “true” methane profiles, π is a where π vector equivalent to the measurement noise of the TES spectral radiances. π and πa represent the true state and a priori of the state for those parameters which also affect the model radiance. The sensitivities of the radiance to those parameters (Jacobians) are ππ³ π b = ππ. π is the gain matrix, which is defined by ππ −1 π −1 π = ππ³ = (π π ππ−1 π + π−1 a ) π ππ (3) where G maps from measurement (spectral radiance) space into retrieval space. π is the averaging kernel matrix, which describes the sensitivity of the retrieval to the true state. Μ ππ π = ππ = ππ (4) The other terms are the covariance of the noise: Sn, and Sa which is the a priori covariance representative of the statistics of tropospheric methane (or CO). Comparisons between the TES estimate and the GEOS-Chem profile become more quantitatively robust because the a priori constraint and vertical sensitivity can now be explicitly removed or accounted for in the comparison: π±Μ − π±Μ ππ = π(π± − π± ππ ) + ππ§ + ππ π (π − ππ ) (5) Differences between the TES estimate and GEOS-Chem now represent differences between the true methane distribution (x), the modeled methane distribution (xGC) and the observations errors of the TES data (ππ§ + ππ π (π − ππ )). Of course we don't actually know the true noise vector n or the exact systematic errors but we can quantify the statistics of these terms using calibration or validation data or by propagating the statistics of the (b-ba) term through the gain matrix and Jacobians: ππ¨ππ¬ = πππ§ ππ + ππ π ππ (ππ π )π (6) where Sobs is the covariance matrix describing the observation error and is included with every TES profile estimate. Note that the mapping of the methane profile by averaging the volume mixing ratios of the profile is performed by simply matrix multiplying the estimates and the covariance by a function which averages the profile (e.g., Worden et al. 2004). In addition, the TES free-tropospheric measurements are not sensitive to surface methane variability but instead representative of air-parcels at larger scales because of the long mixing time-scales of the free-troposphere. Consequently we ignore uncertainties in the comparison (Equation 5) due to representation error related to differences between the model 2x2.5 grid and the TES 5x8 km footprint [Jones et al., 2003]. 3) Methane Estimation Approach. We use the optimal estimation (OE) framework for quantifying methane emissions using the TES methane data and the GEOS-Chem model (e.g., Bowman et al., 2006). Typically OE involves finding the minimum of a cost function which depends, for this problem, on the TES methane concentrations and their uncertainties as well as the total methane emissions for September, October, and November of 2006 for Indonesia and then “the rest of the world”. The emissions component of the cost function depends on the assumed a priori uncertainties of these emissions (e.g., Bowman et al., 2006). However, because of the relatively good agreement between the a priori distribution of atmospheric methane and that observed by the Aura TES instrument (Worden et al., 2013), we instead perform a linear update to the a priori emissions (Rodgers and Connor 2003): −π −π π± − π± π = (π π ππ¦ π + ππ−π )−π π π ππ¦ (π²πππ − π²ππ ) (7) where x is the emissions estimate, the subscript “a” refers to the a priori values. For this problem, the vector x has six elements; three of these vector elements are the total Indonesian methane emissions for September, October, and November and the other three are the “rest-of-the-world” emissions for the same time period. The K is the Jacobian or partial derivative of the modeled methane concentrations (ygc) with respect to the emissions x. The Sm term is the covariance describing the uncertainties in the observations of yTES; the diagonal values of Sm are the square of the observation error (Worden et al., 2012) of each observation. The Sa term describes the a priori uncertainties in the monthly emissions x. As discussed in Worden et al. (2012), typical observation errors for tropical TES observation range between 8 to 14 ppb for an average of all tropospheric concentration (volume mixing ratio). Note that this average has little sensitivity to methane variations for pressures greater than 800 hPa so consequently the estimate is representative of fretropospheric methane, which, for the Indonesia case, primarily originates from the Indonesian fires for the fall of 2006. Figure 1 shows the finite difference Jacobians (partial derivative of a fraction change in emissions relative to methane concentrations). These Jacobians are first adjusted by the TES a priori constraint and averaging kernel matrix to account for the regularization used by the TES retrieval (e.g., Jones et al., 2003), followed by the same mapping used on the TES CH4 profiles to obtain an average over the free troposphere. The Jacobians are normalized by the observation error; effectively a 10% change in emissions in October can result in up to a factor of 80% change in some of the observations relative to the observation error. As can be seen in Figure S1, a perturbation of the September emissions over Indonesia affects concentrations in October and November. The largest sensitivity occurs in October when peak CO and CH4 concentrations over Indonesia occur. Figure S1: Sensitivity (or Jacobian) of atmospheric methane from GEOS-Chem to the total Indonesian emissions. The Jacobians are first adjusted by the TES instrument operator, averaged over the free-troposphere and then normalized by the corresponding TES observation uncertainty. 4. The 4-Dimensional Variational (4D-Var) Data Assimilation Approach In the 4D-Var approach, we seek an optimal estimate of the CO sources that is consistent with both the observed atmospheric concentrations and the a priori constraints on the sources by minimizing the cost function J(x), 1 N 1 J(x) = å (F(x) - y j )T S-1 (x - xa )T Sa-1 (x - xa ) S (F(x) - y j ) + 2 j=1 2 (8) where x is the state vector of emissions, yi is a vector of the N observations of CO, which are distributed in time over the assimilation period, and F(x) is the forward model, which represents the transport of the CO emissions in the GEOS-Chem model and accounts for the vertical smoothing of the MOPITT retrieval. A discussion of the influence of the vertical smoothing of the MOPITT retrieval, in the context of the inversion, is given in Jiang et al. (2013). Here x a is the a priori estimate and S ο and S a are the observational and a priori error covariance matrices, respectively. The observational error covariance is the sum of the retrieval errors (errors in y) and the forward model errors (errors in F(x), the model simulation of the observations). The first term on the right in equation S2 represents the mismatch between the simulated and observed concentrations weighted by the observational error covariance. The inversion tries to minimize the mismatch between the model and observations by adjusting the CO emissions in each model grid box so that the model better reproduces the observations over the assimilation period (which is one month for the work presented here). The second term represents the departure of the estimate from the a priori, weighted by the a priori uncertainty. In minimizing J, we seek N -1 ÑJ(x) = å K TS-1 S (F(x) - y j ) + Sa (x - x a ) = 0 (9) j=1 where K = ¶F(x) ¶x is the Jacobian that gives the sensitivity of the model simulation of the CO observations to the emissions. The analytical solution to this is given by an expression that is analogous to Equation (7). However, because we are trying to optimize the CO emissions in each grid box in the model, the size of the matrices is too large to use Equation (7) directly and so the cost function in minimized numerically. The GEOSChem 4D-Var system has been used for inversion modeling of atmospheric CO by Kopacz et al. (2009, 2010) and Jiang et al. (2011, 2013). Because the life time of CO is about two months, model errors can accumulate and bias the initial CO distribution at the beginning of the assimilation period. We produce an improved initial condition (the initial CO distribution) by assimilating MOPITT v5 data, using the sequential sub-optimal Kalman filter, between 1 June 2006 to 1 November 2006, following the approach of Parrington et al. (2008) and Jiang et al. (2013). This provides optimized CO distributions at the beginning of September, October and November, which are used as initial conditions in the inversion analysis. Following Jiang et al. [2013], the MOPITT retrievals at pressures less than the 200 hPa retrieval level are dropped in this work to avoid the influence of potential bias in the data at these altitudes (Jiang et al., 2013). Figure S2 shows the a priori and a posteriori CO emissions for October 2006. Emissions over South America are decreased while African emissions are increased. Overall Indonesian emissions are approximately the same as reported in Table 2 in the main text. Figure S2: (Top) A priori CO emissions for October 2006. (Bottom) A posteriori CO emissions for October 2006. Units are 1012 molec /cm2/s Supporting Material References Bowman, K. W. et al. 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