HASAN KALYONCU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION GUIDANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PRACTICE Course Title Course Code: Semeste r Lecture+Recite Credit ECTS PDR114 2 3+0 3 5 PHYSICOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisites Language Compulsory / Elective Coordinator of course Instructors Assistant TURKİSH COMPULSORY Prof.Dr. YAŞAR ÖZBAY - Course Objectives Teaching of physiological basis of behaviour and structure and function of nervous system Learning Outcomes and Competences Course Contents 1. Discuss types of nerve cells 2. Explain functions of nerve cells 3. Describes compounds of nervous system 4. 5. Explain functions of nervous system Articulate structure of nervous system Types and functions of nerve cells Interactions between nerve cells (synapse) Neurotransmitters Structure and parts of nervous system Somatic and visceral system and their functions Weekly Schedule Week Subjects Instructors Prestudy 1 Introduction to nervous system and its functions - - 2 Types of nerve cells and their functions - - 3 Generation and conduction of action potential - - 4 Types of synapse - - 5 Receptors and their functions - - 6 Central nervous system, medulla spinalis and their functions - - 7 Midterm exam - - 8 Parts of cerebrum and their functions - - 9 Reticular formation and its function - - 10 Hypothalamus and its function - - 11 Limbic system and control of behaviour - - 12 Cerebral Cortex and its function - - - - - - 13 14 Memory, learning and sleep Memory, learning and sleep REFERNCES Textbook and /or References Foundations of Physiological Psychology, 6th Edition (2005) by Neil Carlson - EVALUATION SYSTEM Term Studies PİECE Midterm 1 40 Assignments - - Term Project - - final exam 1 60 Total Contribute to the semester study notes 2 100 - - The contribution of the final exam grade - - PERCENT Total Course Category SOCİAL SCİENCE X 100 TABLE OF ECTS / WORKLOAD ACTIVITIES Hours Work outside lesson time ( pre-study, practice ) Assignments AMOUNT time (Hour) total Workload 14 - 3 - 42 - - Midterm final exam projects Total workload - - Total workload / 30 ECTS credits Course The relationship between the schedule and course outcomes DÇ/P Ç DÇ1 DÇ2 DÇ3 DÇ4 PÇ 1 PÇ2 PÇ3 PÇ4 PÇ5 Outcome 1. Discuss types of nerve cells 2. Explain functions of nerve cells 3. Describes compounds of nervous system 4. 5. Explain functions of nervous system Articulate structure of nervous system PÇ6 PÇ7 PÇ8 1. PÇ9 PÇ10 PÇ11 PÇ12