Subject: SCIENCE - dav public school, brs nagar, ludhiana

Subject: ENGLISH
Subject: HINDI
Note: Do in Scrap Book
1. Enlist 5 ways in which you help your family.
2. Prepare the Preamble of Indian Constitution neatly. Lesson – Democracy & Government.
3. Collect pictures of the famous 2 temples in South-East countries and write about their main
4. Write down the weather report of one week. (Rainfall, Temperature (Max. and Min.)
5. Draw 10 conventional symbols and 10 traffic symbols.
6. On world physical map, locate –
a. 7 continents and water bodies (Seas, Oceans)
b. Countries of the world (Fill two maps)
7. Draw diagram of
a). Heat Zones b). Important lines of latitude
8. Write M.C.Q of Lesson 10(a), 11(a) and Lesson 2 (20 – 25 questions each lesson)
Subject: SCIENCE
1. Draw a neat well labeled diagram of the following apparatus:
Separation methods on A4 size drawing sheet.
a. Sublimation
b. Evaporation
c. Crystallization
d. Filtration
e. Separation of immiscible liquids (separating funnel)
Reference: L – 4 Separation of substances
(Page No: 38, 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44)
2. Read and write the brief biographies of 2 scientists (1 of Indian origin and 1 foreign scientist)
highlighting their career and achievements. Write the same on A4 size sheet along with
pictures of the scientists.
3. Write a letter or a prayer or a poem to God on A4 size sheet expressing your thanks about the
bounties which nature has bestowed upon all of us.
4. Make a collage on activities one should perform to celebrate Environment Day (on 5th June)
and what changes will take place in environment if all of us perform such activities.
5. During your holidays, click the photographs of the natural surroundings (desert, forest, ocean,
sea, river etc.) if you visit any day. Make a habitat album and write about any three adaptation
of the animals living in these areas (Reference – Internet)
Subject: MATHS
1. Find the product of place values of 4 and 7 in 90476
2. Find the difference between place value and face value of 2 in 527946
3. Write the greatest 7 digit number using 3, 5, 7 (digits may repeat)
4. How many 5 digit numbers are there in all?
5. Write the smallest 6 digit number having four different digits.
6. How many lakhs make 5 millions?
7. How many millions make 2 crores?
8. What is the smallest 6 digit number ending in 4?
9. What is the greatest 5 digit number ending in 5?
10. The least natural number is ___________
11. The least odd natural number is ____________
12. The least whole number is _________
13. Predecessor of predecessor of 20010 is ___________
14. Successor of successor of 84799 is __________
15. 376 + 1085 = __________ + 376
16. 676 + (73 + 9806) = (_________ + 73) + 9806
17. 14718 + 0 = ________
18. 17 x _______ = 15 x 17
19. 25 x 35 x 3 x 4 = (25 x 4) x (_______ x _______)
20. 43 x 105 = 43 x (_______ + 5)
21. 917 ÷ 1 = _________
22. 0 ÷ 315 = _________
23. If a,b,c are three whole numbers and (a+b)+c = (c+b)+a, name the property used.
24. If a,b are two whole numbers and a + b = b + a, name the property used.
25. Give a number which is both an even and prime.
26. Write a number which is neither prime nor composite.
27. 72354 is divisible by 6 (YES/NO)
28. 1331 is divisible by 11 (YES/NO)
29. Write a number which is divisible by 3 but not by 9
30. What is HCF of any two consecutive numbers?
31. What is HCF of two prime numbers?
32. What is HCF of two co-primes?
33. What is HCF of any two consecutive odd numbers?
34. What is HCF of any two consecutive even numbers?
35. 31 is a ________ number (prime/composite)
36. Find the value of |-17 | | 33 | |-307 |
37. Write the opposite number of -16 and 7
38. Write the opposites of:
a. Depositing Rs. 5000 in bank.
b. Decrease in marks by 25
c. Going 20km towards North
d. Spending Rs. 50
39. The only prime triplet is ___________
40. HCF of given numbers can be greater than any of the numbers (True / False)
41. HCF and LCM of two numbers is 32 and 192. If one number is 48, find the other.
42. HCF of 989 and 1892 is 43, find their LCM
43. Find HCF of 672 and 1056 and using the property of HCF and LCM, find the LCM.
44. Find LCM of:
a. 180, 384, 144
b. 210, 240, 420
c. 42, 72, 96
d. 112, 168, 266
45. Find the smallest number which leaves remainder 9 when divided by 25, 40 and 60.
46. Five guns are fired at intervals of 2, 3, 5, 6 and 10 seconds respectively. At what interval they
will be fired together?
47. Find the greatest number which divides 773 and 1313 leaving remainder 8 in each case.
48. Find the largest number which divides 285 and 1249 leaving remainder 9 and 7 respectively.
49. In a seminar, number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics are 60, 84 and 108
respectively. Find the minimum number of rooms required if in each room the same numbers
of participants are to be seated.
50. Find the greatest number which divides 1778, 2032 and 2798 leaving remainders 7, 8 and 15
51. Write the smallest 5 digit number and express as product of primes.
52. Give prime factorization of greatest 4 digit number.
53. Find the least number that should be subtracted from 11279 to make it exactly divisible by 98.
54. Find the greatest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 60.
55. What least number should be added to 1000 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 45.
56. Find the product using property:
a. 103 x 55
b. 358 x 1008
c. 879 x 999
d. 65279 x 8 + 92 x 65279
e. 995 x 158
f. 65 x 813 – 613 x 65
57. Rearrange and add:
a. 133, 698 and 867
b. 1135, 599 and 865
c. 114, 438, 586 and 162
58. Indicate the following by using integers:
a. 5m above sea level
b. 10OC below zero
c. Depositing Rs. 500 in bank
d. Climbing up 16 steps
59. Encircle the negative integers from the following numbers: -72, 0 , -4, 18, 28, -117
60. Write all integers between:
a. - 6 and 1,
– 3 and 3
61. Write the following in descending order:
a. -7, 13, 4, -4, 0, 82
b. 50, -37, 14, -42, -90
62. Write the following in ascending order:
a. 9, -8, 0, -75, 15, -37
b. -49, 58, -58, 100, -312
63. Add the following:
a. -381, -619,
423, -119,
-65, -35, -100
64. Find the sum:
a. 927 + (-517) + (-218)
b. 637 + 350 + (-217) + (-119)
c. 100 + (-19) + (-235) + (-108)
d. (-99) + 7 + (-100) + (-93)
e. 169 + (-114) + 380
65. Write addictive inverse of:
a. -108
b. 59
c. -79
d. -84
66. Fill in the blanks:
a. (-8) + _________ = (-8)
b. 11 + (-14) = ___________ + 11
c. (-23) + 23 = _________
d. -46 + 0 = ____________
e. Negative of 3 is ___________
67. Divide and check:
a. 340689 ÷ 289
b. 118480 ÷ 372
c. 90513 ÷ 414
d. 18469 ÷ 528
e. 341891 ÷ 616
68. Four bells ring at intervals of 4, 5, 6 and 7 minutes respectively. If they all ring at 2 pm when
will they first ring simultaneously again?
69. The population of town is 31944. It consists of men, women and children. In case the number
of men and women are 12704 and 13985 respectively. Find the number of children.
70. Draw 30O, 60O, 45O, 90O, 75O, 105O, 120O, 135O, 150O, 180O with protractor.
Subject: PUNJABI