Kindergarten Reading I Can Statements Common Core Standards Literature K.RL.1- I can answer questions about key (important) details in a text. I can ask questions about key (important) details in a text. K.RL.2- I can retell familiar stories with key (important) details. K.RL.3- I can identify characters in a story. I can identify the settings of a story. I can identify the major events of a story. K.RL.4- I can ask questions about words I do not understand. I can answer questions about words to help me better understand. K.RL.5- I can recognize different types of text. K.RL.6- I can name the author of a story and tell what the author does. I can name the illustrator of a story and tell what the illustrator does. K.RL.7- I can describe how the illustrations help me better understand the story. K.RL.9- I can compare (alike) the adventures and experiences of characters in stories I know. I can contrast (different) the adventures and experiences of characters in stories I know. K.RL.10- I can participate in my reading group to help me learn. Informational Reading K.RI.1- I can answer questions about key (important) details in a text. (informational text) I can ask questions about key (important) details in a text. (informational text) K.RI.2- I can identify (tell) the main idea of a text. (informational text) I can retell key (important) details of a text. (informational text) K.RI.3- I can describe the connection between two people or things in a text (people, events, ideas, or pieces of information) (Cause & Effect) K.RI.4- I can ask questions about words I do not understand. (informational text) I can answer questions about words to help me better understand. (informational text) K.RI.5- I can identify the front cover of a book. (informational text) I can identify the back cover of a book. (informational text) I can identify the title page of a book. (informational text) K.RI.6- I can name the author of a text and tell what the author does. (informational text) I can name the illustrator of a text and tell what the illustrator does. (informational text) K.RI.7- I can describe how the illustrations help me better understand the text. (informational text) K.RI.8- I can identify the supporting details in a text. (informational text) K.RI.9- I can compare two texts on the same topic to tell how they are alike. I can contrast two texts on the same topic to tell how they are different. K.RI.10- I can participate in my reading group to help me learn. Reading Foundations K.RF.1- I can recognize that words I hear are made of letters written in a certain order. I can follow words from left to right. I can follow words from top to bottom. I can follow words page by page. I can demonstrate words in print are separated by spaces. I can recognize and name all upper-case letters of the alphabet. I can recognize and name all lower-case letters of the alphabet. K.RF.2- I can recognize rhyming words. I can find and say the initial (beginning) sound of words. I can find and say the medial (middle) sound of words. I can find and say the final (ending) sound of words. (This does not include CVCs ending with L, R, or X.) I can produce rhyming words. I can count syllables in words I hear. I can add a sound in a word to make a new word. I can change a sound in a word to make a new word. I can blend onset and rimes of words I hear. (single syllable words) I can blend syllables in words I hear. I can say the syllables in words I hear. (segment) I can segment onset and rimes of words I hear. (single syllable words) K.RF.3- I can pronounce the sound for each consonant when decoding words. I can pronounce the short vowel sound in a word by looking at the spelling pattern. I can pronounce the long vowel sound in a word by looking at the spelling pattern. (CVCe) I can read kindergarten sight words. In two words that are spelled almost the same, I can identify the sounds that are different. K.RF.4- I can read with purpose and understanding. (on-level) Writing K.W.1- I can write an opinion piece. My piece will include: -a topic or name of a book -an opinion about the topic or book K.W.2- I can write an informative piece. My piece will include: -a topic -information about the topic K.W.3- I can write a story. My story will include: -the events in order -the way I felt about what happened K.W.5- I can use ideas from others to add details to my story. K.W.6- I can use technology to create and publish writing. (with or without peers) K.W.7- I can work with others to gather information to produce a writing project. K.W.8- I can use information from my experiences or gather information from other sources to answer a question. Speaking and Listening K.SL.1- I can talk when it’s my turn. I can listen to others when they are talking. I can have a conversation with others about a topic or text. KSL.2- I can ask questions about what I have heard if I do not understand. I can answer questions about what I have heard to help me better understand. K.SL.3- I can ask questions when I need help, information, or to better understand something. I can answer questions to get help, information, or to better understand something. K.SL.4- I can describe people, places, things, and events that are familiar. I can add details. K.SL.5- I can draw or make visual displays to add details. K.SL.6- I can speak in a voice that is easy to hear. I can express my thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Language K.L.1- I can use nouns. I can use verbs. I can form plural nouns when speaking. I can use the question words, who, what, where, when, why and how. I can use the words to, from, in, out, on, off, for, by, of, with. (prepositions) I can speak in complete sentences. (in shared reading activities) I can add details to my complete sentences. (in shared reading activities) I can print many upper-case letters. I can print many lower-case letters. K.L.2- I can capitalize the first word in a sentence. I can capitalize the word I in a sentence. I can recognize end punctuation. I can name end punctuation. I can write the letter for most consonant sounds. I can write the letter for most short vowel sounds. I can spell simple words by sounding them out. K.L.4- I can use words with more than one meaning correctly. I can identify new meanings for familiar words. I can use parts added to a word (prefixes and suffixes) to help me know the meaning of a new word. K.L.5- I can show the opposite of a word. I can tell the connection between words and their real life use. I can sort similar objects to better understand the meaning of words. I can act out verbs that have almost the same meaning. K.L.6- I can use new words and phrases I have learned. Color Key: Knowledge Reasoning Performance Product