Coby Classic XII - SUNY Cobleskill

SUNY Cobleskill’s American Animal Producers Club Presents:
Coby Classic XVI
All Breed Show Calf Sale
October 19, 2013 ~ Cobleskill Fairgrounds
Send consignments to: AAPC, C/O Donna Cappadona,
121 Schoharie Pkwy North, SUNY Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 12043
Note: All sale commissions collected by the American Animal Producers Club will be used to provide
academic scholarships to students in agricultural disciplines at SUNY Cobleskill.
Consignor Name: __________________________________
Farm Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________ Fax: ________________ Email:_________________________________
Consignment Name: _______________________________________
Breed: ___________________ Animal ID: ____________ Sex (Heifer/Steer):___________________
Birth Date: _______________ Color: ___________________
Sire: __________________________
Dam: _________________________
Comments about animal for inclusion in the sale catalog:
Please provide the above information for each additional consignment on a separate sheet.
Total Number of Consignments: ______
Nomination Fee (# of consignments x $50): ______
Donation for NYJBP Educational Events: ______
Donation to AAPC Student Scholarships: ______
Total Amount: ______
*Make checks payable to SUNY Cobleskill SGA
By signing this form you are agreeing to the terms and regulations listed below.
Sale Terms & Regulations
Submit photocopies (not originals) of the registration papers with the consignment form. Where
applicable, EPDs will be taken directly from registration papers for inclusion in the sale catalog.
Each animal needs to have the following (Please bring health papers with you):
o Bovine Viral Diarrhea test; must be negative
o Shipping Fever & Rabies Vaccine
Sale commission is 12% and will be deducted from your animal’s sale price. In addition, this form must
be accompanied by a $50 nomination fee per animal. If your animal(s) is sold in the sale you will be
refunded half of your nomination fee ($25) per animal. No nomination fees will be refunded if your animal
is scratched from the sale for any reason.
Consignment forms and accompanying nomination fees must be postmarked by September 6, 2013 for
inclusion in the sale catalog. Late consignments must be postmarked by October 1, 2013; these consignments
will not appear in the catalog but instead will be included on catalog inserts. NO consignments will be
accepted after October 1st, 2013.
SEND a digital picture of each consignment to or or
a hard-copy photo with consignment forms. We encourage all consignors to submit high quality images of
their animals as they are critically important in marketing our sale.
o Photos of consignment sires and/or dams can be used
o Coby Classic personnel, including AAPC advisors, the sale chair and co-chairs reserve the right to not
include photos of poor quality in the sale catalog
o Consignors can arrange for sale personnel to assist them with taking animal photos. Simply contact
Donna Cappadona at or Jason Evans at to make
these arrangements well-ahead of the consignment deadline.
Coby Classic personnel, including advisors and the sale chair, reserve the right to dismiss animals for any
reason including, but not limited to poor quality, poor disposition or health issues.
While Coby Classic personnel work diligently to market the sale and attract cattle buyers, we cannot
guarantee sale prices for any consignor. Sellers CANNOT “No-Sale” their consignments once the bidding has
Coby Classic personnel reserve the right to bid on animals in the sale.
Any steers that are not castrated properly are not eligible for the sale and will be sent home immediately.
Show quality feeder steers, registered heifer calves, registered yearlings and registered bred heifers are all
eligible for the sale. However, bred heifers must be bred to a registered sire and proof of pregnancy is
Please keep in mind that this is a Show Cattle Sale and Juniors may be purchasing these animals to exhibit
not only the following day, but also in the upcoming show season. Good disposition is important!
Additional Contact Information:
 Donna Cappadona, AAPC Advisor:; 518-852-0228
 Dr. Jason Evans, AAPC Advisor:; 518-255-5643
 Jenn Schwab, Coby Classic XVI Sale Chair:; 585-356-7624
 Jillian Salzmann, Sale Co-Chair:; 631-300-5106