Word to Word Dictionaries for Testing Q: One of our LEAs asked: We are looking for a Spanish word to English word "dictionary" without the definitions to be used on the EOG, but we have not been able to find one. Do you know of one? Answers received via the LEP Coordinator’s ListServ A: Velazquez Press www.velazquezpress.com has an excellent set of content specific word-to word dictionaries that are much better than any electronic translator I have been able to find. They have a social studies specific, math specific, and science specific content vocabulary word-to-word dictionary, as well as an overall word-to-word dictionary. None of them have definitions! A: We use the ones from Bilingual Dictionaries, Inc. They have the "word to word" in 30 different languages. They also have the word to word subject vocabulary bilingual dictionary (includes Math, Science and Social Studies vocabulary) A: We use dictionaries from www.BilingualDictionaries.com They have Word-to-Word dictionaries in 37 languages. A: Our district purchased word-to-word dictionaries for newcomer high students earlier this year. It took some digging, but we settled on Collins Reference Word-for-Word English-Spanish/Spanish-English Dictionary, 1st Ed., ©2009 from Harper Collins A: There are a number of different ones available. We bought some from Barnes and Nobles for around $6.99 a piece last year by Merriam Webster. Our’s is specific to Latin-American Spanish, which is helpful. Title: Merriam-Webster’s Spanish-English Dictionary (Features Latin-American Spanish) ISBN: 978-0-87779-824-8 80,000 words and phrases 100,000 translations