Solar Cart Educational Program

Title: Solar Power & Measurement
Grade Level: 5th-12th, Variable instructions for different age groups
Sustainable Energy
Decreasing fossil fuel supplies and an increasing
emphasis on renewable energy systems of all kinds
make solar power a very relevant topic for today’s
students. Data from Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory indicates that installed photovoltaic
capacity is increasing exponentially in the US, and
average installed costs have decreased by more
than 50% since 1998. Solar power development
enjoys substantial and growing support at the local,
state, and federal levels. This includes programs
such as the DOE’s SunShot Initiative, which intends
to reduce the installed cost of solar power systems
by 75% from current levels.
Based on this, it is likely that many students will find
themselves interacting with solar power frequently as
they continue their education and transition into the
workforce. A basic understanding of solar power
systems will provide students with useful information
for their daily lives, as well as encouraging them to
learn more about renewable energy. To help
students gain this understanding, the McCall
Outdoor Science School Sustainable Energy
(MOS3E) team has built a Mobile Solar Platform for
MOSS campus use.
The MOS3E Mobile Solar Platform (MSP) is an
educational tool that features a variety of solar
testing and measurement equipment. It allows
students to gather data on real-world solar panel
performance under a variety of conditions. In
addition, it engages students in a cooperative
outdoor activity that helps build teamwork skills and
teaches experimental design.
This lesson will teach students about how the
orientation of a solar panel and environmental
conditions affect its output. It is also designed to
teach students critical thinking skills within a group
environment. Students are intended to finish the
lesson with a desire to learn more about renewable
energy options of all types.
Set up:
Students will gain a qualitative understanding of the
effect of a series of variables on solar panel output.
Depending on grade level and desired lesson time,
students will also determine quantitative
relationships between these variables, learn about
the basics of multimeter use, and learn how to
calculate/measure solar position and insolation.
Students will also engage in a discussion about the
costs and benefits of installing various solar power
MSP & accompanying hardware
Solar calculations supplement for older age
To set up the Mobile Solar Platform, connect the
leads from the solar panel to the corresponding
colored jacks on the multimeters and circuit box.
After the leads are connected, turn on the circuit box
and set the multimeters to measure current or
voltage as indicated.
For further information regarding multimeter settings
or wiring, consult the owner’s guide.
Classroom Time:
1 to 3 hours, depending on age and desired level of
Introduction (Engage):
Take students outside to an area of mixed sun and
shade. Ask them why it is warmer in the sunny areas
than in the shade? Why does sunlight make an area
warmer? Explain that solar radiation is a form of
energy, and ask what the effects of the Sun’s energy
on are on the Earth? (Plants grow, keeps water
liquid, etc.) Explain that solar panels can be used to
convert the solar radiation into electrical energy. Ask
them what factors would affect the amount of solar
radiation? Which of these factors would be most
important? How could they test their predictions
using the MSP? Engage in a guided discussion
about these questions.
Activity (Explore):
1. Divide students into teams of 4 or more members.
Teams have no maximum size, but every additional
team member reduces the amount of hands-on
learning that individuals will do. Structure this
according to overall group size and time constraints.
2. Give teams time to discuss how they will maximize
solar panel output and what variables they will test.
Possible variables should be discussed with the
students, and a list can be seen in the explanation
3. Allow each team 5-15 minutes to test the variables
that they have chosen. Make sure that students are
cooperating on all tasks and allowing each individual
to work with various parts of the MSP. For
instructions on using each individual measurement
tool, see the owner’s guide.
4. While one team is testing, the rest of students can
work on other projects and lessons.
5. After all students have completed their testing,
have them determine qualitative/quantitative
relationships between the tested variables and
power output. To calculate quantitative relationships,
use the solar calculations supplement provided.
6. Have a class discussion about what the students
have found. Questions to ask during this discussion
can be seen in the elaboration section.
Note: Ideally, each team will be able to test at
multiple times of day under varying conditions. If
students cannot be briefly pulled from other
activities, all testing can be done in a block.
However, in this case, students will not be able to
see the change in solar angles and panel output at
different times of day.
Explain the following to the students:
Basic principles of experimental design. Key
areas to cover include how to scientifically
vary the variables that are tested and how to
be data-based in evaluating hypotheses.
The difference between qualitative and
quantitative data. Qualitative standards are
useful for initial investigation, but older
students should also incorporate quantitative
The variables that they will be able to test.
Depending on age group, these include:
The ways in which they can measure solar
panel output. In order of increasing
complexity, these are:
Compass orientation of the panel
Solar altitude (angle between the Sun and the
Wall-solar azimuth (horizontal angle between
the panel and the sun)
Surface tilt (angle between the panel and the
Time of day
Amount of shade in test location
Color of lit LEDs inside of the circuit box
Number of lit LEDs inside of the circuit box
Current and voltage values from the attached
multimeters (P=I*V)
The amount of actual power obtainable from
the panel. This panel is rated for up to 15 W.
Explain this in terms that the students will be
familiar with. For example, this output is about
enough to power 3 cell phone chargers or one
standard CFL light bulb.
For explanations of how students can quantitatively
evaluate their results, see the solar calculations
Discuss the following (Note that some topics may not
be included for all age groups):
What is the relationship between solar altitude and
surface tilt as relates to panel output? Between wallsolar azimuth and output? Why do these
relationships exist? Lead students to a discussion of
how effective panel area varies with these angles,
and how total insolation is dependent on panel area.
What is the efficiency of the panel? This
conversation can be had at various levels for
different age groups. Remind students that the
calculations they are using represent a rough
approximation of real world insolation.
What is the difference between solar and clock time?
What variables affect the magnitude of this
How does the ideal panel orientation and tilt change
with time of day?
Have students answer the following:
What is the optimal setting for a solar panel in the
morning? At solar noon? In the afternoon?
What variables are most important in determining
solar panel orientation?
The ability of students to answer these questions will
give a strong indication of their understanding of the
source assignment. More detailed answers are to be
expected from older students.