Appendix to Needs Assessment Report Appendix 2 Written Responses This appendix includes a complete list of comments provided by respondents on the survey. We have not corrected spelling errors. States listed as States of Residence by Out of State Residents on the Survey New York - 5 Georgia - 6 Alabama - 4 Tennessee - 2 Maryland - 2 Louisiana - 2 Michigan New Hampshire Kentucky (but raised in Orlando, Florida) New Mexico California North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania (recently moved here from Escambia Co. FL where I was for 2 years) Washington Professional archaeologists/Heritage professionals (306 respondents) Briefly describe what FPAN means to you. (What is their purpose? What do they do?) 1. Public outreach to promote the value and preservation of archaeological resources in Florida 2. Provide much "sought after" education that is not easy to find instructors for... 3. To educate and inform the public about our collective heritage. 4. They act as a liaison between the public and the science of archaeology. They provide assistance to the counties that each office serves with regard to archaeology, anthropology research. They promote awareness in effort to protect the cultural resources by stimulation a sense of individual stewardship. 5. FPAN is an outreach program that brings the public easy access to professional archaeologist to answer questions about archaeology and educate the public about archaeological sites in the area. The outreach programs assist local and state agencies educate the public about specific sites and impact of the public. 6. The are part of a state network aligning current archaeological data bases. And more. 7. Outreach to the public and professional assistance to other agencies and governments concerning archaeological matters. 8. FPAN exists to inform the public about archaeology in Florida, help the public protect archaeological resources, help the state Division of Historic Resources, and help local Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-1 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report governments craft better legislation to protect those resources. It does these things in a variety of ways, from working with local schools and organizations, to working directly with local governments, to surveying sites, to having public displays, etc. 9. Provides information to the public. Conducts programs to provide that information. 10. I work for a local government which cannot afford to have a staff archaeologist so FPAN is an invaluable educational resource to me. They provide expert assistance when dealing with changes to our designated archaeological sites. They have also provided both staff education in addressing impacts to our resources, and assisted in educating the public about the importance of archaeology and artifacts. 11. FPAN is a clearinghouse of information related to best practices throughout the State for the preservation of archaeological resources. 12. Read FL Statute 267 . That's suppose to be their purpose. 13. They have done very little. Surely not enough to warrant their nearly 2 million dollar budget. 14. Their job is to educate and advocate on behalf of below-ground resources. Much of the work I understand FPAN does is to attend events so that they will have a maximum visibility and ability to work with the public. 15. FPAN reflect on culture; network with other businesses. 16. A resource to access. I manage historic bldgs. & cultural sites for DEP/Florida Park Service and use every tool possible to manage accordingly. 17. They promote and educate the public understanding of Florida's archaeological heritage. 18. FPAN has promoted our Crystal River Archaeological State Park to the general public and also in the many schools and educational organizations throughout this area of Florida. This has greatly increased the teachers and staffs ability to insure quality programs given in this State Park. 19. Nothing - I have NO idea about this network... 20. FPAN has been a tremendous partner in providing education to the public. We collaborate with FPAN on teacher training workshops, events, projects, and educating school children. They have proved to be a valuable resource and partnership with our institution. 21. To inform the public about our archaeological resources and heritage. To help the public understand what archaeology is about. 22. Actually, have never had any involvement with FPAN. I do not know anything about it. 23. An organization that conducts archaeological research studies, interprets findings, and works with the public to promote cultural heritage. 24. FPAN helps educate the public about Florida's rich archaeological heritage 25. Helps promote cultural heritage to the private sector and citizens; provides guidance to people with related questions. 26. Provide help to communities to preserve historic archaeological sites Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-2 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 27. Tool to enhance educational and interpretative objectives. 28. Tool to improve educational and interpretation objectives. 29. FPAN is supposed to bring archaeology to the general public. 30. FPAN contributes to my education, which I will be completing in Spring 2010, at which time I will be a professional Anthropologist. 31. Public outreach, education, facilitator, small archaeological projects that are public in nature. 32. I means for communicating with other historical groups and entities in my region. It allows for networking, and more effective community ties. 33. They are a great resource on educating the public on the importance of Florida's cultural resources. By doing this and many, many more things they are helping to protect these irreplaceable both historic and archaeological resources. I love the public outreach programs that they provide to the community themselves and the assistance that they provide to other organizations with similar missions. They are an invaluable resource in providing quality heritage tourism, and an improved both quantitative (economic benefit) and also an improved quantifiable benefit (quality of life). 34. you know that is a good question, And I do not know the answer 35. FPAN has been a very positive force in Florida over the last few years. The cause of public archaeology has been forwarded well. This is especially true as FDHR has back away from public outreach due to increasing travel restrictions. 36. Public outreach and education and assist DHR 37. My involvement with FPAN primarily involves loans of artifact material to members of FPAN 38. To provide information to the public and government agencies on Archaeology and Preservation in Florida. 39. Provide public access to archaeological information, resources and research results. 40. FPAN does public outreach in archaeology, conservation, and facilitates state and federal agencies 41. Awareness of our past culture and history in this area. 42. Outstanding connection to a professional group who is willing to partner with the National Park Service in conducting park programs for all ages. 43. They "fill in the cracks" between academic archaeology and cultural resource management conducted by private firms under contract or by personnel in federal and state agencies. Oftentimes, they have critical connections with local community leaders that facilitate historic preservation projects. 44. I am unfamiliar with this group and their activities. 45. It is an innovating way of reaching the public and is one of the finest in the country. 46. Provides an informational forum Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-3 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 47. Provides contacts for archeological work 48. Provides information for project reviews 49. The research done by FPAN is valuable to every Florida resident. From our past we learn how to live in the future. FPAN offers a "go to" place for institutions such as Historical Museums. 50. FPAN reaches out to the public to inform them about archaeology, issues related to preservation, and the importance in appreciating our past. 51. Inform the public about our collective history. 52. Sarah Miller has arranged many excellent programs and lectures. She has become a well known and highly respected director for all of her hard work and responsiveness to the public. 53. I am not too familiar with the organization, but support groups that promote historic preservation and public awareness of our state resources. 54. FPAN is a valuable resource for government agencies and the public. FPAN assists and advises local governments, provides public outreach in schools, parks, and other forums, and promotes local cultural resources. 55. Provides information regarding archaeology and archaeological sites, and employs staff who can provide technical assistance or help regarding archaeology in the area. 56. An organization which seeks to increase public awareness of, and support for, archaeology and historic preservation. The most effective way to do this is through open, public events which allow direct interaction with the non-professional (and nonavocational) public. 57. FPAN is the link and coordination of archaeology history, research and issues between the State of Florida DHR, the FAS chapters and the general public including Florida residents and visitors. Their main mission is education of the public, but they also play a role in investigating and informing about archaeology discoveries, legal violations to State law, and supporting the local FAS Chapters in their missions. 58. A vehicle to get archeology science and research to the public in an entertaining, dynamic and education manner. 59. FPAN's purpose is to provide the public insights and understanding of the history of an area brought through archaeological studies. FPAN's primary purpose is to teach what archaeology is, how it is done, and showcases archaeological studies done in regions within the state of Florida. 60. I have a major project in a remote part of Peru. We donate 3 star lodges to remote villages near major archaeological ruins so they get this income to give them the incentive to protect their archaeological and ecological resources. I have given talks to the anthropological society which I am a member, about ruins that we were the first to be shown with mummies and many artifacts. So far it seems that the Archaeological Society does not want regular non archaeologist members to do programs, despite these being more interesting than most programs done by "insiders protecting their turf". Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-4 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 61. information dissemination 62. Save resources, alert the public 63. Public outreach, a liaison making accessible the institution and cultural resources of the state to its citizens. 64. They are suppose to educate the public PLUS provide guidance to local government to develop historic preservation ordinances, etc 65. FPAN stimulates interest in the public to promote a general understanding of the value of archaeological resources. FPAN serves as the face of archaeology to the lay-public-many misanthropic anthropologists love their job but loathe speaking to the public, and FPAN bridges the gap between the dirty work and the public perception. 66. No meaning to me and I have no idea regarding a legitimate purpose for this organization. 67. The Florida Public Archaeology Network, as far as I know, serves as a vehicle to disseminate information to the public on the importance of archaeological/cultural resources within the state of Florida. They have outreach programs that work with various local agencies (schools, clubs, and other organizations). The develop educational materials for schools and also participate in archaeological investigations (these are not meant to compete with CRM firms). 68. That is a good question. I do notn see the FPAN center doing much to promote heritage 69. Public out reach for archaeology and preservation. Beyond the FPAN web site, presentations at FAS and FAC meetings, I'm not real sure what they do. Maybe some out reach to local professional archaeologists by each chapter would help the situation. 70. FPAN is at the forefront at disseminating information about archaeology and 71. I am not very familiar with this organization. I am a member of others such as the Randell Research Center, and the Society for Primitive Technology. 72. The Florida Public Archaeology Network fulfills a necessary role of educating the public about the importance of Florida's heritage and engaging people in activities to continue to stay interested in its benefits to the State. 73. A very useful organization that will aid in bringing together research from across the state, involve non-professionals in archaeological work, and help investigate endangered sites that otherwise would not be examined. 74. I am an anthropologist who has worked with archaeologists primarily on projects in Oaxaca, Mexico. I retired to Florida after a career working in museums and teaching ( I also taught anthropology for several years at Gulf Coast Community College after I moved here). There is little or no archaeology in Bay County so it has been good to have FPAN as a archaeological presence here. 75. I have had no interaction with the FPAN. I would guess they promote archaeological education and awareness. 76. FPAN has been able to provide our museum and myself access to knowledgeable professionals to refer members of the public, visitors to our museum, and staff to for Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-5 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report information and to get questions answered quickly and accurately thereby giving us the ability to serve our community better. 77. This is the first I've heard of FPAN. 78. Engage the public in what archaeology is, and how it is beneficial to them and their history 79. One of the important elements in the preservation of our history and heritage. 80. FPAN is the state's mechanism by which archaeological research is delivered to the public. Too frequently the public's perception is that archaeological research is done for research sake and has no connection to the public at large. FPAN is an attempt to show the connection and value of archaeology to local communities. 81. FPAN has been extremely helpful in interpreting our resources, documenting them and guiding us in protection and preservation. They have also assisted us in making our resources available to all park users. Those who wish to recreate and those who wish to learn about our archeological areas. 82. coordinate and support archaeological activities in the state and promote archaeology/history. 83. Education, lectures, workshops 84. FPAN promotes public awareness or archaeology and support for protection of archaeological resources. FPAN works with local government to protect archaeological resources. 85. FPAN promotes public awareness of archaeology and preservation through educational programs and volunteer opportunities. FPAN works with local governments to promote protection and awareness of archaeological resources. 86. FPAN is responsible for helping Floridians know about our history that is underground that they do not see or do not realize that is under their feet. They do it through educational programs, marketing, research and participating in the planning and development process. 87. FPAN is an amazing organization...I teach an upper level Anthropology/Archaeology High School elective and their assistance cannot be measured. From assisting me w/ school site digs to doing archaeological lectures and activities in my classes to demonstrating the art of flint knapping....FPAN is great. They have stirred interest in my students and many of them have attended the IN THE DIRT lectures, w/me, at the college. I have attended their teacher in-service sessions and I have been able to use the material presented, in my classes. I do believe that the personnel at the East Central office in Brevard County are the key to the success of my program at the high school....and the popularity of the IN THE DIRT lectures and the wonderful ways they get this archaeological information to the public is professional and very informative....and it starts at the top w/Dr. Rachel Wentz and her competent staff. They are great communicators and teachers....and we are all lucky to have them. Her lectures at my school on Forensics Anthropology have motivated some of my students to go into this field of study... as stated earlier FPAN is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-6 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 88. My perception is that FPAN is an educational outreach organization that promotes, supports, and educates the public about archaeology and why preserving the past is important. 89. FPAN is an outstanding resource regarding information about archaeology and archaeological sites in our area, and employs very helpful professionals who provide that information, including on site visits. 90. FPAN is a great bridge between the public and the professional realm of archaeology. Many archaeologist do not have the time to do much public outreach (a little here and there) so FPAN is a great tool to assist and educated the public on archaeology 91. Assistance with educational programming, archaeological questions and general guidance pertaining to the heritage and archaeology of the Florida panhandle. 92. I see FPAN primarily as an Educational Outreach organization designed to inform students and the general public about the fascinating archaeological discoveries that have been made and are currently underway in Florida. 93. Educate the public regarding Florida's earliest history including plant and animal life, changing climate and geographic conditions, ethno botany and early human settlement. 94. They play a very important role in educating the public about Florida's earliest history, before written records, so archaeologists are needed to interpret artifacts and other evidence of centuries before Europeans "discovered" Florida. They give very informative, engaging presentations about different eras, cultural groups, and perspectives to all age audiences. 95. I work as a school district administrator. The Florida Public Archaeology Network has worked with our district as professional development consultants. The FPAN has provided our teachers wonderful in-service and resources. Our participating teachers could not have been more positive about the great information and resources that they received through this professional development. We really appreciate the eagerness and gracious willingness of these wonderful folks at FPAN in working with our school district! 96. FPAN's network of archaeologists and regional centers provides heritage education programming, resources, and support to individuals and institutions around the state. 97. Nothing as of yet, although it might be because I'm not sure of the FPAN role and whether it replaced the DHR in Tallahassee or is it in conjunction with it, etc. Honestly, I bit of background info. would be helpful. 98. I have looked at the website once or twice as well. 99. FPAN has visited Bonnet House Museum & Gardens for lectures, student programs, guide training, Family Days (talking to local families about archaeology in FL). They have brought new life to Archaeology in Florida by spotlighting areas where people can learn more about the History of Florida. FPAN helps people learn why we need to preserve our past for future generations. 100. Create opportunities for learning through school programs and professional development. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-7 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 101. Conducting public programs and providing archaeology information about FL and assisting local governments and counties by providing resources and assistance in getting their archaeology sites preserved and to assist the state of FL Archaeology Department to promote their mission statement. 102. I think that they are a very important vehicle for educating the public about Florida' archeological resources. I love to have them at any of our events or to give a talk for the staff at MacArthur Beach State Park. 103. public awareness of archaeology, public involvement 104. Educating the public about the value of archaeological resources and stewardship. 105. I don't know what it is 106. Fpan is there to assist the public and professionals, as well as government groups in promoting and preserving Florida's archaeological and historical resources 107. Great education tool for the public. Their work makes both general public and governing agencies aware of archaeology and its role in our world. 108. A great way to bring each person's idea(s) and/or question(s) to a common area (network) to be discussed/answered and explore for further information. 109. Apparently they are a collection of archaeology professionals. 110. Provide public education about historic preservation and archaeology 111. as well as other services that might enhance the publics ability to 112. understand, protect, and conserve Florida's cultural resources. 113. FPAN is a primary agent by which the citizens of, and visitors to, our state are introduced to multiple ways of knowing our past -- through anthropology, archaeology, and history. 114. FPAN was established to fill a void in public education and outreach that was not being fully accomplished by agencies or academic professionals. Although I was very involved in helping FPAN get started, I have not had a close relationship since I left the board. I believe that the Network has had a well-defined and appropriate mission and organization for its early growth years. Since then, many external and internal factors are rapidly changing, and I hope this planning effort will address issues like declining funding at all levels that has led to downsizing, doing less with less, and loss of ability as well as visibility. 115. The non-professional constituency in Florida seems to be aging, with few young recruits. As I become less active as a professional in Florida, and more like a member of the general public, I must say I hear little to nothing about FPAN or public archaeology as a result of FPAN in the general media. I hope there are ways to expand the audience and the message. FPAN represents proportionally a large part of professional archaeology effort in the state, and I hope there are more innovative and effective ways to reach the public in the future. I am often struck by how dated and less than relevant we can appear to the public. I know that other fields do a much better job of capturing the public Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-8 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report attention, imagination and commitment. We have a great story but we don't seem to market it very well. 116. Maybe FPAN can be the group to take advantage of social networking and use technology in a more active than passive way. A blog would be nice as would small videos or podcasts about events or sites that could be linked to and shared. I doubt many people check in with FPAN's web site on a regular basis as a way of finding out what's new or interesting in Florida archaeology; it seems to me that you should be broadcasting and disseminating widely and frequently with potential for being shared widely by others. You should have regular mailings to your email list to keep people thinking about you and your issues. Nothing complicated, just brief accounts of events, progress, activities, staff accomplishments and so on. Be sure to include a link to unsubscribe. The email can contain links to other content of your own site or other items of interest relevant to your mission. It may be a way to involve some new folks who can make a real difference in the future conservation and enjoyment of archaeological resources. Thanks for listening. Jim Miller 117. They share information about the archeology in Florida. They have been a valuable resource providing speakers for programs and outreach support. We hope to continue to utilize the network for programs and events in 2010. Thank you for your efforts. 118. Assists and helps inform individuals and groups the importance of archaeology in Florida. 119. FPAN is a vital part of the network that preserves Pensacola's history and presents this history to the public. Their museum, public presentations, and research all serve to inform visitors of the part Pensacola has played in the history of our nation. 120. FPAN is an outreach organization of professional archaeologists who educate the public about the importance of history and heritage. They also assist history/heritage organizations throughout the state by providing valuable knowledge and resources on issues ranging from best practices on educating the public as well as technical skills required in this field. 121. Not sure 122. the exist to help protect the state's buried past through education and outreach. 123. The active engagement of the public in archaeological research with particular relevance to understanding Florida's past. 124. I am only aware of a few of their functions: regional public archaeology including I think education, in Pensacola area both exhibit and public information about regional archaeology resources (I assume museums etc.). FPAN I think also provides the centralized state FDHR/BAR offices a way communicate with regional professionals (sometimes even field visits) re: reports of threats to sites from non-professional sources that could sorely use a professional's true-false quick assessment of the situation. 125. (Sorry I am vague- I contact individuals sometimes without being real clear what agency they are currently working for). Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-9 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 126. Government entity that provides technical support and educational opportunities related cultural resources. 127. Assistance to Fla. Division of Historical Resources in public interaction, outreach, education. 128. provide the public with a solid foundation for the value and importance of archaeological sites, artifacts and historical context of Florida's treasures of the past. 129. FPAN does a wonderful job of bringing archaeology (and history in general) to the public. Its staff is very visible at every heritage-related event in the Panhandle, and they are especially good at getting children to understand and appreciate the role of archaeology. FPAN supports local history and heritage, and there is no other group in the Panhandle with the staff and funding to do that. Bravo! 130. A publicly funded resource network for information related to Florida's archaeological resources. 131. Not really sure exactly what they do other than represent the interests of archaeology in Florida which probably includes advocacy, professional standards/training, and best practices. 132. FPAN provides education and professional assistance and promotes public awareness about archaeology. 133. FPAN is a statewide network of professionals dedicated to educating the public and government agencies on the significance of our finite cultural resources and the importance of protecting significant cultural resources for generations to learn from and enjoy. To assist government agencies in preservation planning; consultation and assisting FAS, FAS Chapters, FAC, and other preservation minded groups in reaching their education and outreach goals and to make history and archaeology come alive through programs for children and adults. 134. They coordinate and publicize archeology events in NE Florida. They arrange for public archeology days, and also have a presence (booth) at various organizations' archeology-related events. 135. FPAN Offers much needed education around the state of Florida. With cutbacks over the last 20 years or more, history of Florida education has all but been eliminated. It is vital that education remains important in our population's understanding. You cannot protect our historic treasurers for future generations...if no one knows what is in their own backyard. 136. Promotes the public understanding of archeology. 137. Their purpose is to bring Florida Archaeology and history to the awareness of the public. They do this through wonderful outreach projects of which many are hands-on. This is effective because when people physically touch history they connect with it and want to learn more. 138. This is a great program aimed at bringing archaeology to the public. Their outreach staff has been extremely helpful in supporting the programs at Gulf Islands National Seashore - from the Boy Scout Merit Badge Clinic to the ever-popular Junior Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-10 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report Ranger programs, FPAN's staff have brought an impressive level of professionalim to public archaeology, while maintaining a friendly and accessible demeanor 139. that puts the public at ease and receptive to learning. My sincere appreciation goes out to FPAN staff - both past and present - for all they do to bring our shared heritage to the citizenry of the Florida Panhandle and beyond. 140. No comment 141. FPAN brings archeology to the public to educate and engage the public about the role and value of archeology in the public arena. This is done by providing a nonacademic forum for contact between professional archelogists and the general public through exhibits, field trips, and providing a presence at community events. 142. Advocational organization fostering an appreciation of the discipline of archaeology and archaeological resources through public outreach. 143. Education, outreach 144. I am a Public Historian and use FPAM as a resource for research. 145. A state institution dedicated to public outreach and education. Providing opportunities for the general public to get involved with archaeology and develop a stewardship for the preservation and conservation of our cultural and archaeological heritage. 146. FPAN introduces the public to archaeology and highlights the diverse cultures uncovered by archaeologists throughout the State of Florida. 147. Educate the public about History 148. FPAN provides educational programs on the importance of archeaology as part of the heritage of Florida. It also works to help preserve the few prehistoric sites still here. 149. Public outreach. 150. FPAN provides access to and education about archaeology in the state of Florida. 151. I did not know they exist, but am happy to learn they do. Indian River has a site that needs protecting and a group to advocate for it. 152. FPAN is important because it adds meaning to the archaeological record by bringing it to light publicly. These efforts enrich the lives of local citizens and raise awareness about the need for preservation. Without FPAN and other public archaeology efforts, much of the record remains gray--a largely unknown knowledge, which risks becoming just rote exercise. 153. FPAN has assisted our organization on many occasions from partnerships during Florida Archaeology Month, public education programs at our site, suggestions for the preservation of our historic site and more. Sarah and Amber at the St. Augustine Public Archaeology Regional Center are always available when we have questions or need information. They have assisted us to bring an audience who would not have otherwise been attracted to the site. 154. FPAN provides public outreach on the significance of archaeology to communities in Florida, offers help navigating governmental offices and organizations to Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-11 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report protect archaeological and historical sites for professionals, and organizes information on the archaeology of the state for a range of organizations and interested individuals. 155. I have worked with FPAN since I first heard about the network about three years ago. It has been a professional partner that has provided us (Miami-Dade County) with additional advice and guidance regarding heritage programs and policy. They fullfil their goal by acting as intricate partners and providing professional advice to public and private entities. 156. FPAN exists to increase the public's awareness of the significance and fragility of Florida's distinctive archaeological resources. FPAN partners with community governments around the state to help protect these resources, and it provides "feet on the ground" assistance in each Florida county for the Division of Historical Resources. 157. Archaeological education, interpretation, and research 158. FPAN is on the frontline to help interpret academic archaeology and archaeological sites to the general public. Through doing this it is hoped that the importance of not just the preservation of sites in conveyed, but also why it is important to study the past. 159. help educate the public re archaeology and the protection of the resources 160. FPAN helps to preserve the historical sights of this area and helps to bring awareness of the heritage to the public. 161. Helps reach the public which in turn feeds historical sites and objects that would not otherwise be recorded or known about. Also gives on site connection at local history facilities as well as to the local educational facilities. This outreach is a very valuable asset for our area. 162. Their purpose is to raise the awareness of the public regarding Florida archaeology. 163. FPAN presents a number of programs that I find useful for my continuing education, and also programs for my students to attend to broaden their knowledge. 164. I believe the purpose of FPAN should be to educate the public, especially children and teenagers, about the amazing bounty of archaeological resources in Florida and the extent to which they can teach us about our collective past. I know FPAN helps with archaeological festivals and teaches classes or workshops at local schools. I know some staff also attend archaeology and diving conferences, but I'm not sure if that always that promotes FPAN's mission. 165. Educational outreach, advising local governments, protection of archaeological and historical resources. 166. FPAN facilitates the interface between professional archaeologists and the lay public. They educate the public in why protecting cultural resources is important, and what they can do to help. Assist the public in conducting small scale salvage work. 167. FPAN has been very effective in supplying both physical assistance in the field moral support to local archaeology in New Smyrna, both essential services. The Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-12 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report availability of GPR survey, for example, was the most recent contribution to local research. I think the public programs are good. 168. The purpose of FPAN is to raise public awareness of Florida's archaeological heritage through public outreach. 169. To educate the public about what archaeologists do and to act as a public "face" of archaeology in certain situations (such as when a site is encountered unexpectedly during construction). It is especially important for them to reach out to schools and to teachers-If we teach kids correctly now, they will in turn teach their kids about archaeology someday. And some of them will grow up to be legislators or others responsible for much of the funding of archaeology. By interacting with many universities, they are also able to make sure that archaeology is properly represented in emergency situations or hearings where university-based archaeologists may be too busy to respond. 170. FPAN is an organization focused on sharing archaeology (conducted in a responsible manner) with the public - a great service since a lot of archaeology is driven by public funding. They also help protect cultural resources through education. This is what I would consider to be the most important function. The only way to protect and properly utilize cultural resources is to have as many people educated on their importance as possible. 171. Preserve Historical sites and History of Florida Heritage. 172. public archeology ... don't know 173. Archaeology gives us the 'nuts and bolts' background to the genealogies that we research and discover. It gives us an understanding of what the time and place was like, the conditions our ancestors experienced, their lifestyle and the hardships that they overcame. 174. Educating the public about archaeology. 175. They record archaeological sites and provide educational information about Florida's history. 176. Our local FPAN folks help us with our historical cemtery projects, they also offer many great lectures and learning opportunities. We love them ! 177. Cheerleaders for archaeology to get the general public interested and informed. 178. Provide the general public with activities and publications that make archaeology relevant to them. 179. Information for public school students 180. FPAN doesn't mean much to me, because, frankly, in Southwest Florida, the previous occupant of that position used her position to get her husband work...She was "retired" thanks to the corageous efforts of Marian Almy, Archaeological Consultants, Inc. The premise the "network" is based on is at best a faulty one, and I don't see their impact improving... 181. Source of trustworthy info! Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-13 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 182. FPAN means outreach and community connection. I have a great opinion of FPAN and their success. 183. Provide professional assistance in cultural resource management issues. 184. They introduce the public to archaeology and share related information with the public. 185. Raising awareness of archaeology and importance of preservation of historic sites. 186. public outreach, provide digging oppurtunities 187. FPAN is an educational resource. It is a place where the public can go to learn more about archaeology. It is an organization that offers public programs to help educate the public about the true nature of archaeology. 188. Outreach, assistance to locals to get connected with their resources, and state resources that will enable them to preserve and interpret those local resources for all. 189. area. A great way for the public to better understand the archaeology of their home 190. FPAN works to raise the visibility of archaeology and archaeological resources through education, public outreach, and collaborations. 191. I believe the main purpose is to work with the public to foster stewardship over archaeological and historical resources and to educate the public about archaeological practice and findings 192. they hand out freebees at conferences 193. Serve as the "face" of archaeology for the public, offer interpretive services to education development. Development preservation strategies and implement same for important sites across the state. 194. FPAN helps make archaeiology relavent to the public through edcuation and experiential learning activities. 195. FPAN staff brings knowledge about local pre-history and archaeological history, archaeology as a science and learning about the environments in which previous societies were located to a public that might not otherwise receive such information. Such groups might include professional organizations, general culture gropus, formal school classes and more. 196. public education and outreach, promotes conservation and protection of cultural resources 197. Peserve Protect and Promote Florida's Archaeology 198. Education of the public about the importance of our archaeological resources is the primary purpose of FRAN. 199. We at UWF work closely with them on projects and idea swaps so neither of us is repeating what the other plans and does. 200. FPAN means there is someone to come and talk to my classroom of students about archaeology and possibly give my students ideas of what type of careers are Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-14 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report available in that area. I very much enjoy hearing about historical items found or displayed after an archaeologist has discovered them. 201. Florida Public Archaeological Network, does regional programs in NE Florida that have to do with archaeology. Many lectures and interesting events. 202. A network of archeologist, organizations & affiliations throughout FL that coordiante on the state's archeological/historical resources by sharing information & resources of all types in efforts to better understand the history & cultures of FL. For me personally, it is extremely reassuring to know that these folks are there networking, researching, theorizing, discovering, outreaching, documenting & most importantly looking after & protecting our historical treasures as FL has the/some of the oldest settlements in the Americas. Having the network in place shows people all over the world that FL takes it's history seriously is making great strides to document & preserve it & (hopefully) make it available for all to discover & enjoy. 203. FPAN brings archaeology to the public. It shows them what we, as professionals, do and why what we do is so important. They do a great job of involving many different kinds of people in archaeology and making archaeology accessible. 204. FPAN is a community outreach organization that educates and informs the public on county and state archaeological resources. 205. i believe their purpose is to educate the public about archaeology and what it can mean to us 206. Not sure, you are all over the place. One center does education and another center does something else. 207. FPAN helps to increase public awareness of archaeological interpretation and stewardship issues in teh state of Florida 208. FPAN provide educational outreach assistance to both the general public and amatuer archaeologists 209. FPAN is a network of individual centers that focus on the need of each region. They customize outreach, education, and historic preservation for the region in which they fall. FPAN is an ally where few exist archaeology and cultural resource management. 210. Educate public about Archaeology matters, assist with/ conduct field work, act as a resource for municipalities 211. FPAN is an oganization established by the State DHR in coordination with regional suppport/host institutions throughou Florida. The purpose is to developed and foster working relationships between public citizens and public Cultural Resource Managers at State, County and Municipal levels. 212. They mean help, support, backing when dealing with the public and elected officals. They help stress the importance of archaeological reasorces and historic tourism. 213. FPAN brings archaeology out of the esoteric ether and into classrooms, social events, and general life. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-15 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 214. I represent the Perdido Bay Tribe of Southeastern Lower Muscogee Creek Indians. Our goals are to learn and share with others the beauty and value of our cultural & historical heritage. Our members enjoy the opportunity to help fulfill these goals through our participation in FPAN community events with our mobile museum and cultural exhibits & programs. The summer learning programs for children are especially meaningful. 215. FPAN is an excellent outreach source to the community at large to help the public understand the reach archaeology in the area. FPAN assists in archaeological endeavors throughout the community and works together diligently with the University of West Florida, and other heritage groups to assist in disbursing crucial knowledge about the history and archaeology of the Northwest Florida area. 216. Preserving archeological treasures 217. Educate the public about archaeology and provide opportunities for the public to participate in archaeological projects. Not compete with professional archaeological business entities. 218. It seems that its purpose is educational outreach 219. They provide education to the general public through direct contact and assistance to other agencies. 220. Florida Public Archaeology Network...jk. 221. Their purpose is to bring archaeology, and its importance to the public. They do this through many avenues of outreach. They also serve as facilitators between prof archaeologists who don't really know much about public outreach and the public. 222. To help stem the rapid deterioration of Florida's archaeological sites and resources through educating and engaging the public with their past. 223. FPAN admirably serves a niche that is unfortunately lacking in many states; it provides a public face to archaeology that goes on everyday but to which the public is largely oblivious. I teach at a large public university, conduct research and publish my findings. But the only people who know of all that I do are my students and fellow avocational or professional archaeologists who read the journals within which I publish. FPAN is vitally necessary, because it gives an easy outlet to the public, informing all and with a little luck, inspiring a handful into doing this for a living. 224. FPAN is of vital importance to Florida for a variety of reasons. Overall they are a great voice for our archaeological heritage. They provide an enormous educational benefit for the people of Florida, from school systems to folks at large. They also provide very, very important support for museums and other organizations with a heritage mission, especially smaller ones or those less well established, but really for all such groups across the board. This includes local governments as well. In many different, but coordinated, ways they contribute to the preservation of and education about our archaeological heritage, which is more important than ever in Florida's current economic clime. 225. FPAN is devoted to educating the public about the archaeological resources of Florida in an effort to protect those resources. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-16 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 226. Public outreach, resource center, heritage education museum, and generally nowadays a fundamental component of the archaeological landscape of Florida. 227. " promote and facilitate the conservation, study, and public understanding of Florida's archaeological heritage through regional centers." 228. FPAN is a valuable entity and is intrumental in reaching out and educating the public about the importance of archaeology in Florida, the need for the public's involvement, and the necessity to protect and preserve our cultura herirage and resources for future generations. 229. Conduct public outreach, education and archaeological, cultural resource preservation activities. 230. I work form the Florida Park Service. FPAN has assisted our park by providing onsite programs for our visitors. This has been an invaluable resource for our park. I have also attended several meeting and trainings that they have provided in St. Johns County. These training have provided a wealth of information to me and my staff. 231. Bring archaeology to the general public; enhance its visibility and teach kids about it so they can grow up to appreciate and conserve cultural resources 232. FPAN is meant to show people that archaeology exists in Florida which will enable the preservation of the past. 233. provide archaeological education outreach and assistance to heritage stakeholders 234. FPAN's purpose is to stem the rapid loss of Florida's cultural resources through action and education. They educate the public, assist local government, and support DHR. How would you describe your working relationship with FPAN? Optional Comments 1. Jeff Moates, Rich Estabrook and Zaida have all been excellent to work with and very helpful. 2. Limited, but otherwise good. FPAN does not fully engage with contract archaeologists. 3. They are absoluately the best! 4. None at present 5. Della Scott-Ireton and Jeff Moates specifically both go above and beyond in every aspect. 6. Would like there to be more of a presence in Bay County - education is needed 7. I respect FPAN but have not yet had reason to work with members of the archaeology profession. 8. partners in education 9. Always enthusiastic, reliable and fun to work with. 10. I am new to the area and have relatively little experience with FPAN 11. They always provide us with great programming resources and have always been extremely helpful with questions we have. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-17 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 12. do not engage with FPAN on a regular basis. Some knowledge of seeing FPAN representatives at local society meetings 13. I have always dealt with very professional, competent, friendly, and interested people. 14. They do a terrific job of providing education to the public in a fun and informative way 15. Looking for more engagement with this fine organization. 16. Haven't had much interaction with FPAN to date. 17. Our local office is just getting started 18. Our society enjoyed a wonderful presentation & we look forward to having another presentation soon 19. very helpful and accessable 20. All right...mostly 21. I have had no occasion for "give/take" with the organization leadership 22. After my initial connection with FPAN, the scope of my job was altered and I did not have time to pursue the possibilities. 23. I do not interact with FPAN very much. 24. FPAN is ready to assist, in the field, online, and a great linkage between locals and the state. 25. If I have issues, questions or concerns on a development proposal, I can call them to discuss. 26. I have professionally collaborated with FPAN educators and they have done an excellent job on educating and promoting FL arch. resources. 27. The regonial FPAN office makes contant effort to provide useful and helpful assistance. 28. A little better than ok... good! 29. I have worked with FPAn on numerous occasions and they always present professional and excellent displays 30. No possibility of any description between ok and excellent? I think they're good but can use improvement 31. Guest lectures in historic preservation class is well received and informative. FPAN focuses its efforts in three program areas. Please rank how well you think FPAN does in each of these areas: Optional Comments 1. I am not familiar with the project outside of information in guest lectures. 2. While I do not like to rate high, I deal with students that been to classes taught by FPAN and see the excitement 3. Not having a local chapter, we here are unaware of many of the services provided FPAN 4. Although I've heard good things about FPAN, I am not directly involved in their work. 5. Un familiar with these activities 6. I'd love to learn more about the outreach program 7. Overall excellent, to the extent that I know. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-18 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 8. I'm not involved enough in these things to make an informed evaluation 9. The Indian River Anthropological Society does more public outreach and education. The FPAN director does not know anything about compliance she id from academia 10. Obviously I know very little of these interrelationships 11. I have never had the occasion to use the other services 12. Collaboration with nonprofits such as museums is Excellent! 13. I have worked with FPAN in Northwest Florida for three years and much of the success of our programming came from their help. 14. Overall in Excellent, but honestly, I am ignorant of their other functions. 15. If there were an Option between OK and Excellent (such as Good) I would have chosen it. I'm not sure what they do with local gov't and DHR. 16. I do not know how to measure the programming. The checkmarks are not a criticism or critique, not my inability to make the evaluation. 17. We have nothing but excellent help with our heritage days for school & public and dating articiates & sites 18. In an increasingly commerical world, citizens must be taught the value of the preservation of our history 19. The SW Florida region had a good start, but has not been operational in two years. 20. Poor to Okay...I respect certain FPAN archaeologists such as Richard Estabrook, the others, particularly those employed in southeast Florida are...less good... 21. No experiencial basis for judging 22. I do not feel qualified to answer this question, since my interaction with FPAN is limited. 23. Outreach to the community with guest speakers 24. My impression of them is outside the areas above. 25. I've only worked w/ them a few times on projects so not sure on others. One of FPAN’s program areas is public outreach and K-12 education. Which audiences do you think should be prioritized? Optional Comments 1. hard to choose 2. Get more bang for the buck getting the message across to kids & teachers will, in turn, teach more kids. 3. I would include divers under the 'general public' category 4. I'd be reluctant to ignore any of the above. 5. Elected Officials and Government Professionals need to be targets, since they have the power to get things done. 6. I think first and foremost you engrain a respect for cultural material by getting it into the grade school curriculum. To regulate change in how sites are protected I beleive you need to education local officials and government employees that have decision making power in regards to development of sites, site protection, law enforcement, etc... Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-19 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 7. Having worked for Orange Co. Dev. Eng. I know of many developers that destroy mounds, etc. because of hold ups. 8. keep the work on outreach and education going, but also target as selected above 9. This was really hard because I would prioritize them all for different reasons. 10. get those kids hooked on archaeology early and make them advocates for the profession. 11. Very hard. The formula is: How ignorant a group is likely to be about public archaeology + their level of influence on decisions = priority level. re: professionals- we support each other, no need to preach to the choir 12. This is hard to answer without knowing what the educational content is focused upon 13. Local Govt Officials should be educated so that policies can be shaped around the local resources. 14. It is important for K-12 to learn and appreciate their world/community, but they do not destroy sites 15. FPAN should have the flexibility to help WHATEVER agency/grouping of "the" public necessary...They should NEVER "help" for personal advantage...I frankly see the group as redundantand the tax money better spent elsewhere... 16. Florida is in a generation where the resource needs protection the most; others will interpret what we save. 17. tough call, developes, elected/local govt officials, general public all need to be made aware of Fl's heritage 18. Oh, this is hard. Um, everyone! But teaching kids early is important as they carry the info home, etc. 19. Huge need to make local government aware of an understand archaeological ethics; Education of next generation is also important! 20. I think it would be helpful to have FPAN speak at City Commission meetings every few years, which would cover a lot of the priority list in one fell swoop. 21. All of these are important. Prioritizing focus probably should be determined on the regional level, given the needs, established FPAN partners, threats to arch resources, etc., in any given region What are the most important services FPAN should focus on to assist local governments? Optional Comments 1. NOTE; THESE ARE VERY DIFFICULT DECISIONS AND MAY VARY FROM AREA TO AREA 2. public education as it relates to protection 3. similar comment as question 9 4. Education in general - genealogists, historians, etc. would have common interests & goals with FPAN Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-20 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 5. Developing mechanisms for enforcement of ordinances. Ordinances monitoring treatment of human remains. 6. What do you mean by "training"? Good ordinances where the county governments will adequately and aggresively protect sites...Yes...Teaching first graders about the Calusa, Tequesta, Timuqua...Okay on a "slow" day... 7. Help to the planners and professionals to save the resources. 8. These are hard to rate as they all are important. There has to be clear understanding between gov't & FPAN. 9. Question is problematic - "Developing Ordinances" and "Protection of Site" or "Planning Assistance" are not exclusive categories 10. All are important--training, planning assistance, and ordinances perhaps most so for local govs. K-12 seems a separate category than gov. What are the most important services FPAN should focus on to assist the Division of Historical Resources? Optional Comments 1. Providing program materials through either assisting or actual conducting of program 2. All the above are laudable. 3. advocacy, 2) education and outreach, 3) collaborative strategic planning 4. support for educational or outreach programs 5. Hard one for my level of ignorance/limited FPAN experience. 6. The public has to see a larger context than 'grandpa's farmstead' 7. Again, how is "training" equated? Your little "chart doesn't allow more than a single rating...Tsk, task... 8. Prioritize clients to protect the most resources; including professionals and local gov'ts. 9. handle all the questions from the public on artifacts and sites 10. I'm not sure of their affiliation so these are a guess. 11. It seems to me that assistance to DHR should be a lower priority, other than public outreach events on the local level coordinated with DHR How well do you think FPAN works with its partners? Optional Comments 1. FPAN does not work with partners. They just move in and takes over the event or project. 2. Don't really know enough to respond fairly. 3. Very well. Professional, knowledgeable staff. 4. There are just too few of you, and the budget is limiting your access! 5. I have yet to ask for assistance when it was not given. The team is great and is greeted with appreciation 6. we work well with the ones we know about, don't know to what extent we're just preaching to the choir Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-21 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 7. re; DHR, no experience otherwise 8. I am pleased with my interactions with FPAN. 9. Local FPAN staff are not conscious of professional courtesy regarding sites, and work by others. They tend to {"move in" on others' work without appropriate communication. It appears to be out of "enthusiasm" but is NOT appropriate. 10. We have been very well satisfied in New Smyrna 11. They worked very well with us re: their presentation/educational program 12. So, far in my district it has...Dear old KBS left a bad taste in my mouth...The new guy...I'll guess we'll see... 13. When contacted, they are always willing to help out, however, they don't always reach out to all stakeholders when conducting their own projects. 14. Local Ft. Lauderdale, interaction is great! 15. I imagine any lack of cooperation with partners might stem from the partners. Additional comments or information 1. You are doing a tremendous service for our community. Keep up the good work. 2. The quality of programs in dealing with young people is admirable. Public awareness is a key to success The way people are handled is very important and seeing some sensitive areas being handled well is always impresive. Please keep up the good work. 3. I think FPAN is doing an excellent job, but it is too easy to focus on schoolchildren and the general public who come to planned events. It is increasingly important to get to people who do not come to things that FPAN plans. In particular, FPAN has to have an impact on local governments. This may mean different things in different parts of the state -- I don't think that there will be a one-size fits-all approach. 4. Newsletters are excellent. FPAN may have roundtable meetings with business partners annually. 5. FPAN has provided great support to our institution in the past and look forward to increased collaboration in the future. 6. Staff is very helpful and provide information to us for our management planning process. The boat building program they have started is very popular with the public. They have done a great job in a short amount of time developing programs for the public. 7. I do NOT think that FPAN should get involved with grant projects, unless it is to help write them for CSO, government entities, etc. Contract archaeologists in FL do not need another competitor, especially one that is government funded. It's also some concern that FPAN employs archaeologists who aren't totally familiar with methods used in FL. 8. I am more aware of the programs in Pensacola and St. Augustine, both are excellent. 9. Please let me know what this organization does. I did graduate work in Archeaology at Usf and I loved to be informed and help when I can. Archeaology is a love of mine 10. FPAN should maintain their focus on K-12, and provide community leaders and government officials tools to write good ordinances to protect historic resources. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-22 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 11. Extremely professional and always organized each time they have assisted me with national parks service Junior Ranger Camps and Teacher Workshops. 12. This survey is a good idea, but rather generalized. For more targeted improvement, local FPAN offices might contact professional archeologists and community leaders in their geographic location for more specific suggestions. 13. I am poorly informed about this organization. Possibly because of my present semiretirement and travel restrictions to meetings 14. Dr. Michelle Williams has been a valuable resource for Miami-Dade County. She is highly repected both as a person and a professional. Thanks to her the public is more aware of the County's archaeological resources. 15. FPAN is an excellent resource with very, very helpful staff. Tremendous help to local governments! 16. I have enjoyed my interaction with FPAN, which has consisted primarily of participation at outreach programs at events like Archaeology month, and similar occurrences. 17. If you want the public members to contribute and support, you should support and encourage public members to work along with the organization rather than a "top down" approach. 18. With the budget limiting field access, how can you be effective? 19. You have a person from academia who has NO experience in the compliance/regulatory world in a position that requires advising people and local governments and has given the wrong advice. I know I've had people contact me AFTER contacting FPAN. A PhD looks nice and is great but you need someone who has been "in the trenches" literally and figuratively. Other than repeating the same lectures time after time at some point you have to do something else. Why are there no fieldwork opportunities? Why no lectures by archaeologists from UCF, USF, UF, UNF, and FSU? Why is an IRAS member doing all the public education at schools and not the FPAN director? 20. FPAN as a concept is phenomenal. Putting regional archaeology offices all around the state can't help but give Florida archaeology greater exposure. However, one of its weaknesses is that it is an archaeological group run exclusively by archaeologists. This structure is understandable. But one of the inherent problems with this is that its focus on what archaeology means (or should mean) to the public at large tends to be academically focused. I would propose that a wider audience could be reached if a more holistic approach was used, one where concepts from the world of marketing and entertainment be responsibly utilized to engage the public, while educating them on the importance of cultural preservation at the same time. The ultimate goal of FPAN should be to get individuals who have no concern for archaeology to become strong advocates for cultural preservation. In order to accomplish that goal, FPAN's approach should use every available conduit at its disposal. 21. Greater public understanding of archaeological principles, the reasons for laws protecting archeological resources, sites, human remains etc. There are a lot of local collectors who need to be educated. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-23 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 22. On behalf of the Brevard Museum of History & Natural Science we would like to sincerely like to thank and support the staff, Dr. Rachel Wentz, Tim Brock (former staff) for all of thier hard work, dedication, and service. 23. I have very little contact with FPAN personnel, save at professional conferences. 24. Am interested in what this survey discloses. 25. Excellent work by your staff that I have had contact with. 26. Thanks for all you do! 27. FPAN has brought a renewed interest in Archaeology. Students and adults love the workshops and lectures and are more aware of the need to preserve our past due to the efforts of this great movement. Local people are much more involved in preservation efforts in their communities. 28. Michele Williams, PhD is a great help to us at John D. MacArthur Beach State Park. 29. I feel that FPAN being limited to archaeology has the result of neglecting advocacy for other areas of cultural resource management and protection. 30. I'm sure its hidden in some of the broader categories- but I missed an overt reference a term similar to 'historic tourism'. I think that concept is important, and I assume FPAN promotes and helps local government research ways that preservation can attract Florida visitors to local venues. How to help a preservation policy pay back the local community. Same idea as Eco-tourism. 31. Thanks for reaching out. 32. I could not answer question 15 since I have never communicated with FPRAN 33. Although I am aware of FPAN, my work does not usually involve archeology, nor have I had the time to appreciate most of their efforts. I have benefitted from some lectures, and philosophically support their efforts. 34. FPAN has a solid track record over its first few years and I look forward to its expansion and maturation. 35. FPAN is doing a wonderful job I think when it comes to K12 ed and booths at special events. One think I think would be good is to articulate FPAN with research based fieldwork throughout the state. Often academic archaeologists do not have the time or resources to organize formal site visits and tours. FPAN should take more advantage of these situations as they provide invaluable insight to the general public. This, of course, requires regular communication with researchers and cooperation between multiple entities. 36. Because of this service we have been able to educate both public and school about their operation and why it is important 37. FPAN definitely needs to step up their presence among Florida and nearby archaeologists. This survey made me realize I don't know much about what FPAN does, what its goals are, or how it implements them. 38. I've had much success working on projects with the staffers from the Northeast and East Central offices. While I currently do not work on any archaeology projects where I Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-24 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report currently live (Alachua County/Gainesville), it seems like the center that serves this county is practically nonexistent with its outreach programs. The other offices maintain a very visible presence in their local communities but I have not yet heard to date, any activities/projects that FPAN has been involved in, in the Gainesville area. Seems like there could be some good opportunities for public outreach and education here. The university doesn't really do much either in the local area, so its not like these needs are being served by the higher education sector. 39. My office recently contacted Steve Archer for a letter of support for a grant proposal we were submitting to the DHR. He quickly responded with a well written letter of support, and followed up by offering his assistance to us in the future. We will consider calling on him as the project progresses. 40. Keep up the good work 41. FPAN is a wonderful idea, whose reality is less...wonderful than the conception. If FPAN wants the hardy support of contract archaeologists, the program needs to avoid direct conflict with those companies in the area served. I find the program that the people selected to fill the position get...tempted to...compete with the people trying to make a livelihood, or allow their spouses to compete...Other people selected are oblivious "talking heads" who give erroneous information... I really think our tax dollars would be better spent beefing up local ordinances for the protection through county ordinance rather than a cheery "camp counselor". 42. I believe FPAN is a crucial element in protecting Florida's heritage. 43. Am just discovering the FPAN resources and their potential to make significant contributions to locales. We need assistance, and seemingly every area of Florida has its unique resources that need FPAN. By working with professionals, FPAN's value is "compounded" or "leveraged" and that is true with school children's involvement, and local ordinances. 44. I would like to know what type of programs are available for elementary students to be able to participate in the classroom and who would come and provide these programs and at what cost to the school? 45. Although I have had limited experience working with FPAN, I have a warm appreciation for everything that FPAN does. 46. I think from what I have seen FPAN is doing a pretty good job of meeting their goals. They could/should use the expertise of the various cultural resource management firms in the state to broaden their educational information (we give great talks and presentations, given the opportunity--and sometimes have interesting sites that could be visited) and get more current information on what is being done in various regions (in at least one ex. I am familiar with, FPAN got all excited about salvaging the archaeological remains at a burned historic structure without finding out that the structure was, in fact, moved over a mile from its original location--we as the archaeologists for the new location had that information). 47. One of the best ideas to be manifested on Florida's archaeological landscape in decades. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-25 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 48. My experience with FPAN as a professional archaeologist and Federal resource manager has been very positive. They always have a through display and provide excellent information and services regarding archaeological site protection and hertigage preservation to other professionals and the public. 49. employment with FPAN is challenging with potential for major rewards for all stakeholders by enabling/making those hard core connections with Florida's past and present for the general public as well as the public/governmental professional sector. FPAN statewide capacity as liason and resource hub offer incredible opportunities for the state of preservation and awareness. The FPAN infrastructure in using regional hosts, to me, is groundbreaking and speaks to the strength within the FL archaeological community by foremost, the willingness to try it out and second, the willingness to make it work. IST REVOLUTION! 50. Thank you for your support of education! Members of the Public (364 respondents) Briefly describe what FPAN means to you. (What is their purpose?, What do they do?) 1. FPAN has done several programs for the Library and the Historical Society each year. 2. I was a Graduate assistant at FPAN southeast for one year, and enjoyed every minute of it. FPAN brings archaeology to the public, a service that is badly needed in this state. Since many people have no idea at all that Florida has a pre-history, FPAN's presence is vital to archaeology. I try to pass along all the information about FPAN events to all of my friends, family and colleagues as I get it. 3. public involvment, at all ages ,,to heighten awareness,gather data,and preseve what the past has given us 4. Promote archaeology and get the public interested and involved. 5. I'ts a wonderful organization that provides information on some very interesting topics regarding Florida. 6. They help educate and preserve the rich heritage of Florida's past. 7. To protect our heritage and past for the public to learn and visit and enjoy. 8. Educates and assists the public at large regarding Florida's history and cultural heritage as supported by archaeology/anthropology. Provides educational/informative outreach, public speakers, historical research and data to schools, civic organizations, private groups and government agencies. Assists state parks with park programs and projects. Assists government agencies (including law enforcement) with latest technology available to the archaeological community including ground penetrating radar, sonar, global positioning system, geographic information system etc. Sponsors archaeology events and participates in civic and government sponsored events. 9. preserve valuable archeological assets; educate public on archeology 10. education, research, consulting (to government, business) Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-26 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 11. I believe that FPAN is meant to explore, explain and teach the public about our archeological heritage. 12. A group of archaeologists and volunteers, organizing and working on projects of historical significance and providing those results for public discrimination. 13. Inform. 14. It is an organization that provides information to keep the citizens of Florida current on Archeology, i.e., the status of findings, problems that may exist and benefits obtained from its efforts. 15. Provide information about historic sites, artifacts and the importance of preservation. Create interest in these resources which makes the public more aware of protecting them. I am a member of Hernando Past and have very much enjoyed our association with Rich and Nicole. 16. I am not sure, but think it must be a way for archaeologists working with public funding to communicate with each other. 17. Educate the public 18. Archaeology work. History of Fla. Plantations. Native Americans. Spanish explorers and settlers. 19. They are a group that brings history to life and lets us know how other people lived in the area long before us. 20. To teach people about Florida's cultural heritage. With so many new residents, it's a constant battle to establish a sense of local history and a loyalty and appreciation for that heritage. To provide a go-to source for information. 21. I am not familiar with FPAN but am looking forward to becoming so. 22. Education 23. extends the history and information of the area 24. nothing yet 25. To reveal, educate the public, and keep alive our great archaelogical heritage of the state of Florida. 26. bring the past to the public 27. Preserve, present, protect the Archaelogical finds in the State for the public to better understand the history of these finds 28. They help to make Floridians more aware of archaeology and the importance of preserving sites and artifacts. They help to educate the public, and one way they do that is through the schools and programs available to the students. They are a resource for teachers too. 29. They are a tremendous resource for local history and education. They also give the most and best opportunities for residents to participate. In my experience, where else can you pick up a phone or walk into an office and interact one on one with a trained archaelologist. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-27 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 30. A way to learn about the ancient native people, preserve artifacts 31. I am not a member of FPAN. When I attend their lectures, I always enjoy learning about Florida's natural history. 32. I have lived here 40 years, so this is my state, and I love knowing about all aspects of it. 33. Understand about the history of the culture of native peoples, artifacts, etc. 34. I know it is the Florida Public Archeology Network and was 35. introduced to it by Michele Williams when she came to our 36. community to lexture. I really don't know what their mission 37. statement is. 38. Promote the understanding of arcaeology in florida, do research, sponsor conferences and events. 39. I don't know anything about FPAN. 40. We can not fully go forward without having knowledge of the past. 41. A representative came to speak to organization and it was very interesting as well as educational. 42. In March Dr. M. Williams is scheduled to return (at our requestt). Through her we learn of the Cutler/Deering Estate area and what was found there. We have scheduled a field trip in support of these wonderful finds. 43. To me, FPAN helps the public understand the importance of archaeology in locating and preserving historic artifacts and other pieces of our heritage, and introduces a hands on approach for students interested in the field of archaeology. 44. Wonderful public resource for archeological information, have attended lectures and enjoyed the information I learned about Florida. Very valuable resource here in an area that needs more protection and education. 45. They broaden our knowledge about important archaeological sites right here in our state and reach out to schools to expand on what an archaeologist does. 46. FPAN provides information and activities pertaining to the archaeological heritage of Florida. 47. Provide and opportunity to become familiar with archaeological resources and their significance to our understanding to the past and our future. 48. Promote awareness of Florida's archaeological history. 49. Their purpose is to better inform the general public about their efforts to preserve our natural resources and let the people know how they can be of assistance . 50. Assume FPAN's responsibility, purpose, is to educate the public to how valuable this history is to us, and how it surrounds us in every corner of our state. This history shouldn't just be paved over, or dug up for that matter, for the sake of money It's a great type of eco-tourism, in that it's basically free, educational, and gives us a real insight into what our fore bearer's were all about. It also shows us how creative these people were Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-28 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report with limited tools, funds, etc., and how we're a lot different in some ways, but in others, we haven't changed a whole lot. 51. They provide support for learning in the classroom and out. 52. I think they are an important organization to help educate the public and the lay person of the importance of exploring and preserving our past. I am glad they are a part of our community! 53. publicize FL, esp NE FL, archaeological activities, sites and recent findings to raise public awareness of and appreciation for FL heritage. 54. they help conserve and protect the archaeological sites for the state of florida. They also help the community understand the diffrent archaeological sites that are happening in florida and were to volenteer at. 55. keeping archaeology in forefront on peoples mind--discovering our past heritages-informing public of discoveries---etc.etc. 56. I am not aware of the specific purpose. 57. I have had an interest in the field since childhood. As a geodesist/geographer/cartographer I have traveled to many of the world's remote regions and visited many interesting archaeological sites. Locally FPAN has, thru the efforts of Rachel and staff, done a fine job of bringing renewed jnterest in the field, especially as it relates to Florida and locally. In all, quite a sucessful stirring of local interest. 58. I enjoy finding out about Florida's history and sites to visit. 59. FPAN brings archaeology and interest in the past to the general public. They promote an attitude of respect and preservation of various cultural and historical resources, including archaeological sites. They involve the general public, after some limited training, in assisting with surveys and maintenance of various sites within florida. 60. great public speaking and directiong information to the public about Florida's history and events of tribal indian acheiology. I thought most effectivly the pamplets and brochure's handed out along with the inthusiasm of the personel to effectively direct all my questions with correct and effective answers. 61. Exciting new aspect of education for our communities. 62. As an administrator in the OCPS school system, our teachers and students thoroughly enjoy the free programs and visits that FPAN offers to our children. Recently, our school had the opportunity to observe and participate in a presentation by Dr. Rachel Wentz. The fourth graders absolutely loved it. 63. Turn dry subjects into living knowledge and understanding. 64. A most excellent program. 65. Hopefully, they can bring Florida History to life through research, education, presentations, and displays of all sorts throughout the state. 66. Around here they don't do much except a couple of lectures a year. I went on the FPAN website and looked at other centers. Very disappointing when this center is compared to others Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-29 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 67. Wealth of info for the public and educators. 68. FPAN could or should Provide Knowledge about Florida and the nearby southern archaeological work currently underway, results obtained, and future work. I also hope to gather information on the techniques and technical details of archaeological detective work in group meetings, suggested reference material and in hands-on studies and work. I believe that FPAN and CFAS can provide the path do this. 69. Help teach children the value of the past as a tool to prepare for the future. 70. I attended a workshop last June at BCC which was extremely beneficial as I teach Honors anthropology at Oviedo High School. I not only came away with numerous ideas for activities but many resources. They also are so kind as to allow instructors to come as speakers for my classes and I already have several dates confirmed for the spring semester. 71. To research and present archaeological information to the community 72. preserve Florida's heritage 73. fpan informs and educates the public about florida's archaeological sites 74. Help find and protect Florida historical archaeological sites and informing and teaching the public about these sites. 75. Honestly, I met Nicole by accident and she will be doing a presentation for my class in January. I never heard of FPAN befor meeting her. 76. To inform the public, such as through school programs, of the purpose and events that involve archaeology. 77. I read the article today in the St. Augustine Record. I believe FPAN is a public awareness organization to promote historical preservation. 78. I hope that Florida will be involved in perserving history through identification of sites and study of those sights 79. Inform the public of Florida history and archaeology, to deal with issues with archaeology & land developement that arise 80. This is a new program for me to observe the deep historical roots of my home state that I did not know about before. 81. I operate a recreational dive business, and use many of the FPAN resources in teaching various specialty certification classes for recreational divers. 82. I try to go to their conference each year in St Augustine. 83. Educates the public about the past and seeks more of that information at all times 84. FPAN to me is an oportunity to learn about archaeology from fine scholars. They promote public interest in archaeology and educate the public on how they may be involved and what things, in the interest of preserving the past, that they should not do. 85. FPAN is important to me because the Myakkahetchee site 8SO397 site is on my land and I would like to preserve not only this location but related ones in the area and gain a greater understanding of the pre-clovis people who located here. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-30 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 86. Gather and preserve historic land 87. Provides us with a history of the florida of the past . 88. I'm not really sure 89. To bridge the gap between State Stewardship and Public awareness of Florida's valuable historical and archaeological resources. 90. An important educational process to educate the public concerning archaeology, culture, and heritage. It might be the only venue available to some people regarding archaeology outreach possibilities. It is certainly one of the most 91. worthwhile projects I have seen. 92. An educational and valuable resource greatly needed in our state to articulate and teach about our states real cultural heritage. They need to gain more of a foothold in our schools so children/we know truths that have not been told in our nations beginning. 93. never heard of them 94. Nothing. The local FPAN doesn't do anything except repeat the same presentations again and again. They never do anything that I am aware of except do lectures. I thought they did archaeology. The one here in Titusville doesn't do any of that. 95. Not alot. The local center does NO archaeology projects that the public can join and does not work with local government to develop historic preservation ordinances. All the local center does is the same tired old lectures over and over again ad nauseum. After about 23 times it gets rather boring. where is all the education programs? Why are there no archaeology field opportunities like at other FPAN centers. Quite frankly this is a waste of my tax money. The local community college even kicked them off their campus. THAT says alot. 96. Make sure the public is informed regarding the archaeology of Florida, and make sure the public has the opportunity to view and interact with Florida archaeology while still ensuring the preservation of our archaeological heritage. 97. FPAN is a recent addition to the archaeological community of Florida and is maaking an impact on making the public aware ofthe state's heritage. They are doing this with outreach programs for many different groups and events. They are perfoming a very vital service for the archeological community and the state. 98. Work to keep Archaeoligical sites open and ongoing 99. Develope, educate, and informe the public about Florida history and prehistory through site interpetation, research publication and public education programs. 100. Protect archaeological sites and keep the public aware of these sites as important historical evidence and aware of archaeology as a whole. 101. They pursue knowledge about our past, archeologically and culturally, and they then share this knowldege with us, which helps us know more about ourselves as people. 102. Would appear to be the provider of information to the general public regarding archaelogical matters. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-31 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 103. FPAN is the major link to the public and myself concerning the archaelogy of Florida. This is a purpose. 104. Promote public education of archaeology and importance of protection of historic sites. 105. It is an attempt to promote archaeology awareness. 106. I am unaware of FPAN. 107. An organization that provides guidance and instruction on archaeological subjects to both school children and citizens. 108. Archaeology network to educate the public and preserve archaeological sites in Florida. 109. remembering our fore fathers.preserving our heritage 110. Network of various archaeological groups to provide information and education. 111. To bring awareness to the public of the value and benefits of cultural resources. These resources are our history and provide economic benefits to us individually to our region and to our state. 112. EDUCATE FLA PUBLIC ON FLA PAST 113. FPAN existed to provide Florida citizens with information about Florida's archaeological heritage. FPAN actively engages the public with ongoing research and opportunities to learn more about sites, cultures, and theories. 114. They are about public outreach and education, student and public involvement with archaeology in a hands-on, interactive venue. FPAN staff provide instructional input, lead planned activities at museums, schools, community centers, etc. 115. They find, catalog and preserve our history 116. It is a wonderful learning experience. I have learned a lot and have invited Dr. Wentz to speak at our nature programs. 117. It is a valuable source of information about archaeology, especially florida's. 118. From my perspective, excellent lectures/show & tell opportunities are provided to the public relating to Florida history and archeology. 119. FPAN promoted my education & knowledge about my state and its history. 120. We have been attending outstanding archaeology lectures at the Brevard Community College in Titusville given by Dr. Rachel Wentz, her associates and staff for the past 2 years. Without FPAN these programs would not be possible. These programs have stimulated considerable interest in archaeology in the community. 121. Have enjoyed their lectures. Stirred an interest in archeology, and in Fl. history. 122. I attend lectures at BCC. Dr. Wentz has provided excellent information and reawakened an interest in history ( I was a history major at FSU) and archaeology. They provided many opportunities for further study. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-32 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 123. Helps to improve public access to important cultural resources and archaeological sites in Florida 124. Equips people with knowledge of Florida's Archaeology. 125. They provide information about our history, how our ancestors lived , dealt with changes, survived, and how we have evolved to what we are today. 126. I honestly do not know anything about FPAN; but I am pleased to learn that this resource exists. 127. they help connect the public to the historically significant places around them: 128. education 129. outreach 130. Unsure 131. To educate and inform the public on past, current and future archaeology projects in the State of Florida via electronic media, awareness sessions, and projects. 132. To help educate the public on the history of the area and how to preserve historical sites. 133. FPAN is the local organization through which the public is properly informed of the archaeological resources and projects in the local area. 134. Develop a public trust of protected archaeology sites to preserve for the future. 135. Educate the public about archaeology 136. FPAN is an organization that reaches out to the public in order to help the understanding of what archaeology is in Florida. They are a strong force in getting things excavated, protecting landmarks and informing those who may be uneducated in anthropology. 137. To be a source of information about Archeology in Florida 138. Discover our past through archeological research. 139. As a public archaelogical outreach group, FPAN has provided new insights to our past and the need to preserve histocical legacy for generations to come. 140. Discover, explore, study and preserve the physical historical artifacts in the state 141. TO SHOW THE PUBLIC WHAT THE AREA HAS TO OFFER IN ARCHAEOLOGY 142. FPAN provides many research and outreach programs to entice and educate people to become aware of archeological opportunities that surround them here in Florida. 143. FPAN helps interprets the archaeology and heritage of Floridians (prehistoric and historic) to the public. They work with both the public and private sectors to raise awareness and understanding of the value of archaeological and historic resources, through education, outreach and preservation efforts. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-33 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 144. I believe FPAN preserves arch. sites (our history) and keeps the public informed of the old and new arch. finds and sites in the state of Fl. 145. It is a means for the public to understand and experience what archaeology is, and why it is important to our heritage. 146. public outreach. public eduction. 147. FPAN has opened up new vistas of historical/archaeological awareness of Florida. Growing up in urban sprawl of Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco Counties, FPAN has created an awareness of Florida's rich historical legacy which needs to be preserved. FPAN has the professional expertise to connect local groups who share preservation goals and government officials to implement new protections. 148. It was an adventure, I have been brought to the Pensacola area for furthering my education. I am a Hospitality major however I am passionate about the arts and being a lifetime learner. It was not until just recently that I purchased a car and was then able to explore the area that I have been living in for over 2 years first stop was the Welcome Center. And then the TT Wentworth State Museum. It was a day of exploration and I loved it. For my university President Judy Bense hailed from the Archaeology program and I felt I had to support my university and my president. FPAN is a network of knowledge that I would love to aquire~! 149. Research, discover, identify, preserve and protect the archeological resorces in Florida. 150. It keeps me aware of events and news I can share with my students as well as iinformation I am personally supportive of. 151. An organization that ties together all of the archaeological work in Florida and gives it greater public access. 152. They interpret and maintain historic and archaeological sites throughout the state. 153. Explore Florida's past and make it available to the public 154. Without reviewing the mission statement of the organization, I think the mission of FPAN would be something like this: 155. FPAN (1) locates, researches, excavates and documents archeological sites (2) preserves artifacts and arranges for the appropriate display or storage of them (3) compiles and shares data that it develops and interpretations of the data that it formulates AS APPROPRIATE with historians, anthropologists, paleontologists, archeologists, Native American tribes, museums, land trusts, environmental preservation advocacy organizations, the Florida Department Of Environmental Protection and the divisions of it, the National Parks Service, local, county, state and federal planning entities, transportation planning entities, historic preservation organizations, tourism entities and Internet sites for the same interests 156. They provide a wonderful opportunity for young students to experience archaeology in our own back yard. The expertise and insight helps to open new doors of future study and employment to our youth. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-34 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 157. FPAN is an impoertant link between the general public and the professional archeology 158. community. It is also an important educational resouce for all ages. 159. Their staff has allowed impotant historic preservation projects to succeed. 160. With out their kindness, time, and expertise Hernando Counties histrory would be far less as developed as it has become. I am truly greatfull for their assistance and dedication to the people of Hernando County. FPAN has become a valuable partner with the Hernando Preservation Society and we beleive that our objectives in preserving our history has been enhanced by the Crystal River staff. 161. I have worked in archeology and prehistory for many years and I have never met a more dedicated group of professionals as these folks. 162. We are looking forward to working with them in the future. 163. David P. Letasi 164. President 165. Hernando Prewservation Society 166. A Chair of the Hernando County Historical Museum Assoc. 167. I believe its purpose is to educate. 168. Overarching body responsible for assisting the state to enhance the public's exposure to Florida's archaeology; protect and recruit additional funding for archaeology promotion 169. Education and outreach of Florida's archeological resources. 170. Mostly I believe that FPAN is a great resource of education in public archaeology. I believe that in its short time it has grown to be a very impressive organization and program. Its job is to create a sustainable relationship between florida archaeologists and florida public in order to educate and access various funding oppurtunities through public interest. 171. I believe FPAN's mission is to educate the public about archaeology and, by doing so, provide a better understanding of Florida's ancient history. They do this by various programs and presentations and by conducting archaeological digs. 172. FPAN is an educational resource. FPAN is a preserver of history. FPAN is a link tieing together social, maritime, and regional resources. FPAN facilitates the work of other groups -- they provide synergy. 173. Deepens my knowledge of Florida's history through archeological digs that expose and graphically explain the cultures of previous peoples. The Cuna/Spanish St. in St. Augustine dig revealed at least 3 previous sets of foundations. The digs done when streets are being repaired show the line of the original fortifications around St. Augustine. The Sugar Mill tour documented early industry in this part of Florida, and showed the different processing methods of the Spanish and English. Artifacts are found and displayed. Underwater burials have been discovered. The list is endless! Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-35 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 174. I am very new with involvement with FPAN at Crystal River but wooden boat building is a bit of a passion and the CRBB will let in indulge. It has a number of fine people leading it and along with other students I hope to have fun, enjoy their friendship and learn and help build vintage wooden boats. 175. I have never heard of FPAN. I have no idea what it is all about. 176. They make archaeology availiable to the public and try to educate the public while dispelling the false idea many people have about this field. 177. Helps to protect the remaining pieces of Florida's history. 178. To encourage the public to take interest in Archaeology in the state of Florida. This is accomplished by setting up a booth at various events throughout the state where interested individuals will more likely be located. 179. It keeps me up on what is going on in our area. 180. A place & source for information of Florida's past. 181. I interested in attending lectures and learning more about archeology. I would like to volunteer to assist with a dig. I may not be able to attend days that a heritage site is having an event, but I then learn about the heritage sites and can visit on my own time. 182. Act as a bridge between professional / student archaeologists and the general public to increase and enhance the public's understanding of - and appreciation for Florida's historical heritage. 183. Discover, protect, preserve archaeology in the State so that future generations will know the history. 184. Educate and inform the public through discussions, presentations, or museum displays. 185. Valuable educational resource as well as an excellent advocate for archaeology and preservation 186. FPAN is instrumental in preserving the history of Florida and making this historical information available to the public. 187. Advocacy for historic and archaeological sites, education, preservation and fund raising. 188. Provides the opportunity to fulfill an interest in history and archeology on a personal level in areas and locals I am familiar with. 189. I beleive them to be an organization that promotes understanding of archaeology but admittedly I do not know much about them. 190. Public outreach and support on issues related to archaeology 191. They are archaeologists. They are involved with disseminating historical archaeological information to the public, discovering new artifacts, fossils, etc., getting the public involved in outreach events (Bayport and building a boat), and performing underwater archaeology activities as well. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-36 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 192. I am most familiar with FPAN because of our proximity to the Crystal River Archaeological State Park 193. It means teaching the public about what archaeologists do for the state and for our collective histories. THis keeps interest high and jobs secure 194. Provide protection and education concerning Florida Archaeology sites. 195. It is my understanding that the organization promotes education about and the protection of Floirda's historical and pre-history sites. 196. FPAN staff met on-site with descendents of the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery (historic African-American cemetery)and later held a workshop to educated descendents on cemetery/headstone maintenance, etc. THis was very helpful and benefical to my agency and the descendents as we eventually surplused the cemerty site to the descendents and it will become a cultural and historical resource destination on public lands. 197. A place to take students to learn about Florida history. 198. provide resources and outreach for public to learn more about Florida history and cultural resources. 199. I have no previous connection with FPAN. This is all new to me. 200. I was unfamiliar with FPAN before being notified of this survey. 201. FPAN,Amber and Sarah mean a great deal to us here at the Archives. They are always willing to help us with our projects and carry through on their promises. They have helped us pass legistlation to stave off metal detector scavengers, helped us investigate our cemeteries, helped us understand and how to fill out paperwork for the Master site file. All round, they are invaluable to our work here. 202. waste taxpayers money doing nothing important 203. They attempt to keep the past of Florida alive by preserving and investigating sites of archeological interest. 204. Prevent developers from destroying historical/archaeolgical sites, and letting the public see what was. 205. I love history and I wanted to give something back. I thought this would be a good organization to do this. I hope to be more involved in 2010. 206. Explore and excavate local archaeological sites at a community level 207. Even though I have been on guided walks to indian mounds in the Charlotte Harbor State Buffer preserve here in Punta Gorda, I am unfamiliar with FPAN. 208. good info./referance 209. FPAN provides me with educational materials and the knowledge to teach my students properly about Florida History and archaeology. FPAN has came into my classroom and given my students the power to ask knowledgeable questions and to think outside the box. Without FPAN my classes wouldn't have the hands on experiences needed to understand the materials in front of them. 210. Inform the public on archaeology in our area, as well as basic methods used. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-37 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 211. Putting out information about Florida's cultural past. 212. Provide hands on fl history experience 213. Always interested in events in our area and close outskirts : ) 214. I see it as a mean for disseminating information about the history of Florida. 215. Know very little except what I have read in the Ft. Walton Beach newspaper 216. Restoration and education 217. Works to save Florida's history and archaeological sites and keeps me updated on their progress and programs. 218. Their purpose is to promote interest in Florida's archaelogical resources & history through outreach, networking & education, interfacing with both the professionals & the general public. 219. THEY HELP PRESERVE OUR UNDERGROUND HISTORY FROM DESTRUCTION BY GOVERNEMENT AND NEW CONSTRUCTION. 220. Protect and preserve the historic sites within the state. 221. Increasing public awareness of Florida history. 222. This is a great group of professionals and citizens that are dedicated to researching and searching for historical archaeological sites and history in the State of Florida. 223. They excavate and preserve Florida history. 224. Pursuing archeological research and field work, preserving Florida's history, and sharing that knowledge with professionals and the public through a network of affliated agencies. 225. it allows the interested public to learn more of the life that existed before and to help preserve that knowledge. 226. They are the people who conduct research into the way people, animals, and plants lived on this land we now call Florida. 227. Mostly know their building and exhibits in Pensacola. I'm aware of their involvement in promoting archaeology. 228. I was in a workshop that they had in August, 2009. 229. education 230. I volunteer at a state park and a local museum. They help identify important archaeological history to the local area and educate us on the importance of findings and how they discover our history. 231. staff, research and help with arch projects. 232. Inform and educate the public on local archaeology. 233. FPAN is a wonderful resource for Historic & Archeology information in Florida. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-38 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 234. Websites and contacts have provided substantial information on local sites of interest on past trips 235. to the Pensacola area, Orlando area, and Charlotte Harbor / Punta Gorda region. 236. FPAN speakers have been very informative for presentations at our Archeology group meetings (SEFAS - SE Fl. Arch. Society). 237. FPAN coordinates educational events and exhibits for the public in order to increase awareness of current and historical archaeological sites and reconstructions of Florida's past. 238. Provides educational experiences in the field of archaeolofy 239. It is really neat to see all the history and so much is free, so to me it is a great way to teach my five kids the history of the place we now call home. They get so much more out of things when they can see and touch the things we are tring to teach them. Over the summer we even got to see a real Archaeology dig in progress at Arcadia Mill, which was very interesting and educational to myself and children! 240. To preserve the authentic relics of Florida and educate the public re same by dispaying and providing written information. 241. You've really put the history of Pensacola & environs on the map! I've attended several of your symposiums & lectures in the past year..I am a volunteer with the Gulf Islands National Seashore & so appreciate your partnershp with them! Thanks you for all you do for bring the importance of what you do to the public! 242. Give me a ready resource for educating young people about the history of Florida and the United States. 243. I feel FPAN is an important part of bringing not only Florida's history,but archaeology in general to public awareness. 244. FPAN keeps me up to date on state and local archeological developments, which are of interest to me. I enjoy knowing that the educational communites share historical developments and news with the public. 245. We attend the monthly archaeology lectures, which enhance my ability to docent at the Brevard Museum of History & Science. 246. Educating the public about archaelogy in Florida 247. FPAN has always been available to speak to our FAS chapter, KVAHC. They attend functions that educate the public about archaeology in Florida (Archaeologyfest) preservation and conservation of sites. They have workshops and put together information and projects teachers and students can use. Thank you, Rae Harper, Rich Esterbrook, and Nate Lawres for your presence and input. 248. educate the public about archaeology 249. ARCHAEOLOGY, PUBLIC INFO 250. I attend the FPAN lecture series in Brevard County, interact w FPAN in Lee Co through my affiliation with the Lee Trust for Historic Preservation, occasionally help with environmental issues (my profession) Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-39 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 251. It keeps me up to date on what projects are happening currently in my area. It lets me feel involved. It connects me with local history and expands my knowledge of the past which makes me feel more connected and in turn more interested! 252. FPAN helps the local public understand the archaeology in the area 253. Provides information about archaeological sites to the public along with the expertise to interpret and understand them 254. Seek and preserve archaeology sites 255. Lets the people of Florida know the history in their local area by artifacts found in the area, which verifies history one has been told about. 256. To investigate, and publicize(sp) information about Florida's Past. 257. Very casual...enjoy showing visiting friends/family area sites. 258. Don't know, but imagine they protect archeological sites. 259. I particularly appreciate the publicity FPAN has given to archaeology in Florida FAR MORE THAN WE AMATEURS HAD EVER BEEN ABLE TO ACHIEVE. 260. I have appreciated receiving e-mails of events in or near my area, and as a member of a local archaeological association having the benefit of assistance of FPAn in our own events. 261. It's a network that keeps me in the loop with what's going on the historical/preservation side of this area I live in. I have a BA in Art History and have always been interested in history and what remains of physical marks left by past lives. I see this as part of this associations task and I hope it continues to broaden it's scope in the future. 262. I am fascinated when touching items that have not been handled for hundreds of years. I also a. also enjoy learning how people lived in the past - and the history of the state. 263. Thery're a wonderful network. Florida is one of the richest sources of fossills in the US. My heart breaks everytime a bulldozer tears and area up and no one is allowed in to search it. We have a need to know land that has so many hidden treasures. To be a small part of it trills me. It needs to preserve this information and wonder. 264. I was looking for archelogical expertise in Southwest Florida and Google sent me to FPAN. They were just what I needed - and this from someone who has lived 12 years in Greece and worked closely with archeological sites there. I believe FPAN is a valuable resource here in an area where archeology is not as widely recognized as it is in other states. 265. FPAN is the means to reach the people who visit Florida each year, and the people who call the state home. Most people think Fl. Has no history. We do and it is FAPN's job to let the public know. 266. Preservation of our history and ability to expand our knowledge of that which was before our time. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-40 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 267. I believe FRAN is the best thing to happen to Florida archeology and historical research in my lifetime. While I may have been unaware of opportunities that existed when I was still employed, if they existed they did not catch my eye. FRAN provides a venue for me to indulge my avocations and pass on our heritage to my grandchildren. I am delighted with the program. 268. I have appreciated the FPAN staff's ability to energize and support existing archaeological and historical groups here in St. Augustine while at the same time spreading that enthusiasm and interest to neighboring counties where there has been little or no previous archaeological activity. 269. FPAN has also excelled at the art of forging partnerships with many groups. A good example is the upcoming Destination Archaeology event at Kingsley Plantation that boasts 9 cultural partners! 270. FPAN is a resource that gives me information on subjects that I find interesting. I have also found that if I am in need of information for class that I can contact an FPAN rep. who can, if nothing else, point me in the right direction. 271. Educate and share with the public information about the history of Florida. They also work with amateurs to get further data, since the public is the eyes and ears of the group, because funding is always limited. 272. An outreach institution created to interpet archaeoligical information to the general and professional public. 273. As a girl scout leader, my troop has enjoyed visiting the Pensacola area. The staff at the museum was very kind in teachig the girls what to look for in a dig. Thank you. 274. To me they bring history alive to myself and the others. If it were not for Amber and all she has done for the people of St. Augustine we would not be informed to the value of history in our area. I have learned so much due to this program and am so glad that this project is open to the public. I look forward to each new program or exhibit that is presented. 275. Archaology is extreamly important 276. Advocate for presevation of archaeological sites & educating the public on the history of native Americans 277. I'm really not sure other than outreach to the public through educational programming. 278. To keep the public involved/updated/informed on past, current, and future research and field experiences. It is an agency that continues to make/keep Floridians and visitors aware and appreciate of our rich heritage that deserves to be preserved. 279. Making Florida History available, along with research projects. 280. I'm not really sure. I participate w/SAAA & Lamps events but FPAN role w/Cultural History at the GTM is a mystery Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-41 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 281. To be honest, I don't know. A friend I met at Flagler College (Adam Cripps) made a point of introducing me to the archaeology club at school hoping I would get involved. I'm taking the survey because I think Adam is cool. 282. Educate the public re FL archaeology / prehistory 283. They explore archeological sites and keep the public informed as to the archeological history of the area concerned 284. Working to preserve archaeology sites and providing information on them to the public. 285. To be sure that citizens of Florida do not lose awareness of the past history of our area, especially the period before the Europeans arrived. 286. FPAN assures that the history and heritage that is Florida is preserved and maintained. 287. My wife and I are new to FPAN, with our first contact being a presentation at Navarre Public Library this Fall. However, I am an archaeology "buff" of many decades. Until I decided to attend law school, I had been intending to seek an advanced degree in archaeology, for purposes of research and college teaching. 288. Informs, Educates, and one hopes encourages the public about Florida archaeology. 289. The preservation of Florida archaeological sites and educating the public regarding early peoples. 290. Provide my family with details of Florida history and allows participation being part of that history 291. Educate the public about Archaeology and how it applys to us in everyday life. 292. They run all the archaeology sites and cultural centers in the state, and do a lot of public outreach and awareness projects 293. Inform the public about the many archaeological sites and resources available in Florida and generate interest in Florida history and the field of archaeology 294. Discover the past for us 295. They keep archology alive. They keep our "foundation" solid. It is a question of perspective. 296. FPAN provides educational information about the Pensacola area's history. I love getting the newsletter and participating in the open house events and workshops for teachers. The provide an invaluable service to our community because we are so rich in historical culture! I'm encouraging my daughter to become an archeologist because of the information we have received from FPAN. 297. Publich Archaelogy to me means a way that advocational archeologists like myself and interested people can become involved with archaeological projects in a sustainable and professional context 298. Provide educational resources and opportunities for myself and my students. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-42 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 299. FPAN has been a great educational tool for my daughter. She has enjoyed working in the lab, visiting the museum, and the events held during Florida Archaeology month. I myself helped Larry James sort the artifacts from Fort George. What a great experience for me as I grew up in North Hill near Fort San Bernardo. 300. 301. This has inspired my family to take trips throughout Florida to explore sites and museums, and learn as much as we can about Florida History. Thank You FPAN, The Fulton Family 302. We had a member come an share with my class. The students were very imformaed 303. liaison among state and local governments 304. public outreach 305. assist DHR in preservation 306. The Florida Public Archaeology Network facilitates programs, projects, and policy that affords a well developed resource for disseminating information about Florida's rich and diverse cultural heritage to the public. 307. FPAN promotes and encourages public interest in Florida History, actual historical sites and current events relating to Florida's History. 308. preserves our heritage for coming generations 309. archaeological digs and research 310. promotes awareness of FPAN through public programs and events 311. archaeology with children 312. Educate the community of archaeological issues. We have a great parternship with FPAN- their programs offer great inspiration & enthusiasm to our program! 313. jusy want to keep the history for future generations 314. FPAN allows me to introduce my students to local history that they might ordinarily overlook. It enables me to bring "yesterday's" legacy into "today's" classroom. It is fun, interesting, and my students have developed a love for sleuthing in their own backyards. 315. FPAN reaches out to the general public to inform citizens on the state of archaeology in Florida and the importance to all citizens of the work of archaeologists. 316. A liason between the public and existing artifacts of the past. 317. FPAN has help establish Florida as a major focal point in the history of this country. The provide the people of Florida with opportunities to learn about their heritage as well as the history of their state. FPAN allows the public to have an active part in the historic discoveries that continue to take place in this great state, and they continue to keep the public educated and informed. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-43 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 318. Not only discovering the culture of Florida, past to present, but also contributing to the areas of education, arts, and science of archaeology. 319. I know that they provide education and outreach regarding cultural history. I am unsure of their relationship with other historical groups in St. Augustine like LAMP or Lighthouse museum or other. 320. I am the committee chairman for Boy Scout Troop 30. We use the Archaeology network to help us teach the archaeology merit badge. My family and I visit the museums, and I also take my class to visit the museums. My family also visits the Baker Block museum when the archaeology network is there to show them things we have found on and around our property and at the rivers around Blackwater State Forest. 321. I love the teacher workshops they do. Lots of information and resourses. Great notebooks and activities to take back to the classroom. 322. Don't Know 323. I hope they will provide an opportunity for me to volunteer to assist in the enhancement of local sites. 324. FPAN is an informative and educational program, free to the public, that stimulates preservation of historical/archaeological sites and artifacts. What FPAN activities have you participated in? Check all that apply. Optional Comments 1. None – 9 2. I attended all of the above as a graduate assistant to the Southeast center's program at FAU 3. Heard a lecture at my Nature Club 4. new to program 5. presentation made at our club at Valencia Pointe 6. volunteer at Crystal River Arc Park 7. I have done filming at most of these events for my TV show 8. Assisted with surveys of underwater sites. Also, participated in a boat building project using only traditional tools and methods. 9. Guest speaker for 4/5th grade students Teacher "box" to help teach about Calusa s. 10. I have acquired FPAN's help in two restoration sites in St. Pete. 11. All they do IS lectures 12. guest speaker at my Rock and Gem club meeting 13. volunteers at information booth 14. Visited the Welcome Center 15. Events and activities related to Bay Port Shipwrecks 16. member of Crystal River Boat Builders 17. CRBB 18. Helped at an information booth at an event Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-44 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 19. My only archeology walk was guided by a Park Ranger. 20. read newsletters and announcements 21. I donated an artifact to the FPAN 22. interacting with staff to set up presentations 23. self guided visits 24. I work evenings and therefore miss opportunities for lectures and workshops 25. Worked on several joint projects, such as Florida Archaeology Month 26. face to face 27. Career Day at High school 28. consulting about local area's past. How would you rank the FPAN programs you have participated in? Optional Comments 1. Michelle Williams is a wonderful and informative speaker. 2. professional and informative 3. I have brought someone along, too. 4. Very personal and very accommodating. A+ to work with. Professional too. 5. Have thoroughly enjoyed them! 6. Great for all ages! 7. highly recommend 8. On the whole I would recommend, although a few presentations have been a little light and not of real arch. interest. 9. highly! 10. Except the lecture I attended I was not aware of any events 11. FPAN needs much more exposure 12. Every question I have asked or seminar I have attended has been answered with exceptional knowledge. 13. A superior program that gets better all the time. I'm thankful for their interest in public input 14. Need to have better, aggressive PR and marketing. Too passive. 15. How many times do I have to hear about the Windover illnesses? 16. They stink. I would rather drive to St. Augustine where they do things. Here in Brevard County they don't do anything 17. Great activities planned, but presenters of activities seemed uncertain how to do them. 18. Always interesting. 19. FPAN needs to partner more with other orgs to provide excavation and lab opportunities for adult volunteers 20. It was extremely interesting and educational to work with a professional archaeologist in the field. 21. I cannot rank since I do not know about the program. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-45 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 22. Very helpful and educational 23. Theresa Schober - Mound house, Estero FL gives a great presentation on Calusa and thier canoes in Lake Trafford 24. I have not yet participated in any FPAN programs. 25. Experts in teaching and workshop activities and effective comunicators 26. I have recommended and encouraged friends to participate. 27. I have not participated in FPAN programs 28. One ofthe two speakers was WAAYY to detail oriented for the time allotted. 29. great 30. I don't know if my guided walk was an FPAN program. 31. I'd like to see more youth programs. I am involved in scouts and try to include fpan whenever I can. 32. Highly recommend 33. Haven't participated yet. 34. Programs have been superior -- would highly recommend 35. highly recommend--they are great! 36. I had a terrific time. The site was interesting and the people delightful. 37. Programs are well organized and useful 38. Not a clue 39. very friendly and educational for both me and the kids; we feel welcome and useful 40. Excellent!!!!!!! Well organized & engaging. 41. Excellent 42. Open House okay... How has FPAN impacted your awareness of archaeological resources in Florida? Optional Comments 1. Don’t know/unsure - 2 2. always available for questions and will research if answer not immediately known 3. Information from presentations, is available in books & internet 4. The most recent was the diving on the Civil War Wreck in Bay Port. Very educational! 5. There has been not inpact 6. I don't hear much about it except thro another archaeology group I'm in 7. Our divers learn something valuable every time we work with a FPAN representative!!! 8. I learn more each activity/visit. 9. If you mean Windover that is all we ever hear about. Aren't there other sites in the area?. I learned more from the IRAS than FPAN. 10. I have a history and anthropology degree, just not working or acting on that degree, except in a volunteer capacity. 11. FPAN needs to give lectures on FL sites other than Windover Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-46 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 12. Growing up in Florida, I wasn't taught these things in school. 13. FPAN has made me eager to visit archeological sites and to learn from them about the history of Florida. 14. I have learned a great deal about Florida archeology thanks to Richard Estabrool and Nicole Tubleson 15. FPAN interaction has led me to study more Florida history. 16. I am new at this so I have no good openion as yet 17. I am not aware 18. What activities went on pre 1800s in & around Hillsborogh / Hillsboro Inlet, in Southeast FL ? 19. It's beginning to get my attention. 20. ridiculous waste of money dreamed up by Bense 21. too much emphasis on old bricks 22. Made me hungry for more opportunities. 23. Excellent 24. have not found any activity in Charlotte County How do you prefer to find out about FPAN activities? Optional Comments newsletter Bonnet House Obviously the more exposure FPAN avails the public of, the better the results, realizing the limited resources you must have information booth at special event news paper, mailers and web sites Association with State Park Targeted newsletters - like Bay Soundings Community calendar in my newspaper the Charlotte Sun searched internet email newspaper Amber's lecture at the Amelia Island's Museum of Eight Flags. Schools Please provide any additional comments or information below. 1. I would like to work for FPAN! My graduate assistantship provided many insights that could serve the center well. 2. My group was very impressed with the presentation we were provided by Michelle Williams. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-47 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 3. thanks for all that you're doing! 4. I found my first FPAN event through the FL State Parks website. I was not aware of FPAN then, and didn't become familiar with the "organization" until a couple events later. Outside of the Park environment or contact with the staff, I still don't hear anything about them. 5. I build scale model houses of 16th thru 20th century houses of St. Aug. and Fla. I'm currently building a model of the Castillo. I've offered to build a model of Bing's Landing (Hernandez) but w/o success w/ Flagler politicians. My scale models are usually 1/4" /ft. architects scale, also Lionel R.R. I particulary enjoy St. George St. If you think my skills are useful to you please contact me at 6. any organization that raises the awareness of the public is to be commended 7. I wish you could do more to preserve and stop the developers when a historical site is found. 8. There is a book by Patrick Smith called A LAND REMEMBERED that should be carried by all state parks as it brings to light the early settlers in a way we can understand. 9. I think multi-media approaches are important. Use email, the web, and social networking sites but do not neglect mail and posters. 10. I am so happy I went to Senior Science at Green Cay in Boynton Beach and became aware of what FPAN is all about and the importance of preserving archaeological sites. We will continue to make our member and new members aware of your continued need. 11. The lectures I have gone to given by Michele have been completely engaging, her knowledge and ability to translate that to the public in an accessible manner, is amazing. Her enthusiasm is contagious, she does much to protect a vital part of Florida that needs it. We thank her. 12. I think FPAN has established a prescence in the community that could prove to be very effective in the proper maintenance of Florida's Historical and Archaeological Heritage. 13. I'd never heard of FPAN until the last couple of years! Think it's an underutilized asset to the state of Florida, and Archaeology in particular. 14. Please keep funding this wonderful organization! 15. Getting involved with FPAN this year has been very rewarding for our local SCUBA dive club! We are looking forward to lots more next year! 16. the personnel that I was introduced to where most courteous and effective. 17. Extremely delighted to have this network available in our state! 18. When the FPAN center opened I thought they would sponsor trips to sites and museums, have presentations on other archaeological sites, and do other things. They do not. I spoke with a member of the county commission and was told FPAN has never talked to her about any ordinances or laws like it says that is the FPAN mission. The FPAN Center does the same lectures repeatedly and no fieldwork. The Indian River Archaeology group does fieldwork and presentations all over the county. FPAN was not even at the Native Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-48 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report American festival in Melbourne last month but the other group was. Why have a FPAN center here when the group here does more? 19. Due to my schedule, I have only been to one lecture but really enjoyed it. The team here on the East Coast have done a good job from my perspective keeping me informed of upcoming events and did a fine job at the lecture. They are very professional and knowledgeable and am grateful our state is investing in this area. 20. I was very excited about the program when it was introduced during a lecture, but have found that it has not reached the ideas presented at that lecture 21. Working with all of the FPAN group, especially Jeff Moates, has given us a broad range of useful information we are able to pass along to the general public to raise awareness about the unique history of our coastal waters. This provides us with an important resource to attract new divers, and from that new awareness for the need to protect these important resources. 22. Would like to see funding to create a large information site in Crystal River. Mock-up of off shore findings, date lines, pictures of on going projects, etc. 23. I would love to see a dvd of any lectures given. A small fee for each lecture could provide alittle income for the program. We are snow birds and we miss a lot of the lectures. 24. I would like to participate in field work. I really enjoy it. I have worked with KVAHC at the Blueberry Site in Lake Placid, FL. 25. We need a greater awareness as a whole in our State and ordinances to protect the resources. Many city's do not know how to deal with, nor care about archaeological sites. Educate our governing bodies. 26. Anything to increase FPAN programs is well worth the effort. 27. Why is it the Indian River Archaeological Society does all these projects that I hear about and FPAN doesn't do anything. I would rather spend my time with them. They really do digs. 28. none 29. FPAN is doing a great Job. Just keep up the great work at all the centers 30. I think what you are doing is very important and very interesting and I greatly appreciate your efforts and your willingness to share what you have learned with the rest of us. Thank you! 31. In viewing the website FPAN looks to be a very valued resource for Florida. I could not comment or answer many of the questions as I was unaware of FPAN existence. 32. Need more opportunities for field and lab work, assistance with site registration, Tours of sites 33. I am on the board of a local of the FAS but our group is limited in what we can do to work with and help educate the public about Florida's archaeological heritage; FPAN steps in to fill that void in an extremely valuable way - by reaching all age groups and fostering an awareness of this important heritage and the need to protect it. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-49 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 34. I have appreciated the lectures/show & tell presentations I have attended and have recommended them to others. 35. I only became aware of FPAN this year. Since then, I have introduced others to FPAN. I am a supporter of their important efforts. 36. Brevard Co. has an excellent program. 37. The local FPAN has been very helpful setting up programs for youth to learn about Florida History and how and why to preserve it. 38. Great program!! I was thrilled to find out about it and wish I had more time to participate. Keep up the good work. 39. Please do not use social networking sites. That form of communication is becoming increasingly annoying because it is just TOO MUCH. 40. Underwater discoveries are especially revealing. 41. I am retired mechanical engineer, amature historian, sailer and antique machinery buff. I would like on a project as a volunteer 42. requires multi-faceted approach to preserve archaeological and historic sites - a single approach will not be sufficient. 43. I want to know how I learn more or how I could volunteer? 44. Please do the following: a. publicize widely through media and legislatures the economic benefits of archeological programs b. promote adoption of effective archeological sites protection laws c. promote patrols of archeological sites by law enforcement personnel and enforcement of archeological sites protection laws d. install electronic security systems (motion-detector-activated video cameras, distant alarms, etc.) at vandal-prone or -suseptable sites e. conduct archeological site visits immediately preceded by site education and visitpromotional exhibits at public venues near the sites 45. I hope that FPAN will be able to provide the services in informing the general public about history awareness and to have the funding and tools to continue their valued work in both education and research projects. 46. However, in the future, I would like to see more outreach and networking for students in the anthropology programs at the Florida Universities, a greater push for maritime archaeology in resource managment, and more oppurtunities for internships, work experience and job placement assistance for university anthropology students. 47. No additional comments 48. FPAN is a great concept doing great things 49. n/a Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-50 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 50. I would like to encourage site protection through public education and also enoy opportunities to participate in volunteer programs and field work. 51. Top Notch 52. Staff was very responsive to my agency's needs and to the descendents of the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. 53. utter waste of tax money 54. Would like to see more. 55. Keep working to preserve our history and archaeological sites and to inform the citizens about your work and our history. 56. The FPAN staff have become a part of the St. Augustine community - working readily & easliy with with our local organizations ( St. Augustine Historical Society & the St. Augustine Archaelogical Society & others.) They are an asset to our community. 57. I am looking forward to participating in a dig in the future. I also would like to invite my homeschool co-op to participate. 58. From #13 above, would like to see FPAN continue and expand its efforts in ALL of those choices. 59. PLEASE PLEASE FIND A WAY TO KEEP DEVELOPERS FROM FURTHER DESTROYING OUR FLORIDA HERITAGE BY BULLDOZING AND CLEARCUTTING POSSIBLE ARCHAEOLOGY AREAS. 60. Good Work ! 61. You're doing a great job! 62. Some areas of the state are very involved in archeology, other not so. Need more public awareness. 63. I am so grateful to FPAN for all the wonderful programs. 64. I would like to see the underwater archaeology/ naautical archaeology programs continue:) 65. I'm pleased to be aware of such an organization, preserving our history. 66. I believe our Northeast FPAN is doing a great job! 67. I'd like to be made aware of more opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. 68. I will attend more events in the future. 69. Just a word that we're fortunate, here in St. Augustine, to have the staff that we have here at FPAN 70. This is an excellant program with total professional orginization. I don't see how it could be imporved upon. 71. Email: 72. Need more information. Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-51 Appendix to Needs Assessment Report 73. All of Item 13 74. Keep up the great work. 75. I was born and raised in Ohio and Ohio History was a mandatory course for 7th and 8th grade students. It was through these courses, preservation of the Indian Burial Mounds and exibits throughout the State of Ohio that school age children and adults alike could relive the history and gain a more complete understanding of Ohio's importance to this nation. Before one can grow as an individual or a state or country can the history must be preserved, studied and understood. 76. I go to Arch/Cultural/History events in St Aug & Ft George Is (Arch Month lectures) & most SAAA/LAMPS events. 77. We are new to FPAN and look forward to more "amateur" involvement. Oh... and Happy Holidays! 78. more frequent emails about fpan events would be awesome! 79. Any of the people Ive met from FPAN have been wonderful. Do you have a blog? Can you list a website or 2 in your e mails? "Digging is in". Lighthouse Volunteer 80. Thank you for all you do already! 81. We are extremely impressed with this program. The staff is passionate & professional. We hope to partner again in the future and recommend other youth organizations to the same! Tahnk you :) 82. FPAN has done a lot to inform the public; however, I believe that they need to try to reach more of the mainstream public through newspapers, television, and radio. 83. Any free posters you have available for my classroom would be awesome!!!!! JoAnne Messick 84. Riverside Elementary,3400 E. Redstone Ave., Crestview, FL 32539 85. Because St. Augustine is such a "hot spot" for history each different group must work hard to differentiate its purpose among all the other groups working on history/archaeology projects. A person "in the know" would already know this, but to a person who isn't regularly engaged in this field it's somewhat confusing. 86. Great programs Pandion Systems, Inc. 2009 ….A-52