disabled veterans employment mentoring month

Enable America, Inc.
101 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 3250
Tampa, Florida 33602
Contact: Chris Jadick
V.P. of Communications
TAMPA, FL – November 1, 2012: Enable America, a nonprofit organization devoted to
empowering people with disabilities to achieve independence through employment, is proud to
announce this month as its 4th annual Disabled Veteran Employment Mentoring Month. In
November the organization’s programming will be committed to programs that improve
employment opportunities for disabled veterans and wounded warriors.
“With Veterans Day coming up, it is most fitting to focus our November employment mentoring
programs on men and women injured in the name of freedom,” said Richard Salem, founder
and CEO of Enable America. “These programs have been proven to open doors to all people
with disabilities, and this is another important step in reaching out to our disabled veterans and
wounded warriors who want to work, but find difficulty in getting a job.”
Enable America is well positioned to provide these services, as the organization has a strong
history of supporting disabled veterans and wounded warriors. Its VetConnect program
enhances rehabilitation programs for wounded war fighters, assisting more than 200 veterans
and their families by linking them to peers who share similar experiences.
October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and Enable America marked
the occasion by producing Career Mentoring and Job Skills Workshop programs for all people
with disabilities, in areas that include Washington DC, Florida and North Carolina. Most
recently, the organization marked its 10-year anniversary in a series of events in the nation’s
capital. On that occasion Congressman C.W. Bill Young praised the group for its work with the
“Enable America assists our wounded warriors as they return to active duty or civilian life,”
Congressman Young said on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. “These brave men
and women who have served our country in combat deserve all the assistance that we can
provide. Military service members, past and present, possess a great sense of honor and traits
any employer would find valuable--duty, commitment, and loyalty. Enable America honors their
service and sacrifice by showing businesses that investing in our nation's veterans and honoring
their service to our nation is not charity, but a smart decision.”
“Employment mentoring provides invaluable experience to all people with disabilities,” said
Chris Jadick, Executive Director of Enable America. “Given Enable America’s VetConnect
experience, and the growth of our mentoring program, focusing November on helping to
improve job opportunities for wounded warriors is an ideal way for us to help those who have
sacrificed so much and ask for so little in return - a job.”
“We don’t limit our outreach to just November,” Jadick said. “Enable America coordinates
employment mentoring year-round, and we’ll continue to build the bridges between employers
who wish to diversify and enrich their workforce with those with disabilities who are ready,
willing and able to work.”
Employers and participants who would like to participate in Enable America programs can learn
more on the organization’s web site, www.EnableAmerica.org.
About Enable America: Established in 2002 by attorney Richard Salem, Enable America builds bridges
between employers, social service agencies, and people with disabilities, including disabled veterans and
wounded warriors, through programs that improve employment opportunities. The organization’s
Community Connections, Business Connections, Employment Mentoring, Job Skills Workshops and
VetConnect programs unite members of the disability community and business community to raise
awareness and increase employment opportunities for the more than 56 million Americans with
disabilities. Information and success stories can be found at www.EnableAmerica.org.