Senior Exit Project Faculty

Senior Exit Project
Student Manual
Prepared by Pantano High School
Senior Exit Project Faculty
Revised Copy: 8/12
August 2012
Dear Pantano High School Seniors,
The Vail School District Governing Board requires all students graduating in this district to
complete the Senior Exit Project. The SEP develops skills that you will be able to use in your
future and meets Arizona State Standards for Senior English and Workplace Skills.
The project is broken down into four major components: written, practical, oral and
community service.
The written part of the project includes an organized notebook/portfolio with all
necessary paperwork:
 Cover Page, Title Page, Table of Contents
 Project Proposal
 2experience
page (double spaced) self-reflection paper based on your job shadowing
and journal entries.
 4-6
page (double spaced) research paper that demonstrates understanding of your
career choice as well as states an argument that is proven throughout the paper.
 Aoneletter
or paper that tells us about your future plans. Where do you hope to be in
year and what will you be doing?
 Resume
 Project
Evidence: Parental Consent, Mentor Confirmation, Logs, Interview
Transcripts, Thank You Letter
The practical part of the project includes interviews and 10 hours of job shadowing with
a mentor in the field of your choice. You may choose to shadow two mentors for 5 hours
each or one mentor for 10 hours.
The oral presentation will be given in front of a panel of faculty from PHS.
The community service requires that you volunteer 2 hours at any local non-profit
organization or facility.
We want you to prepare yourself for the future. By completing this project, to the best of your
ability, you will learn what skills are needed for a potential career; or perhaps instead discover
this is not what you thought and you need to change your direction.
This packet outlines all the requirements and expectations for successful completion of the
Senior Exit Project. PHS teachers will guide you through the assignment giving you every
opportunity to succeed. Please become familiar with this packet before you get started.
PHS Teachers & Staff
Written: Project Proposal
(AZ Standard – Strand 3, Concept 3, PO 1a)
This document MUST be typed in 12 pt., Times New Roman font, and double-spaced
between sections. The following is a list of requirements for the proposal. It should be
formatted as follows:
Introduction: Date:
To: (Senior Exit Project Advisory Board)
From: (Student)
Subject: (Chosen career field)
Explain what you will be doing while shadowing in your specific field.
Explain what you hope to accomplish by doing your project.
Explain why you chose this particular career.
Explain what knowledge will be gained through completion of this project.
You will need to explain why this is important for you.
Written: Research Paper
(AZ Standard – Strand 3, Concept 6, PO 1)
The following information will help guide you through your research and in the writing of
your paper:
1. Your topic MUST address the career of choice and the STEPS IN ACHIEVING
2. Proper MLA format.
- Title page
- 4-6 page paper (not including title or works cited pages)
- Works cited page
3. A minimum of three sources, i.e. Internet, encyclopedia, magazine, interviews,
etc. (Wikipedia is only considered one source).
Rough drafts must include ALL parts required for final draft.
Practical: Shadowing
Mentors are required for all PHS Senior Exit Projects. Each student should select a
mentor who has experience in the project area and can provide guidance in completing
the project.
You are not allowed to mentor a family member or fellow student.
When selecting a mentor, consider the following:
1. Will the mentor have the time to help me?
2. Does the mentor have information I can use in my paper or project?
3. Will the mentor give me support and encouragement?
4. Will the mentor be able to verify the hours I spend on the project?
5. Will I be able to interview the mentor as my primary source for my research
paper, or will the mentor be able to help me locate someone else to
You will be required to have your mentor complete the following three things:
1. Mentor Confirmation Form
2. Mentor Logs (signed)
3. Final Mentor Log (signed)
The mentor may terminate the relationship if you are not meeting with him/her regularly
or not participating fully on the project. If your mentor terminates the relationship, you
MUST report it to your SEP teacher immediately.
Practical: Journal
Your Reflective Journal should include the following:
1. Date
2. Feelings/Observations about experiences relating to the SEP, for example:
 Was your mentor easy to find? How did you feel approaching him/her?
 Was it a good day or bad day of shadowing? Why?
 What did you learn? What were you surprised by? Confused by?
 What additional questions do you have?
 What would make this project more beneficial to you?
Project Evidence: Parent Consent Form
As a Parent/Guardian of __________________________________________, a senior
at Pantano High School, I am aware that my son/daughter must complete and pass
each of the four phases of the Senior Exit Project (written, practical, oral and community
service hours) WITH A GRADE OF AT LEAST 70% in order to receive credit. For the
practicum part of the project, my son/daughter has chosen to shadow in the career of:
I understand that my son/daughter must complete this project and I agree to release the
school district and its employees from all claims arriving from financial obligation
incurred, or damage, injury, or accident suffered while my son/daughter participates in
the project that he/she has chosen. I also understand that there might be extra hours away from school hours - in order for my son/daughter to complete parts of the Senior
Exit Project.
Parent/Guardian Information
Print Name: ____________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________Date: __________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________________
Student Information
Print Name: ____________________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________Date: _____________________
Project Evidence: Mentor Confirmation
Use the Mentor Logs provided to document the hours completed on your practicum as
well as a separate journal of reflective writing on your Senior Exit Project experience.
The Mentor Logs are used as an objective description of your shadowing experience.
Mentors MUST sign after every session to provide evidence of your participation.
When you have completed the minimum of ten hours, your mentor must fill out the
Final Mentor Log sheet provided. This proves that you completed all the hours
required by the project. Documentation of your experience is one of the most important
aspects of your Senior Exit Project grade.
Mentor Confirmation Form is simply the form that the mentor fills out confirming that
he/she has agreed to allow you to shadow him/her.
Mentor Logs should include the following for each day:
1. Date/time (to document shadowing took place OUTSIDE normal school day)
2. Amount of project time
3. Activities completed
4. Resources used, problems faced, solutions, and evaluation
5. Mentor signature
Final Mentor Log is simply a form that the mentor fills out verifying that you have
completed the required 10 hours. You may choose to shadow for more than 10 hours.
Project Evidence: Mentor Confirmation
Dear Mentor,
Thank you so very much for your willingness to be a mentor for a senior at
Pantano High School. Each senior is required to complete a Senior Exit Project in
which he/she shadows a professional in a career field of choice for a minimum of 10
hours. The objective is for the student to gain first-hand experience of the career.
Many of our students make lifelong decisions based on these shadowing hours.
We are asking you, as a mentor, agree to do a few things to assist us in this
process. Please make sure that you complete all of the following:
1. Please sign and return this form with the student.
2. As you are mentoring, please sign the Mentor Logs each time you meet with
your student. When you have finished mentoring, please sign the Final
Mentor Log confirming the number of hours that the student spent shadowing
as well as a description of some of the activities that were completed.
Again, we want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help
us teach our students. We know that your input is such a valuable piece of their
experience in this project. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Pantano High School to secure answers to your questions.
Pantano High School
Senior Exit Project Coordinators
(520) 879-3945
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mentor Name___________________________________________________________
Company Name_________________________________________________________
Mentor Phone __________________________________________________________
Mentor Email ___________________________________________________________
I agree to mentor _____________________ in the career of ___________________for
a minimum of 10 hours.
Mentor Signature ______________________________
Date __________________
Project Evidence: MENTOR LOG
Date: ________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Time: _____________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Time: _____________________
Signature: _____________________________________________
I, _____________________________________, (mentor name) certify that
______________________________________________ (student name) has
completed a Minimum of ten hours of job shadowing with me in the field of
Tasks completed and impressions of student and project:
Signature: _______________________________________________
Contact Information:
Would you be willing to mentor again?
Oral Presentation
(AZ Standard - Workplace Skills – Standard 1, 1WP-P3, 1WP-P8)
Your oral presentation is the final portion of your Senior Exit Project. All seniors are
REQUIRED to complete and earn a passing grade of 70%. You must present on your
assigned date and time.
1. Your presentation must include a PowerPoint along with a 5-7 minute
conversation with the Senior Exit Project panel. Your PowerPoint must include
the following:
An introduction with thesis statement
Information regarding your paper, your shadowing, and what you learned
Good transitions between sections of the body of your speech
Good eye contact
Clear speech
Correct grammar
Strong conclusion
You may use note cards for reference
2. Present your PowerPoint in proper professional attire
a. Men – dress pants, (no jeans), collared shirt, tie (optional)
b. Women – dress, skirt or pant suit
3. Portfolio of Written work and Project Evidence
a. Be prepared to turn in your completed portfolio prior to your presentation.
I, _____________________________________, (mentor name) certify that
_____________________________________________ (Student name)
has completed a minimum of two hours of volunteering in the field of
Tasks completed and impressions of student and project:
Signature: _______________________________________________
Contact Information:
Would you be willing to mentor again?
Portfolio of Written Work and Project Evidence
(AZ Standard - Workplace Skills, Standard 1, 1WP-P5, 1WP-P6)
Your portfolio is a large piece of your project. You will take your portfolio with you for
your oral presentation so the judges can see all that you have done. The presentation
of this portfolio is very important. It is an expression of you. Be creative, however, it
should look professional. You should purchase a nice binder with a sleeve in the front
to insert your cover and a sleeve in the side to insert your name and project title
The following components must be included in your portfolio:
1. Cover Page and Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Project Proposal
4. Self-Reflection Paper - A typed 2 page summary of your shadowing experiences
and what you’ve learned from the project
5. Research Paper – A typed 4-6-page paper (not including Title and Works Cited
Pages) that demonstrates understanding of your career choice as well as states
an argument that is proven throughout the paper.
6. Project Evidence
a. Parental consent form (signed)
b. Mentor confirmation form (signed)
c. Mentor logs
d. Final mentor log
e. Journal
f. A Copy of the Thank You letter to your mentor
g. Pictures (optional)
h. Resume
7. Organized Sections with VISIBLE TABS.
General Comments
Students must complete and pass all four components of the Senior Exit Project
(written, practical, oral and community service hours). Students who do not pass all four
components of the project will not receive credit. A grade of 70% and above is
required to pass.
1. Plagiarism, as per governing board policy, on ANY aspect or part of
the Senior Exit Project will result in a score of 0 (zero). Plagiarism is
when you use someone else's words or ideas and pass them off as
your own. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated in any form!
2. All practicum hours MUST be documented with verification from your
mentor on the:
a. Mentor Log Sheet
b. Final Mentor Log
c. Mentor Confirmation
3. Seniors are expected to complete the shadowing hours either outside
or within the student’s regular school hours. This will be documented
through the mentor logs.
4. No joint projects are allowed. Each student must complete their
project individually
5. Materials needed:
a. 3-ring binder with dividers
b. Sheet protectors and tabs
c. Flash drive for your Power Point presentation
d. Reflective journal
6. Your final draft of your research paper MUST be turned into Mrs.
Soykan in advance for editing.
7. As you have been given ample time to complete this project, NO due
dates will be extended!!
Grading And Evaluation
The grading of the Senior Exit Project will be based on the following FOUR
components: written, practical, oral and community service hours. In order to
successfully pass the Senior Exit Project, students must complete and pass all four
components, independently, with a grade of AT LEAST 70%. Students who do not
pass all four components of the Senior Exit Project will not receive credit.
The composite score consists of four separate parts:
Written (research paper)
Practical (shadowing/ portfolio /logs/journals)
Oral (presentation)
Community hours
100 pts.
200 pts.
100 pts.
100 pts.
500 pts.
Research paper
 Table of Contents
 Project Proposal
 Self-Reflection Paper
 Letter of Future Plans
 Resume
 Parent Consent Form
 Mentor Confirmation Form
 Mentor Log Sheets
 Final Log Sheet
 Journal
 Thank You Letter
100 pts.
10 Pts.
10 Pts.
50 Pts.
10 Pts.
30 pts.
10 Pts.
10 Pts.
10 Pts.
10 Pts.
30 Pts.
20 Pts.
200 pts.
100 pts.
Community Service
 2 hours of community service
100 pts.